Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 362 Just said, you bite me?

Going to Beihai seems to be farther than going to an island country?

April 2.

Before Lian Shun played all the pranks with Xiao Yu, April Fool's Day passed by in a hurry.

At Capital International Airport, on an airstrip, a Boeing 737 is ready to go.

On a certain seat in the first class, Zhao Song looked nervous and numb!

I heard that motion sickness and airsickness are related to ear nerves, and Zhao Song's ears...

"How did I get myself into this small plane that has to cross half of the florists' house?"

Zhao Song stared straight at the back of the chair in the front row. The last time he went to Xiangjiang, he also tortured himself for this virtue.

"I want Tesla Microelectronics to make a profit, and I want to open up the mobile phone supply chain in advance, so I want to sell PHS."

"UT Starcom does not open the interface, so I want to help ZTE seize the market. Wherever ZTE's base station is installed, my PHS can be sold!"

"To seize the market, Party A's Telecom has to take advantage of it. The China shares in my hand are for this purpose."

"Why did you get involved with deep technology again?"

The vibration of the plane was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhao Song's vision was hazy.

"Yuanyuan has been waiting in the capital for half a month, and Wen Jing's calls have been cut off countless times by me, so why don't we just solve it together?"

Suddenly, a delicate hand supported Zhao Song's arm.

"Mr. Zhao, are you okay?"

Zhao Song slowly came back to his senses, his face turned pale, he looked at the beautiful stewardess in the first-class cabin, and forced a smile: "It's okay, thank you!"

The stewardess smiled softly, "The plane will take off immediately, if you need it, just press the call button."

"Thank you." As a result, the gentle stewardess handed over the blanket, and Zhao Song thanked him in a harmonious voice. Then he looked straight ahead again, and at the same time, he was thinking rapidly in his head, trying to forget the nervousness before the plane took off.

"Mr. Zhao." Li Bowei looked at the nervous Zhao Song with concern, trying to find a topic to divert his attention, "ZTE's base stations are shipped as Shenzhou, will it be too much pressure for us? ?”

"Not big!" Zhao Song let out a long breath, "Who would believe that the Turtles of Starcom can grasp the policy direction so accurately? Isn't it just a comparison of relationships? With that secondary company, let's compare!"

"Invest in that hard disk company..." Li Bowei hesitated for a while, but still expressed his own doubts, not only his own, but everyone else's. Why should he invest in the Great Wall hard disk that is full of negative news? Why can't Shenzhou's PC product supply chain With Tesla?

Zhao Song didn't answer this question. Thinking of the phone call with Yuanyuan this morning, Zhao Song organized his words and said, "Telecom's shareholding, investment in Great Wall HDD, integration of Jiaming, three simple things, how can you make it so complicated?" ?”

Is this simple? Li Bowei was speechless.

The plane accelerated crazily on the runway, Zhao Song gripped the armrest tightly, and said loudly with a pale face: "Just add one more thing!"


"Do you know Yingke?"

"The Xiangjiang one?"

"That's right! Find someone, whoever supported it to become Xiangjiang No. 1 Telecom at the beginning. If Yingke wants to sell its penguin shares, we will buy it back!"

"Who needs to come forward?" Li Bowei replied loudly.

"All shareholders, please come forward!" The sound of the plane taking off today was so loud that Zhao Song had to increase the volume, "Uncle Li, integrate Jiaming's stores with the original Pengcheng Youyou, and sell the excess to Great Wall. Aren't they going to expand the northern market? I believe they won't be stingy with that little money!

Also, let them figure out the maximum number of shares I can give up earlier, I want some cash, and then invest in the Great Wall hard drive in my own name.

Channels, markets, supply chains!

Computers, mobile phones, the Internet!

Uncle Li, Shenzhou has these stories of its own, let’s work together! "

Yes, this time the Shenzhou stock reform involves Jia Ming, otherwise sister Da Da will not make up her mind, brother-in-law, I will really fall behind!

At this moment, Li Bowei fully understood what Zhao Song meant, and he nodded his head excitedly. After listening to these stories, those shareholders are still like playing chicken blood? !

With these, everything is Shenzhou's own, no need to rely on others, this is the president of Shenzhou, the idiot Zhao Song, who everyone needs him to control!

What the hell is that Tesla? Why did he go to such great lengths and pay so much to protect it?

A few minutes later, the plane entered the leveling process, and Zhao Song's complexion improved slightly.

"Tell me about ZTE." Zhao Song interrupted Li Bowei's wild thoughts, "Who is there?"

"Zhu Wei, the former vice president of Huahua, was one of the earliest founders of Huawei together with Mr. Ren. Because his mother died of illness, he stayed at home for five years. After his comeback, he joined ZTE as an assistant to the president. Now he is in charge of the PHS project of ZTE Group. people."

There are such characters? Zhao Song looked at Li Bowei in a daze, saw that he nodded affirmatively, and then asked, "Is it great?"

"The business negotiations with Kyocera, an island country, have just been concluded. Mr. Zhu presided over them. ZTE has won a big victory!"

"Oh?" Zhao Song looked at Li Bowei with interest, waiting for him to continue.

"This negotiation with the islanders seems to have collapsed in the end. The islanders said no more, and they will fly back to the island immediately. But Mr. Zhu seems to be not in a hurry, and there is a big intention of breaking up. Before the islanders got on the plane, I called Mr. Zhu, found a step, made concessions, and basically agreed to the conditions proposed by Mr. Zhu."

This company seems to have never counseled the people of Shanghai Island? !

"Capable man!" Zhao Song nodded in admiration. If it were him, he might be discouraged when the islanders say no more. That's why he never participates in negotiations.

Here lies the ability. In more than a year, no matter how great Zhao Song's progress is, there will be no earth-shattering changes. Compared with these old foxes, he is just a green boy, not to mention that he is now He's just a young boy.

So the leader talked to him about national policies, he talked about semiconductors, talked about the economic situation with him, he talked about semiconductors, and talked about private enterprises, and he said he still talked about semiconductors.

Besides semiconductors, what else can he say?

Do one thing well, you can eat it for a lifetime. He is now putting all his energy into this, not seeking to eat for a lifetime, but only seeking to get a share of the huge industrial chain!

In terms of policy and economy, he is a keyboard warrior! What do you say, advocating a free economic system? I don’t know that the group of entrepreneurs and economists who are talking about this now have discovered that the intellectual property rights in the hands of all high-tech companies in the United States have never been just owned by companies. They have always been in the hands of the American government and congressional politicians. Would it hurt to wave a sharp weapon at another country, your face?

Do you mean green mountains and green waters? Needless to say, Zhao Song, now it is a mountain of gold and silver, and the common people take the lead in collecting it, just like Zhao Song’s Tesla, some small saplings in the mountainous area of ​​Yunmi County, Beijing, almost wiped them out—Tesla Industrial Park It is already full of gold and silver.

As for how Shenzhou and Tesla were tossed to such an extent-it doesn't matter which reborn person has money. Standing on the current big wind, everything is far-sighted! The rest depends on how much you know!

"Uncle Li, tell the president's office, if there is any urgent matter in the future, I will make a big plane like a 747!"

If I have money, I have to be hypocritical!


Six hours later, when a Boeing 737 began to circle over Beihai Fucheng Airport.

Capital International Airport.

A girl walked out of the station slowly.

A head of black medium-length hair, casually draped over the shoulders, moderate slanted bangs just across the eyelids, long eyelashes blinking, watery eyes seem to be talking, a small nose of moderate height , pink face, moist lips make people want to take a bite.

Elegant yet strong, quiet yet aura, quiet, back.

"Dad!" Seeing the cultural boss, this domineering girl rushed forward and jumped into the arms of her father whom she hadn't seen for a long time. The treatment she had never received made the corner of the cultural boss's mouth almost go to the sky.

Stretching her head out of her father's arms, Wen Jing asked the young woman beside her, "Auntie, boy or girl?"

"Boy!" The young woman looked at Wen Jing, as if the joy in her eyes was overflowing, she grabbed the young girl's hand, "Xiao Jing, come and touch, I know that my sister is coming back soon, the little guy has been dishonest!"

"Hmm~" Wen Jing smiled and touched for a while, then walked towards the airport gate with the cultural boss in one hand and the stepmother in the other.

"Let's go home!"

"Okay, go home!"

"Dad, where is Zhao Song?"

"..." The cultural tycoon hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly, "It seems that he went to Beihai to treat someone to dinner."

"What?" Wen Jing stopped and looked at her father in disbelief. The richest man still needs to travel so far to invite someone to dinner?


The same pick-up scene also appeared in Beihai Fucheng Airport.


A man who had just passed thirty came forward and greeted Zhao Song respectfully.

In some international companies, the president and CEO are the same person, and most of the time there are two people. In terms of power, the president is smaller than the CEO. But in Shenzhou, I don't know whether those shareholders are intentional or unintentional. The president, CEO, and chairman of Shenzhou are all Zhao Song!

And Li Bowei's position as general manager, according to the international name, should be COO (Chief Operating Officer).

"General manager!"

"Cheng Yanghui, how are you?" Zhao Song was not polite, and directly asked the question he cared about.

Cheng Yanghui, once the head of Pengcheng in Beihai, is now the head of Shenzhou Xiguang Branch.

"Chairman, according to your request, I communicated with the director general, the person in charge of Beihai Telecom, and ZTE, and said that you have arrived, and I will invite everyone to dinner tonight!"

Signaling a buddy to lead the way, Cheng Yanghui, Zhao Song and the others talked as they walked.

"The location is the best restaurant here. Their chef and I have already listed the menu. Please have the chairman check it out."

Zhao Song took the A4 paper that Cheng Yanghui handed over, and looked at the densely packed dish names on it, his eyes straightened instantly.

This is Xiguang!

"Here..." Swallowing, Zhao Song asked hesitantly, "Didn't you protect the animals?"

Handing another one to Li Bowei, Cheng Yanghui smiled and said, "Chairman, don't worry, none of them are on the list!"

Zhao Song couldn't rest assured, he was sure that some items on the menu were not there now, but they would definitely be there in the future. He looked at Li Bowei with a questioning look.

"Yes!" Li Bowei returned the paper to Cheng Yanghui calmly, and then smiled at Zhao Song: "President, your banquet standard is ten times that of this meal, so feel free to eat."

"Ten times?" Zhao Song looked at the determined Li Bowei and nodded, "Okay then, when you go back to the capital, Uncle Li, you will give me a whole meal, and I will also taste the taste of ten times the dinner! No alcohol is allowed! "



In the evening, in a luxury private room of a star hotel in Beihai.

ZTE Zhu Wei chatted and laughed happily, making the banquet lively and popular.

There is no PHS, no base station, no business, and everyone chats all over the world, just like a group of friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

He told a little joke again. After drinking a glass of white wine, Zhu Wei took a look at the chief bureau chief and the regional telecommunications director who were sitting at the two guest-of-honor seats with red faces. He knew that this order was secure!

The richest man spanned more than half of the flower growers, and he didn't tell the local big boss, the second boss, that he specially invited these two people to have a meal. No matter how young that kid is, this face...


"Now that all the elders have told you, I will also tell you two jokes!"

After drinking for three rounds, the climax began to slowly enter the end, and Zhao Song suddenly spoke.

"From Mr. Zhu's introduction, the director general and the person in charge of Ou are both technical officials, so they must have a deep understanding of the disadvantages of Starcom's small base stations and multi-channel and multi-switching at the same location. Today, I will talk about two things about Hangzhou Starcom. Kang's joke!"

It is the right of young people to make mistakes! I am young, as long as I am not stupid!

Zhao Song knew that today's two jokes would be spread across the country in the shortest possible time following the banquet. Although it was not as powerful as Grandpa Bi's meal, it was not much worse!

In the private room where the smell of needles could be heard, Zhao Song saw everyone shocked by his inappropriate words, Zhao Song smiled and said:

"The first joke is that in Hangzhou, a user of UT Starcom took out his PHS to make a call, affectionately, he first yelled "Hello", but the other party didn't hear him. Then he yelled "Hello! ", the other party still didn't hear. Very angry, hung up the phone, and cursed, "Fuck! ".

UT Starcom's PHS is "Hey Hey Fuck". "

"Pfft~" At the dinner table, a beautiful woman who was in charge of warming up couldn't help laughing. The embarrassment at the burning wine table was resolved a lot. ,

"The second joke." The beauty Zhao Songchao nodded, and then said: "It is said that there is a female reporter from CCTV who went to the rural areas of Hangzhou to interview and investigate, and wanted to know what kind of good amateur life there is in the new rural areas. The reporter saw a An old man was plowing in the field, so he went over and asked, "Grandpa, what do you usually do in spare time?" The old man didn't understand, so he asked what "spare time activities" are. The reporter talked for a long time, but the old man didn't understand In a hurry, the guide asked: "Master, what are you doing after dark? ". Now the uncle understood, and said: "Why didn't you say it earlier, isn't it just "C"!" "The reporter blushed and was very embarrassed. He didn't achieve the goal, and the guide asked: "Then what do you guys do after C?". The uncle thought for a while and said: "Relax and C again. ".



Amidst the unbridled laughter, Zhao Song solemnly handed over a bronzing business card to the director general and the person in charge of telecommunications, with his various titles written on it, as for the pretentious business card with only one phone number , he'd better wait until he's older.

"Director, Mr. Ou, this is my private call.

In terms of Starcom's main services, I will guarantee ZTE! If you have any questions, if ZTE does not respond within three days, you can call me, and I will personally come to serve Beihai! "

"Crack~" The cup shattered.

"Boom~" The seat is in the end.

In everyone's shocked eyes.

ZTE PHS's first commercial game, won!


UT Starcom, you bite me!

There are many channels and many switches, so the PHS of the Starcom base station is intermittent.

ZTE and Lucent use large base stations with less switching. As long as there is no buzzing, the call quality is guaranteed.

The reason why PHS is called "Hey Hey Fuck" is because Starcom occupied more than 65% of the market in the early stage. Small base stations have many channels and many handovers at the same location, but they are low in cost and cheap to sell.

Two in one today.

It should be clearer. The second half of this volume does get a bit...sorry.

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