Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 399: CIH Strikes

The benefits of the richest man, Zhao Song, are gradually appearing. Zheng Nan’s compromise is only one of them. In the past two days, the sales of Huashi boards have fallen off a cliff. From high-end Tesla, MSI and Gigabyte are also good choices.

As for what Shi Xuebin did not expect, no matter how much effort he puts in and how little he greets him, once the popularity of the Long Xiaoxiao incident shows a tendency to subside, a certain media will immediately publish Zhao Song’s interview , As for the content, it is nothing more than a ridicule of what he once said.

Even the government officials he knew well could do nothing about it. You threw the best friend of the richest man’s girlfriend in there for three days without even an apology. Facing the young richest man who dared to flip the table at any time, no one wanted to make a fuss.

But Shi Xuebin knew that Zhao Song was not the one who was so young and angry as rumored by the outside world. In this matter, whether he apologized or not, the result is the same, because Huashi became the leader of the world's advanced integrated circuit company. Bird, no matter what Zhao Songhe plans, Huashi is his stumbling block!


When the time spanned the early hours of April 26, almost all Tesla hosts re-entered April 25.

Despite countless warnings and reports in the media, starting from the middle of the night and the early hours of the morning, the customer service calls of major antivirus companies have been blasted one after another.

At 6:30 in the morning, the smoky Xiagou Village.

After Zhao Song forcibly fed Lian Shun several expensive nutritious foods, he threw a small piece of ham into its mouth, put the four-eyed Bumblebee beside it, and then walked out of the village with Xiao Yu.

When passing the guard booth, Zhao Song greeted loudly: "Uncle Lu, let's go."

"Zhao Song." Uncle Lu, who was holding a newspaper, walked out of the guard booth, shook the newspaper, and asked with concern: "Zhao Song, the newspaper is full of interviews with you, so you are a Taiwanese entrepreneur, are you okay? "

Zhao Song understood Uncle Lu's meaning, and shook his head cheerfully: "Uncle, don't worry, some people want me to vent their anger on everyone."

"That's good!" Uncle Lu nodded, relieved, but still reminded: "Zhao Song, we shouldn't be the first bird."



Ten minutes later, I was in a Mercedes-Benz on Xiaohe West Road.

Ermao cursed and stepped on the brakes, complaining indistinctly.

"Zhao Song, there have been more and more A8s on this road in the past two days, and they always like to add us."

"Then let them join!"

Zhao Song knew that the A8 that Ermao was talking about was not the Audi A8, but the license plate number. After it was released, the Beijing A8 was worthless, and even some small Changan cars could have a Beijing A89 license plate.

But at this time, A8 is matched with Audi, whether you know it or not, you must stay away from him!

The people there are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are a lot of good people. There is a story behind any brand. If Beijing AG6 has a royal orthodox style, Beijing A8 has a little quackery on it. breath. Behind these brands are the dignitaries who walk in the study room, the wealthy businessmen who are powerful in various industries, the yamen with their nostrils up to the sky, and the gentle and elegant noble gentlemen.

Zhao Song could also do it, but he was too lazy to do it, so he only used Beijing C, the best civilian license plate, with a tail number of 222. Everyone in the capital knew that the second-best Mercedes was the car of the richest man.

In fact, there is no way not to let it go. Ermao who drives the bus is no match for the professional drivers in those cars. Zhao Song has never seen these cars drive slowly.

"Ermao, last year Audi released the A8 W12 model, go and see if there is one on the market, buy one. M's Tiantian super my car, the richest man don't want to lose face!"

Finding the grimace of Da Da's little overlord in the rear window of the Audi in front, Zhao Song ordered angrily, can I change to a car that no one knows?



As soon as Ermao said yes, Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhao Song turned his head and looked at the lovely Xiao Yu seriously, until the smile on her face disappeared, and then asked seriously: "Still smiling, are you sure about the high school entrance examination?"

Xiao Yu shook her head and nodded again, and then gestured wildly.

"How much score did you score in the mock exam math?"

Xiao Yu stretched out her hands proudly.

"37 points?" It's a full 30 points higher than when you first entered the school, but what's the use? Zhao Song looked at Xiao Yu with a headache. Fortunately, it was 2001. In the era when all computer seats were allocated, he could only throw Xiao Yu to Shunyi International School.

Seeing Xiaoyu's cautious look, and remembering the light in her room that was on every night, Zhao Song hurriedly changed the subject.

"What's new in school recently?"

"Everyone is talking about the movie version of Crayon Shin-chan, but I don't understand." Xiao Yu looked at Zhao Song and asked eagerly, "Brother, can you take me to see it when you have time?"

"Don't watch it!" Zhao Song quickly shook his head: "What's so good about a movie about a five-year-old hooligan lifting up his skirt?"

"Hmph~" Xiao Yu's face was full of unwillingness.

Zhao Song asked as if he didn't see it, "What else is there?"

Xiaoyu thought for a while: "In addition to talking about you and Tesla, it's about the collision of planes in the South China Sea and the hacker war between China and the United States, but it's all boys discussing. Brother, why can they come to our house and hit our plane at will!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's question, Zhao Song was silent for a long time, then rubbed her head and said, "Because we are still very weak! Xiao Yu, let's remember the pilot's name together, and try to call him home every April 1st." !"

"En!" Xiao Yu nodded seriously.

There is no need to go into who hit who, but that lunatic named Wang Wei made the American electronic reconnaissance plane EP-3E make an emergency landing on Hainan Island. As it happens, the crew of this EP-3E was not trained in emergency destruction. …

Thinking of this, Zhao Song quickly shook his head. This is not something he should worry about. Looking at the gate of Huaqing High School getting closer, Zhao Song finally confessed: "Xiao Yu, I tried to pass the math in the high school entrance examination. The score should be better. Only then do I have the confidence to let you go to the high school of Huaqing High School...... Are you right?"

Xiaoyu thought for a while, then reluctantly nodded, and then seemed to think of something: "Brother, everyone is still talking about the CIH virus, will it affect Tesla?"

"Yes!" Zhao Song smiled, and said cheerfully, "It's very influential!"



Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

The bunk and the guys who had already started to get busy put down their work at this time, and looked curiously at the west gate... a row of long legs.

Looking at the customer service team in front of him, Chaozi said seriously: "The CIH virus will not cause damage to the bios of the Tesla motherboard, but it destroys all the data on the hard drive far more seriously than destroying the BIOS-this is the case for every CIH infected Virus users are unavoidable.

Before nine o’clock, you must arrive at the designated major client and explain to them the seriousness of the situation. Before Li Yu or other antivirus companies make this CIH variant virus killing tool, don’t let them modify the system time, understand? ? "


"Set off!"

Work reasons, one chapter today, three chapters owed.

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