Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 258: Snow sweeping (9th more)

Aunt Chen said and stopped talking. Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin didn't dare to speak anymore.

Not long after, Xiao Chengjin left first.

In any case, he didn't marry Su Ruanruan. When something like this happened, Chen Apo should want to whisper to Su Ruanruan. It's better for him to leave first.

After leaving the door of the Su family, Xiao Chengjin first looked around the situation outside.

Su Jiefang is no longer there.

"Ruanruan, I'm leaving, you accompany Grandma Chen well." Xiao Chengjin turned and said softly to Su Ruan.

"I know, you go home quickly!"

Today is Laba, so everyone should be sitting together to celebrate the festival.

Xiao Aiguo and the others had no way to come back. Xiao Chengjin was at home, and it would really be impossible to spend the festival with Xiao Dashan and Luo Yufeng.

After Xiao Chengjin was sent away, Su Ruanruan returned to the kitchen and sat next to Granny Chen.

Granny Chen didn't speak, and Su Ruanruan didn't bother.

She just wanted to sit aside with Granny Chen.

It wasn't until the Laba porridge in the pot was all cooked that Grandma Chen finally got his mood up.

The two grandparents sat face to face and drank Laba porridge, and neither of them spoke.

From this time on, to the next few days, Grandma Chen seemed to be okay, what she should do every day.

But looking at Granny Chen like this, Su Ruanruan became even more worried.

Time flickered to the twelfth lunar month, and early in the morning, there were snowflakes in the sky again.

The fluttering snowflakes are scattered, and it makes people feel bitingly cold when they look at it.

Until noon when the snow fell, Su Ruanruan moved a ladder to climb to the roof to sweep the snow.

Xiao Chengjin didn't let Su Ruanruan go up, only let Su Ruanruan support him on the ladder, and he climbed up with a shovel.

The houses on the production brigade are basically grass-roofed, and the grass must be changed once a year, otherwise it will leak easily when it rains.

This kind of roof is not yet load-bearing. After the snow is a little bigger, you have to climb on the roof to sweep the snow, even in the middle of the night.

Otherwise, if you fall asleep in the middle of the night, the roof may collapse.

Even the laziest lazy man on the production team would not dare to be sloppy on this matter, it would be fatal.

Xiao Cheng crawled to the top a few times, holding a shovel and gently pulling the snow on the roof.

After picking up the most places that the shovel could reach, Xiao Chengjin planned to come down and move the ladder.

At the moment when he turned his head, Xiao Chengjin stopped.

He stood tall and looked far away naturally. On the road outside, a car was slowly approaching here.

Not a bullock cart, not a mule cart, not even a tractor.

It was a black car, which ran steadily and fast.

The car quickly drove outside the door, and then stopped.

After seeing the person who opened the door and got out of the car, Xiao Chengjin's pupils shrank instantly.

It's Su Jiefang!

Xiao Chengjin hurriedly got off the ladder and said softly to Su Ruan, "Rulean, that person is here again!"

Almost the moment he heard this, Su Ruanruan understood who Xiao Chengjin was talking about.

Because Chen Apo's denial, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin simply used the three words "that person" instead of Su Jiefang.

Although the two did not speak out, they all understood each other's meaning.

It's been several days, why did Su Jiefang come again?

Shouldn't he have already gone back to the capital?

No matter what Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin thought in their hearts, the door was still knocked on.

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