Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 383 Meeting a Top VIP on the Road

Zhao Song enjoyed the news of the past two days!

It's cool, not the words of praise for the richest man, but what he said, many of which were published in various media periodicals without deletion or modification.

This refreshing feeling is simply indescribable for a person who comes from a world full of "keyboard warriors".

In the world of "keyboard warrior".

Those traffic stars, no matter how many fans they have, can be hacked.

For those best-selling authors, no matter how well the book sells, they can be hacked.

Even if a singer sings a wrong sentence at a concert, she can be black.

A stand-up show actor, who speaks embarrassingly without any humor, can also be black.

They are very similar to cold-blooded killers, both like to kill indiscriminately.

But the killer still has his own conscience and principles: But in fact, the "Keyboard Man" also has strict bottom lines and restricted areas, and there is an invisible "Keyboard Man Management Committee".

The existence of this "management committee" tells some "keyboard warriors": some people really can't be hated.

Those who have made outstanding contributions to the country and the people cannot be hated, and innocent women and children cannot be killed.

If someone gets angry for no reason, what awaits him is overwhelming cyber violence.

And Zhao Song, who used to be a member of the keyboard man management committee, this time, using his status as the richest man, he completed the violence of media public opinion alone.

But he knows that he only has this chance to be self-willed. Once, it can be said that he is young and immature. If he does it again, he will be suspected of his structure and position.


Zhongguancun Police Station.

Long Xiaoxiao, with disheveled hair, walked out of the door in a mess. When she saw her parents waiting anxiously outside the door, she couldn't stop crying.

"Dad! Mom!"


"Mom and Dad, they..." Long Xiaoxiao said more and more choked up, "They bully people!"

Long Xiaoxiao, who grew up in rich clothes and fine food, his father is a civil servant, and his mother is a small factory businessman. He has some strength in the local area, but it is really not enough to come to the root of the imperial city.

"Xiaoxiao, don't cry!" Father Long tightly hugged his favorite jewel since he was a child, and said in a ruthless voice: "When your friend finishes handling your affairs, Dad will find a lawyer to sue the person who framed you!"

At this time, Fu Jian, who was waiting at the side, walked over and said with a smile: "Mr. Long, since Xiaoxiao has come out, we will go back."

Father Long nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Lawyer Fu, and please thank Mr. Zhao Song on my behalf."

Lawyer Fu smiled lightly, and pointed to Li Linna beside him: "Mr. Long, let's talk to Miss Linna."

Long Xiaoxiao wiped away her tears, stepped forward and hugged Li Linna, "Thank you, sister Linna!"

Li Linna helped the embarrassed roommate to untie her hair, and said with a smile, "Thank you, it's good that you're fine."

Long Xiaoxiao held her arm tightly, and then asked, "Sister Linna, is Senior Hanfu coming out too?"

Li Linna shook her head and said, "The matter of them instigating you to quote 5 million dollars has not been resolved, and it will not come out for a while."

Long Xiaoxiao raised her head, her dull face made her look ten years older, she asked in surprise: "Is this not over yet?"

"Of course!" Li Linna took Long Xiaoxiao's hand and brought her to Long's father and mother, "Zhao Song said, everyone should be responsible for what they do! Xiaoxiao, you should be with your uncle and aunt first." Rest in the hotel for a few days, wait for Zhao Song to get the complete chain of evidence, remove your stain from the file, and report to the school."

Long Ma took Long Xiaoxiao's hand and said gratefully to Li Linna: "Miss Li, you have really worked hard. If you and Mr. Zhao Song are free, I hope I can treat you to a light meal."

Li Linna shook her head politely, "Auntie, Xiaoxiao's business is the most important thing right now. Let's talk about eating after her business is over. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Father Long and Mother Long nodded repeatedly.

Li Linna smiled, and finally said to Long Xiaoxiao: "Don't play tricks on you in the future!"

"Well!" Long Xiaoxiao nodded heavily in agreement, and then couldn't help asking: "Where is Zhao Song?"

Li Linna glanced at her with bright eyes, and said with a smile, "I'll find other evidence for you!"

After speaking, he walked towards the waiting Mercedes-Benz.

Looking at Li Linna's beautiful back, Father Long put his arms around Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and sighed: "Xiaoxiao, Zhao Song, as the richest man, appeared in the media for the first time, just to speak for you, we owe you a lot!"

"Yeah!" Long Xiaoxiao agreed, tears could no longer be stopped, streaming down!


Zhongguancun Street is still so lively.

There was a rare queue at the newsstand, the third-rate tabloids were out of stock, and more and more people were interested in the gossip about the richest man.

Tourists and hawkers are also nervously busy. There are cantaloupe sellers, all of them are dressed like people from New Province. I don’t know if it’s because they cut the cantaloupe into pieces, peeled them and put them on a tricycle with bamboo sticks. They are fresh and juicy, with an attractive aroma; For grilled sausages, fry the sausages in an oil pan until the meat is fragrant; some sell boiled eggs, with a fragrance of tea leaves.

In the hustle and bustle, two Mercedes-Benz cars slowly turned into the ground parking lot under the command of the security guards of the Seabird Building.

"Bang bang~"

After the sound of opening and closing the car door, Zhao Song looked up at the signboard of Hainiao Building, his face was expressionless, but his rolling eyes revealed the fluctuations in his heart.

In his previous life, he was here as a computer builder, he could memorize the technical parameters of every computer accessory, and he treated every customer with enthusiasm and sincerity. At that time, it might be his brightest moment. Unfortunately, everything All ruined by the damn "6000" points!

"Damn florist stock market!"

He cursed fiercely in his heart, and then, surrounded by a group of people, walked into the Seabird Building.


Compared with the time when it first opened, Hainiao is a bit deserted. Obviously, the Zhonghai Electronics Mall, which has been renovated and turned into a new landmark, has diverted a lot.

Zhao Song didn't make a straight ladder, but sat on the escalator to go up from floor to floor under the crowd's onlookers.

Today, he in a suit and leather shoes completely fits the image in the photos in the newspaper, making people recognize the richest man in the news in the past two days at a glance.

Sitting on the escalator, casually browsing the scene in Hainiao Mall, all kinds of Wanwan series board card advertisements and Tesla's interlaced hanging in the air, loudly yelling discount promotion information, from time to time, Wanwan series appeared in the mouth of the buddy. and Tesla's name. Of course, more are the names of Wanwan series and cheap and affordable Shenzhou memory. After all, Tesla’s motherboard is positioned as a high-end, not in the mainstream price range.

When he came to the third floor, Zhao Song suddenly stopped and strode towards the big counter opposite the escalator.

There, a dignified and elegant woman was looking at a main box with a worried look on the face of the installer.

"This lady!" Zhao Song came to her with a smile, and glanced at her neck. There was a silk scarf that was only given in the T1 package of 28888. She was the top Tesla VIP customer.

"I'm Tesla Zhao Song, I don't know what I can do for you."

The elegant woman's eyes lit up when she saw him, she obviously recognized his identity, and said with a sweet smile, "Hi, I'm saving a machine for my niece, and my budget is limited."

One sentence explained the reason for not going to Zhonghai Tesla. Zhao Song nodded, looked at the Tesla E-ATX motherboard in the host, and asked gently: "What's the problem now."

The woman said helplessly: "Because I want to see through the case, I wanted to use a red Tesla motherboard and Shenzhou memory, but it didn't turn on!"

Zhao Song understood, glanced at the clerk at the Yicheng counter, saw his tangled appearance, lowered his head helplessly to think about it, and then pointed to the bodyguard behind him holding a camera and asked, "Ma'am, do you mind taking a video?"

The woman shook her head slightly, and said with a smile, "It's fine if you don't look at your face!"

Zhao Song nodded, gestured to the bodyguards, then took off Zegna's suit, put down the main unit, and took off the side cover. His skillful movements made the crowd stunned.

"May I ask your name?"


"Ms. Xi, the E-ATX motherboard of the gamer country was launched at the end of the life of the 815 chipset, so when the new technology is about to be launched, we have made special adjustments to it in order to ensure the interests of every gamer country customer. You can see it on the official website and in the manual..."

Seeing the confused expression on the woman's face, Zhao Song stopped talking technical words, touched the anti-static metal on the counter, and removed a tiny jumper from among the complicated jumpers on the motherboard, and then replaced it with another one. The jumper end is plugged in.

Raising his head, Zhao Song explained to the woman with a smile: "The original intention of the establishment of the player country is to create a high-end brand for overclocking madmen and game fanatics, and more to demonstrate the strength of the company. So for every customer to be fully To experience the current masterpiece of the game, when it leaves the factory, it has been slightly overclocked!"

Having said that, Zhao Song straightened the case and gently pressed it on the boot mount.

With a sound of "beep~", the computer started up, and that beautiful eye appeared in front of everyone on the monitor.

"Republic of Gamers is a brand owned by Tesla. The rumors in the market have no effect on us, because we pay more attention to providing the ultimate experience for every user. This eye is 'G', and its full name is Republic of Gamers, translated into Chinese, is the Republic of Gamers! Ms. Xi, you are a top Tesla customer, and today, I will make an exception for you."

Having said that, Zhao Song put on his suit and solemnly said to the woman: "Now, it is compatible with any memory!"

There are two chapters today, and two books will be recommended in a single chapter later.

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