Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 419 Advertisement Influence (Part 2)


Zhao Song was silent.

"Okay! Let's get down to business!"

Xu Liangying sat upright, and said solemnly: "Zhao Song, Wu Ming's mobile phone casing has already established a market in the northern mobile phone supply chain. According to the agreement, we should go to the mobile phone manufacturing center - Guancheng, Guangdong Province!"


For the majority of male compatriots in the future, its nightclubs and KTV are more famous.

Zhao Song has never been there. For him, Yanjiao Town, Sanhe City, Beihe Province, which is next to the capital, is more cost-effective.

Of course, he hasn't been there either!

Because there is no money!

Now that he is rich and famous, he is even more afraid to go.


Guancheng, one of the largest manufacturing bases in the world in the future, Xu Liangying chose there because the largest factory of Nokia in Asia is located in Guancheng!

At this time, Nokia is doing its best to guide and help the flower planters to the surrounding downstream supporting factories!

"Yingzi, I will definitely go!" Zhao Song couldn't open his mouth to call a woman who was close to him by skin, and he said cheerfully: "Be safe and don't be impatient. After a while, we will form a group to go! "

Xu Liangying nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"In this way, we can get more preferential treatment from the local government!"

After finishing speaking, she stood up with a smile.

"It's your busiest time, so don't bother you!"


Fantasy building.

Looking at the red K-line chart of Shenzhou Technology stock, the bearded man closed the stock software and browsed the IT news again.

"At 8 o'clock in the morning, there is still nearly an hour before the official launch of the Shenzhou Youth Generation. There are already more and more people queuing up at the entrance of the Shenzhou retail store on Xiyangmenwai Street. According to ZOL Digital's direct observation at the scene, Shenzhou Technology is There are more than 100 people queuing at the door of the new store of Xiyangmen, which is about to open, and the staff of Shenzhou Company are issuing "hand cards" indicating the order of queuing to the queuing people.

It is reported that the first 200 users who visit the new store will receive a special edition commemorative T-shirt. "

"Affected by the 'I speak for myself' advertisement, Tesla stores across the country are booming again, and TPOD2 is sold out in many places. For Tesla's new product G5 personal computer, there have been many full models Customer who ordered.'”

"It is said that this is an era when marketing is king, and it is even said that Tesla's leadership from the grassroots is difficult to lead Tesla to a higher place, but time will eventually prove that products are the foundation of the company. No matter how beautiful it is, it is not as good as doing it beautifully.

Compared with the entrepreneurs of the previous generation, the young Zhao Song has a more down-to-earth spirit. He tells all entrepreneurs a simple truth time and time again - marketing is the king, which may make your journey easier, but product is the king. You go further. "

"From Shenzhou Technology to Tesla, business prodigy Zhao Song speaks for himself!"

"Limit up! If there is no accident, it will be a one-word daily limit again! Shenzhou, which resumed trading, did not even give stockholders a minute to react, so it was sealed on the price limit board. Zhao Song's net worth has skyrocketed again!"

Seeing this, the bearded man twitched his mouth.

Before, like most people, he always felt that Zhao Song's success had a lucky element. The IC industry encountered a cold wave, so why not the IT industry, and Zhao Song just caught up with this time. Fortunately, he was in the memory war. Fortunately, Tesla and Shenzhou do not have a huge product line like other manufacturers.

Shenzhou can even say that there is no product!

Small boats are easy to turn around. The boats of Shenzhou and Tesla are not small, but they are too easy to turn around. Relying on the huge funds earned from the memory war, Shenzhou and Tesla set up an assembly line a week, and set up an assembly line a month. Factory building——Zhao Song is a four-star student, playing a counter-cyclical war in the IT industry!

And Fantasy, even with two billion cash in hand, is planning to lay off employees for the first time since the establishment of the company!


This is, the bald old Liu ran into the office in a hurry.

"The Group's Purchasing and Commerce Department has already begun to evaluate the Heshi OEM factory under Huashi, as well as Wanwan World Advanced Integrated Circuits!"

"What?" The bearded man looked at Lao Liu dumbfounded: "Why didn't I receive the news?"

The bald old Liu smiled wryly: "Director, your phone is turned off, and the CEO's call has reached me."

Taking out his mobile phone and taking a look, the bearded man slammed down on the desk, stood up and walked out the door.

"Contact Ms. Liao Yingzhu, I want to meet Zhao Song!"


Five minutes later, the fantasy group president's office.

"Last night, I received news that TCL has reached strategic partnerships with four-star, LG, Philips and other companies. In Huizhou, an LCD monitor with an annual output of 1.5 million units is about to break ground!"

Liu Qing looked at the anxious bearded man, and said slowly:

"With the P4 plus LCD strategy, TCL has caught up with us from second-tier brands in the past six months, and its sales volume is second in the country!"

"President, TCL is nothing to worry about!" The bearded man loosened his collar, "My opponent is Shenzhou!"

"Why didn't you say Tesla?" Liu Qing asked with a smile.

"..." The bearded man remained silent.

Liu Qing didn't continue to ask questions, and took out a document and put it in front of the bearded man.

"According to internal information, I can be sure that Dell's upcoming Suma series of Pentium 4 PCs will drop to 8,000 yuan. Wei Ming, we are now under attack. The OEM agreement between Huashi Factory and the world's advanced integrated circuits will allow us to lower our costs. The subsidy is about 10% lower, such a good condition, why not sign it?"

The bearded man opened his mouth and asked with difficulty: "Have you thought about Zhao Songyuan?"

Zhao Song, a young man who believed in the horse freely, the news on his screen that day was the reason why Liu Qing really made up his mind to accept Huashi's offer.

Liu Qing, who only officially took over as the president of Fantasy Group this year, pursed his lips and looked at the bearded man with a complicated expression.

"Wei Ming, what can Zhao Song do?"

"He can flip tables!"

"Does he dare?"

The bearded man paused, and glanced at the newspaper on the table. The article commenting on "Fantasy Three Admonitions to Government Procurement" on it was eye-catching. On the monitor next to the newspaper, the red K-line chart of Shenzhou Technology was so dazzling.

"Why doesn't he dare?"

"Hehe~" Liu Qing stood up and said with a sneer, "Then he will poke a hornet's nest!"

The bearded man opened his mouth, just about to refute, but was interrupted by Liu Qing.

"Fantasy PC shipments from January to March were 660,000 units, an increase of only 6.9% compared to the same period last year; in these three months, Florist's total PC shipments were 2.27 million Taiwan, an increase of 12.9% compared with the same period of the previous year.

For the first time in 18 years, fantasy failed to beat the market. You know, in the past three years, our growth rate has been more than twice the growth rate of the entire market. Now, a very dangerous red light is flashing!

Wei Ming, the PC business unit is what you should worry about.

As for Zhao Song..."

Liu Qing walked up to Big Beard, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "Someone will warn him!"


The bearded man was speechless, shook his head with a wry smile, and walked out of the office.

"President, I am mainly responsible for the decline in the company's sales growth. At that time, I will make a review on the board of directors!

But for Zhao Song, I still hope that the president and the board of directors can pay enough attention! "

"We take it very seriously!"


Zhonghai Electronics Mall.

After seeing off Xu Liangying, Zhao Song stood in front of the window, watching the uproarious scene outside the window.

Not far from the window, Boss Feng and Xingsheng were arguing endlessly with red faces, and they glanced in the direction of Zhao Song's office from time to time.

Suddenly, the personal phone that Zhao Song held tightly in his hand vibrated crazily.

After glancing at the caller's number, Zhao Song pressed the answer button, then put it to his ear, and quietly looked out the window.

"Boss, the fantasy board of directors has approved the intention to cooperate with Huashi and Asia Advanced, and is making the final evaluation!"

On the phone, Ding Tao's gentle voice came.

Zhao Song blinked, with a calm expression and deep eyes.

"Is there a specific timetable?"

"No, Fantasia finally put forward very harsh conditions and a very low quotation, which is a bit like taking advantage of the fire. We are not sure whether Shi Xuebin can agree!"

"I will agree!" Zhao Song said affirmatively: "For them, the most important thing is to stabilize the stock price! The news of the comprehensive cooperation with Asia's No. 1 Fantasy is Shi Xuebin's last life-saving talisman!"

"..." On the phone, Ding Tao was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "Boss..."

Zhao Song went back to work and opened a thick book. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's move."



Outside Tesla's president's office, among the bustling crowd.

Xingsheng once again stared at the gate of Tesla's president's office, and then said with a smirk: "Boss Feng, I found that you two secondary dealers have become more capable recently, and started to compete with the general representative for business." .”

Boss Feng shook his finger that counted ten cents all the time, and replied with a smile: "It's bigger than Mr. Xingxing's family. You should have seen it. In the capital city and Shenzhen city, it is Zhao Song who is forcing us small businessmen Unite, otherwise, it will be difficult to eat some leftovers from Tesla's bowl~"


With a sullen face, Xingsheng nodded with the bosses of several other distributors who came to him, and then said to Boss Feng darkly:

"You are not afraid that our family will cut off your goods!"

"We are really not afraid!"

At this time, Lao Rong walked over slowly and stood next to Boss Feng. Not afraid of the big bosses on the opposite side, he pointed to the nearest counter and said leisurely:

"Relying on Tesla and Shenzhou Technology alone, we small businesses and hawkers can make this year a fat year. The bosses should think about how to deal with the coming wave of returns."

Seeing Lao Rong, Xingsheng and the others looked at each other, and said helplessly, "Uncle Rong, that will have to wait for Zhao Song to agree to you."

Facing this old goblin from Zhongguancun, Xingsheng didn't dare to take it easy.

"I promise!"

Zhao Song strode forward and said loudly.

"Uncle Rong, 5,000 units, self-collect or home delivery?"

Lao Rong's face was flushed, and his big smile smoothed out all the creases on his face.

"Take it yourself, we take it yourself!"

Lao Feng also became excited in an instant. He pointed to the counter next to him and said loudly: "Zhao Song, I can't lose you! Guys have already started to promote Tesla and Shenzhou!"

"Thank you, Uncle Feng!"


It wasn't until Lao Rong and Boss Feng walked away excitedly that Zhao Song turned his head and looked at the big bosses with a smile.

Looking at each other again, the 1.9 meter Xingsheng scratched his head and pretended to be simple and honest.

"Zhao Song, according to the contract..."

"According to the contract, Tesla will give priority to taking care of the Dajing District, and then supply you."

Zhao Song interrupted Xingsheng's words gently, and the reasons he said left several distributors speechless.


Seeing more and more "Tesla G5 Accept Preorder" signs being hung up high by small shops, Xingsheng asked helplessly: "What conditions?"

"Suppress Huashi!"

"how long?"

"Two weeks!"

Hearing this, Xingsheng nodded to Zhao Song, pulled the other distributors aside, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

If it were someone else, they would definitely leave with a face. It's a pity that in this era when money is the master, they really dare not play tricks on the richest man like before!

Not only is he rich, but he can also bring everyone to make money!

Tesla G5 keyboards are in short supply until now, and there are even price increases, not to mention the epoch-making G5 console!

Five minutes later, Xingsheng came to Zhao Song with a serious face.

"Zhao Song, two weeks is too long, one week!

In addition, we will cooperate with Tesla to put pressure on other upstream suppliers and try to make them less active! "

"Two weeks!"

Zhao Song was unmoved!

Xingsheng smiled wryly, and nodded slowly.

"All right."

Zhao Song tilted his head and looked at Xingsheng, and warned: "Don't play tricks, just remind you that Tesla's supervision department was established at the same time as the after-sales service department."

"Got it!" Xingsheng said angrily.

In April alone, Xingsheng was fined a small 100,000 yuan by Tesla for violating regulations. He still doesn't know how Tesla found out.

"Then go to Pingchang to collect goods."

Zhao Song showed a bright smile on his face, and said generously: "20,000 units, the Tesla flagship store can not be shipped!"


Xingsheng looked at Zhao Song silently, and suddenly asked: "Can you win?"

"I can't win!" Zhao Song shook his head, but there was no worry on his face:

"I don't even want to win!"

Xingsheng looked at him in surprise, and then suddenly realized: "The world's advanced integrated body?"

Zhao Song smiled, then nodded slightly.

"The world's most advanced integrated body!"

No matter whether he can succeed or not, Zhao Song will try his best!

Try to see if you can go to the semiconductor industry, the circle of DRAM.

It's done, the crimson area will be less in the future, and the country will be less constrained!

No family and country feelings, let alone any big ambitions! Just to enjoy the attention of everyone at that cusp!

If it doesn't work, make it work!

May 4, 2001, Friday, May Fourth Youth Day.

The full advertisement of "I speak for myself" was officially released, setting off a wave of inspiration!

The launch of the Tesla G5 console, with its top-notch industrial design, has shattered countless eyeballs.

The youth generation of Shenzhou Technology is on the market, and the low price has led to long queues in front of each specialty store.

At the same time, trading in Shenzhou stock resumed, with a daily limit at the opening.

16:00 in the afternoon.

Tesla Technology Co., Ltd. filed a final complaint with the Supreme People's Court against the infringement of Tesla's Wubizizi intellectual property rights by the Dongnan Hanka sold by Southeast Company.

At the same time, Zhao Song consulted the capital city government in his personal capacity:

It took more than three years, 1,294 days, from the appeal of the first instance to the final judgment of the second instance in the Wubizizi case. During this "marathon" delay in law enforcement, various human factors, such as various relationships, affected the outcome of this case. fair judgment.

"How old is he!?"

Countless angry roars resounded from all over the capital.

Tesla's total capital: 830 million.

Zhao Song holds cash: 215 million.

5/18 sets of commercial housing.

Two chapters in one today.

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