Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 454 Potential Cheng (Part 2), Half an Apple

"You played it

Play around"

As the last lyrics fell, the music stopped suddenly, and the conference room became dark again, leaving only a beam of light on the mysterious black-clothed singer.

She lowered her head again, hiding her childlike face in her long black hair.

Xiaojiabiyu? Ladylike?

Who knows!

The girl in the yard is really not a simple one.

When he came under the stage, Zhao Song stretched out his hand and helped Hao Ying down.

"Good singing."

"Hmph~" Hao Ying raised her head proudly under the hot eyes of foreigners.

"Does your family agree with you to come out and show your face?"

"Let it be."

"That's good." Zhao Song breathed a sigh of relief, "This song is meant as a stepping stone, so don't get your hopes up."

A flower grower who wants to break into the European and American pop music scene should wait for Tesla to build a music ecology before thinking about it.

"I know."

At this time, they had already arrived at the door of the conference room. Hao Ying looked at Zhao Song with rolling eyes, and said softly:

"Zhao Song, come on."


After finishing speaking, Zhao Song brought Sister DaDa back to the conference room again.

In his hand, he held a list handed over by Sister Da Da, on which was listed all the new chips that Tesla could put on the balance:

Two new execs, a digital rights deal.

Zhao Song read carefully, not letting go of every word on the paper.

Opposite him, the business elites from the three major investment banks and Time Warner had already escaped from the shock of the song just now, and gathered together to exchange something in whispers.

This is not the bragging pen of Papa Ma and Qi Dongqiang facing angel investors, who can get tens of millions of angel investment in a few minutes.

This is a large-scale investment for a company with annual sales of a single product reaching billions of dollars.

This level of business negotiation, as far as Zhao Song saw from the news in his previous life, can be completed in a year is considered fast.

But he can't wait that long, he wants to build momentum, he needs money to invest, so the four companies that agree with his views are gathered together - for Zhao Song, this is also the optimal investment portfolio.

According to the plan, first get the music playback platform, sign a digital copyright contract, form a complete music ecosystem, and increase Tesla's valuation, and then it is time to negotiate with investment banks.

However, investment banks are not fools, and record companies are extremely shrewd. They took advantage of Zhao Song's eagerness to bring the three parties together, and they all wanted to enjoy Tesla's delicacy at the lowest price.

I am not a fool either!

After reading the materials, Zhao Song raised his head and fixed his eyes on Nancy.

He doesn't know whether the three songs will affect the other party's mind, but Tesla just wants to use three songs to remind the other party that music (streaming media) is the foundation of everything. Without music, there is no need to continue this negotiation. .

On the opposite side, Nancy and David's movements were almost exactly the same. They looked at the mobile phone motionlessly while listening to various messages from the earphones.



Nancy interrupted David's question with a serious look on her face for the first time.

Negotiations have officially begun!

"Is Frank's resignation related to Tesla?"

Frank, a 21-year-old programming genius, is the MP3 exchange program he wrote, which flooded the American Internet with pirated MP3s, thus helping Tesla's TPOD to a certain extent.

Of course, he is most famous as the founder of winmap.

"That's right!" Zhao Song admitted without hesitation: "AOL's prevailing bureaucratic style has completely restrained that genius, and the young Tesla can provide him with a free space to play!"

Most of Winmap's more than 20 million users are music enthusiasts and geeks. They are loyal to the software and also keep paying attention to Frank.

Therefore, with Frank, once Zhao Song feels that the other party’s conditions are not up to expectations, he will immediately stop this negotiation and start Tesla’s backup plan-the holy instrument of music playback, foobar2000.

That genius will tell you that it only takes one night to complete a more powerful audio processing tool!

Looking at Zhao Song's increasingly determined eyes, Nancy seemed to hear something again and touched her ear again.

"That song is the only built-in song in the new TPOD product?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Song's answer became faster and faster: "This song is the only performance song for the product launch event, and this song is the only background music for Tesla's 36 stores around the world!"

For this song, Tesla also undertook unprecedented publicity. Ten years later, it earned 41 million pounds for a small record company just by releasing the record.

Now, in the last glory days of the traditional recording industry, how much will it make for Time Warner?

Here it is for you!

In addition, Time Warner has the best playback software, the most complete content library, and the most advanced broadcast service system. You have everything you need, except for one piece of hardware!

Just short of TPOD!

Nancy, make an offer.

Zhao Song looked expectantly at Nancy with a pensive expression.


At this time, David's voice sounded, but Zhao Song did not turn his head away, still staring at Nancy.

David didn't care, and asked with a smile, "Why did you recruit Lan Qi at this time?"

"In order to improve the age structure of Tesla's management." Zhao Song turned his head, looked at David, and smiled apologetically, "David, I know you tried to recruit him many times, but I'm sorry. , we need him more at Tesla.”

In another time and space, Lan Qi successively served as the president of Acer Europe, and the chief operating officer of Fantasia. He looks like the mascot Idaly.

At this time, David's expression became serious. From the time we met to now, this young man who never played cards according to common sense made him feel more and more troublesome, and even became anxious——Nancy was not right, and she had deviated from their previous plan. communication track.



David's words were interrupted by Nancy again, he raised his eyebrows, and a wave of anger appeared on his face.

But Nancy didn't care, she asked Zhao Song: "Can you explain the meaning of the last article of the digital copyright agreement you signed with SOD?"

"What it means is that from the moment Tesla's own playback platform is launched, we will block the USB direct copy port."


Nancy gasped, and stared blankly at Zhao Song. You must know that TPOD is the world's highest-selling digital music player. There is no such thing as a sincere measure. It is tempting, when the time comes, even if it is not Time Warner, there will still be someone else to fill this position.

Is Zhao Song stupid?

Of course not, he will definitely not completely block pirated music, he completely copied the idea of ​​ITUNES in another time and space, users want to play free mp3, then go to the Internet to find tutorials.

Nancy's heart was moved. From the action of her blatantly putting her right hand to her ear to listen to something, Zhao Song could probably guess that even the big boss behind her was moved.

At this time, Zhao Song's body was tense, and he looked at this strong woman without squinting. In the next suite, a group of people were also silently staring at the screen.

David seemed to have sensed something, frowned and said softly:


"Zhao Song!"

Nancy interrupted David for the third time:

"That female singer, isn't she an ordinary person?"

In the suite, Hao Ying was shocked and looked at the screen in disbelief.

"Bo has a family background!"

"The story of the mysterious oriental princess's obsessive love for the richest man in the orient."

Nancy nodded seriously, and made up the story seriously.

The song is good, with a brand-new publicity model, with news breaking points, top producer Nancy, can see the potential behind this song.

Ignoring Zhao Song's stunned look, she chuckled and asked:

"What is Tesla worse than Apple?"

Zhao Song shook his head, no longer thinking about Nancy's absurd speculation just now, and quickly said: "It should be said that Apple is worse than Tesla! They are cutting off redundant product lines crazily. The state of Tesla is the best for Apple. The look of longing."

Nancy shook her head, and the smile on her face grew stronger: "Operating system?"

"The penetration rate of windows and linux is countless times that of Apple!"

"But it's not yours after all."

After finishing speaking, Nancy stretched out her hand, drew a circle in the air, and then chopped down from the middle.

"Tesla, how about half an apple?"


In the suite, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Immediately, Chief Merchants Zhao howled:

"Go check the market value of Apple!"

Reply to book friend: If you want a record company to invest a lot of money in publicity, you need to get a song first, okay? How much is the mass? Adele earns £4,100 for a small record label, I can't get any more for a YY novel. What is the concept of Tesla's built-in songs, please refer to the IPOD of all times.

Time Warner needs a digital copyright sharing agreement, and investing in Tesla is secondary. According to the concept, Time Warner does not need to invest much money in the record sales, copyright, concert, and peripheral income of this song.

Equivalent exchange, give me winmap, call high Tesla's valuation, and I will use this song to give you the money you invest in Tesla.

Today's chapter.

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