Rebirth Turn of the Century

327 Chapter 327 Even if you go bankrupt

PC is the foundation of Tesla. Even with the popular TPOD, it still cannot change this fact.

Right now, the PC is what everyone cares about most.

Internet, information superhighway, paperless office...etc., too many concepts all need personal PC to realize.

People don't care what's in the case or which country the stuff is made in. In their minds, as long as you can produce a PC and put your trademark on it, it's a high-tech enterprise.

On the first day of the new year, Tesla is making great strides!


Compared with every family rushing to cook New Year's dishes on New Year's Eve, the smell of wine and meat is everywhere. The situation on the first day of the new year was completely different.

Zhao Song is busy, but Xiao Yu, accompanied by Lian Shun, hangs around Xiagou Village.

During the year, all the villagers of Xiagou Village who have expressed their kindness to the brothers and sisters will receive gifts carefully prepared by Zhao Song and Xiao Yu.

As for relatives... Xiao Yu has no relatives, even if she had before, they were tossed away by those two fucking parents! At the beginning, people didn't care about Xiao Yu's life and death, but now no matter whether Xiao Yu is poor or prosperous, even if he has a rich brother, they still don't care about her.

That's good, at least it's better than those snobbish relatives in novels and TV.

Zhao Song was very satisfied, and Xiao Yu... was even happier.

According to the old rules of the capital, on the first day of the new year, men should visit relatives and friends' homes before noon to pay New Year's greetings, while women would receive guests at home.

The two brothers and sisters didn't care about these things, Zhao Song was busy, Xiao Yu went out to pay New Year's greetings for them, as for the family...all the people who needed to pay Zhao Song's New Year's greetings were busy, so naturally no one needed to guard the house.

Tossing and tossing all morning, until the sun rose high above the head, Xiao Yu and Lian Shun returned to Youjia.

The winter sun is amiable, light, comfortable, without a bit of violence and arrogance, hugging Xiao Yu's body, making her feel a little soft.

"Lian Shun, call Uncle Lu over here, the hump has been stewed all night, let's eat it at noon!"

"Wang~" Lian Shun hurriedly ran towards the guard booth.

"Xiao Yu, is there any food for me? I'm starving to death!"

Xiao Yu hurriedly followed the voice and looked towards the door of the clubhouse, then showed a happy smile and waved vigorously—the handsome man is back.


A quarter of an hour later, there was a club outside the door.

A cute girl, an old man, a handsome guy, a German Shepherd, and another Garfield, all purring and munching.

The leftovers are very fragrant, especially the stewed Bazhen is even more fragrant, and even Xiaoyu rarely eats a second bowl of rice.

Putting down the rice bowl in his hand, rubbing his belly in satisfaction, Xiao Yu stared intently at the handsome face of the handsome man.

"Handsome guy, my brother said that you are not allowed to find an internship unit. You can go directly to Tesla for an internship after school starts."

The handsome man paused for a moment, then finished the rest of the meal, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry about him, I've already found it!"

Xiao Yu shook her head, "He won't let you go."

"Where won't you let me go?" Da Shuai asked in surprise.

"I won't let you go anywhere!"

The handsome man raised his eyebrows, pretending to be angry and said: "He can still control me?"

"I couldn't control it before." Xiao Yu smiled and shook her head, two big pony tails were dancing cutely with her little head, "Now you are tied up, no one cares about him."

"..." The handsome man fell silent, and asked after a long time, "Does he know where I am going?"

"You didn't go home after Chinese New Year, and he will know where you have been after checking."

"..." Da Shuai Shuai blushed and shouted loudly, "He can still tie me up for the rest of my life."

Xiao Yu imitated the adults and spread her hands, looking even cuter, "I just need to watch over you when my brother comes back."

After thinking for a while, Xiaoyu added: "My brother said that after entering the society, you will never be able to make any close friends again. Your friends all have families. If you really want to leave the capital, it will be difficult for everyone to meet again! "

"...Let's talk about it when your brother comes back." He gave Lian Shun a big hump again, and the handsome guy said softly.



On the first day of the Lunar New Year, most of the Internet cafes are open, and Dianhai West Road, which is known as a street of Internet cafes, is also the same. In front of Feiyu Internet Cafe, which occupies more than half of Dianhai West Road, there are people coming and going, which is very lively.

Among the people coming and going, many people would pause for a while after entering the gate of Feiyu, and then look in the direction of Zhonghai Electronics Market in surprise.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Internet cafes were operating normally, because this was the time when the students had the most money, and if they didn’t earn money at this time, would they regret going there after their lucky money was confiscated?

But on the first day of the new year, the construction site is still under construction, which is not normal.

What's more abnormal is that Zhonghai's construction is not normal. On that construction site, except for a few piles of cement mortar, there were no common building materials, antique bricks, and solid wood were piled everywhere.

Zhonghai is just an old-fashioned large one-story building. What do they want to remodel it into?

Everyone who knew Zhong Hai had doubts.

At this time, the fence on the construction site was lifted, and a few people wearing engineering hats came out.

"Mr. Lou, I will send a few more people over at night, and we must guard against those sparks who set off the cannons."

Zhao Song said to a middle-aged man with a smile.

"Let Mr. Zhao worry about it."

"Mr. Lou, it's Chinese New Year, are these technical workers still in a stable mood?"

"Under Mr. Zhao's money offensive, I have to stabilize the instability!" The middle-aged man smiled boldly.

"That's good!" Zhao Song shook the middle-aged man's hands, "Mr. Lou, if you have any requirements, just ask, and you will be satisfied if you can!"

Lou is always an expert in restoration of cultural relics, and the workers inside the fence are not ordinary construction workers. Zhao Song respects these people very much.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I will definitely hand over a complete hall to you."


Five minutes later, a GL8 commercial vehicle was in motion.

Zhao Song closed his eyes and rested for a while before opening them.

"Zhao Song, get in touch with Kuancheng Optics. They have developed a cheap laser transmitter."

"Really?" Zhao Song asked in surprise.

Qin Hai nodded, "That's right! And if we need it, their salesman can come to deliver materials."

"No need!" Zhao Song shook his head, then gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Qin, say hello to the old merchants and tell them when Zhonghai will open. If they can't wait, let them find another place!"

"Can't even finish the first month?" Qin Hai was stunned. The delay in the opening of the Zhonghai Electronics Market would have a great impact.

"Our Tesla's new product has already started production. It has all the necessary technologies, and the necessary programs are actually the means for those artists to suppress the bottom of the box. Everything is ready. Now, I want to make a big one!"

"Isn't that too big?" Qin Hai knew that Zhao Song could make a fuss, but it would be really big. This is not Tesla's flagship store, it's Zhonghai Electronics Mall, and if it opens a day late, it can even affect the The revenue of the entire Zhongguancun street has increased.

"The opening of Xinzhonghai Electronics Mall and Tesla's new product launch..." Zhao Song's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look, and he said firmly: "I want a global live broadcast, a real global live broadcast! I want to go bankrupt! "

The fever is gone, and I am happy in my heart. There are still two chapters today, and the new volume is very slow to enter the state. I don't know if it is the cause of illness.

The plot needs to expand a bit more.

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