Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 245: Eat anything

"Parents, we just went to the department store, and we went to buy bicycles, which are just downstairs!" Xiao Chengjin explained.


As Qian Aiju said, she turned around and walked to the window, looking down, and she saw a bicycle parked underneath, a brand new one.

"Patriotic, come and take a look! Is this bike very similar to ours? Oh, it's so beautiful!"

When Xiao Aiguo heard the words, he walked over and looked at it. After reading it, he nodded in satisfaction, "It's the same! Or this big one, it's convenient to bring people or things. Is this Cheng Jin's pick?"

"No." Xiao Chengjin smiled, "It's a soft choice, and she also said it's convenient."


Xiao Aiguo didn't say much, but he was obviously very satisfied.

The reason why Su Ruan Ruan chooses such a bicycle is not to please Xiao Aiguo and Qian Aiju.

But she really thinks this is more convenient.

But it is undeniable that this will indeed make these parents more satisfied.

This one-bedroom is really small, and if Xiao Aiguo and Qian Aiju live alone, it's not bad.

Now five people suddenly came, and it seemed a bit crowded.

Xiao Aiguo and Qian Aiju originally wanted to cook casually at home by themselves, but this is no longer the case.

Not to mention the trouble of cooking for so many people, the most important thing is that you can't sit down and feel aggrieved.

In this case, it might as well go to the cafeteria to eat.

The food in the canteen of the food factory is still very good, with meat and vegetables, steamed buns, steamed buns and noodles. It is convenient to eat anything.

"Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner! I heard that there is braised pork today." Qian Aiju said, greeted everyone to go.

A group of people came to the canteen in a mighty manner, the canteen was full of voices, and there were people eating at each table.

When everyone saw Xiao Aiguo and Qian Aiju leading a few people over, they all said hello.

After Qian Aiju arranged for everyone to sit down, they went to dinner with Xiao Aiguo.

Xiao Xiulan stood up when she saw this, "I'll help, Cheng Jin, you too!"

"Oh, good!" Xiao Chengjin promised to stand up and went to see Su Ruanruan before leaving, "Ruanruan, what do you want to eat?"

Su Ruanruan didn't know what to eat here, but she was not picky about eating, "You can eat anything."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chengjin smiled and left.

Su Ruanruan sat at the table, but couldn't help but look at the surrounding environment and the workers around him who were eating.

This is the first time eating in such a large canteen when combined with past and present lives.

Sitting around were workers with latte rice bowls. They were dressed in overalls with smiles on their faces. The bowls in front of them were filled with colorful and varied lunches.

Regardless of age, regardless of men and women, they are full of vitality.

That is not seen in the members of the production brigade.

Su Ruan pursed her lips, and she finally understood why Wang Aijuan had to go to work in the textile factory.

She also likes this kind of atmosphere and this kind of life.

Breathing out gently, Su Ruanruan suppressed this little love.

Even if she liked it, she would not want to work in the factory now.

Su Ruanruan was about to withdraw his gaze, and suddenly saw Xiao Chengjin, he was talking to a girl.

The girl was dressed in food factory work clothes, with two shiny black braids, and she was small and exquisite. She was looking up at Xiao Chengjin.

From the perspective of Su Ruanruan, you can just see the beautiful profile of the girl.


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