Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 469: Always have a sip of tea

Because of Su Ruan, Su Aimin felt that little girls like to eat sweet things.

Malted milk is sweet and nourishing, but it is a tonic. It is best to eat when you are sick.

Aunt Chen glanced at Su Aimin helplessly.

This is definitely a bad idea. Although Su Ruanruan and Hu Xiaoxiao are good friends, there is no reason to send a can of wheat milk essence.

It's not that Granny Chen is stingy.

Granny Chen really didn't put a jar of wheat milk essence in her eyes, and she didn't give it away.

It's just that in this situation, it's not good to send it.

The two little girls have a good relationship, but the two have not had much friendship before.

What would Hu Xiaoxiao's parents think about suddenly sending such a valuable thing over?

If you just feel that your family is rich and powerful, if you feel that you look down on people and make people ugly, that's not good.

Finally, Granny Chen found an empty malted milk jar and poured a half into it, about one-fifth of the jar.

It seems to be a little lacking and pitiful, but it makes sense.

In the afternoon of the next day, expecting that Su Ruan Ruan was about to end school, Granny Chen went out with her things.

Although the snow was no longer falling, the sun did not come out. The snow on the ground was trampled on by people. Not to mention its solidity, it was frozen into slippery ice. You must be very careful when you walk.

Be careful, Granny Chen walked a little slow.

When she reached a high door, the high door just opened, and soon there were students walking outside.

Granny Chen didn't wait long before she saw Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin.

When the three of them went to Hu Xiaoxiao's house together, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Cheng Jinyi carried Granny Chen's arms from left to right to prevent Granny Chen from slipping under her feet.

Both Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin have very good memories. Even though they only walked through it once, they still remembered the route to Hu Xiaoxiao's house clearly.

When we arrived at the yard where Hu Xiaoxiao's house was, the sky was completely dark.

Today is different from yesterday. It was quiet in the yard yesterday. Today, there are people in the kitchens built in front of the three houses who are busy cooking.

Seeing the three people from Su Ruanruan coming in, the cooks from all three restaurants looked over, "Who are you looking for?"

Su Ruanruan stepped forward and smiled, "I am Hu Xiaoxiao's classmate, I..."

"Is it soft coming?"

Su Ruan was interrupted before he finished speaking softly.

The three Su Ruanruan looked towards the place where the sound was coming from at the same time, and saw Wei Hong stepping out of the room with the curtain raised.

"The softness is coming?! Come in cold outside! It's warm inside! I keep saying with a smile that you will come over today, and I still think that it's cold and you don't come. Why do you really come here?"

When saying the last sentence, Wei Hong looked at Granny Chen.

"This is my milk." Su Ruanruan introduced, "Milk, that is the smiling mother."

"It's a lady! Why did the lady come by herself? Come on! Sit in the house!"

Wei Hong greeted the three of them to enter the house, and said to Hu Tianqing who was cooking porridge outside, "Cook more..."

"Auntie, don’t need to cook our meal! My grandfather has already prepared the meal at home, and is waiting for us to eat it! Although it’s cold and not afraid of spoiling, but it’s not just made, it tastes bad. Go home for dinner!"

Su Ruanruan made sense when he said something, and Wei Hong could only nod his head, "Well, that's okay! If you don't eat rice, you have to take a sip of tea, right?"

(4th more)

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