Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 320 Disrupting Time and Space (two chapters in one)

On Badaling Expressway, not far from the bus where some members were sitting, a big Benz speeded up and galloped away.

Zhao Song sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window in a daze.

Behind them, Xiao Yu and Li Linna were whispering excitedly.

"Brother, don't you say that you want to invite that particularly funny fat uncle to do cross talk?"

Zhao Song came back to his senses, turned his head and said with a smile: "Didn't I give everyone an invoice, and I will give you two a few later, if you want to listen to it, go to the theater to listen!"

Most of the programs at this annual meeting will be converted into MPEG-format videos and spread on the Internet. Zhao Song loves that man's cross talk, but it doesn't match Tesla's style...

"Then shall we go tomorrow?"

Looking at the expectant gazes of the two people in the back seat, Zhao Song nodded with a smile: "He will talk about New Year's Eve. If you have time these few days, let's go there together."


"Linna, you and Xiaoyu are sleeping at home tonight, and I'm going to visit Wutong."

Li Linna nodded obediently, then chatted with Xiao Yu.

Zhao Song turned his head out of the window, and his thoughts drifted back to the other side of the ocean. Over there, Liu Cong should be guarding someone outside a hotel door!

According to the progress of another time and space, there are still six years before the launch of the first-generation Iphone, and seven and a half years before the launch of the Iphone 3G. With the shabby appearance of Tesla's R\u0026D department, can it catch up?

Ninety-nine percent can't catch up, and the rest is out of the question!

Zhao Song has always felt that since the lunatic Jobs started to lay out the ipod, he has already aimed at mobile phones. In another time and space, when Apple's iPhones were crazy, many people may have forgotten that long before the appearance of that disruptive mobile phone, Apple and Motorola partnered out of an itunes phone — the Motorola Rockr. Integrate mobile with his own music ecological chain!

Can't keep up! Zhao Song gritted his teeth, and his face became more and more fierce. The Apple family has a big business, and he has nothing to do, but he doesn't have any psychological pressure against a Chinese who is not showing his face yet!

Lin Benjian! A flash at the semiconductor industry conference changed the lithography machine from dry to immersion. In the future, the foreign academician of Huajia Engineering Academy and the director of the R\u0026D project of Bayji Electric have continued Moore's Law for 6 generations of Chinese.

ASML Chief Technology Officer Peter Winick once said: "iphone can appear because of immersion lithography technology, indeed!"

Without an immersion lithography machine, if the iphone can still be made with lagging technology, it will be a super hand warmer!

As for Wanji Electric? fuck me? Zhao Song pouted towards the window.

If you have nothing to do, just rely on patents to get billions and billions of Wanji Power from SMIC, and Wanji Power, which forced Dr. Zhang Rujing to resign from SMIC, is the most strict defense against planting flowers.


In New York City, USA, in a star-rated hotel, the International Optoelectronic Society technical seminar was held grandly. Experts and professors from all walks of life gathered together, and it was really lively.

In the hotel lobby, the participants are queuing up in an orderly manner to sign in and take out their pass.

At this time, a tall black man with a simple and honest appearance suddenly stopped, turned around abruptly, and waved his right hand intentionally or unintentionally.



An Asian expert suddenly fell to the ground and passed out. It seemed that he would not be able to wake up for a while.

Cai Feng, who was sitting in the hotel lobby, put down the newspaper, stood up leisurely, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Boss, I just saw your uncle and grandpa accidentally fell down." Cai Feng couldn't understand why this Vietnam-born expert was Zhao Song's uncle...

"Oh, my uncle who abandoned his wife and son fell down?" Zhao Song exaggeratedly shouted on the Mercedes-Benz on the Badaling Expressway in Kyoto, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing serious!" Cai Feng said weakly, "It's just that we may not be able to participate in this conference!"

"That's a pity~" Zhao Song blinked his eyes, and said in a caring tone: "Cai Feng, we must learn a lesson. In the next two years, all world-class conferences related to semiconductor equipment manufacturing technology must protect him. Can't fall any more."

"Understood!" Cai Feng hung up the phone, glanced at the busy hotel lobby, turned and walked out of the hotel.


"Brother, when did you have an uncle and grandpa?"

"Our mother said that she has an uncle who went to Wanwan earlier!"

Yes, there is, who knows where the dead are. The guy who abandoned his wife and son has nothing to miss, and it would be best to bring it as a top bag.

"Have you found it?" Xiao Yu asked excitedly.

Zhao Song nodded cheerfully and said: "It's a pity that people don't recognize it, so I have to pay attention in the dark."

"Hmph! Then let's ignore him!"

Zhao Song nodded seriously, "Listen to Xiao Yu!"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the phone rang. Zhao Song glanced at the incoming call and hurriedly picked it up.


Silently put down the phone, Zhao Song turned to Ermao who was driving, "Take me to the Third Hospital of Peking University first, and then send Linna and Xiaoyu back."


A quarter of an hour later, outside the emergency room of the Third Hospital of Peking University.

Zhao Song hurried over and asked anxiously, "Jin Ming, how is Teacher Zhou?"

Jin Ming, one of the graduate students brought by Professor Zhou. At this moment, he was talking to two people. Seeing Zhao Song, he quickly greeted him.

"It's hanging water in it. The doctor said it's a cold plus fatigue, and I'll wake up in a while."

Zhao Song immediately calmed down, slumped on a chair beside him, panting heavily.

"Boss, do you want to call Master's wife?"

Zhao Song shook his head, "Wait a while for Mr. Zhou to wake up and let him decide! Jin Ming, please inform Wutong that the design department will be on vacation from tonight, and we will talk about it after the New Year if there is anything to do!"


Zhao Song interrupted him with a wave of his hand, pointed to the direction of the ward, and said firmly: "Listen to me!

Jin Ming froze for a moment with an uncertain expression, then stomped his feet, took out his phone and walked outside.

Seeing him disappear in the stairwell, Zhao Songcai turned his head and asked the two people sitting opposite him: "Master Ni, why are you here?"

Mr. Ni laughed and said: "Old Zhou called Li Qiang over tonight, saying he wanted to ask some questions." He pointed to the middle-aged man beside him, and then said: "It happens that I have nothing to do, so I just join in the fun."

Zhao Song nodded. Li Qiang, the design director of Ark No. 1 and No. 2, the boss of Ark No. 1 from Hitachi (America) did nothing but focus on his real estate.

"Mr. Zhao..." Li Qiang said hesitantly.

Zhao Song hurriedly continued: "Director Li, just call me by my name."

Li Qiang nodded, and asked softly: "May I know what you are doing? There are rumors in Beijing that you are working on CPU!"

Zhao Song couldn't help laughing, but he still respectfully replied: "It's just a code-to-code wireless module, which will be used in wireless keyboards and mice in the future. Now the price of products using Bluetooth technology is too high. Once the development is successful, I believe the future will be brighter." Very vast!

Director Li, I released the rumor about the CPU, just to block some people's thoughts, you just need to know about it. "

For Li Qiang and those researchers in his project team, Zhao Song respects from the bottom of his heart. This group of people can be said to be one of the most mature design teams in the Huahuajia semiconductor industry. Lie, an ambitious capitalist, is working hard.

Li Qiang nodded and stopped talking. Mr. Ni was also speechless for a while, and the scene suddenly became awkwardly quiet.

These two... Zhao Song opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then opened his mouth and said, "Ark No. 2, how is the progress?"

"Very good!" Li Qiang nodded seriously.


"Your boss is transferring shares, do you know?"

"I know!" Li Qiang nodded.


He is not stupid! Zhao Song rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Where did the 30 million Zhongguancun Industrial Park gave him go?"

"have no idea!"

A kind of heat suddenly surged into his heart, Zhao Song turned his head, and asked Mr. Ni with a reddish face, "Do you know who your strategic partner Shenz Digital is?"

Mr. Ni frowned, "Zhao Song, your teacher Zhou is still lying in there, what are you talking about!"

"Is he okay?" Zhao Song looked indifferent, but his face became more and more red, "I accept the reality, and from today on, I will lock the door of the design department! Anyway, the international patent process has already started, I am not in a hurry !"

"Zhao Song, in fact, you can recruit some more people."

Shaking his head, Zhao Song said firmly: "I have confidence in the prospect of this technology, and I won't recruit people who have complicated experiences. I don't want unnecessary troubles to come to my door in the future (Note 1)!"

"That's difficult..." Mr. Ni thought for a while, "People may not be happy to find fresh graduates. After all, there are broader prospects abroad."

"There is always someone who is willing!" Zhao Song blushed slightly, "What I have is patience. At worst, I will train R\u0026D personnel according to the learning curve. Maybe there will be a blockbuster day (Note 2)!"

Looking at the strange eyes of the two, Zhao Song smiled and boasted, "Have you ever seen such a down-to-earth young man? Old man, how about coming to Tesla, guiding research and development during the day, and teaching my training class at night."

Mr. Ni shook his head, "Ark is a very good opportunity, I want to try again?"

"What opportunity? An opportunity to lose face?" Zhao Song stood up suddenly, ignoring the glaring eyes of the two, "An NC machine that doesn't even have a hard disk, does your server have an Internet protocol? How much related software has been developed?"

"With state support, I believe..."

"I see that you are jointly promoting Z digital fraud subsidy!" Zhao Song blushed.

"The country supports Dr. Zhang Rujing, the world's number one fab builder! The speed of SMIC's plant construction in Shanghai Pudong is shocking the world! And you are making fun of me!"

Speaking of this, the impulsive Zhao Song completely forgot to respect the elderly.

"Zhao Song!" Mr. Ni scolded.

"A leader who is mercenary, a group of hot-headed followers, and promoters with ulterior motives!"

Zhao Song walked up to the two elders on the opposite side, squatted down, let himself calm down for a while, and then stated softly.

"Leaving that aside, let me tell you a few objective facts.

First, at the World Semiconductor Conference a few years ago, among the 400 people present, only five had never worked for Fairchild. The competitor you selected, Intel, is an industrial group that has been developing for 40 years.

Second, you must be familiar with Moore's Law, what about Anti-Moore's Law? If you can't keep up with Moore's Law, your turnover will drop by half! Can you keep up?

Third, Andy-Beer's law, Bill eats what Andy gives! In 18 months, no matter how much Intel hardware improves, Microsoft's operating system can eat it!

Can our operating system keep up? "

Regardless of the filth on the hospital floor, Zhao Song sat on the ground. It was a colorful day, which made him a little tired. Looking up at the two elders, Zhao Song finally concluded: "Academician Ni, Director Li, We have no people, or we have too few people."

"..." The scene was very quiet, only the sound of Jin Ming who came back and shrank to one side lightly could be heard.

Academician Ni frowned and looked at Zhao Song, "What do you want to say?"

"Leave the Ark and come to our Tesla!"

"Huh?" Academician Ni and Li Qiang looked at Zhao Song dumbfounded.

Zhao Song spread his hands and said with a playful smile: "Dr. Zhang Rujing built a fab in Wanwan ten years ago, trying to train mainland technicians, but failed! Five years ago, he built a fab in Singapore but got the approval of the authorities. We have three hundred Many people have passed!

The reason why the speed of building a factory in Pudong shocked the world this time is because Dr. Zhang Rujing made the layout so many years in advance!

Academician Ni, let's not play with Intel, let's change the direction, the CPU in the case is not everything! "

"What?" What a big tone!

"Let's cultivate talents slowly, and there will always be a blockbuster moment!"

Who is with you and us?

Academician Ni and Li Qiang stood up and patted Zhao Song on the shoulder lightly.

"Zhao Song, Lao Zhou is fine, we are relieved, let's go first."


When the sound of the two people's footsteps gradually faded away, Zhao Song sat back on the chair with his numb legs and asked Jin Ming, "What do they mean?"

Jin Ming shook his head.

"Senior brother, have you seen that they are interested?"

Jin Ming still shook his head.

have to! It was a waste of words just now, Zhao Song was full of helplessness. Li Delei, the owner of the Ark, has really brilliant qualifications. Motorola, Hitachi (USA) Semiconductor Microprocessor Design Director, if he has this ability, he would need a bicycle.

Only an old idiot like Professor Zhou dares to do it to me regardless!

"Brother, you should go back first, let Professor Zhou sleep for a while, I'll just watch over here!"


Zhao Song waved his hand, "Don't worry, someone will come over soon."


Today's Peking University Third Hospital was unexpectedly deserted. Zhao Song glanced at the sleeping Professor Zhou through the glass, returned to the chair in the corridor, lay down with his clothes on, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In his mind, Zhao Song seemed to have traveled through time and space, and saw a short story that happened in 1969. On July 4th of that year, Andy Grove cut out the article "Vision of Inspiration" from "Time" magazine : "Any director must master extremely complex techniques. He must be proficient in sound, light, and photography; he must be good at soothing people; he must know how to inspire and mobilize artistic talents. To become a truly outstanding director, he must also There must be a rarer gift: the power and the vision to bring these disparate elements together into one organic whole."

After cutting and scraping the essay, Andy Grove wrote in his notebook: "My role?"

More than two decades later, this paranoid, Jobs' idol, turned Intel into a leader-level company.

Putting aside national factors and only talking about enterprise-level competition, those who play plagiarism, advertise, build houses, and exhaust people... Entrepreneurs, have you ever played with them?

Papa Ma who never gives up? maybe!

My name is Zhao Song, a reborn person.

I don't have any big skills. If I make a mess, I can still do it.

Note 1: In 2009, Wanji Electric sued SMIC after Zhang Rujing poached employees and Wanji Electric engineers from Shida Semiconductor, and then reached a settlement. SMIC compensated 200 million U.S. dollars and 10% of the shares. Three days later, Mr. Zhang Rujing Resign. In the 1990s, Dr. Zhang Rujing donated more than 20 schools.

Job hopping and poaching of corners by semiconductor companies are very dangerous things, and a circuit layout has intellectual property protection. Two years ago, the four-star poached the vice president of Bay Electric, and a business battle was in full swing.

Note 2: The learning curve, also known as the Boston experience curve, means that if a task is performed repeatedly, its cost will decrease accordingly.

3. Mobile phone! cell phone!

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