Liu Liang looked at the bus that was almost about to fall. Without even thinking about it, she rushed up and grabbed the rear of the bus. It was also useful, the car turned slowly, also leaning towards the road side,

"Come over and help!"

Liu Liang turned her head and yelled at the people behind her, looking at what she was doing, but she didn't come to save her life.

It was only then that the others came to their senses. They all ran over and grabbed the car with Liu Liang. They obviously didn't have much strength, but they could feel that they were pulling the bus steadily. It is also because the bus will not fall down the cliff.

"Come out one by one, don't be in a hurry, and don't rush!"

The experienced driver on the side said loudly, "Everyone should cooperate, otherwise, we will all die together."

At this time, someone took the stones they picked up and smashed the glass on the car, causing all the people in the car to get off, but the people in this car were all older, and the youngest was Liu Liang. , in her twenties, she is agile and her movements are extremely fast. She jumped out first without being rescued.

As for the others, the young ones are all over forty, and the older ones are all over sixty.

After being frightened like this, it’s alright if the heart attack didn’t come out. All of them were shaking their legs, trying to climb down from the car window awkwardly, but some of them couldn’t move their legs even after trying several times. come out.

"Hurry up!"

Liu Liang urged people, the cold sweat on her forehead was dripping down drop by drop, the green hair on the back of her hand burst out, she was about to be unable to hold back, even though there are so many people helping now, but she is the one who contributes in the end, just How could they lift such a big and heavy bus with such little strength? Now she could feel that her arms were about to be pulled off.

And when Liu Liang said this, the others were also in a hurry, and now they don't care about anything. When they see someone, they pull their arms and drag them out violently. As for not being cut by the glass, they also care about it now It's terrible, as long as people can live, they can't care about other things.

A few older ones, after being rescued, were lying on the ground unable to move, and some even fell ill from fright. Fortunately, there are all doctors here, and there is no shortage of doctors if there is anything missing. There are many.

The driver was the last one to come out. When the driver's back foot just left the car, the car obviously fell towards the cliff.

"It's all about letting go!"

Liu Liang was talking to the others, and the others put down their hands almost at the same time, and Liu Liang also let go, and almost at this moment, they heard a bang, and the whole bus fell down , while the driver fell to the ground, his face was pale, his lips were wide open, he was timid for the rest of his life, but his heart was still palpitating, he almost drove the car to the bottom of the cliff, and almost killed the whole car The man in the car, along with himself.

But he has driven this road hundreds of times, and he has never had such a big accident. He is an old driver who has been driving for decades. It is impossible to make such a basic mistake. of.

He didn't know what happened just now, he just knew that the steering wheel of the car didn't seem to work, so he stepped on the car, but it didn't work even if he stepped on the brakes.

He can be sure that he is stepping on the brakes, not the accelerator, and the drivers who have been driving for more than ten years are also the best and most stable drivers in their fleet, otherwise it would be impossible to be assigned to this car full of hospital authorities. Sitting in the driver's car, it is impossible for him to make such a novice mistake, even the brake and the accelerator are not clear.

He covered his face and cried like a child.

Another driver squatted in front of him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Fortunately, no one was killed. The car is just a trivial matter, as long as people are fine."

Otherwise, they couldn't explain it at all, and no one could be responsible. The driver cried even more when he heard such words, and finally wept loudly.

At this time, everyone was surrounded by the driver, and those old comrades who were about to be rescued, although it didn't happen to them, but they really saw the lifeline just now, those who helped pull the car People, their arms are still faintly numb, and even their heartbeats are still not smooth, and even a few of them are sitting on the ground weakly, and they can't even use their legs to get on the bed.

Liu Liang touched her arm. If she couldn't feel it, she would feel that she would lose her arm. She just knew that she had great strength, but she never knew where her limit was?

Before she knew it, her strength had grown to such an extent that she was able to grab a bus with its people and its vehicle.

Fortunately, half of the car was on it back then, and no one doubted that she alone pulled the car to the cliff, and there were a bunch of people behind to help, and everyone contributed , everyone has exhausted all their strength, so no one will doubt it. In fact, they really didn't put in much effort themselves, so they would never know that Liu Liang is so thin and small, and she looks like a college student. , is actually a strong man, a strong man who can chop bricks with his bare hands.

Of course, it was thanks to her that the person who saved the bus, and the people sitting in the bus were all big figures in the medical field, saving them indirectly saved more people.

There were footsteps approaching behind her, Liu Liang didn't care who it was, she still touched her arm, the arm really hurts, even if it is still an arm now, but if she is asked to hold something now, she may not be able to pick it up .

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Zeng Xubai, but she remembered that there was still no signal here.

At this time, there was a kind of grievance, which also made her nose sore.

Suddenly, her shoulder hurt, as if someone had bumped into her, but because she was stronger than others, it only hurt her, but didn't hit her.


She turned her head, and a woman's face appeared in front of her, with a thin face, protruding cheekbones, eyeballs seemed to protrude, and a pale complexion, it was like seeing a ghost at first sight The same, and this woman was still wearing the clothes of the team. Liu Liang remembered that it was this person who gave the snacks to the people in the car. Although she didn't see her face, she remembered the smell of her body. . The smell of low-quality cosmetics is very unpleasant, but no matter how much powder is used on this face, it can't stop her ugly complexion. Added blue and white.

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