After sweeping the floor, she didn't have any major problems. She picked up the book and read it, but halfway through it, she became a little upset.

She was homesick again.

It's just that when there will be a car coming down the mountain, it's okay for someone to make a phone call.

The big yellow dog lay beside her legs, looked up at her, and then wagged its tail vigorously at her.

Zhou Ying goes out to collect firewood every day. In addition to being used for lighting and cooking, the firewood he picks up can also be saved for winter. I heard that winter here is quite cold, and there will be It's snowing, the snow here is not like that in Xingning, sometimes the sides and bottom melt, it seems to be big, but when it falls on the ground, there is not even a shadow of snow.

However, the snow in the mountains can last for more than two months, and sometimes the mountains are blocked by heavy snow. They have to stay in this small mountain village for a month, or even a whole winter. The villagers have enough firewood and firewood for winter. Food, starting from house to house, is also called Maodong, the most. Just go to the back of the mountain to collect some firewood. Even if the firewood is picked up, it is still wet and cannot be used immediately. If the weather is bad, I am afraid it will be stored for ten and a half days. months, so the villagers are also used to saving firewood for the winter in advance.

Corn stalks, wheat stalks and the like are also reserved for winter use.

In fact, this kind of life is the most common life in the 1970s and 1980s, but because Liu Liang has always lived in the city, she has never experienced it, but she has heard of it, but she did not expect that she has experienced it It was that era, but now it is possible to experience the last time.

And according to what Zhou Ying said, winter in the mountains comes early, and it may snow in Shifen. Is to go to town.

For the people in the village, they are used to this kind of life. Even if they don’t go down the mountain or go to the town for three or four months, it’s actually not a big deal for them. It's still the same.

But they could wait, but Liu Liang couldn't. Could it be that she had to wait for a winter to go home? What if Zeng Xubai married a little goblin? What if they erected a tombstone for her?

So she now hopes that this year's winter will not come in such a hurry, and she can go down the mountain to make a phone call. It doesn't matter if the cat spends the winter here. Let them actually make her a burial mound or something.

She is not dead.

Outside, Zhou Ying carried a bundle of firewood, and carried a bundle of firewood back. The bones in Liu Liang's legs grew longer and better, and she could feel the pain lessening every day. When it was the first day of junior high school, she asked Qingyue to Healed her leg, although it couldn't cure the symptoms, but after she came back, the bones on her leg grew together, thanks to the doctor who set her bones, and her bones were connected correctly, and there was no problem at all. Poor, as long as it continues like this, as long as she doesn't work hard, she can still climb mountains in the future, otherwise, she will become crippled and disabled.

And now she basically doesn't give injections much, she just needs to take some tonics every day. The food eaten by the people in the village is pollution-free, and the vegetables are grown by herself. It's the same, the rice cooked by Zhou Ying is just a handful of salt.

But she is very supportive. Her face was originally thinned because of her leg injury, and she has slowly raised it back, and she has gained a little flesh. Although she is still unable to move, she has the basic ability to live. There is no need to bother Zhou Ying anymore.

Now, apart from not being able to go out, she has no major problems living alone.

Zhou Ying took her own things and was going to go home. She left the big yellow dog with Liu Liang to watch the door, and she would bring some firewood to Liu Liang every day, because she felt how Liu Liang used firewood. With such economical use, if it was their home, there would not be much firewood left, but when it comes to Liu Xian's place, the firewood is as if it is used at its root.

Well, I use the province.

Liu Liang smiled, but her heart was actually quite empty.

Of course she doesn't use firewood, she uses an induction cooker, and cooking for one person, using an induction cooker is much faster than cooking with firewood.

Zhou Ying was an honest girl, she believed what Liu Liang said, and happily went out to collect firewood again.

Liu Liang still has a lot of snacks, and she wants to give them to her, but she can't take out anything now, but she took out some things like the fish skin and peanuts, saying they were made by herself When it came out, some people believed it, just right, Zhou Ying brought her a lot of peanuts last time, and asked her to cook porridge, which was also an excuse for Liu Liang to take it out.

Zhou Ying's favorite food is these fish skin peanuts. They are crunchy and delicious, and she is also very precious. She takes these fish skin peanuts home and eats them with her grandma.

Her greatest happiness every day now is to eat a fish skin peanut, one can be eaten for several minutes, and the spread of that taste in her mouth makes her face smile every day.

And Sister Liu still said that as long as she can get peanuts again, she can make fish skin peanuts for her.

Zhou Ying is now waiting for the peanuts. When the car from the mountain arrives, she will go to the town with her grandma to buy some peanuts. The grandma said that these fish skin peanuts can still be used as food during the Chinese New Year. As for a dish, it will be very face-saving when it is served on the table.

So now Zhou Ying, like Liu Liang, is almost eager to wear the car coming down the mountain.

But after waiting day after day, the car under the mountain still didn't come.

Zhou Ying also complained to Liu Liang more than once, why didn't the car come up, and she still had to buy peanuts.

Liu Liang just smiled, worrying about the packs of fish skin peanuts in her ring.

If you don't take out the ingredients, no matter how many I have, I won't dare to take them out.

This is really something that can't be helped, so she can only say sorry to Zhou Ying, and then in the dead of night, she eats alone, no, and that big yellow dog, she puts a lot of it in her ring Among them, there are a lot of vacuum-packed meat, and besides what she eats, many of them are fed to rhubarb dogs, but I have never seen the rhubarb dogs that were skinny and skinny at first, but now they are all grown. There is a lot of meat, the whole one looks quite strong, and even the sound is getting louder.

Of course, the one who has milk is the mother. The big yellow dog will follow Liu Liang every day. The more he wags his tail, the happier he will be. Even if Zhou Ying comes to call the big yellow dog, the big yellow dog will not go there. .

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