"Tested by Tesla's IC design department, all I820 motherboards using MTH chips may cause MTH chips to misjudge the content of data transmission when the noise of the computer system is too high, thus causing the computer system to crash and restart. , and even cause damage to the data in the hard disk.

In addition, Tesla's IC design department and product development department will continue to pay attention to the overflow problem of rambus memory.

Therefore, until a brand new solution is introduced, Tesla's PC products will continue to use the VIA chipset! "


"Nonsense!" Fantasia bearded furiously, "Just because of his IC design department with only one subject leader and a group of graduate students?"

"Let the PR department issue an article to refute him!"

The same thing happened to Pacific Pengcheng, but this time Li Pei ended up in person.

Ruanwen, the patriarch is brain gold. The most glorious peak of Ruanwen was from 2000 to 2001. Here, it is not the level of Ruanwen that is said to be the most brilliant. , compared with the ghost-like netizens in the future, the flower planters netizens at this time are as pure as a lady who has not left the court, cute, stupid and easy to deceive!

"Grassing fame, now is the so-called 'attention' economy, Tesla is doing everything possible to attract attention, in order to achieve their ulterior motives!"

"Tesla has indeed been in the limelight for a while recently, but it seems that it can find the chip problem of the Intel chipset with the IC design department that has only been established for such a short period of time, which makes people feel overwhelmed!"

"Stunning! The new technology has been developed by Intel with years of time and funds. Even if there is a problem, it should not be discovered by Tesla, a young company."

Of course Tesla is not capable, but when VIA, AMD, and SIS stand behind him, and when a group of manufacturers do not want to offend Intel to be the first bird, Tesla has the ability!

Zhao Song still cheated by relying on the advantage of being reborn!

No one would have thought that such a thing would happen.

No one would believe that Tesla is capable of discovering this kind of problem again!

Rambus is not some illusory water-turning-oil, it is a real leapfrog memory technology.

Intel is not a cat or a dog on the street. It is the leader in the industry. At the end of any PC manufacturer's advertisement on TV, the classic "dangdangdangdangdangdang~" ending advertisement is it!

A flower grower whose core technology is barren, no one has any extra thoughts other than yearning and anticipation for this new technology that countless manufacturers have touted. What if something goes wrong? Delisting? How can it be?

On the Zhongguancun Online Forum, Zhao Song's online base, there was also a lot of excitement.

"Tesla invented the U-disk patent, and released the TPOD shulle which is selling well all over the world. How can it be impossible to find the BUG of the chipset?"

"Upstairs, the U disk patent was acquired by Tesla, and tpod and chips are two different things, but I also hope what Tesla said is true!"

"I believe in Tesla, because my hard drive has been burned through by I820, and a lot of precious data have been lost. I am planning to go to the Pengcheng counter to fight for rights protection..."

"Although it is not the release of new products that I expected, I still hope that what Tesla said is true, because it is so exciting!"

"Upstairs, although you digressed, I still want to tell you that although there is no new product release, the Tesla Frozen chassis has resumed sales, not in a local area, but in the whole country!"

"Didn't it mean that there was something wrong with the supply chain?"

"I heard a guy who operates Tesla's products accidentally say that there is indeed a problem with the middle tower, but Frozen is sealed! Upstairs, you are too ignorant. Don't you know that Tesla is in a business war with others?"

"Upstairs, I'm from Kyoto, which company is the counter selling Frozen? Jiaming?"

"It's not Jiaming, it's Xingsheng!"

"...Everyone, I always feel that the scenes in the TV drama are about to appear in reality. I really look forward to the ending of this drama!"

"Those upstairs, although they don't understand what you're talking about, they also have a sense of expectation."

"Look at the real-time news on ZOL.com these days. All the clues have been revealed. The battle of more than one billion or even billions of memory, the outcome is all based on the authenticity of Tesla's announcement!"

"How did you know?"

"He is a shopkeeper in Zhongguancun, and he sends out some small advertisements for mobile phones every day. Of course he knows what's going on there!"


Five hours after the announcement, apart from some professional IT forums, there was a lot of criticism of Tesla on the Internet.

Ding Tao, surrounded by countless media reporters, said nothing. All the people in Zhongguancun who know the ins and outs also have nothing to say. A small business competition in Zhongguancun, whether it is true or false, wins or loses. Now, the superpower on the other side of the ocean has the final say.

An unspeakable feeling welled up in the hearts of all those in the know. If what Tesla said was true, the kid whom they called Shabby...

December 20, 21:00.

Zhao Song picked up his beloved schoolbag and a stylish flip phone, and came to Jingda Bode Hotel, which is the nearest star hotel to Zhongguancun.

In a corner outside the hotel door, Xing Sheng, a 1.9 meter tall man, was sitting on the stone steps without any image, smoking a cigarette with a calm expression on his face.

And at the Pacific Building not far from him, Chen Ning also walked into Li Pei's office with a serious face.

At this time, there is still an hour before the opening of the New York Wall Street stock market across the Pacific Ocean. The three main actors in this drama are waiting for the final applause in their own way!

In the Pacific Ocean, Chen Ning's expression was very calm. He quietly looked at the brightly lit street outside the window and asked softly.

"Li Pei, tell me, if we win, how will we divide that little Tesla?"

Li Pei rubbed his cheeks and raised his spirits a little, "Boss, Tesla is not small!"

"Go ahead."

"Using a 20G hard drive as an example, based on the sales of 380,000 units from May to now, the total turnover is 760 million. Most of the profits here have been made by the Big Five!"

Li Pei looked at Chen Ning, he knew that the boss knew this, and he still said patiently: "This is just one of the accessories, how many other accessories will there be?

No one is willing to let go of the benefits that have already been obtained. Zhao Song made the memory by himself, and he has already touched the limit of the tolerance of the five majors.

So, if we win, we sell its factory and everything goes back to the way it was! "

"Back to the original? Who will lead Tesla?"

You know all this, Li Pei glanced at Chen Ning worriedly, and replied seriously: "Xingsheng said that he is sure that Zhao Song will continue to lead Tesla!"

Chen Ning nodded, "Genius praises him too much, but that kid is at least a genius!"

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