Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 422: School Belle Wei Mingyu

The afternoon sun pierced the clouds and shone warmly on the body through the glass window. The haze in my heart suddenly disappeared, and all the unhappiness was washed away.

Wei's mother village, Wei's house.

Da Da's brother-in-law Wei Liang is holding the window, through the bright glass window, the mottled tree shadows under the sun are scattered and intertwined.

A few old men were playing chess, and next to it, the bamboo stroller was swayed and creaked by the children inside.

In this old government compound, there is a life atmosphere of the old capital everywhere. If it is normal, Wei Liang will definitely sigh something when he looks at the scene in front of him.

At this time, the sound of keys shaking came from outside the door.

Wei Liang frowned differently, turned around, and looked at the gate.

"Editor Dou, Tesla's conditions are very simple. In the future, you only need to send out the news that should be released, and don't listen to the greetings of some boring people. Tesla's 3 million advertising funds will be sent to you tomorrow!"

Sister Da Da opened the door and walked in, holding the phone in her hand and talking non-stop.


She glanced at her husband in surprise, put down the lady's satchel in her hand, and Sister Da Da smiled at her mobile phone: "Then it's settled, Editor-in-Chief Dou, someone will send you the relevant agreement in the afternoon.

goodbye! "


After hanging up the phone, Sister DaDa looked at Wei Liang in surprise again.

"Now should be your busiest time, why are you running home and being lazy?"

Wei Liang walked to the dining table, poured water for Sister Da Da, and said with a smile, "What about you? Why are you coming home, miss me?"


Sister Da Da rolled her eyes: "I left important documents at home, of course I have to come back."


Wei Liang nodded, walked to his wife, and handed her the water.

"Be less courteous."

After receiving the water, Sister DaDa didn't let Wei Liang go, and said angrily, "It's working time now, and today is the third day."

"It's the third day." Wei Liang nodded, pulled the young wife to the sofa, pondered the thoughts in his mind for a while, and then said calmly:

"Rong, one of the country's largest and most well-known private companies established for 18 years, will it make any compromises in just three days because of a warning from a 21-year-old brat?"


Sister DaDa suddenly sat up straight, pushed away Wei Liang's hand on her shoulder, and stared at him sharply.

"Are you kidding us?"

Wei Liang shook his head with a wry smile, and patiently explained: "Rong, I am a department-level cadre under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the capital city, and I represent the interests of the capital city.

Fantasy is important, and Shenzhou Technology, which is listed on the A-share market, is equally important. "

Sister Da Da's frown became deeper and deeper.

"What's the meaning?"

Wei Liang glanced at the study room, there was a computer still running with great wisdom.

"The stock market just closed, and the market value of Shenzhou Technology... broke through 40 billion!" Wei Liang cheered up when he said this. How Shenzhou Technology came to be is very complicated, but the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission definitely contributed a lot.

What is political achievement, this is political achievement!

"Zhao Song, there is no room for mistakes. For the past three days, we have been checking for him and filling in the gaps!"

"What's the meaning?"

Sister Da Da asked again.

Da Da's brother-in-law spread his hands: "He digs up the black history of fantasy, and fantasy is not afraid! We are afraid that he has used gray means to be used by others, so..."

"So you didn't do anything these three days, but instead investigated Zhao Song?"

Sister DaDa stood up and looked at Wei Liang with a sneer.

"Her parents are in Shantang City Oil Field Family Hospital, a city and an oil field are taking care of them. The old Zhao's family in Cang City is watched closely by Xu Liangying, as for himself..."

Speaking of this, Sister Da Da amplified the volume: "Do you need to check the dam?"



"Little rain."


"Wei Mingyu!"

Sister Da Da stared at Wei Liang dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief: "Who dares to touch that little girl? Without Zhao Song, those gangsters in Xiagou Village won't make him feel better!"

Wei Liang shook his head slowly, and said softly: "You don't need to touch her, just make Zhao Song speechless for a certain period of time.

Rong, if I were Fantasia and Huashi, we just need to sign a contract smoothly, and then let him make trouble, and if the trouble becomes big, someone will definitely take care of him. "

"What did you hear?"

"No, this is the easiest way we can think of for Zhao Song to deal with him. He thinks things too simply."

Hearing this, Sister Dada shook her head in disappointment.

"It's because you think Zhao Song is too simple."

She picked up her mobile phone and dialed quickly, her face getting colder and colder: "Just because you claim to be a Fortune 500 company, you just follow that comprador company?

What's more, after checking domestically, have you ignored foreign countries? Tesla still has one person in the United States. "

Wei Liang was shocked and looked at Sister DaDa.

Sister Da Da smiled coldly.

"In the past few months, Liu Cong has contacted 35 top investment banks in the United States!

Top 500? Let me tell you Wei Liang, if something happens over there, we will let the fantasy live in our own fantasy forever in this life! "


"What the math teacher said... is getting more and more profound..."

Huaqing High School, Class 3 and Class 4 of junior high school.

The school belle Wei Mingyu sat by the window, leaning on her chin, and turned her head bored.

The sun was shining brightly, shining warmly on her body, in the eyes of many boys around her, it seemed that layers of halos were spreading around her body, it was so intoxicating.

Under the osmanthus tree outside the window, there are clusters of small flowers, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, pink, purple, red, orange, so lively.

Xiao Yu suddenly had a feeling that summer was coming soon, and her brother would definitely let her wear that aristocratic school uniform again.


At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Xiao Yu let out a long sigh of relief.

After staring blankly at the blackboard that looked like a bible, Xiao Yu took out a new digital camera from the desk and took wild photos of it.

"Xiaoyu, if there is anything you don't know, you can ask me."

On the side, the chubby boy whose hair was curled in his mother's belly said courteously.

A sweet smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face, and he bent his smiling eyes: "Thank you, Er Fatty."

Amidst a group of envious and jealous eyes, the curly-haired Erpang slapped his badge loudly: "Thank you, it should be!"

Wei Mingyu, the school belle, the sister of the richest man, and the key caretaker of the class teacher, all she has come into contact with and felt in this school is the beauty of the youthful campus.

Of course, this is only aimed at Wei Mingyu. As for other people... please don't think too much, this is the capital city, and it is one of the four famous schools (junior high schools). The children here don't have to worry about food and clothing. Learn something from their nerd parents, here, most of them are nerds!

"Xiao Yu, let's go!"

At the door of the classroom, there was a greeting from best friend Lu Weiwei.

"Come on."

Xiao Yu cheerfully picked up her schoolbag, waved to the curly-haired Erpang, and then walked towards Lu Weiwei.


"Xiaoyu, is your brother picking you up today?"

In the campus, a few girlfriends walked and chatted among the crowd of countless boys.

Xiao Yu tilted her head and thought for a while, then said uncertainly: "Maybe, he wasn't sure about it this morning."


Lu Weiwei lowered her volume in disappointment.

"What's the matter, do you need my brother?"

"I want to buy a G5." Lu Weiwei looked distressed: "It's a pity that I can't get in the queue."

"You took my set back that weekend, and it hasn't been unpacked yet."

"Really?" Lu Weiwei asked excitedly, "Don't you need it?"

Xiao Yu shook her head and didn't care.

"I think T1 looks much better than G5!"

She still likes the playful metal style of T1.

While speaking, he had already arrived at the school gate, and several young and beautiful little girls were the focus of people's attention there, just as eye-catching as the person and dog not far away.

"Xiao Yu, it's your brother."

Lu Weiwei pointed in Zhao Song's direction with a flushed face, and whispered, "There is also Lian Shun."

As soon as the words were finished, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind them and landed on Xiao Yu's shoulder.

"Little sister, hello~"

"Who are you?"

"I'm your uncle, take your dog's paw away!~"

"Wow woof!"

Make up a hole, and start fantasizing in one or two chapters.

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