Aunt Chen sat next to Su Aimin and talked to him, and said with a smile, "It should be that I heard the news of your return, so I can't wait to see you."

As soon as Grandma Chen's voice fell, Xiao Dashan entered the house.

Su Aimin stared at Xiao Dashan for a long time before sighing, "When I saw you last time, you were still a hairy boy, how come you are now an old man with creases all over your face."

When Xiao Dashan heard the words, he blew his beard and stared, "You still say me? Are you not an old man yourself?"

Su Aimin subconsciously touched his face, "I forgot if you don't tell me!"

Before he fell into a coma, he was still in his prime!

With this, he became an old man!

The two brothers who grew up together and thought they were already separated, but could sit together again, looked at each other but were speechless.

It's not that there is nothing to say, but it's that I don't know where to start.

At this time, Su Jiefang came in.

After Su Jiefang came in, he greeted Su Aimin first, and then went to see Xiao Dashan, "Captain, you are walking so fast, I can't catch up with you. I wonder if you can arrange a place for us to live? "

Only then did Xiao Dashan look towards Su Jiefang.

His excitement has forgotten this person.

"You five are right? There is still room in the house where the educated youth point is. Can you live there? But you must live separately from men and women."

Su Jiefang promised very happily, "Okay! As long as there is a place to live! Thank you, Captain!"

"It's time to eat now, and when the meal is over, I will show you all over!"

Xiao Dashan stood up as he said, "You have to eat first, and in the afternoon, I will come over and chat with you."

The last sentence was to Su Aimin.

Su Aimin just came back with his son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and granddaughter. This was the first reunion dinner, and he couldn't stay to stir up.

Su Aimin also knew what Xiao Dashan thought in his heart. Seeing that he was going to leave, he didn't stop him, but said that he should come here early in the afternoon.

In the kitchen, Su Ruanruan and Deng Xia Su Manman were busy cooking together, Su Jianguo was burning the fire, and Su Jianjun was sitting by the side.

Fortunately, the farmhouse’s kitchen is large enough, otherwise such a few people really can’t stand up.

When Deng Xia was at home, she should have cooked, and her movements were fairly skillful.

Sumanman should have never done it by then.

Even though Deng Xia arranged for her the simplest picking and washing dishes, and asked Su Jianjun to help her, she still pouted and her hands were surprisingly slow.

Su Ruan Ruan doesn't care how much they can help. During the New Year, most of the dishes are from the county, and it only needs a little processing to get the job done.

After almost half an hour, the food was ready.

Sumanman's face obviously improved a lot when he saw a table of steaming food.

Sumanman thought that he would eat the pickle pimple when he came, and he even brought himself biscuits and malted milk to secretly add a meal.

Now that I saw the white-noodle buns and rice on the table, and several plates of delicious meat, I was finally relieved.

But soon she glanced at Su Ruanruan with disdain.


She almost forgot, but her father said last time that he gave the grandparents a lot of food and clothing.

It's so embarrassing to entertain them with something her dad sent!

Su Ruan Ruan didn't know what Su Manman was thinking, if he knew it, he might be able to throw her out directly.

(8th more)

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