"Tesla only makes the best products."

In the Xinzhonghai Electronics Market, Liao Yingzhu closed the door of Zhao Song's office and said to Sister DaDa.

In the market, there are people coming and going, Sister Da Da, who is smiling sweetly, is wearing a light-colored business attire, like a bud among lilies, so dignified and beautiful. Let countless shops, guys, and customers look straight.

What's more, she is under the foil of the clown girl Liao Yingzhu at this time.

With her hands behind her back, Sister Da Da leisurely followed Liao Yingzhu, walking step by step towards the gate of Zhonghai, she had no intention of helping Liao Yingzhu share the thick folder in her hand.

Liao Yingzhu pursed her lips, not caring that the eyes of her surroundings were all focused on this young woman, and earnestly fulfilled her duty of introducing Tesla to Sister DaDa.

"In addition to cooperating with universities and research institutes, Tesla's four project teams are also responsible for R\u0026D and training talents!"

Seeing that Sister Dada was listening seriously, Liao Yingzhu smiled, and when she walked out of Zhong Hai, she approached Sister Dada and lowered her voice.

"Tesla has four project teams, with 213 R\u0026D personnel; Tesla Microelectronics, with 353 people."

Hearing this, Sister Dada looked at Liao Yingzhu dumbfounded, and asked in surprise: "Why are there so many people?"

"That's nothing?" Liao Yingzhu chuckled, "After the graduation season, this number will double, because I didn't count the interns just now."

Shocked and speechless, Sister Da Da nodded after a long time, signaling Liao Yingzhu to continue.

"Zhao Song once said to us: Tesla and Tesla Microelectronics, the only thing we need to do now is to calm down, stick to it, accumulate, and settle.

Innovation and shortcuts are done by him! "

Speaking of this, Liao Yingzhu took a look at Sister Dada, opened the door of the Mercedes-Benz parked on the side of the road, and sat in the passenger seat habitually after Sister Dada got in.

"We are all very happy that you can come. The public affairs department you took over is equivalent to reducing most of his burden."

Sister Da Da showed an expression of approval, which made Liao Yingzhu, who turned back to talk, roll her eyes in her heart.

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

Liao Yingzhu nodded, glanced at Ermao in the driver's seat, and said solemnly: "Haier without Zhang Ruimin is not a complete Haier; TCL without Li Dongsheng is the same!

If there is no Zhao Song one day, Tesla is still Tesla, that is when it accepts investment. "

Sister Da Da's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "Is it going public?"

Liao Yingzhu nodded generously.

"Listed! Listed in the United States, Tesla's products are all high-tech and high-profit products. If you want to sell them all over the world, how can you not give some sweetness to those capitalists!"

Sister Da Da held back the shock in her heart. For more than a year, Zhao Song has guarded Tesla like a greedy miser, and has rejected countless investments and acquisitions. When she thought it would continue like this, Liao Yingzhu told her that Tesla would go public!

Zhao Song has never been stingy with his own people. Thinking of those executives whom he had interviewed, Sister Da Da suddenly became fascinated. By then... how many billionaires and wealth myths will be born?

The little hands that kept shaking interrupted Sister Dada's wild thoughts, Liao Yingzhu blinked her eyes and looked at Sister Dada, and said with a smile: "It's early!"


Hearing these three words, Sister Dada couldn't help laughing, yes, it's early, and there is no Tesla for Zhao Song now, is it still Tesla?


Half an hour later, in Wutong Building, Zhao Song, who sent long-legged Li Linna back to school, had been waiting here for a long time.

"The big boss greeted me personally, I'm flattered~"

Sister DaDa who got out of the car made a joke.

Zhao Song was astonished. After Sister Da Da sold Jiaming Trading, her brother-in-law's position has become a full-time job. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future is bright.

The person in front of him, in addition to his own ability and his own teacher status, is wearing an extra layer of halo.

After receiving the information from Liao Yingzhu, Zhao Song cheerfully asked Sister Dada, "What has brother-in-law been up to these two days?"

Sister Da Da gave him a blank look, knowing that he meant something, and nothing more than making a small report of Tesla's plan to throw the table at Suzhou.

"Speak the truth."

"Uh~" Zhao Song shook his head with a wry smile. Women, especially beautiful women, seem to be unreasonable as their natural privilege, so let's not talk about it!

Let's get down to business then.

"This is Wanhean." Zhao Song pointed to the big man beside him and introduced: "In addition to being the administrative steward of microelectronics, his main responsibility is to be Tesla's chief knowledge officer, responsible for the overall integration and innovation of major project teams. .

In the future, you can communicate with him about whether Tesla’s products and technologies are sensitive or not in the promotion of major media. "

Sister Da Da nodded and greeted Wan Hean politely.

She knew that from this moment on, she officially joined the core team of her former students, all because she liked the word 'T'; and because she wanted to see how much noise her students could make.

"This is the seventh floor."

Five minutes later, Zhao Song looked at the busy researchers inside through the glass, and introduced to Sister Dada: "The newly leased thirteenth floor has been put into use, and the Spreadtrum team is on it."

"Oh?" Sister Dada asked with great interest: "Do you make mobile phone CPU?"

"SOC to be exact!" Zhao Song shook his head and continued, "But not now."

not now? Sister Da Da looked at Zhao Song in surprise.

The cheerful look on Zhao Song's face was gone at this time, and he pointed to the research hall seriously.

"Sister, I once said that I hope that everything in a PC can be made by myself!

Although it is unrealistic, we can do something more realistic - import substitution! "

Sister Da Da listened intently.

"We can't learn the high-lean manufacturing of the island country for the time being, and the United States can't afford to mess with it, so we can only use it as a referee.

8 inches, 0.35 micron process, is the technology and equipment that the West can allow our country to have. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Song paused for a moment, because he knew that next year, Dr. Zhang Rujing would increase this figure to 12 inches, 0.15.

The corridor was very quiet, only Zhao Song's words echoed.

"On the basis of this technology, Wanwan is our biggest competitor. We will do import substitution, develop PIN-to-PIN chip products (note) from Wanwan semiconductor manufacturers, and integrate them in Shenzhou to sell low-priced products, forming a virtuous circle. , so as to achieve self-reliance, cultivate talents, and accumulate technology!"

"But..." Sister DaDa is not a novice who doesn't know anything, "They have Bay Electric."

"We have Huahong!"

A bright smile appeared on Zhao Song's face.

"Whether Tesla Microelectronics has just released or is still developing, all of them are 0.35 process. Sister, combined with Huahong's production process, we still have 20-30% profit margins. Compared with their imported chips, in the In the price war, we are not afraid of them!"

Sister Da Da understood completely.

"The key lies in Shenzhou!"

"That's right!" Zhao Song nodded in agreement, "It's impossible for Tesla's products to use low-end chips. The weird Shenzhou is the most important thing. Sister, Shenzhou's funds are all used on factories and equipment, and the advertising budget is pitifully small. Therefore, Tesla’s next announcement will focus on highlighting my name, Zhao Song represents Tesla, and Zhao Song also represents Shenzhou!”

Sister Da Da tilted her head and looked at Zhao Song with beautiful eyes.

"This is why you founded Shenzhou."

"No!" Zhao Song shook his head hastily, and hurriedly explained: "Current events forced it, and it was a coincidence!"



Pin to pin means that the functions and pins of two different types of chips are fully compatible, and can directly replace the original chip without changing the circuit.

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