Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 311 Goodbye, 2000

PS: 1, the author said it was dead, and the two chapters will be published in one chapter. Looking at the number of words, there is really no shortage.

2. I don't ask for votes, and the style of my book also makes me even more unhappy. Book friends don't need to vote, as long as they don't swear! I am very satisfied, writing a book quietly, with less entanglement, which is very good.

3. Aishi shares in this chapter are just a pronoun and do not represent any real company.

4. One ring after another, all the holes dug before have been filled in. I know that it is not pleasing to write like B, but I don’t know how to write in other ways. I am looking for other ways of style, let’s make progress slowly.

The above is free.



On this day, Zhao Song threw out Tesla's brand Daniel Wellington, a name that many people look forward to.

Daniel Wellington + Tesla is a weakened version of Dyson plus a weakened version of Apple in another time and space.

In this time and space, facing Apple, which has been established for 24 years and has shaped the brand for 24 years, Zhao Song doesn't know if it is enough!

When Moore's Law turned the Internet to the mobile terminal, Apple was so rich that many people may only see that Apple was bullied by Qualcomm, Microsoft, and even many small companies in terms of intellectual property rights, but they ignored the Since the beginning of the 3G era, Apple has been involved in all the major patent acquisition cases, and none of them have been sold out!

Seven or eight years in advance, Zhao Song just wanted to see if he could make a brand. Expensiveness is not a shortcoming of Tesla, but for consumers! Brand out.

"Expensive, it's not its shortcoming, it's my shortcoming. I have many shortcomings, but what I lack the most is Dyson. Expensive, it's not its fault, it's our husband's. Its fault is that it's so expensive and so expensive. good."

This is what the women of the flower planters will say in the future. Now, if anyone dares to say such words, the whole people can spit her to death. Zhao Song can foresee how the change of the mainstream values ​​of the flower planters and working people can adapt to the times. The speed of development!

Zhao Song really hopes that one day, they can replace Dyson with Tesla, which can make Apple earn less, which is also good!

As Al Ries said in "Positioning", each category has two potential new categories: one high-end and one low-end!

So after having Tesla, Zhao Song salvaged that divine ship again.

On Christmas Day, Zhao Song officially delivered a strategic plan for the company's future to all Tesla executives, officially completing a real positioning of Tesla Technology!


Walking out of the conference room, the three of Zhao and Song didn't speak, and endured the strange looks from the students around them, until they walked out of the campus, the three breathed a sigh of relief.

"In the future, I will never go with you in school!" Xizi complained, "I feel like a gorilla!"

"Stop being sentimental!" Zhao Song rolled his eyes at him, "I don't even look at you!"

Xizi made a pre-kick, and Zhao Song ran away in a hurry, without the demeanor of a young president at all.

"Zhao Song, do you think they will agree?" Li Yong looked at the two people who were out of shape, and quickly talked about the business.

"There must be no problem with our school!" Zhao Song pondered for a while, and said, "And there has been a letter from Hangda University, and they are also very interested in joining this project!"

"Do you really want to spend 1 billion a year?"

Zhao Song shook his head amusedly: "If they really have the ability to spend it, how about investing 1 billion!"

"Then you might as well pay for some professionals."

"A mature and tacit industrial design team cannot be bought with money. I have plenty of time to start from scratch!"

For this era, Zhao Song is one of the best product development managers. As a reborn, if he has never seen the product designed by the industrial team, it is a failure! Especially in this increasingly uncreative, plagiarized country, that's how absolute it is!

Speaking of this, Xizi and Li Yong didn't continue to ask any more questions, they just felt sorry for Zhao Song's money.

The three of them walked slowly to the entrance of Xiagou Village, and greeted Uncle Lu Lian Shun. Xizi asked, "Zhao Song, will you still be able to take college courses for the remaining few years?"

Zhao Song thought for a while before saying, "After so many lessons, I must not be able to keep up! Now let's see what the school says?"

"Didn't Director Guo say that the school will give you a plan as soon as possible? Why hasn't it been given yet?"

"He meant to delay!" Zhao Song said dumbfoundedly: "If you delay for four years, give me a graduation certificate!"

Xizi nodded, and said with a little resentment: "I guess if it weren't for the fear of bad influence, the school would dare to issue you the graduation and degree certificate now!"

"That's what I deserve!" Zhao Song replied confidently, "If anyone can do what I do, the school would dare to spoil him like this!"

Seeing that what Zhao Song said made sense, the two were speechless for a while.

"Hey!" Zhao Song called out suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Xizi and Li Yong looked at him in surprise.

"If you two have any plans for the future, speak up early."

The two already wealthy friends quickly shook their heads and said in unison: "No! This is very good, this is very good!"

Just looking at Zhao Song every day makes them feel tired, and let those who are not satisfied with the status quo do what they want to do. At least so far, they still want to spend their college years safely.

"Then why don't you hurry up and go to work!" Zhao Song angrily pointed to a clubhouse, "Also, the handsome man is going to go out for an internship next semester, please help me keep an eye on him to see what unit he is going to ,Where to go!"



Watching the two of them walk into the Youjia club, Zhao Song took out the vibrating mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

"Boss, Intel has issued an announcement to fully recall the defective products!"

"Did you tell me the time?"


Zhao Song laughed happily.

When Zhao Song called Dahuzi, the i820 motherboard had already produced 1 million pieces. Based on the cost of 150 US dollars per piece, Intel would lose 150 million US dollars. Produce more.

But in any case, intel can be regarded as a leading company with responsibility.

On December 26th, intel teamed up with a number of motherboard manufacturers to formally recall all defective I820 products to the world. DDR2 standard.

So far, this century patent war related to memory has officially come to an end.

At this moment, there are still five days before the end of 2000.

In five days, the exciting first year at the beginning of this century is about to pass, and the year-end summaries of various economic media have also been released one after another.

There are so many influential characters, so many that Zhao Song couldn't believe it, and there were more cattle than characters, so awesome that Zhao Song couldn't imagine.

The godmother of the Internet, Zhang Shuxin, who erected more than a dozen telephone poles in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, became the endless Zhang Shuxin, who was officially kicked out of Ying Haiwei by his own investors. How far is the flower planter from the information superhighway— The Internet access provider 1,500 meters to the north has officially become a memory of a generation.

Wu Shihong, a strong woman who used to be a nurse, then went to Microsoft and then went to TCL, became a little bit her own way during this year, and was criticized by the media. Zhao Song watched the interview of this legendary woman, and was stunned to find that the concept of "heaven, earth and man" she put forward could be applied to all shopping websites in the future. If it weren't for heart problems, maybe the future Internet trendsetters would have her name!

People on the top of the wave have joys and sorrows. All of the above are painful.

Of course there is also joy, that is our current leading entrepreneur Mr. Liu Zhi.

In 2000, his most proud work is probably the peaceful fission of the fantasy business, the splitting of the fantasy computer and God Z digital into two is not only equivalent to the expansion of shares, but also cleverly avoided the fantasy successor. All kinds of speculation and rumors.

Mr. Liu Zhi is not only paving the way for his subordinates to love generals, but also for himself to secure the top spot in his fantasy. His approach has changed the growth model of this country's enterprises for the first time.

It is also the first time to change the value-added thinking of the leaders of flower planting enterprises: it is better to give you a piece of sky than to give you an official. The official is limited, but the career can expand without limit.

Mr. Liu Zhi's quick-wittedness has made Fantasia Group take a big step towards internationalization!

But Zhao Song knew that his step would be a big one!

Through IT, through 2000, in this so-called 2000 year that belongs to IT alone, you will never worry about hot spots.

The enterprise informatization that has been pushed and pushed, the wap that has been shouted and shouted, the one-way charging that has been waited and waited for, and the secondary market that has been thought about and thought about.

This year is the most important year in the development of Flower Planter's IT industry. Many events have been regarded as IT milestones.

This year is also the year of the Internet for flower growers. Internet companies such as Zhonghua, AsiaInfo, Sina, Netease, and Sohu have won the competition to enter NASDAQ.

With the number of Internet users worldwide reaching one billion, it is certain that the era of the Internet is really coming. has a year-end statement that says it well: "The Internet is a veritable information warehouse, an ocean of knowledge, inexhaustible. It is the Internet that shrinks the world and time and space.

With the joining of more and more enterprises and business users and the development of www hypertext and multimedia communication technology, the Internet has become a global information network with a large scale, which provides us with many conveniences and is also changing our society. learning and living patterns.

This era has really come! "

In the year 2000, the Internet was very trendy and hot, but let’s take a look at the IT events, products, companies, and hotspots of this year.

Although the Internet is rarely involved, there is such a person and such a company that cannot be avoided, and it is also a super hot spot that many media have to mention!

That person is called Zhao Song, and that company is called Tesla!

This 20-year-old college student and his business.

The first to initiate a product recall, the first to promise three guarantees for products, and even won the first case of transnational patent rights protection.

At the end of this year, like a phoenix on fire, it suddenly stands proudly in the sight of everyone, and when everyone, all companies, are slowly dying down, in the last few days of the year, there is still Keep tossing.

December 25, 2000.

Tesla joined hands with Kyoto Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Huaqing University, and Kyoto University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to establish DK Laboratory.

A simple piece of news, except that the name of the laboratory is two English letters, nothing is said.

In the field of IC, Tesla can only grow slowly like Huawei, because in this country, IC talents are too scarce, no matter how much money you have, you can’t invest it.

DK Lab is another place that Zhao Song found for more and more funds.

The DK laboratory is also a help that Zhao Song found for Tesla's positioning!

December 26.

Tesla and Shenzhou Technology have reached an agreement. In the next six months, Tesla will complete the transfer of its five PC lean group dedicated lines. From then on, Tesla will only leave two lean assembly lines, which will only be responsible for assembling the Tesla brand. The flagship model of Tesla, and Shenzhou will officially be the OEM for Tesla's Frozen chassis in half a year!

On the same day, Shenzhou Technology officially acquired the New Hang Seng brand from Uncle Wei at a price of 3.65 million, and also inherited the production license of New Hang Seng Computer!

December 27.

Shenzhou Technology announced the establishment of a product research and development department, and the new product Youth Series PC will be launched in the spring of next year.

In this way, this young company, which was established just one month ago, officially became a large-scale PC brand enterprise integrating research, production and development.

On the same day, all members of BOE's financial team arrived at Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd., Wen Zhenwen and Liao Yingzhu also came to the Pacific Ocean, followed them all the way, and started their journey of stealing teachers!

Also on the same day, Mr. Chen Ning, a natural person shareholder of Shenzhou Technology, departed for Shanghai from Kyoto.

December 28.

After completing the delivery of all problematic products, Shenzhou Technology, beyond everyone's expectations, completed a magical operation - dividends!

No more, no less, as much as the land value of Jingdou Electronics, and as much money as Xinhe invested, the two will be divided! In this way, the two first-tier companies under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of their respective countries became shareholders of a large PC company without paying a penny.

At the same time, with the cooperation of BOE's financial team, Zhao Song transferred Tesla's investment in Shenzhou Technology to his own name, and released 9% of Shenzhou shares.

Among them, 2%, Zhao Song, as a year-end bonus, has been distributed to all employees who have dedicated themselves to Tesla this year, from Ding Tao to dumb Liu, from Liu Cong to three college students, Song Guanyi, Yuan Wu, Gui Lu Yang, Shi Ming, the first eight buddies, and even Liao Yingzhu all got shares.

Zhao Song's request to them is that they are not allowed to keep them, but sell them all!

In the afternoon of the same day, gossip was leaked intentionally or unintentionally, causing a sensation in the whole of Kyoto. There was even news that the big boss of the Kyoto City Government had spread the word that they would fully cooperate with Shenzhou Technology's shareholding reform.

At this point, everyone can see clearly what Shenzhou Technology wants to do. Anyone who has something to do with it will be moved by the wind. Among them, Zhao Rong and Xingsheng are the most frightening. Among the employees, a lot of shares have been grabbed.

However, except for Zhao Rong, everyone was acting while wondering. Even if Shenzhou Technology, which has been established for such a short period of time, is all high-quality assets, does it have that qualification?

Only Zhao Rong, who has gained a lot, watched the excitement silently in the corner. She knew that the so-called Shenzhou Technology is actually Pengcheng!

December 29, 9 am.

In just 18 hours, the shares of Shenzhou Technology in Kyoto were snapped up. Under the operation of BOE's financial team, Shenzhou Technology completed a share reform in the shortest time.

The A-share market is beginning to surge!

BOE, before they made flexible screens, gave the impression that it was not a technology company, but a financial company! Their amazing financial team can make *ST BOE remove that prefix *ST overnight.

Next year, they will move to the international market for the first time. This time, Zhao Song from Shenzhou Technology invites them, which is also the best training opportunity for them!

At 5:00 p.m., Shenzhou Technology once again injected 50 million into Pengcheng

everything's ready.

Monday, December 30, 2000 at 9:30.

Shenzhou Technology issued a placard announcement:

Shenzhou Science and Technology Management Company Pengcheng Trading holds 7.0001% of Aishi shares (600652)!

Pengcheng, who has been profitable for five consecutive years through backdooring and has a healthy financial situation, and Aishi Shares, which has a small plate and is all tradable shares, is backdooring. The young Zhao Song and the young Shenzhou are born at this moment, which is earth-shattering!

This young college student once again refreshed everyone's perception of him.

Countless media were moved upon hearing the news, and countless people in Kyoto were equally elated.

And Zhao Song, who has released countless benefits, also from this moment, took his Tesla, and stepped into a brand new copy of the map. The family behind him is no longer just Pingchang District and his alma mater, but Kyoto, the flower capital!

December 31, 2000, Kyoto, China Millennium Monument, night, 23:59.

Zhao Song held Xiao Yu with his left hand, and Li Linna with his right hand. The three of them shouted countdown with everyone excitedly.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, happy new year!"

First, he gave Li Linna a long kiss that lasted for a year, and then hugged Xiao Yu.

Zhao Song blinked his reddish eyes and shouted loudly: "Happy New Year! Xiao Yu! Happy New Year, Xiaolong!"

As if Xiao Yu didn't hear the strange name behind, she held Zhao Song's hand tightly and shouted loudly: "Brother, happy new year to you too, happy forever!"

Goodbye, 2000! Hello 2001!

Volume Eight (End)

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