Of course, I also wanted to arrange a few for Liu Liang, thinking that her place is big, and she is the only one living there, it is best to arrange people there, and she is a doctor, so it is not better to treat these people nearby. convenient? It's not like going back and forth every day. It's not easy for ordinary people, not to mention, Liu Liang is still a cripple.

But as soon as these words came out, they met Liu Liang's gloomy eyes.

Where does she live together, what secrets does she have? In the future, will she have no food, no electric heating, and even washing clothes, do you want her disabled to wash by hand?

The people in the village may also have reported the same idea, and they also want to throw these patients to Liu Liang.

Liu Liang just sat there in silence and did not speak. They said what they wanted, and they also wanted them. If they wanted to get someone to her, it would also depend on whether she agreed or not. Would you like to?

And Liu Liang's attitude is also very obvious, she is not willing, even if they mention it, she will refuse.

At the beginning, the village doctor in the village lived alone in a yard, and it was the same in other villages, but no one said that when he stuffed a few patients there, he not only had to take care of the patients, but also arranged food and clothing. , eat and drink, and even end excrement and urine.

Liu Liang is still a little handicapped in a wheelchair.

She could do so much more.

Besides, what is the relationship between these people and her, why does she have to take care of their daily life like a mother and father, and eat and drink hers for free.

The people in the village saw that Liu Liang was just sitting there sullenly, without moving a single word, and not even saying a word. The voices of the crowd gradually became quieter. Even the most diligent, the loudest, and the loudest were all shut up now. Liu Liang's eyes, when necessary, were The coldness can really be scary. Her patients like her, and of course they are more afraid of her. After all, the experience is different, and the natural aura is also different.

This is just an ordinary villager, can she still shave her hair?

And Liu Liang remembered the face of this person, she slightly hooked her red lips, the person couldn't help but folded her arms, and she also felt inexplicably a cold air rushed from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

That kind of cold pierced his bones.

"You are really kind."

Uncle Zhou came over and put his hands behind him.

"Liu girl's own patients are all patients, are you all blind? Didn't you see that she is in a wheelchair now, and she has to take care of your family members, that's your extravagant mother, your brothers and sisters, you Your child, what does it have to do with other people's children? It's a bit harsh to say, even if people don't save you, no one will say anything. To block people."

"Although the Huang family's house has been told to me, but so many people are going to live in it, I have to inform the Huang family. Besides, now the house has only been cleaned up and a room can live in it. Tell me, it hurts. Where do those dozen people live?"

"Do you want to sleep on the floor, or let them sleep on the kang, and Liu Yatou sleeps on the floor to provide them with food and drink, don't forget, the rice, noodles and oil in Liu Yatou's place are also sent by my family, is it possible? You want me to support your family."

Uncle Zhou sneered, these words were also ugly and choking, and they didn't show anyone any face at all. What idea did these people think he didn't know?

Every one of them wants to rely on others and push things away, and it is easy for them to be easy. Is it easy to be bullied when his Zhou family?

His son and daughter-in-law went out to work, but these two old people are not easy to mess with.

This group of shameless old people bullied a helpless little girl here. That girl was rescued by him, and that was the people of their Nan family. It is also not to be bullied.

Of course, he didn't know that Liu Liang was not someone who could be bullied.

"Go, girl Liu, leave them alone, I'll take you back."

Uncle Zhou came over on his tricycle and was about to take Liu Liang back.

Liu Liang nodded, she helped the tricycle to stand up, Uncle Zhou put her wheelchair on the tricycle, and Liu Liang easily got on the tricycle.

After Uncle Zhou saw that she was seated, this was the time he rode the tricycle. Although the snow was heavy and the snow fell, it was not difficult for the tricycle to walk on the snow, and there was no skidding. .

Liu Liang lightly looked at the person who wanted to kidnap her by the Daode Gang just now, and just tickled the corner of her lips boredly.

Boring indeed.

No one in this world dares to force her to do something she doesn't like. If she does, she will pay for it.

"You leave them alone."

While riding a tricycle, Uncle Zhou was talking to Liu Liang, "In any village, there are shameless things. Most of the villagers are good and kind. But it is necessary, of course, most of the villagers know how to be grateful, you are a doctor, no matter what happens to them, they will not dare to embarrass you, and most of them just talk about it."

Uncle Zhou almost didn't say clearly that the people in the village did not dare to do anything to the doctor. Their lives and the lives of their families were still in their hands. Although Liu Liang didn't come to the village for much time, it was just It's only been a month, but he has already saved a lot of people, and his medical skills are better than the original village doctor. At least the granddaughter of his family, the village doctor said that he couldn't save it, but Liu Liang forced it. It saved a life, and the daughter-in-law of the Daniel family, who originally lost two lives in one corpse, but now both mother and child are safe, and a fat boy weighing eight pounds was born.

Just these two things, no one really dared to offend Liu Liang.

I know, Liu Liang smiled as if she didn't care at all, but in a place where no one saw her, a light flashed in her eyes.

For a woman who has always been vengeful.

This hatred, she remembered.

Uncle Zhou rode the tricycle very fast. Although the snow was heavy, but the road was not far, the tricycle reached Liu Liang's door.

Uncle Zhou rode the tricycle directly in, and when he saw the thick layer of snow in Liu Liang's yard, he immediately picked up the broom and cleaned it up. Uncle Zhou is a very diligent man, and there is life in his eyes. Yes, most of the things in Zhou's family are done by him. Aunt Zhou just cooks a meal every day and wants to clean up the house, but there is nothing for her to do.

Liu Liang pushed the wheelchair into the house, and she knew that Uncle Zhou didn't come, but when he did, he would not be reconciled if he didn't sweep away the snow.

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