Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 308: The Curtain Ends

In the compound of the Pingchang District Committee, the big boss turned off the computer, thought for a while, and said to the secretary waiting beside him: "Let Gui Luyang know tomorrow, just say we..."

"Ring ring ring~~"

The boss of Pingchang hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by a cell phone ringing.

Glancing at the caller ID, he quickly picked it up.


After hanging up the phone, the big boss of Pingchang said with a smile: "Notify the members of the team first, and then notify Gui Luyang, which means that the city leaders will come to inspect tomorrow!"

"Do you want to inform Zhao Song?"

The big boss shook his head, "If Pengcheng can really be accepted, some of the large-scale problematic products put on the market will give him a headache, so don't bother him!"

The secretary nodded yes.

"Also!" The big boss lowered his head to think for a while, and then ordered: "Find out last year's rich list and give me a copy, and keep an eye on the price of memory for the past few days. This time, our Pingchang District will release a satellite Already!"

How much money Tesla and Shenzhou spent on operating memory cannot be concealed. Combined with the price of memory, although it was not deliberately concealed before, this time, Zhao Song's worth can finally be guessed by interested people!

How many caring people hated that terrific sole proprietorship Tesla?


At the same time, in a private room of a business club in downtown Kyoto.

Sitting on the main seat, Mr. Ni is entertaining the guests.

Yes, you are not mistaken! An academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences enters a company for free, does not require a penny of salary, and even puts out his old face to attract various political and business clients for you based on his connections.

Is there such a fool? have! This old man is!

In the private room at this time, all the IT business tycoons who have gone out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are sitting.

No one can tell how many successful people came out of the amazing Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Mr. Ni, I heard that you know that kid?" At this moment, a middle-aged man asked—they were all from the IT field, so they naturally noticed Tesla's announcement.

The old man nodded and said with a smile, "I've seen it a few times, it's very interesting!"

"That boy, it's amazing!" The middle-aged man said with emotion.

"Oh?" The old man asked with interest: "What did Zhao Song do to make our President Wang express such great emotion?"

"One family beats six! If we randomly pick out a distributor, we dare not underestimate it all over the world. I wonder if that kid won?"

The old man waved his hand and said heartily: "Mr. Wang is being modest, you Four Seas Group is firmly seated at the top of the computer room industry in the country!"

The middle-aged man, Mr. Wang, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Ni, except for Jiaming who is deeply involved in the northern market, the other five are large distributors with outlets all over the country. Even if we are all over the world, almost all spare parts All of them are purchased from them, and if it happens to Tesla..."

Having said that, Mr. Wang shook his head, "There is no cure!"

"That kid is so powerful?"

"It's amazing, but more people can't understand it!" Another middle-aged man said, "Zhongguancun has been in trouble for 20 years, and we old guys are well-informed. You are also a chip maker, old man. Understand the truth inside.

From the very beginning, no one was optimistic about him running the IC design department, and no one was optimistic that he could win Pengcheng. But what makes us wonder is, in that situation, why does he think there is a problem with the new technology? That's the only condition he can win. "

The old man also looked puzzled, "Go back and ask him carefully."

"The question came out, old man remember to tell us!" Mr. Wang continued with a smile, "Next, it depends on which company he puts Pengcheng under. If it's Shenzhou, that kid will be really terrible. !"

"How to say?"

"Old man, that is a complete national sales channel. Look at how many years it took Tongfang and Shida to establish it. The PC department of TCL, an international home appliance manufacturer, is still in rural areas. If Pengcheng gives Shenzhou... tsk tsk," Mr. Wang sighed.

"How about giving it to Shenzhou?" The old man looked dumbfounded.

"If it is given to Shenzhou, the other two shareholders behind Shenzhou will take advantage of it for nothing!" Mr. Wang said cheerfully: "Old man, if you want to use any crooked tricks in your fantasy in the future, you don't need to remind, there are people who can do it for him." Stand up!"

"Fantasy..." Hearing the name, the old man was speechless for a long time.


At this moment, the discussions that took place in the business club were also being staged in countless places at the same time. Many people in the business world began to be full of interest in that young magical boy who was full of countless mysteries.

However, Zhao Song, who was in the Jingda Bode Hotel, didn't know that he had attracted the attention of countless people. At this time, he was arguing with Chen Ning.

"Actually, I can still find money!" Chen Ning smiled.

Zhao Song shook his head, "You can't find it!"

"Oh?" Chen Ning looked at him with interest.

"Kingdu Security is a family!" Zhao Song said while putting a stack of photos on the table, "This is a photo of some enterprises, institutions and joint ventures using unauthorized U disk products. The security guards of various property companies They took it."

Seeing Chen Ning's ignorant face, Zhao Song smiled, "Just like ORACLE, my product is used by individual consumers casually, but once enterprises, institutions and other units use it, our lawyer's letter will arrive at your office at any time." on the table!"

"It's just nonsense, and it will drag you to death..." Chen Ning said disdainfully.

Zhao Song nodded, "The lawyer's letter will also be sent to them, and I will make a name for everyone in the media. Think about it, government enterprises and institutions take the lead in violating the national intellectual property strategy, and it is still hot news now. Are you happy? ?”

Looking at Chen Ning who was stunned, Zhao Song continued: "If Tesla is dead, Pengcheng will also be finished, because those government procurements made by relying on relationships, not to mention how many people offended, your old man can pick it up Your skin!"

Chen Ning was dumbfounded and did not speak.

"President." It was Li Bowei and Fu Jian who walked over, handed a roll of contract to Zhao Song, and said, "The agreement has been verified and can be signed at any time!"

Zhao Song nodded, but the agreement was placed in front of Chen Ning.

"I thought it would be Tesla." Chen Ning said blankly.

What a beautiful thing to think about.

"Quickly sign!" Zhao Song said angrily.

"There are too few shares, let me think about it again..."

"Think about it slowly, tomorrow morning, students from various universities, teachers, professors, company employees, and all kinds of people in the large residential area of ​​Pingchang, Xiagou Village, and all kinds of people will put the Pengcheng counters in Kyoto and Shenzhen Surrounded, because you have no money, and the motherboard factory has no plan, so everyone will continue to surround the Consumers Association, the more people there are, the more your old man will pick your skin off!"

"Zhao Song, how many holes have you dug for me?"

Zhao Song tilted his head and thought for a while: "A lot, anyway, it can make your old man..."

"Picked my skin, didn't you?" Chen Ning blushed, quickly signed his name on the agreement, then stood up and walked out of the gate.

"Brother Chen, remember to drive away those old brothers of yours. In addition, Li Pei is the deputy general manager of Shenzhou Technology and concurrently the director of the marketing department."


"Of course tonight, Brother Chen, this is a crisis event, when do you want to go?"

Chen Ning nodded. Just about to leave, he turned around and asked, "What is ORACLE?"

"Oracle bone script!" Zhao Song told him angrily.

"Oh!" Chen Ning turned and left.

Zhao Song turned his head to look at Li Bowei and the two, and explained: "Shenzhou will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean tonight, and their accounts will be strictly reviewed. Before 6:00 tomorrow morning, come up with the after-sales service plan of the rambus system. Uncle Li, I will give you and It took three days for Li Pei, and after three days, Shenzhou Technology must have a smooth and complete company structure in front of me!"

Li Bowei nodded solemnly, and walked out with Fu Jianxing.


Ten minutes later, Zhao Song stood in front of Xingsheng.

"Hello teacher!"

"Little shameless, hello!"

"Old fox!"

"Hehe." Xingsheng put his left hand behind his back, and smiled.

"Hey." Zhao Song put his right hand behind his back, not smiling.

"I put up my old face to be you a commercial spy, and you just repay me like this? You sold me as soon as I got some results!"


"The next step is to prepare to deal with Xingsheng?"

Zhao Song quickly shook his head like a rattle, "I researched your family history, Teacher."

"Oh?" Xingsheng's eyes lit up, "What do you gain?"

"Teacher, your luck..." Zhao Song slammed his lips, and said with emotion, "It's so fucking good!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Xingsheng said with a black line on his face: "Now Pengcheng is in your hands, and the remaining billion city is invested the most. It is estimated that Lao Liu doesn't have much money in his hands. Do you have any ideas?"

"Hehe, uncle, my sister hasn't moved yet, I don't want her family to eat all three?"

"Boring!" Xingsheng pouted, turned and left.

Looking at Xingsheng's back, Zhao Song slowly stretched out his right hand from behind, and he held a mobile phone with an always-on screen in his hand.

"Uncle Liu, did you hear that!"

"..." There was silence on the phone for a while, and then he let out a burst of emotion, "Zhao Song, I want memory, and I will give you all the memory in Central China. The 37 well-built after-sales service departments of Yicheng over there are It's yours, including 13 owned properties!"

"The memory can be given to you, and the price will be twice and a half times!" Zhao Song said, "As for how much it will increase in the future, I will spend money to buy your after-sales service department!"

"...Zhao Song, you guys are really dark! From now on, I have to stay away from you no matter what!"

"Uncle Liu, I'm not black. I was always called cream ice cream when I was a child. Stay away from us? Will you go to the meeting tomorrow morning?"


"Duddu~" The phone was hung up rudely, Zhao Song smiled indifferently, and strolled leisurely towards the side of the road.


"You heard me, that boy's temper has never changed! He won't give us a chance!"

Not far from Zhao Song, Xingsheng was also talking with a mobile phone in his left hand.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Rong, who was already lying on the bed in pajamas, did not speak, but quietly looked at the hands-free mobile phone on the bed.

"Also, tell your old Wei that neither Zhao Song nor I have the ability to complete what he explained. Hang up!"


Zhao Rong kicked the phone under the bed, turned over and rode on Wei Liang, lowered his head, and looked at her husband with bright eyes, "What are you going to tell those two bastards?"


"If there is a chance, let them swallow my Jia Ming."

Wei Liang's eyes flickered, but he still didn't speak.

"Then stay at home honestly in the future, and give you this bastard who will help you husband and godson?"


Sister Dada showed her sharp teeth and bit the shoulder of brother-in-law Dada, "I'll bite you to death?"

"Ah~ it hurts? Wife let go..."


December 21, 3:45 am Kyoto time.

Shenzhou Science and Technology official website issued an announcement,

1. Shenzhou Technology officially became a strategic partner of Tesla. And become the super general agent of all Tesla's florists, responsible for the nationwide distribution of its products.

2. Shenzhou Technology acquired all the shares of Pengtong Trading at an ultra-low price of 50 million RMB. The after-sales service for Rambus system replacement will be fully launched in two days!

At that time, consumers can enjoy a full refund, or use the Tesla mid-tower chassis plus cash to replace the new machine!


This is a sleepless night for many people. Even the most stupid people know at this time that Tesla is sure to win, because it holds a huge amount of wealth in its hands - PC133 memory!

Moreover, even if Zhao Song gave Pengcheng to Shenzhou, Tesla can be considered to have completely controlled its own channels and supply chain. In the future, no distributor will be able to hinder Tesla in this regard!


Late at night, in an apartment in the Asian Games Village, Zhao Song lay wearily on Li Linna's lap.

Li Linna stroked Zhao Song's hair and said with a smile: "It's very lively on the Internet, everyone is praising Tesla!"

"It's expected! Did those who were slapped in the face say anything?"

"No!" Li Lina shook her head and asked softly, "Is this your brightest moment?"

"Of course not!" Zhao Song recalled, and said slowly: "My high school is a provincial-level key middle school with military management. Men and women eat separately. Girls eat first, and boys eat later!"

"And then?" Li Linna asked with interest.

"Then my mother knit a sweater for me, and I washed it and made it into a short skirt." Zhao Songyue said, blushing, "At that time, I was 1.78 meters and weighed more than 110 catties. , still wearing skinny jeans, with a long side part, and then I forgot that it was the girls who advanced that day."

"You went in?" Li Linna suppressed a smile.

Zhao Song nodded, his face full of fascination, "Under the watchful eyes of more than 1,300 girls, I ate 27 big stuffed dumplings!"


Zhao Song also smiled, then closed his eyes tiredly, turned over and leaned his face on Li Linna's lower abdomen.

"You will graduate next year, right?"


"There is a design school in France. Later, I will ask Weiwei Group to get you an invitation letter, and strive to study under the name of the great artist Francis!"


"Ask the owner if this house is for sale? If not, find another one. We will buy it later and use your name."

"En." Li Linna's eyes were red, she bent down and hugged Zhao Song tightly.



"Fate must be in your own hands, and you cannot rely on others! This is the most important thing I have learned these days!"




"Why is it raining, remember to take an umbrella!"

"Hmm!" Li Linna wiped her eyes and hugged Zhao Song again.


December 21. Eight o'clock in the morning.

Amid the carnival of countless media, Zhao Song walked into the Pacific Pengcheng, no, Pacific Shenzhou Technology meeting room.

There, the bosses of the five major stockists who had fought with him in full swing were already sitting there.

Zhao Song sat on the main seat with a smile on his face.

"No one gives charcoal in a timely manner, but instead makes things worse. Now that the dust has settled, do you want to add something to the cake?"

"..." The scene was silent.

Half an hour later, a brand new cross-docking, agency agreement was officially signed, and Tesla finally got the benefits it deserved.

One hour later, the national electronic market opened, and the real-time price of PC133 128M memory was 998, the lowest in the world!

Tesla's total assets: skyrocketing.

PS: Today, the two chapters are merged into one chapter, the author said.

Academician Ni Guangnan pleaded guilty to the relevant departments after the Ark incident, and has never held a position in any company since then.

After the launch of the i820 chipset, perhaps because of the Toshiba notebook incident, Fantasy Group took the lead in recycling, and another company that was actively responsible for the recycling was Gigabyte, the agent of Xingsheng.

(I am used to using the name in the book, which can be substituted into history.)

The 50th place on the 2000 year rich list, the boss of Lifan, about 50 million US dollars. Mr. Ren's flower is the third, and I didn't pay attention at all at that time.

In 2000, the fluctuating price range of 128M memory was 400-1400 yuan. In the history of memory development, it is known as a miracle!

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