Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 365: Ten educated youth

At this time, the letters are sent to the post office, and then the post office people will hand it over to the captains of the production brigade, and then the captain will distribute it down.

The trouble is a bit more troublesome, but there is no way in this situation.

Su Aimin held the letter in his hand and turned it a few times before slowly opening the envelope.

Seeing Su Aimin's expression that he didn't want to open the letter, Su Ruanruan guessed who wrote the letter.

The letter paper was three pages long, but Su Aimin quickly read it.

After reading it, he didn't put the letter paper back, but handed it to Su Ruanruan, "Come on, Ruanruan, take a look."

Su Ruan raised his eyebrows, "Me?"


After Su Aimin said so, Su Ruanruan didn't refuse any more, and took the letter paper and read it.

After reading the three pages, Su Ruan Ruan finally understood why Su Aimin read it so quickly.

It turned out that this letter was written by Su Jiefang, and what I wrote between the lines was all about Su Aimin's concern and miss. I don't know how he did it, and it took two pages of paper.

On the last page of the letter, Sumanman was written.

Su Jiefang did not question why Su Aimin let Su Manman go back, only that Su Manman was arrogant, would not be considerate of the elderly, and would not take care of his younger sister. It would be fine to let her return to Beijing. He would let others come and take care of Su Aimin. It will be here soon.

Seeing this passage, Su Ruanruan blinked his eyes several times before saying uncertainly, "This is him, wanting his son to come over?"

Su Aimin nodded, "That's what it means."

"But his son, isn't he going to work?"

Xiao Chengjin, who had not said a word, said softly at this time, "My father came back this time and brought back a message saying that there are new educated youths coming, and the day after tomorrow, our production team will Ten are divided."

"Ten?!" Su Ruanruan looked at Xiao Chengjin in shock.

She was surprised not only at ten people, but also at the incident of educated youth.

She remembered clearly that in her last life, the second time she came to an educated youth was three years later.

Half of the educated youth who came at that time were forced to go to the countryside, and were no longer proactive intellectual youths.

Those who came here at this time should be the same as the first batch. They all went to the countryside on their own initiative.

Thinking of what Su Jiefang said in his heart again, Su Ruan realized it softly.

Su Jiefang can really be so cruel. For Su Aimin, he can let his son become an educated youth.

He probably didn't know what kind of life the educated youth lived, or he felt that when people came, Su Aimin would definitely take care of him, so he was so relieved.

But looking at Su Aimin, Su Ruan Ruan felt that no matter what Su liberation plan was, it would fail in the end.

Sure enough, after a while, I listened to Su Aimin's words, "Come here! Since they are educated youths and educated youths who take the initiative to go to the countryside, they are all going to the vast world to do a big business. Even if we are relatives, we can't delay. People’s hind legs. Cheng Jin, tell your grandfather, let him arrange whatever arrangements he should at that time, and our production team has no special circumstances."

Xiao Chengjin waited for Su Aimin to say this, and as soon as he heard it, he agreed in a loud voice.

Two days later, Xiao Dashan took some people to the county, and when it was getting dark, he brought back ten educated youths.

This time there are more male educated youths, six in total, and only four female educated youths.

There are a total of four rooms in the educated youth spot, two for male educated youths and two for female educated youths.

(6th more)

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