It's really fat, especially the two legs, so powerful, the meat must be very tight.

"Let's kill it."

Liu Liang wants to eat meat.

"I want to eat a big plate of chicken."

"Okay, kill one first."

Zeng Xubai put the other one away. The Huang family's house was originally where chickens were raised, and the place where the chickens were raised was also there. Zeng Xubai threw the chickens in directly. a chicken.

Zeng Xubai is going to buy a few more, but also to make this house more farmhouse. He has a lot of things, it can be said that there are all kinds of things, but there is no such thing as these rare meat products. .

In the future, they will buy more. They will eat a little bit every few days, and it will also give Liu Liang a good supplement. In the past few months, she has not eaten well, so if she eats more, she will be able to make up for it.

Zeng Xubai took Liu Liang outside and killed a chicken in less than ten minutes. This kind of freshly killed chicken is the best.

Liu Liang's mouth was secreting a lot of saliva, what should I do, she was so slanderous.

Inside the house, because of the electric heater, it was very warm and comfortable. It was also at the window of the house, and there was a small kitchen separated by Zeng Xubai.

Liu Liang actually admires it. Most of the people here have their kitchens outside. Some people are afraid that they are cooking and freezing at the same time, but they can still cook three meals a day. Not bad.

It may also be because the stove in the countryside is burning. As long as the stove is hot, the heat will come up.

But Liu Liang couldn't stand that kind of earthen stove. The firewood was not enough. She could cook a meal for an hour or two. She didn't like wasting time.

Zeng Xubai took out the gas stove, and the two worked together, and soon they made a big pot of chicken. He could smell the fragrance, and the big yellow dog ran in from outside and put the rice bowl in his mouth on the ground.

"Wait a while, it's still hot."

Zeng Xubai smiled and pointed to the side, "You wait there first."

The big yellow dog picked up the rice bowl and squatted on the side, but with a pair of dog eyes, he never left the pot.

They made a lot this time, a big pot full, and you can tell how good the taste is from the smell.

Dividing the big chicken in the pot into three parts, Zeng Xubai rode a tricycle out and gave one to Aunt Zhou, as well as the third uncle's family.

Aunt Zhou's family was amazed by these fragrances. They had never eaten such a delicious big plate chicken. The delicious food made Aunt Zhou a little reluctant. She wanted to keep it for the Chinese New Year, and it was made at this time. It’s impossible to keep things for the Chinese New Year, so in the end, the whole family ate it all. They ate such a large portion all day long. After eating such a delicious meal, it really made people feel that even Life, it seems, is also followed by a sense of taste.

The third uncle also liked it very much. The chicken is soft but not rotten, the potatoes are soft, the chicken is springy, and the seasoning is also full. He is old now, and his teeth are not very good. He eats other things. , and they couldn't bite, but this big plate of chicken was not just what he could eat, but also the third uncle of Le, who ate a bowl of rice more than usual.

Of course, he also smiled at Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai. He also thought in his heart that he just said one more word for Liu Liang at the beginning, but they still remember it now. These two couples are really people. Just good.

When Zeng Xubai returned from the delivery, Liu Liang cooked two more dishes, just in time for dinner.

Zeng Xubai picked out a lot of chicken pieces from the big yellow dog's rice bowl, and then soaked two steamed buns in it, which made the big yellow dog eat a lot.

Then he and Liu Liang finished their meal beautifully.

Liu Liang touched her stomach, "It's delicious, my cooking skills are really good, and the cooking is exactly the same as the restaurant." She opened a pair of bright eyes, waiting for Zeng Xubai to praise her. .

"Well, Dr. Liu is very good. Not only did the surgery go well, but he also wielded the kitchen knife well."

Sure enough, Zeng Xubai was never stingy, Liu Liang happily rolled on the heated kang several times, and then rolled and fell asleep.

If she left it alone, she wouldn't be able to sleep if she could sleep, just because Zeng Xubai was here, she could use this place as a home, a safe haven, and a place where she could have little secrets.

Zeng Xubai first came over and touched the heated kang. When he felt warm, he covered Liu Liang with the quilt. Then he came out again. He swept the yard that was covered with snow again. After burning the kang, this is the time to come back again, sit down and accompany Liu Liang.

Liu Liang turned over, and was used to holding the quilt in her arms. Zeng Xubai took her hand and held it gently.

Liu Liang also instinctively clenched his big palm, and her breathing became slower and slower.

She is fast asleep now.

In fact, she has never slept well. Zeng Xubai knows Liu Liang's temperament. Liu Liang has no sense of security when she is alone outside, especially here, she is the only one, and she is unfamiliar with her own legs. broken.

Although she didn't say it, he knew that she must have suffered a lot.

"it's already over."

He put Liu Liang's hand back on the quilt, "Sleep well."

He stood up, and the big yellow dog was still lying on the electric heater. After seeing Zeng Xubai, he just raised the dog's head and continued to be a dead dog.

No matter how Zeng Xubai went out, he continued to wander around the village to see if there was anything he could buy.

In fact, there are many good things in the village, it depends on your willingness to give up.

That is to say, because they have everything, and each family is basically the same, so generally the things in the village are brought to the town to sell, and basically the villagers will not buy it.

It's also because everyone hasn't gone out for a few months, so more things have been saved at home.

Zeng Xubai bought a few chickens again, as well as some dried vegetables and wild vegetables dried by the villagers.

It's also a feature of this place. It's good for making dumplings. The dumplings made in Zhou's house are also made from this dumpling. It seems that Liu Liang likes them very much now.

After he brought all these things back, Liu Liang still didn't wake up, and the big yellow dog also lived by the electric heater.

Zeng Xubai put the things down, and first took a look at the heated kang. In this place, the heated kang cannot be extinguished. If it is extinguished, it can really freeze people to death. Even if there is an electric heater at home, it is unbearable This cold air comes from all directions.

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