Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 335 Goodbye with red eyes, the trailer is released!

The playful Zhao Song received a call from Yin Mingyu at the school gate.

"Zhao Song, we recorded it again this morning. Everyone performed very well in the second verse, and they sang with emotion! I think this time it can fully meet your requirements!"

Zhao Song was overjoyed, and said to the mobile phone: "Brother, please go to the Beijing TV station, the camera has been edited, and I need you to participate in the audio track before I can rest assured."

On the phone, Yin Mingyu hesitated for a moment before saying, "Zhao Song, I don't like this version, it has too much bass and too strong a sense of rhythm!"

Zhao Song replied with a smile: "Brother, the copyright of this song belongs to the two of us, you can change it as you like!"

"Thank you, Zhao Song."

Zhao Song was helpless, and shouted loudly into the phone: "You're welcome, let's finish my trailer first and then talk about other things!"

"Haha, don't worry." On the phone, Yin Mingyu said with a relaxed smile, "It happened all morning."

"Then tell Director Jin Huamin on the way, let's release it tonight?"

"What?" came Yin Mingyu's shocked voice. This is a trailer, an advertisement, and you can release it whenever you want?

"I said..." Zhao Song, who had gathered countless eyes at the school gate, said loudly: "Tell Director Jin Huamin that it will be released tonight! Tesla has already booked it! Starting from yesterday, it will be broadcast one day later. Lost money for a day!"



After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song looked around at more and more people, and smiled at everyone friendly.

Not far away, there were two young girls with green faces, staring at him intently.

"Hi! Do you want to take a group photo?" Zhao Song asked with a smile, trying to make himself look approachable and pretending to be kind.

The two little girls are very young, so young that they don't look like college students at all. You should know that today is the start of the second half of the university's academic year, not a new academic year.

However, many people may not have heard of it. During the period from 1999 to 2008, there was a magical exam in Beijing—the spring college entrance examination.


The green and immature girls nodded, as frequently as pounding garlic.

"Is our school easy to take the exam?"

The young girls shook their heads with a frequency like a rattle.

The smile on Zhao Song's face became wider. The Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering's spring recruits are all majors related to integrated circuits. In the future, these two quail-like girls may be the backbone of a certain R\u0026D department of Tesla.

Now is the time to show young girls the style of young entrepreneurs.

"Come on, let's take a photo together!"

Zhao Song generously inserted between the two little girls.

Then pull out the tiny, dainty Motorola flip phone.

Then put on a big smile.

Then, turn on the phone.

Then put away the smile, and retreated to the position just now with a black line on his face.

"Well, university is not the end, but a new starting point, study hard and make progress every day!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song turned around and walked away in embarrassment, leaving behind two young girls with dazed faces, completely unaware of what happened just now. 'Didn't you say take a group photo? Where's the camera? '


Unexpectedly forgetting that the current mobile phone does not have a camera, Zhao Song walked to Xizi who was waiting beside him depressedly, and took the big plastic bag full of fruits from him.

"What kind of monster are you?" Xizi asked amusedly, he had witnessed the whole process just now.

"Don't mention it!" The more he thought about it, the more depressed Zhao Song suddenly paused, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Got~" Seeing Zhao Song's appearance, Xizi knew that the question was for nothing just now, and in Zhao Song's head, there must be a new article now.

"Xizi, do you know what the current camera lens is made of?" Zhao Song asked excitedly.

"Nonsense, glass, otherwise what else is it?"

"I want to say that it can still be a plastic thing, do you believe it?"

"Only fools believe it, even if there is one, only fools use it!"

"I hope you will never be a fool in the future!" Zhao Song said cheerfully.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want you to go back to your old job and help me collect some information."

"Isn't Tesla's information department established?"

"Too busy." Zhao Song hooked Xizi's shoulder.

"Say the name." Xizi said helplessly, he didn't want to collect information, he wanted to fight against the bag, fight against the bag to make money!

"Wanwan, Daliguang!"

"..." Xizi's eyes widened.

"..." Zhao Song blinked innocently.

"I think you're working with Wanwan's company!"

"Hey, pick the soft persimmons..."



The sky, I don't know when it started to snow.

In the eyes of many people, the two brothers, who hadn't seen each other for a holiday, strolled on the campus of Jingji Academy, talking and laughing along the way.

Someone said, "As long as you struggle, your every day is changing."

There was a time when Zhao Song, who was laughing and laughing, was fighting against Bao every day. He was changing day by day under the noses of everyone in the Jingji Academy.

They talked about him, they laughed at him, they had mixed opinions about him.

Until this moment, listening to the endless financial news on the campus radio, looking at the two brothers chatting and laughing in the distance, and the college students on campus, their eyes are full of complexities - they are all young and passionate, but the one in front of them is about to be The peers of the president of a listed company, how can they talk about it? How to be unconvinced?


Walking to the door of the dormitory, saying goodbye to Xizi, Zhao Song came to the 137 dormitory alone.

The old roommates from the previous life were all there, Zhao Song put down a large bag of fruit with a smile on his face, and chatted with everyone!

Among these roommates, there are thieves, real thieves! Some are stingy to the limit; some pry other people's girlfriends; some encourage others to play every day and learn secretly by themselves;

In the four years of his last life, Zhao Song would never forget the virtues of this group of people even if he died. As for the advantages, everyone must have their advantages, but the stingy Zhao Song can never remember their advantages. Maybe he is also a person in the eyes of others. It works, but it doesn't matter. When he has no money, this is what he does.

Now that he is rich and has a different vision, Zhao Song feels that his situation has changed, so naturally he doesn't care about anything with these 'brothers'.

Of course, if one day, if he runs out of money again, he will still care about it!

Avoiding the listed company, and casually chatting with everyone about interesting things on campus, Zhao Song got up to bid farewell, leaving a silent dormitory.

Outside the door, Xizi and a family member senior have been waiting for a long time, Xizi is still holding a box in his hand, which contains several newly packaged TPOD.

"Hi Senior Feng, are they all there?"

"A few of them are here at school, so I greeted them in advance!" There was a member, Senior Feng nodded, "Zhao Song, in fact, I just need to come forward, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Zhao Song stepped forward and put his arms around Senior Feng's shoulders, and said with a smile: "It's better to come to the door in person to be more sincere when asking for help. This time, it's enough to trouble Senior Feng!"

"Follow you!" Senior Feng had no choice but to take the lead and walk in front.


Half an hour later, at the entrance of the boys' dormitory building, Zhao Song, who was alone, saw Tongtong.

"Zhao Song, your registration procedures have been completed, and the counselor asked me to send it to you."

Tongtong handed the file bag to Zhao Song.

"Thank you!" Zhao Song looked at the monitor of the accounting department in front of him, his beautiful face carried a unique heroic spirit, which he had never seen in other women.

"In the next two and a half years, unless you are willing, no one in the school will dare to think about the girls in our club class!"

"What?" Tongtong looked at Zhao Song absurdly, and said dumbfoundedly: "Now, many girls in our class have to be single for four years in college?"

"They can go after them by themselves!" Zhao Song said indifferently.

"..." After a moment of silence, Tongtong asked softly, "Can you tell me why?"

"There's no reason, it's just so domineering!" Zhao Song pointed to the window of dormitory 135 on the first floor, "That Zhang Meng, how many girlfriends is it?"


Zhao Song nodded, "Say hello to him, if you dare to provoke the girls in our class, you will bear the consequences!"

Tongtong hesitated for a moment, then nodded lightly, looked at Zhao Song and asked, "In the future, will you come to school less often?"

"Yeah!" Looking at Tongtong's disappointed expression, Zhao Song laughed dumbly, and rubbed her Yingmei's face (this is what he always wanted to do), "It seems that you don't want to go to a club, go away !"


Snow petals drifted down one by one, and Zhao Song, who was wearing a hat, was no longer conspicuous, walking alone in the campus.

Some people say, "When it snows, the capital becomes Beiping;

When we went to Houhai to see the snow, it was like going back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties! "

Because of the holiday, many students on campus missed the winter snow in Beiping, but welcomed the first spring snow in surprise.

It's a pity that Valentine's Day has already passed two days. Looking at the couples laughing and playing not far away, Zhao Song smiled slightly, and then he stood there blankly!

This is an encounter about spring snow, the capital seems to have returned to Peiping after the snow! When the bright snowflakes blend with the place that breeds the future, in the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering, dancing flying flowers, dotted with stars, stain every corner of the campus, quiet and peaceful, in the world of Baixue, I will tell you about her encounter with him .

She is very petite, maybe less than 1.6 meters tall, and her chubby figure is wrapped in a thick down jacket, which looks like a rolling ball rolling from a distance.

She was wearing glasses and holding a book, as if she was studying very well, but Zhao Song knew that this girl was just a recruiter.

Petite, chubby, weak, and with a 75-point appearance, people think she is a sweet and pleasant girl at first sight, but Zhao Song knows that this bitch is a shrew.

This girl has the most expensive mobile phone in her bag, and the most expensive IBM laptop locked in the locker in the dormitory. She uses and wears all famous brands...

No one knew about this, not even the former Zhao Song. It wasn't until he went to visit this girl's hometown that he realized later that it wasn't that they deliberately hid it from him, but that Zhao Song himself was an idiot. Compare!

Sometimes, what makes people unforgettable is always hate! The beauty and sweetness of the past can never change the people who want to hate!

Zhao Song used to be a small person. At that time, like many small people, he would not look for the reason when encountering things.

Zhao Song stopped and looked at her petite, speechless for a long time.

She also noticed Zhao Song, took a closer look at him, hesitated for a moment, then changed direction and walked towards him.

"Hello, Zhao Song." She smiled.

"Miao Yi, hello." He also smiled.

"I thought you didn't know me." She was Miao Yi.

"Students in the same class, why don't you know each other?" Zhao Song laughed.

"Are you going to the class meeting?" Miao Yi asked.

"I'm not going, I have something to do."

"I know, you are a busy person!" Miao Yi nodded, and raised her hand to glance at her watch.

Zhao Song's eyes were fixed. That's right, when he was in college in his previous life, he didn't even know Longines!

"I'm going to be late, so I'll leave first." The classmate hadn't said a word for a year and a half, and Miao Yi was about to say goodbye after saying hello.

"Well, I should go too."

The two smiled at each other, one moved forward, the other backward, walking with their backs facing each other in the spring snow.

"Miao Yi!" Zhao Song turned around.

"What's the matter?" The chubby Miao Yi turned around.

"Goodbye!" Zhao Song smiled, exhausting his most brilliant strength.

"Goodbye!" Miao Yi waved her hand and smiled politely.

In 2001, February 8th, at 10:00 am, there are still 11 hours before the release of the trailer.

At the gate of Jingjiyuan, amidst the flying snow, Zhao Song, with red eyes and trembling shoulders, turned around slowly.

"Goodbye, elf!"


At that moment, there were people of countless skin colors and companies of different nationalities, busy for Zhao Song and Tesla.

Non-stop, tense, busy.

After more than ten hours.

In Wutong Building, Ding Tao stood in the office, looked up at the wall clock, and then continued to ask on the phone: "Did you see him?"

"I'm standing outside the office of Nvidia's surnamed Huang. Five minutes later, I will watch the trailer with him."

"If he still hesitates then." Ding Tao seriously reminded: "Tell him that Tesla has the ability to operate the retail market of florists and block their retail channels!"

"Don't worry, it won't come to that point, I believe our boss!" Liu Cong said relaxedly on the phone.

"hope so!"

"It's almost time, I'm going in!"


After hanging up the phone, Ding Tao turned on the TV.

At the same time, the bearded man in the fantasy building picked up the remote control and tuned to Kyoto Satellite TV.

Sister DaDa from Weimu Village sat leisurely on the sofa and raised her head.

In a house in Xishan, Chen Ning, who was having dinner with his family, stood up, and under the puzzled eyes of his elders, he also turned on the TV.

Time passed slowly, and across the ocean in Times Square in New York, it was about to reach 8:00 in the morning, which was the busiest time of the day.

People pass by in a hurry, and on the world's most famous big screen above their heads, there are advertisements that no one pays attention to.


8 o'clock sharp.


The sound of the big screen suddenly felt the power of money, and suddenly became louder and louder, so loud that pedestrians in a hurry stopped their hurried steps and looked up!


The big screen turned black, and then slowly brightened, revealing a hall that looked like an oriental palace.


The camera enters the magnificent interior of the hall, which is so gorgeous that it is jaw-dropping!

"Semper crescis is sometimes in good times."

As the chant sounded, goosebumps suddenly popped up all over people's bodies.

"Aut decrescis sometimes in adversity"

A graceful woman, standing quietly in the main hall, her little ass is almost twisted to the sky!

"Vita detestabilis life is such an abomination."

The camera changed to another woman, who seemed to be wearing religious clothes and showed her slender waist.

Suddenly, with a "swipe~", countless hands with eyes suddenly stretched out from the left side behind her.

"Oh, my god!~" Some pedestrians couldn't help exclaiming!

“Nunc obdurat is difficult now”

The timpani was beating heavily, and the bass came from the stereo. The scalp of sister Da Da from Weimu Village was numb!


Accompanied by the bass, the chant seems to reach a climax.

"Ludo mentis aciem is a game of will."

At this time, the scene inside the hall changed and became modern.

The camera suddenly moved quickly, flashing the faces of twelve girls painted with modern make-up, each with sharp and gorgeous eyes!

The camera zoomed out, finally showing the panorama, in front of twelve young girls in modern fashion, with different musical instruments.

Most of the people in Times Square couldn't name these musical instruments, but they knew that they came from the East!


Yes, the East!

In the increasingly heavy bass, the chant became louder and louder!

"Nunc obdurat sometimes embarrassed

Et tunc curat sometimes comfort”

In the fantasy building, the bearded man remained motionless, staring at the TV intently, with a shocked expression on his face!


The screen goes black.

"This month, 24!"


"The East of the World"

The east of the world can be called this name, there is only one country in this world!

"Ludo mentis aciem is finally the dream game"

The screen went black again, leaving only a straight beam of light, and a handsome blond guy suddenly appeared.

He stretched out his hand into the darkness, and a long laser sword suddenly appeared in his hand, followed by a series of mechanical dance steps, countless laser swords shot out from the floor, surrounding him, and then, he tall Provocation, the laser sword waved fiercely towards the wall!


In the heavy bass, the screen is divided into two halves, still with a dark background, a TPOD2 generation is slowly rotating in the haze, although it is impossible to see its whole picture, anyone can see it from the exquisite details. Make it different.


"Egestatem whatever the poor

Potestatem and Wealth”

The laser sword swung again and the screen shattered again!

This time, it was a hazy picture. A mask-like thing stood there silently. The heavy metal wind made him look like a transformer's head mask, or a crow's mouth?

"Not to be seen, not to be separated"

Along with the subtitles, the chant reached its climax.

"Dissolvit ut glaciem shall melt and perish like ice!"


As the last bass sound fell, a big "T" slammed hard on the screen.

"Boom~dongdong~" After Audi's heartbeat came out, the screen went completely black, and then the big screen in Times Square returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened just now.

There is no snow in New York, and it is impossible to describe the scene of snowflakes falling on people who are still. However, on this busiest morning every day, there was a brief silence in Times Square.


“so cool~”

"What is that thing with countless hands behind it?"

"Number 24? I really want to be here soon."

"TESLA, TPOD2!" The young blonde shouted excitedly.

Apple, a lunatic turned off the webpage and quietly picked up the phone.

"I want the invitation letter for that press conference!"

Some people like to look at small things, and think that the plate is too big to be interesting, and some people think that small things are watery, so say goodbye to me!

Say goodbye to me, I can't go back yet, because you are gone, you must not see, right? It's rude not to talk, you're screwing me to death!

Let's just say goodbye!

At present, I still write a chapter for 3 or 4 hours. If it is water, there is no one with water at this level. 618 bought more than a thousand books, just to write things seriously and strive to enrich myself.

I want to tell a good story, except that Long Xiaoxiao is a character in the plot and needs to be involved by Li Linna. Many plots echo back and forth. My level is limited, and many people may not be able to see it. I will work hard on this.

After that, I'll write out the title, and you can skip, or whatever.

To say goodbye, it’s faster to click an X than to type a few words, so why don’t you just click an X? It's easy for everyone, don't you think so?

The last point, if I have the level to write every chapter to the climax, I will definitely resign and write books full-time! real!

Two and a half chapters into one today.

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