Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 381 The richest man travels.

As night fell, the crowd outside the Xidan Tesla door gradually dispersed. The window of the flagship store has been fenced. The workers of Mingzhu are cleaning up the glass residue. After a few hours, a new piece of glass will be installed. Why is it so quick? Because of the money!

Yangyin girl Jiao Ning, accompanied by Xiao Yu and the four-eyed Demu Benben, gradually showed a smiling face, which made Zhao Song, who was observing her, breathe a sigh of relief.

What he regrets the most is letting this girl watch the surveillance video just now. Although nothing happened, the psychological fear has a far-reaching impact. If she doesn't guide her, that kind of near-death scene will always appear in her mind!

At this time, Shenzhou Li Bowei came over with a piece of paper, "Chairman, I have already found out. In the case of Long Xiaoxiao, the person who reported the case was Zheng Lan, the sales director of Huashi PC Business Group. She concealed the truth about the replacement test." The person in charge of the cpu's behavior is the lawyers of the Consumers Association's lawyer team!"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Song looked at Li Bowei in surprise, "A lawyer from the Consumers Association is on the side of the enterprise?"

Li Bowei also felt the absurdity, and continued: "He is still the head of the legal team. In addition, Huashi's public relations are very good. While using corporate resources, he warned the media not to participate in the report of this incident."

"Let them do it?"

Li Bowei smiled wryly: "The theme of development now is economic construction. I'm afraid that these capitals will say that our investment environment is not good. This matter must be suppressed first, and then slowly resolved."

Zhao Song nodded slowly, took the information from Li Bowei, read it carefully, and then called the phone number above.

"Hello, I'm Long Xiaoxiao's friend, my name is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the opposite party, "You just need to communicate with our company's legal department, this matter is out of my control."

Zhao Song said in a choked voice: "But you reported the case. Long Xiaoxiao will graduate soon. Do you know how much this has affected her? You also have children..."



In a private room of the hotel, Zheng Lan hung up the phone roughly.

"What's wrong?" asked Shi Tong next to him.

Zheng Lan said indifferently: "The friend of the girl who came to the company to blackmail, don't worry about him."

Shi Tong nodded, stood up, and said to the person in charge: "Thank you, Lawyer Zhou, this cup is toast to you!"

"Boss Shi is too polite."

In the midst of toasting, no one cared about Long Xiaoxiao who was crying with his arms around his legs in a certain four walls.


Zhao Song closed the phone, turned to Ding Tao and asked, "How much is Huashi's publicity fee this year?"

"150 million!" Ding Tao replied without hesitation.

Zhao Song nodded, and after thinking for a while, he stood up.

Li Bowei and Ding Tao couldn't help cheering up and looked at him intently.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Shenzhou to start work, and I will get the invitation letter for the recent entrepreneur meeting organized by the government."

Li Bowei received it immediately: "It will be tomorrow afternoon. The high-tech entrepreneur symposium organized by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission was originally scheduled to be attended by me."

"I'll go!" Zhao Song ordered categorically, "Also, Shenzhou and Tesla will announce this year's publicity fee tomorrow, if my words are blocked by some media in the next few days, the advertising contract will be canceled immediately! "

"Understood!" Li Bowei and Ding Tao agreed with one voice.

"Let's take the overall situation into consideration, treat people wrongly, treat people wrongly, and the company. During the whole process, don't mention the name of a certain company!"

Li Bowei's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

"Also, ask the Shenzhou Secretariat to prepare a complete resume for me."

Li Bowei and Ding Tao asked in surprise, "Resume?"

"Yes!" Zhao Song nodded, "I don't believe that the public opinion this time is only fanned by Wanwan Enterprises. Since the shareholders of Shenzhou are not strong enough, I will find another family!"

This was something he had planned a long time ago, and it happened to be said at this time, which saved a lot of trouble of explaining!

"Didn't you say that Tesla is young? You said that Shenzhou can only hype, and you can't hold back a product for a long time; you say that microelectronics is so successful, and you don't make any progress; you say that the player's country is greedy for speed and greed, and its quality is flawed!

Then I will let them see what is reckless and radical, what is youthful vitality. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Song took a deep breath, "This time, we will not only clean up those wicked people who smoke! We will also calm Tesla's public opinion, and by the way, complete the launch of Shenzhou Technology's first-generation PC !"


In 2001, affected by the bursting of the Internet bubble, the global semiconductor landslide occurred a very abnormal phenomenon that no authoritative person in the world expected. The price of integrated circuits in the world dropped very low, so low that it was completely unimaginable. degree.

South Korea's Four Star and Hyundai, in the field of DRAM, are desperately lowering the price, the purpose is to pay the interest of the bank, and they don't care how much they lose. With the support of the whole country, they are not in any hurry to repay the loan principal, and are frantically engaged in counter-cyclical business warfare!

In April, when the semi-conductor industry of Wanwan and Huahuajia was in distress, and during the embarrassing time when Tesla Microelectronics had no results, Zhao Song doubted his luck for the first time—except for being tricked by two women, he always felt My luck is pretty good.

This time, countless bad things came together, and in order to complete his plan, he had to use his status as the richest man that he had been evading all along!

April 17, at nine o'clock in the morning.

People in Zhongguancun are still walking like ants, and cars are rushing like a tide. I don't know whether it is because there are too many people in the cars or the weather is getting hotter. The air is full of dryness and heat.

In the scorching heat, more and more people gathered at a certain roadside newspaper kiosk on Zhongguancun Street. Everyone was holding various newspapers in their hands and read them intently.

"The "Beijing High-tech Entrepreneur Symposium" organized by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission was held yesterday in the Beijing Convention Center. The atmosphere of the symposium was relaxed and warm, and the harmonious communication between government leaders and entrepreneurs enabled the government to better understand the needs of enterprises. It provides first-hand information for strengthening the government's service functions and regulation, and lays a good foundation for the development of high-tech industries in our city.

Among the entrepreneurs present, Zhao Song, the richest man, attended the event for the first time as the chairman of Shenzhou Technology and the owner of Tesla. "

"Important, Zhao Song, the richest man who grows flowers, asked the Beijing Consumers Association in an interview after the meeting: Why would the lawyers of the association stand on the side of the enterprise in an ordinary process of quality rights protection?"

"Yesterday evening, 7 state-owned and private enterprises announced the termination of the contract with xx Law Firm. At the same time, professors from Zhonghua University of Political Science and Law and 24 professional lawyers reported to the Lawyers Association in real name that a certain lawyer violated lawyers' professional ethics and practice. Disciplinary norms, expect to be punished!"

"Zhao Song turned into Zhao Dapao, and bombarded the employees of a certain company without naming them. Zhao Song said that he is a compatriot in the mainland of the motherland, and also a consumer on which the company depends for its survival. , With such employees, everyone will think that rock solidity is just the heart of this company, not the quality."

"Zhao Song suggested that some industry professionals who take advantage of the lack and incompleteness of the relevant laws of florists, despise the laws of florists, even play with the judiciary, and use the power of the national legal system to attack and sanction consumers should be punished. Give the whole industry a ban."


Tesla's total capital: 1 billion 10 million.

Chip progress: 99.9%


PS: Written in the back, all behaviors that flout Chinese laws and regulations, take advantage of loopholes, harm consumers and ordinary people, and never apologize will be severely punished! It's not that the time has not come! In this sentence, there is no problem with the center, right?

Tesla is serious about making products, and the hotel housekeeper Xu Xinfei is still running around the country working hard to be an after-sales service center. It’s a positive story. Why did you receive……!

I deleted every word, hesitated, and asked the accountability editor again and again on Mondays. If it doesn't work, I'll change it completely.

PS word count is free.

Thank you book friends for rewarding and recommending. Thanks.

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