"Bingling~~" As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the teacher on the podium immediately closed the handouts. As a teacher of the elective course "Electrical Circuits" in the Industrial and Commercial Branch, he didn't think it was useful to teach these economics students.

In the same way, Liao Yingzhu in the audience thought so too. She packed her books in a hurry. Every Tuesday, the Accounting Department only had this elective course. Zhao Song was absent as usual, and she couldn't just skip class casually.

"Hmph~ There are always double standards." Liao Yingzhu curled her lips and sped up her movements a little. She had to go to Peking University immediately, where Tesla arranged for her to sit in on a lecture at the Finance Department of Peking University.

"Liao Yingzhu, are you going to work again?" asked the roommate sitting next to her.

Liao Yingzhu nodded and said jokingly, "Well, if I'm late, Zhao Song's Grandet will have another excuse to deduct my salary."

"Liao Yingzhu, how much does Zhao Song pay you every month?"

"800." Since the beginning of August, Wen Zhenwen has stopped Zhao Song's habit of distributing money indiscriminately. Now, with the completion of Tesla's financial computerization transformation, Tesla's finances are under Wen Zhenwen's control. Under the leadership, it became more and more formal.

When paying wages yesterday, Liao Yingzhu saw with his own eyes the proud look of every Tesla employee who came out of the financial room holding a salary slip, and the envious eyes of all the employees in Zhonghai. ,

"A lot! Zhao Song is quite generous. He gave so much for doing chores." The roommate said enviously.

Liao Yingzhu was silent for a while, and then decided to tell the truth: "Li Ying, I have already obtained a junior accounting certificate. I do the basic accounting of Tesla."

"..." Li Ying looked at Liao Yingzhu in surprise, and then said with a complicated expression: "The gap between us is getting bigger and bigger, Yingzhu, can I try it too."

Liao Yingzhu showed a embarrassed expression, "You can ask Zhao Song, now Tesla has two national general agents, and it is difficult to get a part-time sales job, let alone the finance department, which is regarded as the most important by Zhao Song. .”

Zhao Song really regards the finance department as the most important department. If Tesla was an Internet company, he would have already doubled his value. Unfortunately, Tesla is a PC company, so he must always be vigilant against those large competitions. opponent.

Li Ying seemed to have an idea, and instead of continuing this topic, she asked, "Yingzhu, how much money does Zhao Song have now?"

Liao Yingzhu looked away, "Company secrets, Li Ying, don't ask such questions in the future."

Li Ying nodded knowingly, looked around, leaned into Liao Yingzhu's ear, and asked softly, "Is there always?"

"..." Her answer was silence.

Li Ying didn't pay attention, and sighed softly: "It's really interesting that a classmate from the department is getting angry with a multi-millionaire."


"In the PC industry, there is a very interesting thing."

Zhonghai Electronics Mall, Zhao Song's office.

More than 90,000 yuan of Dulong CPU, only gave all Zhongguancun dealers an hour and a half to get the goods, and the rest were all covered by Jiaming and Xingsheng.

After the release of the goods, Tesla's management team gathered here, and Zhao Song was making a speech.

"Since IBM disclosed the PC structure and formed a preliminary industrial logo (ISA) on the basis of its bus, tens of millions of PCs around the world are compatible with it! Except for Apple, all other Personal computers of different brands, including HP, COMPAQ, DELL, or the curved ACER in the United States, as well as domestic Great Wall, Lenovo, etc., are all theoretically compatible machines, and have no essential differences with all non-brand machines. the difference."

Zhao Song paused, looked at the senior management of the company who were listening carefully, and said seriously: "With the launch of our core jelly, although the current hot sale is the behavior of the dealer, it is enough to show that the national market is optimistic about this product. Products, the compatible machine market is very fast, no, maybe today, there will be a sales climax due to the Dulongxin jelly combination!

These are competing with the major brands of machines to compete for the market! Folks, they may react soon. "

Wen Zhenwen asked: "Boss, what will be the specific reaction?"

Zhao Song shook his head, "I don't know, but please refer to the previous Hang Seng Computers. At the beginning, they only needed to last for a month, and they could be brought back to life. However, rumors began to spread before the day arrived, and a certain manufacturer had already placed a large order. As a condition, they broke the way of OEM.

To deal with us, it may be rumors, or negative news, or even start from the general agent of several of our accessories. "

At this time, Zhao Lei said: "Boss, the general manager won't talk to them, otherwise the high liquidated damages will be enough for us to find another competing product."

Zhao Song was noncommittal and said, "Just because we couldn't think of it doesn't mean we can be foolproof. Please don't take it lightly."

Everyone nodded yes.

Seeing everyone's attention, Zhao Song breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Shi Ming, what's the progress of Factory No. 1?"

"Boss, the first assembly line has been fully installed. The skilled workers from Pegatron have started debugging with the cooperation of Zhiqi engineers. It is expected to be put into trial production in three days."

Zhao Song nodded, "Brother Shi Ming, we have a full set of production technology, the best automated production equipment, and skilled workers! Your main task now is to make trial products as soon as possible, and then use the fastest speed to put those The employees of the electronics factory were trained."

Shi Ming asked in surprise: "Boss, an automated assembly line won't require so many people."

Zhao Song smiled and said, "Director Wen, how much money did we earn on Dulong?"

"More than 18.8 million!" Wen Zhenwen blurted out. Hoarding goods at the purchase price and shipping them close to the retail price, Tesla has completed a lightning-fast disguised roasting.

Zhao Song showed a big smile, "This is an unplanned income, and I didn't expect Dulong to be so hot." Then, Zhao Song said to Zhao Lei: "Brother Lei, contact the dealer, once we The trial production of memory sticks has been successful, and three SMT production lines will be purchased immediately."

Seeing Zhao Lei nodding in agreement, Zhao Song went on to say: "The memory factory is not a memory chip factory, it is just a small downstream manufacturer, but even if it is a downstream manufacturer, we must first be the best downstream manufacturer in China."

18 million is dropped, including the investment in the factory building and clean room, the total investment of Tesla's memory plant is almost 50 million. It is several times bigger than the crooked Wei Gang and Zhi Qi.

Ding Tao said hesitantly: "Boss, is the investment too..."

Zhao Song waved his hand and stopped his next words, "I know that there have been countless domestic manufacturers of memory modules in the past two years, but none of them have made it. The reason is that they don't value brands and can't open up the market."

Zhao Song took a sip of water, "But Tesla is different. We have already opened up the market, formed a certain brand awareness, and even formed a certain sense of expectation for our new products in the market!"

Hearing such words, everyone was shocked. They all knew that what Zhao Song said was right, but they were used to Tesla as a brand of compatible machines. Now, everyone is feeling that Tesla has developed to This level.....

Memory sticks are easy to make, and now many DIY enthusiasts are starting to make them themselves.

I can't keep my eyes open for a new chapter first, and the second chapter is half written.

Feel sorry.

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