Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 1050: Drink milk powder

Qian Aiju and Xiao Aiguo looked at each other, and neither of them wanted to leave at this time.

But with so many of them staying here, they can't sleep at night!

After thinking for a while, Qian Aiju said, "Well, let’s go back today with Aiguo, and wait for tomorrow to go to the factory. I will take a few days off. Ruanruan is living in the hospital. There are also these three little guys. It’s not very convenient. It’s easy to take care of when there are too many people. When I go home, I can say everything.

Granny Chen also thought it was very good, so she nodded immediately.

Seeing that they had already discussed it, Xiao Chengjin didn't say anything, and watched Qian Aiju and Xiao Aiguo walk out of the ward, and asked them to be safe when they went back.

Turning around, Xiao Chengjin said to Su Aimin and Granny Chen, "Grandma, you can lie down and sleep for a while. Ruanruan probably will have to wait a while to wake up! I can just watch it by myself!"

Chen Apo and Su Aimin are getting older. Of course, they cannot be compared with a young man like Xiao Chengjin. The most important thing is that there is really nothing wrong now, so the two nodded and lay down in their own clothes. Bed.

The ward was quiet, Xiao Chengjin sat on the bed where the child was lying, quietly watching Su Ruanruan.

Time passed by one minute and one second. At about four o'clock, Su Ruanruan hadn't woke up yet, but the child woke up first.

The triplets may be born with a sharp heart. One woke up and cried with his mouth, the other two twisted and started to cry.

This was the first time Xiao Chengjin saw a newborn child crying. He was so small and so soft that he didn't dare to hug them and coax them.

Being at a loss, Su Ruanruan woke up.

Su Ruan Ruan opened his eyes and saw Xiao Chengjin with a tangled face at a glance, and then saw the three children lying side by side.

Being a mother is of course different.

Su Ruan softly opened his mouth. Although he felt a little hoarse in his throat, he smoothly said the words, "Cheng Jin, hold the child over and take a look."

Hearing Su Ruan Ruan's words, Xiao Chengjin realized that Su Ruan Ruan was already awake and hurriedly said, "Did they wake you up? Ruan Ruan, are you still sleepy? How about I take them out? , You sleep for a while!"

Su Ruanruan was a little dumbfounded, and I never found Xiao Chengjin to be so stupid before!

"Where do you take it out? They must be hungry. Didn't we bring milk powder? Did you get hot water?"

"Hit! I'll make milk powder for them!"

The baby was crying, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin were also talking, Su Aimin and Chen Apo naturally woke up, just in time to hear the last words of Xiao Chengjin clearly.

Granny Chen stood up and sat up, "I'll do it with you!"

Xiao Chengjin and Su Ruanruan decided from the beginning, not to breastfeed, but to let their children drink milk powder.

There is no other way. Three children! Su Ruan Ruan is not a cow, how can he feed them enough!

So just drink milk powder!

In order for the three children to drink milk powder in an open manner, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin have planned for a long time and implemented the plan perfectly.

In the eyes of Qian Aiju, Xiao Aiguo and even Su Aimin, the milk powder was obtained by Xiao Cheng Jintuo's comrade-in-arms.

Only Su Ruan Ruan, Xiao Cheng Jin and Aunt Chen knew that the milk powder was taken out of Su Ruan Ruan's treasure space.

Su Ruanruan was also fortunate that the consumption of milk powder was not large before, so there are still many, so much milk powder, it should be enough for the three of them to drink for several years.

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