Product quality problems are unavoidable for any enterprise. When encountering such a situation, how to protect the rights and interests of consumers depends more on the self-discipline of the enterprise than a sound legal system!

It's a pity that this is 2001, an era when a rapidly developing country is crossing the river by feeling the stones; an era when not only foreigners, but even compatriots with a strip of water are full of disregard.

Zhao Song has always felt that the consumers of flower growers are the best consumers in the world, because they are afraid of trouble. When encountering injustice, many people have no awareness of relying on the law to solve it, and they forget that many products have after-sales services. .

Long Xiaoxiao is such a person. He turned on the Frozen mainframe in the dormitory, searched, and found N laptop repair companies, so he called each of them for consultation. Who knows that the diagnosis results of each company are different. , when he hit the fifth house, Long Xiaoxiao no longer had the patience to fight.

At this time, Long Xiaoxiao remembered that his computer was still under warranty, so he didn't have to worry about it at all, he just needed to send the computer to Huashi Repair Station.

At this time, she also thought of her 'best friend' sister Linna and the 'brother-in-law' of the richest man in the country, but with such a small extravagant hope in her heart, she couldn't waste the newly established relationship on such a trivial matter.

So, she found out the phone number of Xiaogan who sold her computer and dialed it.


At the same time, on the side road of the third ring from west to east of Wutong Bridge, a taxi slowly turned right in the traffic flow and entered Zhongguancun Street.

The National People's Congress on the left and the Contemporary on the right make this intersection a bustling business district.

In the taxi, Zhao Songzheng, who left everyone early, looked out the window boredly.

It's the weekend, and on Zhongguancun Street, there are quite a few people who are leisurely shopping, and there are also many people who are sweating profusely holding their computers.

Zhao Song knew that as the computer craze intensified, on this street, there were often people looking for flowers and flowers with a computer, as anxious as a monkey.

All of a sudden, there were signboards for computer repairs on Zhongguancun Street, like dental clinics or hair salons and massage parlors. There was a mix of people who could repair and those who couldn’t, and some people couldn’t even tell the voltage and current. He started to repair computers, and there was a sign on his chest, saying something like an engineer, and he didn't know who issued him the certificate.

Those who are more flexible even set up computer maintenance training classes. The advertisements boasted that anyone with a junior high school education could learn it, and they could send out some books for maintenance engineers from the Ministry of Information Industry, but they didn’t know the books The Ministry of Information Industry just stamps it, and it can be bought with money. Not to mention the complicated circuit in the laptop, even a person who graduated from a university majoring in electronics will have to work hard to figure it out, how can a junior high school student learn it in two or three months--the fat man who died two days ago Advance Education wanted to open a class like this, and Zhao Song scolded him back!

People who come out of this kind of class, a good computer with a small problem can fix you a big problem, and even a good hand can make you a cripple.

Consumers who have been bitten by snakes for ten years are afraid of straw ropes, and for a while regard all the maintenance dealers in Zhongguancun as liars—yes, in this village, on Zhichun Road, Zhongguancun Street, North Street, and Dianhai West Road , Fourth Ring Side Road, Dianhai Book City, Jingda West Road, countless large and small shops, and electronics city, not only are the computer sellers full of liars, even the vast majority of computer repairers are also liars!

Does the government control this situation? Of course! Supervised by the deputy mayor, 31 departments jointly enforced the law. It stopped for a while, and then revived. The most important thing is that in these scams, one sells in different ways, and the other is willing to buy. Those who deceive people, he did not break the law. don't come!

This is the reason why Tesla has withdrawn its stores in the Pacific Ocean. In the future, the stores in Silicon Valley Computer Mall will also be withdrawn! This is also the reason why Zhao Song hired so many security guards in Zhonghai. There are good businesses and good people in Zhongguancun, and they are all in Zhonghai. He can't control the whole Zhongguancun, but he can manage Zhonghai!


"Mr. Zhao, hello!"

After getting out of the taxi, Zhao Song was blocked by a middle-aged man before he entered Zhonghai Mall.

With a medium build, a square face, and deep-set eyes, he looks like a calculating character. Zhao Song doesn't like this character at all.

Nodding at him, Zhao Song didn't stop, "Hello, Boss Ma!"

"Mr. Zhao, I heard that Zhong Hai still has a few free counters. Can you see if you can..."

Zhao Song stopped, waved his hand to stop the security guards who came over, and stared at Boss Ma's black eyes, "Boss Ma, has the matter of closing your Hainiao counter by the industry and commerce two days ago been resolved?"


"Boss Ma, I dare not let a merchant who puts a test version CPU into a brand machine go to Zhonghai to sell goods!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song stopped talking to the sneaky shopkeeper and walked into Zhong Hai without looking back, leaving behind the uncertain Boss Ma.

Looking at the bustling gate of Zhonghai, Boss Ma cursed secretly: "Shit luck boy, since this is the case, don't blame me for joining in the fun. Now not only the brand secrets are going to encircle you, but also those Wanwan accessories manufacturers will not make it easy for you. , isn't it just spreading rumors..."


ten minutes later. Zhao Song's office.

"How is it?" Zhao Song asked with concern as soon as he entered the door.

"Boss, it's on your desk." Qiao Shan, who arrived earlier, replied, then pointed to the person next to him wearing a Shenzhou uniform and said, "This is Zhou Ce, the director of Shenzhou R\u0026D Department."

"I've seen it!" Zhao Songchong nodded to Zhou Ce, and then he couldn't wait to look at the... azure-colored computer on the desk.

"After the rain, the sky is clear and the clouds are **, such a color will make the future!" First, he pulled a handful of verses, and then Zhao Song couldn't help admiring: "What a blue sky after the rain, beautiful!"

The first thing Jobs did when he regained control of Apple was to replace the IMAC with a colorful case, and then the Apple PC became profitable.

Today, the first PC of Shenzhou Technology is also a color case. Qiao Shan and Zhou Ce looked at each other with wry smiles. They are beautiful, and there is nothing wrong with copying Apple. ——Golden jade outside is ruined inside!

"Boss." Qiao Shan swallowed, and said anxiously, "Shall I tell you about the configuration?"

Zhao Song shook his head and asked indifferently, "Can I play Half-Life?"

"Inefficient and smooth!"

"I won't talk about surfing the Internet. Can I chat with penguins while watching a movie?"

"completely fine!"

"How much is the cost reduced?"

"Within 4000!"

Zhao Song was delighted, stretched out his right hand, and slowly approached the 15-inch monitor. Before touching the screen, a feeling of overcurrent numbness came from his fingers. The fine hairs stood upright one by one.

Zhao Song didn't care.

"Passed all the tests?"

"It's all over!"

"Then prepare for the listing, Zhou Ce, let Shenzhou's advertising department do a good job of copywriting, the first shot must be done well!"


"By the way, every customer who buys will get a screen protector that filters strong light, reflects light, prevents radiation, and prevents static electricity."

Can you not send it? Zhou Ce and Qiao Shan looked at each other with wry smiles, no need to protect the screen, just looking at that thing for a while can make tears flow!

"As for the price..." Zhao Song smiled and said loudly, "4999!"

Some book friends guessed what the renamed notebook was, and they also knew the allusive story.

It is in Qiandu Encyclopedia, it is not sensitive, please know!

Long Xiaoxiao's story is just a small plot, and it will be put into the process of the story by the way, and it will not be filled with water. Please read it.

Another: I wish every book friend can buy products with stable quality when shopping, and meet a responsible merchant, just like Zhao Song's Tesla!

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