Liu Liang counted the time, she had been away for most of the day, why, is she still returning to light?

Liu Lele was stunned for a moment, yes, it seems that she has been shining for a long time this time. The flashbacks on TV usually last for a few minutes. After saying a few words, people just follow the fart.

"Then why do they have to do so many tests on me and draw a lot of blood from me?" Liu Lele asked Liu Liang to look at her arm, and she had drawn several tubes of blood, both arms were drawn.

It hurts.

And she has drawn so much blood, how much good food does she have to eat to make up for it?

"Well," Liu Liang thought, something was wrong.

"Draw your blood, maybe do a test, those are normal steps."


Liu Lele is still worried, whether she is about to die, why should she be treated like this? A few colleagues came to see her just now, saying that it was other food poisoning. Now they are much lighter, and she is the most serious. , Not only was there a few drills on the top of the head, but there was not even a single hair left.

"We'll know when the test results come out."

Liu Liang is not a doctor in this hospital now, so she has no right to check Liu Lele's examination report, but she doesn't need to check. She knows that Liu Lele can't be in trouble, and of course it can't be a reflection.

On the contrary, she should be not bad now.

It's just that the wound on her head is not healed. The rat poison that poisoned her should be cured by now, so she only needs to take care of her head now. In fact, the rat poison thing had nothing to do with her.

She sat here for a while. Dad Liu and Lei Hao came over. Even Dad Lei and Mama Lei came together. In an instant, there were more people in the entire ward. Yes, there are more people talking, so it's not so deserted. Maybe it's because there are so many people, so Liu Lele immediately seems to be full of blood and resurrected.

No longer do you say that your own is a reflection of the back light.

This is when Liu Liang walked out of the hospital. She found a place with few people and stood there until Zeng Xubai walked in from outside, and Liu Liang recognized him at a glance.

Zeng Xubai naturally saw her as well.

Liu Liang hurriedly ran over, also took Zeng Xubai's hand and shook it.

"Let's go eat fish, okay? I haven't eaten it for several days."

"Let's go."

Zeng Xubai smoothed the messy hair on her head.

"How is she?" Zeng Xubai asked Liu Lele.

"pretty good."

Liu Liang is not worried about Liu Lele at all now, "I'm jumping around and I'll be discharged in a few days. There are so many people there, I'm a bit redundant, and I still have space to stand."

"Doctor Liu can't be superfluous."

Zeng Xubai never felt that Liu Liang was superfluous, "We Dr. Liu are a needle in the sea, and it is because of you that they can rest assured. Otherwise, how could Lei Hao and Dad Liu go to work with peace of mind."

It is because Liu Liang is there, that is, because Liu Liang is a famous doctor.

With her here, the lives of all of them can be guaranteed. Those who know Liu Liang, want to come, their hearts are the same as Zeng Xubai, and they have the same thoughts.

Liu Liang never knew that she was so great in their minds.

"Let's go, let's eat fish first."

Zeng Xubai helped her straighten her hair, and this was the time to take Liu Liang to eat fish. The two of them just walked slowly back home, but Lei Hao called and asked Liu Liang to come to the hospital first. urgent.

Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai glanced at each other. The two of them happened to be standing in front of the hospital right now. They didn't really want to come to this hospital, just because they wanted to go home and go this way.

So it's such a coincidence, and now I don't even have to go any further.

Liu Liang and Zeng Xubai entered the ward where Liu Lele was staying. Surprisingly, besides Lei Hao and Liu's family, there were many doctors and nurses there. This kind of formation, well, is quite big. Ordinary patients and their families may have long been frightened.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Liu Liang's first thought was that it wasn't that there was a problem with her surgery, or that she was not confident, but that everyone's individual differences were different, and it was inevitable that there would be some other illnesses after the operation.

It is that she has encountered very few, so to speak, almost none.

Could it be that Liu Lele is the unlucky person? Could it be that her long career as a doctor will be smashed by Liu Lele?

"Doctor Liu..."

When the doctors and nurses saw Liu Liang, they quickly greeted them, but they were probably a little embarrassed. Liu Liang still remembered a few faces here.

At the beginning, Yu Man was the most loyal running dog of Zhongcheng, but she did not speak ill of her, and was the one who stabbed her in the back.

Why, didn't Yu Man take them with him after he left? Is it to let them continue to live one step at a time, instead of soaring into the sky?

When these few people realized that Liu Liang's eyes were falling on them, their faces turned pale and embarrassed.

Liu Liang did not forget what happened in the past.

Come to think of it, they didn't forget it either.

Liu Liang is still the former Liu Liang, and she has even been better off leaving this hospital.

However, they have not changed at all, and they continue to struggle and continue to survive.

"Doctor Liu, you are finally here."

Liu Lele's attending doctor didn't seem to notice that it was strange at this time. He hurriedly brought a bunch of inspection reports and put them in front of Liu Liang.

"This is Liu Lele's inspection report."

Liu Lele...

This is her blood.

"This is an analysis of Liu Lele's blood."

Liu Lele...

Or her blood.

"This is a change in Liu Lele's condition."

Liu Lele.

All this damned blood is her blood, which they took away one by one, but in the end, it was these papers that were returned to her. Her blood was so worthless that she couldn't tell if it was enough to donate blood.

Liu Liang glanced at it roughly.

It's fine, no problem.

Similar to what she imagined, Liu Lele has good physical fitness and is young. Her body has already metabolized those toxins. Now she has no toxins in her blood.

It can be said that her biggest problem now is not food poisoning, but the lack of hair on her head.

"Doctor Liu, we can't find out why it is like this?"

The attending doctor looked at her with burning eyes, hoping to get a definite answer from Liu Liang.

It's impossible that other people have not changed much now that they suffered from food poisoning. There are even a few patients whose condition has worsened. These food poisoning teachers and students are all in their hospitals, and they are the most important here. Many patients, and most of them are children, are still suffering from the pain caused by toxins. Although they will not endanger their lives in the end, they will more or less cause irreversible damage to their lives.

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