Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 174: Nationwide Sale

Tuesday, September 5th.

In the early morning, Xiagou Village shrouded in mist is very lively, and every household smokes from cooking.

With the bang of a hammer, the old house of Aunt Zheng's family began to be demolished under the envious eyes of many villagers.

Zhao Song also steadfastly walked on the road of the second landlord without hesitation!

Five years later, the brand-new two-and-a-half-story antique-style building with a basement will be handed over to Aunt Zheng's family. If there is no accident, after ten years, Aunt Zheng's family will divide into two sets of two-bedroom apartments because of this small building, and the value will start at 10 million. At that time, if Aunt Zheng and his family want to show Zhao Song something, Zhao Song will have to scold him all day.

After seeing off Aunt Zheng's family, Zhao Song just wanted to leave when Wen Lihua, who was passing by at work, stopped her.

"Aunt Wen, why is it so early?" Zhao Song took Wen Lihua's hand and walked towards Youjia, "Xiaoyu just made breakfast, let's have some together, don't go to the canteen every day."

"Okay!" Wen Lihua said with a smile, "During the time that Xiaoyu lived in my house, I was blessed."

"That's right! Xiao Yu's craftsmanship is amazing!" Zhao Song said proudly, if it wasn't for fear of the oily smoke damaging Xiao Yu's delicate face, Zhao Song would have planned to make Xiao Yu a cook in the future.

While talking, the two came to the door of a house where Xiao Yu had already set up a small table. On the table were two bowls of steaming millet porridge, two plates of small pickles and a large bowl of tea eggs.

Seeing Wen Lihua who came with Zhao Song, Xiao Yu hurriedly served another bowl of millet porridge.

"Aunt Wen, sit down and eat quickly." Xiao Yu smiled and said happily, for Wen Lihua who really loves her, Xiao Yu likes it very much.

"Xiao Yu, are you getting used to school?" Wen Lihua asked with a smile.

Xiao Yu tilted her head, thought for a while, and then said, "The teachers and classmates all like me, but I can't keep up with my study progress."

"Take your time, the tutor you found for you is very famous, I believe Xiao Yu will catch up soon."


Wen Lihua took two mouthfuls of millet porridge, looked at Zhao Song who was eating and drinking, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Zhao Song, is Xiaoyu's old house ready soon?"

"Well, it's basically done. I plan to separate 19 single rooms upstairs and downstairs, and rent them out to Tesla employees at a cheaper price. It can be regarded as a subsidy for them." Zhao Song cut open a tea egg and put it in the In the saucer of light rain.

"So where are Director Qi's house and Aunt Zheng's house?"

"Same, Aunt Wen, there is no need to worry about renting a house in Xiagou Village." Zhao Song said casually, everyone knows these things.

Wen Lihua put down the bowl, "Zhao Song, I will take up my new post next month as a senior party official in Xiagou Village."

This is at the right level? Zhao Song raised his head and looked at Wen Lihua in surprise. He was 45 years old, not too young, but it was not easy for a woman to be the leader of such a large administrative village in Kyoto City.

"Master Qian has returned?"

"Well, he recommended me to the organization, and the appointment has been made."

"Congratulations, Aunt Wen!" Zhao Song said happily.

Wen Lihua smiled and didn't answer, but said: "Zhao Song, the reconstruction of Aunt Zheng's house must strictly follow the scope of the homestead, and don't go beyond it."

Zhao Song nodded, "Don't worry, Aunt Wen, the neighbors in the left and right houses have all communicated, and they will confirm it again when painting the foundation."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song looked at Wen Lihua suspiciously, "Aunt Wen, you're a new official, you're not here to make any plans."

"What do you think?" Wen Lihua looked at Zhao Song with a smile.

"I won't say that," Zhao Song shook his head, "Aunt Wen, the villagers of Xiagou are waiting for demolition. If you really want to make a fuss, they may not agree."

"Who said it will be demolished? When will it be demolished? Why don't I know?" Wen Lihua said unhurriedly.

Zhao Song was speechless. The villagers waited for a group of older people, and then a group of older people. No one thought that this urban village outside the Fifth Ring Road would be demolished ten years later, during the prime time period for real estate. .

Wen Lihua smiled at his blank look, "Your Tesla doesn't even have an office building, look at the factory in Xiagou Village..."

Zhao Song shook his head with both hands, "Aunt Wen, Tesla has no money, and we are a PC manufacturer, not a real estate developer."

Wen Lihua said nonchalantly: "Fantasy just set up another real estate company, and Ark built a building in Zhongguancun. They seem to be PC manufacturers." Wen Lihua patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, "It's okay, wait for your Tesla This can be taken into account when necessary.”

Zhao Song nodded perfunctorily, and quickly buried his head in eating. He couldn't go on talking about it. Besides, it wasn't the reconstruction of the homestead, but the reconstruction of the village in the city. Neither Zhao Song nor Tesla could afford it.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Song drove the Mercedes-Benz to put Wen Lihua down at the Xiaohe Street Committee, and then drove Xiaoyu to the school.


The Zhonghai Electronics Market is a busy scene, full of guys picking up goods everywhere, and it will open in ten minutes, and they must complete the distribution of all shops before then.

Liu Cong's former boss, Lao Feng, rarely squatted in the corner and counted his endless tenure notes. At this time, he was holding a beautifully packaged core cold radiator and marveling at it.

"Four heat pipes! It's a waste to put them on the Pentium 3, and the fast-heating Dulong is where it can be used." Lao Feng said regretfully, "It's a pity that the Dulong in the entire northern market is surrounded by that brat Zhao Song. "

The busy guy at the side raised his head and said with a smile: "Boss, didn't the general manager of AMD say that the goods will arrive as soon as next week."

Old Feng sighed: "It's still a can't make money..."

"Here~~~" Before Lao Feng could finish his words, the Zhong Hai radio, which hadn't sounded for a long time, suddenly made a sound, and Zhong Hai suddenly stopped silent!

"Notify everyone that Tesla has released the poison dragon, and if necessary, go to the Tesla channel 1 to pick up the goods!"

"Damn!" Old Feng was stunned for a moment, immediately blushed, jumped out of the counter and rushed away, and then the whole market rioted...


Today, the Tesla heat pipe radiator with mature technology is listed nationwide, with an official price of 299.

And for a period of time before and after, under the operation of Li Wei Trading Company, core cooling radiators have been listed in various European and American countries one after another. In terms of price, Zhao Song frantically set the price at 66 US dollars.

Before the popularization of the fourth-generation reflow soldering equipment, only Tesla was selling it in the world. According to the contract, the overclocking three heat pipe radiators will be on the market one month later.

The two God U Pentium 3 and Dulong were placed there, Zhao Song didn't believe that those computer enthusiasts could resist the temptation.

Half relying on the prophet, half relying on magical luck, Zhao Song took the lead in mastering the advanced technology for the first time, and completed a monopoly sale with a change of direction!

After delivering Xiaoyu, Zhao Song felt the Zhonghai Tesla office counter non-stop. At this time, even the office area inside was used as a temporary warehouse. It's just a part, Song Guanyi is always on standby at the warehouse in the East Gate of Zhonghai, ready to replenish at any time, more than 90,000 pieces of Dulong CPU, Zhao Song is confident that it will be released in one day.

"Zhao Song, what price can I get the goods?" Even if you get the goods at the retail price, Boss Feng will recognize it. With the hot and messy Dulong in the market, the profit is still not low when you earn money for other accessories. The key point You have to have a poisonous dragon!


"Damn!" Old Feng blushed awkwardly when he heard the price.

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