Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 452 Chapter 84 The author's club makes its first appearance.

"Your multitasking has caused us great concern."

David looked at Zhao Song, the gentle smile on his face remained unchanged.

"However, Tesla's excellent management team let us let go of this concern.

We also agree with your purpose of coming to Shanghai and your attitude of being responsible to the shareholders of Shenzhou, but..."

Having said that, David glanced back at his colleagues and saw them nodding slightly, so he reluctantly asked the question that was not the best solution in his mind:

"Without any data basis and prior investigation, you used all the funds that Shenzhou used for investment in Guangdong Province, and rashly invested them in the production of new products such as servers and commercial machines, and you were working on three shifts! "

For the first time, David put away his smile and looked at Zhao Song with sharp eyes:

"We know about your entanglement with Fantasia and Huashi. As the chairman and CEO of Shenzhou Technology, we don't think that your way of bringing personal grievances to public affairs can lead Tesla to go further!"


In the suite, Professor Liu and Sister Da Da breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They both sat down on the sofa, stopped paying attention to the surveillance screen, and closed their eyes to rest their minds. The strategy of bringing the three investment banks together to negotiate finally worked. That's right, that old bastard didn't offer an offer, so he had time to compromise.

The first pass, passed.

"I'm Shenzhou Li Bowei. It's related to the company's strategic secrets. Please stay away from irrelevant people."

In the speaker, Li Bowei's voice sounded.

"I'm Song Guanyi, the line has been cut off."

"Okay, please inform the chairman that the person in charge of Penguin can connect at any time and be responsible for explaining various specific matters in detail."

"Will do."

At the same time, in the two government offices in Shanghai and Beijing, the two big bosses also waved to their subordinates, leaving only myself listening attentively.

In the conference room, Zhao Song bowed his head and thought for a long time before slowly nodding.

In the suite, Hong Tao immediately ordered into the walkie-talkie: "The secretary team enters!"


The door opened again, and a group of ladies and sisters wearing Haitianxiangyun cheongsam filed in. David looked at Zhao Song calmly, pointed to the wire extending from his ear, and said, "Zhao, Tesla A big battle."

Zhao Song took out a small square box from his pocket along the wire, and said with a smile: "You should know about my ears. I added an amplifier specially for fear of delaying things."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song also stretched out his finger and pointed at David's ear: "Mr. President, are you also deaf?"

David nodded sympathetically: "As you get older, your hearing is indeed deeply affected."

Going to N*M is getting old, Zhao Song tilted his head, looked at the three major investment banks and Nancy, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that deafness can be contagious!"

A few foreigners couldn't help touching the earphones in their ears when they heard the words, and looked at Zhao Song with black lines all over their heads, infecting you!

Afterwards, they gave David a dissatisfied look. There was a group of ghosts behind everyone, so why mention this?

At this time, the ladies and sisters had already distributed the documents to every foreigner, walked out one after another, and closed the door of the conference room tightly.

Zhao Song made a gesture of invitation: "Although the impact is not great, it is still necessary to sign this confidentiality agreement."


The foreigners looked at the huge compensation figure on the agreement and took a deep breath.

David read it carefully, and signed his name without hesitation.

It made people follow suit.

Fu Jianxing and Liao Yingzhu on the side stood up, carefully checked everyone's signature with the list and photos, and nodded to Zhao Song after a long time.

"Okay!" Zhao Song put away his smile, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he took out the earphone from his right ear and put it on again.

He crossed his hands on the table. In front of him, there was no information, and in his ears, there were no earphones. At this moment, he completely isolated himself from the outside world.

"Shenzhou Group once invested in an Internet company called Penguin."

David's hairline subordinate whispered a few words in his ear, and David nodded solemnly.

Looking at his appearance, Zhao Song smiled and said proudly: "Maybe you don't know yet, at the height of the Internet bubble, it was the first profitable Internet company in the world!"



Several foreigners stood up and looked at Zhao Song in disbelief.

Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said with a nonchalant expression: "There are a lot of flower growers, and the market opened up by Penguin Company is an opportunity for Shenzhou Technology!"

David's face became more and more serious: "Zhao, can you tell us how it makes money?"

"i——MODE, or unlimited value-added service. In our flower planter, it is also called." Looking at a group of dumbfounded foreigners, Zhao Song said those four words openly:


So what if I tell you, let alone foreign capital, without that license in the future, no private enterprise will be able to operate!

"I believe everyone knows the reason for the suspension of Shenzhou. With the introduction of shareholders of the two communication companies, we will provide a full set of fool-like services for all content service providers. The doors of telecom branches in various places will be opened for them. Just recruit a few employees. , carried the Shenzhou server into the telecommunications room, and a lot of money followed."

Zhao Song stood up, stretched out his arms, and said proudly: "There is only Shenzhou, it can only be Shenzhou!"

State-owned enterprise Shenzhou!

Under the rules, I am so shameless!

David squinted at the stunned colleagues around him, and frowned. Suddenly, he reached out to hold the earphones, as if listening to something. After a while, he chuckled and said:

"Zhao, the current number of mobile phone users in your country doesn't seem to be able to support such a huge market, right?"

Zhao Song looked at David with interest, bent down, stared at him and asked, "You sneaked into the Shenzhou Industrial Park to investigate, didn't you find that they are still producing everything except servers and commercial machines?"

David put his hand on his ear again, and then he looked at Zhao Song in shock—for the first time, he showed an expression other than a smile.

"That's right, it's the PHS you heard about!"

You still can't do this stuff!

David's appearance made Zhao Song nodded in satisfaction: "Island's new generation of PHS technology, Tesla Microelectronics' fully integrated SOC with independent intellectual property rights, and ZTE's intelligent large base station, oh, yes, they haven't Official announcement, so you have not received the news."

David slowly opened his mouth, looking like Zhao Song who was getting taller and taller.

Such a president, who has built a complete industrial chain by himself, is not qualified?

He felt that the question asked by several investment banks was a joke.

"Let me tell you what those things mean!"

However, Zhao Song did not let him go, and continued to talk freely: "Lower prices, more stable call quality, can accept text messages, and even complete short-term roaming through the number rental service.

Mr. David, flower growers are very poor, so with Shenzhou, flower growers will be rich in the future, so I founded Tesla, but whether they are poor or rich, I, Zhao Song, are willing to provide them with products that meet their current needs.

PHS is such a product.

Mr. David, on the desk of the Ministry of Information Industry, there are a total of 278 applications for opening PHS. Do you think this market is big? "

Fantasy, Huashi, UT Starcom, what kind of opponent did you provoke?

Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.

The big boss sighed and hung up the connection. The shareholders of Shenzhou Technology all came out. It turned out that they were not only for Shenzhou, but also for their own interests.

Every province and every city has three communication branches. How many are there in the whole country?

A brand-new, complete, blank, and clean industrial chain suddenly appeared in the field of vision of those interest groups. What will happen in the end?

The big boss doesn't know what the illusion is, but UT Starcom is dangerous!

"So." Zhao Song sat down again and asked relaxedly, "I wonder if you are satisfied with this answer?"


The foreigners were silent.

"Then, let's start our business."

Zhao Song looked at his watch and asked seemingly indifferently: "Before we start, everyone, have a cup of coffee and listen to a song along the way. One. The only built-in song of Tesla's upcoming new product."


David raised his head, looked at Zhao Song deeply, opened his mouth, nodded with a wry smile.

"I'm Yin Mingyu, and I'll be in charge!"

"The lights are in place."

"Equipment in place."

"Singer in place."

"The stage needs to be adjusted."

"Attention all departments, when they take their first sip of coffee, enter immediately."

"The countdown begins."

"Three, two, one, enter!"

Next chapter: Three songs determine the universe, the last one.

PS: Nag a few words.

3. For friends who watch pirated versions, there are many communication channels. If you scold me in the main comment area, I will delete the post, please forgive me.

4. Tencent was profitable during this period of time, and it was the first Internet company in China to make a profit in the Internet bubble.

5. Shenzhou is to provide technical and equipment support, other interests do not participate, and the principle of benefit sharing.

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