After hearing that "um", Zhao Song closed his eyes happily.

At this moment, he didn't care about the negative posts about Tesla on the Internet and the rumors in the market. Not long ago, Long Xiaoxiao's anxious expectations on the phone had nothing to do with him! He just wanted to hug this stunner in front of him that he could only see in Y in his previous life, and take a good rest.

Then, when it was approaching the early morning, I had to go to Tesla Microelectronics to drive the livestock.


At 22:00 at night, on the seventh floor of Wutong Building, Tesla Microelectronics.

Wan He'an walked to the bar while beating his sore lower back, randomly picked up a bag of snacks from the dazzling array of shelves, then hesitated for a moment, then walked to a Jura ENA coffee machine, intending to make a coffee for himself A cup of espresso, when he put his finger on a button, he stopped, thought for a while, switched to another button and pressed it, and 2 minutes later, a cup of fragrant hot chocolate appeared in front of him.

"Jurui", the Rolls-Royce in the coffee machine, the equipment specially configured by the fool Tesla for their group of nerds!

Wan He'an, a doctoral student in the Department of Automation of Zhejiang University in 1999, and a winner of the "Zhu Kezhen Scholarship", ten of all students from undergraduate to doctoral can receive this honor in a year. It is said that the winner will be included in the Zhejiang University annals, but I don't know if it is true or not. Wan He'an didn't bother to investigate.

Research what? The senior who is one year older than him is now a project manager of ZTE Corporation, and he graduated a year later. After entering Beijing Electronic Control, he has worked in seven factories. When he was full of confusion about the future, The senior who was acquainted with him actually called him "ZTE", what a fool, and gave them money in different ways.

Then, an even bigger fool came in front of him and let him know what kind of stupid company the senior brother was talking about!

If I remember correctly, he should have joined Tesla on January 1, 2001, but the financial director insisted that it was December 31, 2000. The report in the second half of the month was counted as working for half a month according to national regulations, and sent him an email. 4000 yuan.

The tape-out failed, and Professor Zhou fell down again.

He remembered that the young richest man stood in front of them solemnly for the first time, and shouted heartbreakingly: "Since it is product development, failure is allowed!

Since it is product development, failure is allowed!

Since it is product development, failure is allowed! "

Why do you have to shout three times? The young richest man, no, the young boss said, 'Say important things three times! '

Then he became the temporary person in charge, just because he was the only one with a Ph.

Today, the brother who loves to talk about the swan called again and hired him to go to ZTE. The brother said, "The comparison between Tesla Microelectronics and ZTE is the difference between a gas station and PetroChina!"

That's right! At the same time as the person in charge, he is also concurrently serving as the PHS project director. Together with his five graduate students, he is incomparable to a group of postdoctoral fellows led by the director of the ZTE Research Institute, but what can be compared?

You are making communication equipment, and we are making terminals!

To compare, to compare the boss!

The owner of Tesla Microelectronics led a gas station, broke down the barriers of your PetroChina department, and changed the technology you used on the PHS core network; your two island suppliers, Kyocera and Sanyo, are like anti-thieves , Our boss has found another comprehensive partner for you - Hitachi! The kind of joint research and development of intelligent algorithms!

"How did he do it?" Wan Hean was always puzzled by the methods of the young boss.

Shaking his head, Wan He'an took a sip of chocolate, and a warm feeling filled his whole body.

"Seeing that you didn't drink coffee, I feel relieved!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came, Wan He'an raised his head and stood up immediately.

"Boss!" He said hello, and glanced at the long legs behind Zhao Song, revealing the nerd's sullenness.

"Just call the name." Zhao Song waved his hand and said cheerfully, "What are you thinking? So concentrate."

Wan He'an hesitated for a moment, but still asked the question entangled in his heart, "Boss, how did you do it?"


Wan Hean nodded frequently!

Seeing the researchers slowly approaching from all around, Zhao Song bowed his head and thought for a while, organized his words, and then spoke patiently.

"UT Starcom only has one product, PHS. If PHS succeeds, UT Starcom will succeed; No one can control the base station of the island country until the national policy is introduced! Everyone understands this point?"

Qi Qi nodded.

"But ZTE is different. Obviously, the main business is interactive computer technology, but they dare not use it for the PHS project, so they can only re-develop it on the access network architecture. Why is that?"

I'm asking you! A group of researchers stared at Zhao Song with wide eyes, and the meaning in their eyes was extremely clear!

"Because Zhonghua Telecom does not have a mobile service license, operating PHS is suspected of violating the regulations! Because ZTE's switches serve China Unicom and China Mobile, PHS is only one of the company's many products, and will not affect the interests of a PHS product. other products of the company.

Having said that, Zhao Song paused for a moment, saw some people were thoughtful, and some people looked blank, and finally added.

"Because I am worried about national policies. The access network is connected to the fixed network switch to make calls, so it is part of the fixed line, and it is more politically reliable."

Wan Hean scratched his head, "Why can you convince them to switch to an interactive machine architecture on the core network?"

Zhao Song smiled, and looked out of the window of the laboratory, where, just facing the north, the tall Pacific Building could be seen at a glance.

"Because, no matter which city becomes the PHS experimental bureau in the future, Shenzhou Technology will act as the second Party B and be responsible for the supply of all core network equipment!"

He stepped forward and put his arms around Wan He'an's shoulders, "Fix the PHS solution as soon as possible! ZTE is afraid, but Shenzhou is not! Whether Tesla Microelectronics can be self-sufficient depends on this!"

The Ministry of Information Industry of the relatives separated the son Telecom into Huahua Mobile, and this year hacked the son again to form Southern Telecom and Northern Netcom, and even refused to give a mobile license.

Now, the son Telecom wants to play a side-ball, no matter how much his father stops him, he can't justify it! Zhao Song is sure that no one will be offended by ZTE's shield.

There should be more than 30 billion of China's science and technology of more than 30 billion!

Under the smoldering eyes of all the homeboys, Zhao Song put his arms around Li Linna's slender waist, and shouted loudly: "Go home from get off work! Don't be envious, the house will have it, and the wife will have it!"

"Oh hoo~"

Amidst the cheers, Zhao Song bowed his head and said hello to all the branded phones and accessory manufacturers who were making wrong decisions.

"Whoever dares to play dirty with Tesla, I will use Shenzhou!"


March 25.

One month after Shenzhou Technology went public, it issued its first stock market announcement.

"Due to major investment, equity changes, major acquisitions and other projects, Shenzhou Technology has suspended trading!"

March 26.

At the swearing-in meeting held by ZTE to the island country, a group of R\u0026D personnel with a minimum education of Ph.D. solemnly made a promise:

"If the problem is not solved, one day will not step into the territory of flower growers."

This sentence is a whole year ahead of another time and space.

Zhao Song believes that it will not be long before they will sing the legendary song and return to this land again, which also means that the world's most NB, the lowest cost, and the top smartphone with completely independent intellectual property rights The large-scale base station will be born in the flower planter's ZTE company!

"Sunset Xishan Red Xiafei

Soldiers hit the target and bring the battalion back

The red flowers on the chest reflect the colorful clouds

Happy singing is flying all over the sky


About ZTE, from the memoirs of a vice president, by 2004, the company's turnover was 5 billion less than Huawei.

Popular science, the United States issued a refusal order to ZTE! During that incident, the only impression left by this company to the public was the bleak back of Mr. Hou who had retired long ago. Facing the turbulent domestic public opinion, they remained silent.

Affected by this, Mr. Ren, a strategist, increased his spare parts inventory for three months, so he spent a lot of time in the subsequent blacklist incident to deal with it with ease.

What is the difference between a denial order and a blacklist?

The difference is that whoever stands in ZTE's position without any preparation will die if they don't pay the fine!

Don’t use the spare tire plan to argue with others. I am very sure and sure that in the high-end field of DSP and other chips, our country is deep red, which means that the supply rate is 0!

Don't brag, don't criticize, don't argue, and do your own thing seriously, that is the greatest patriotism.

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