Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 460 Interlude (Part 1)

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the lights along the Huangpu River are still brightly lit. In this bustling oriental magic city, the real nightlife has just begun.

In a quiet bar, the bartender is quietly wiping the glasses not far away. In the middle of the bar, two girls in costumes are playing Bach's "Aria on the G String" with the piano and violin. Zhao Song said that listening to Bach can improve memory!

Who knows!

Li Linna shrugged boredly, and stretched a moving waist. The graceful curve made the bartender involuntarily sneak a glance.

These days and nights, this bar is her and Zhao Song's exclusive show. Except for Xiao Yu who comes over to join in the fun, no one bothers them at other times.

When Li Linna was Cinderella, all the most romantic and beautiful environments I could think of were like this.


Li Linna looked at Zhao Song who was shaking the small box crazily, and smiled lightly. Her boyfriend, the richest man, is really not very good at doing more romantic things.

In addition to sending flowers occasionally, the rest is to buy perfume, cosmetics, clothes, watches, cars, and houses.

It's a pity that she doesn't know that in the past ten years, there is nothing more romantic than buying those things for girls!

"What are you doing?"

Leaning to Zhao Song, Li Linna asked softly.

"Develop a product and write a graduation thesis by the way."

After Zhao Song finished answering, he opened the box, revealing a tangled rope inside. After careful observation, he picked up a new rope from the table, put it into the box and continued to shake it.


Look at the piles of long ropes, short ropes, neither long nor short medium ropes on the table; thick ropes, thin ropes, neither thick nor thin medium ropes.

Li Linna was silent for a long time before asking dumbfoundedly:

"What product needs so many ropes!"

The one in front of her is the top product manager, she dare not question her casually.

"Headphone cable tangling problem!"

Zhao Song turned his head, looked at the beautiful long legs, smiled and kissed her, and then continued to explain:

"Whether you put it in a trouser pocket, a pouch, or a drawer, it will always get tangled up after a while. Why?"

yeah, why?

Li Linna stared blankly at Zhao Song: "Didn't the Internet say that this is an unsolved problem in the world?"

"Listen to the nonsense on the Internet!"

Zhao Song said disdainfully: "A college student in the physics department can tell you that this is the principle of entropy increase: in an isolated system, all irreversible processes must proceed in the direction of increasing entropy (Note 1)."

Li Linna listened in a daze, with an expression that I just want to see you bragging.

Zhao Song waved his hand helplessly: "I am now trying to explain this phenomenon with mathematical theory - a branch of topology, knot theory."

". Zhao Song, it seems that you haven't even finished accounting, so you don't go to class."

Zhao Song nodded in agreement, and said without shame: "So I am in charge of the experiment, and some mathematicians and programmers are in charge of building the model. When the time comes, I will be the lead writer, and they will sign on the back."


Li Linna couldn't help laughing, she loved her boyfriend's shameless appearance: "So, is there a conclusion?"

"As with some things, the thicker the better!"


"The thicker the rope, the better. When it is thick enough, it won't get knotted!"


Li Linna leaned weakly on Zhao Song's shoulder, she would never be able to adapt to her boyfriend's sudden change.

"The paper was published in "PNAS" (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of America)!"

Zhao Song didn't seem to see Li Linna's appearance, and continued to say with a leisurely fascination: "At that time, it will be easy to get a master's degree!"

"On this conclusion that the thicker the better?"

Li Linna asked in a muffled voice.

"Of course not." Zhao Song laughed dumbly and said, "We will find out the best thickness ratio, and the triangular line, elastic line and other solutions must be registered for patents. Linna, in the future, except for the pirate paradise in Huaqiangbei, all The world will only have Tesla's wires that are not entangled!"


Li Linna looked at her boyfriend with bright eyes, her expression of admiration was beyond words, Zhao Songshuang couldn't help it.

He said shyly, "So, Lina, learning is very important, and the most important thing is to learn. We can't be like Xiaoyu, where a large intestine leads to the brain. It's not important to learn as much as you can!"


In the corner, there was a muffled groan!


Li Linna staggered with a smile.

Zhao Song looked awkwardly at Xiao Yu who was coming out of the corner, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of high heels.


At the entrance of the bar, the blond aunt Nancy greeted Zhao Song politely.

"Good evening, Nancy."

Zhao Song looked at Li Linna helplessly, and said with a forced smile.

Li Linna smiled slightly, kissed Zhao Song, and went to the corner to chat with Xiaoyu.

Two minutes later, the two sat opposite each other.

Nancy looked away from the two music girls, and said with a smile: "Zhao, the information says that you live like an ascetic monk, but I didn't expect you to enjoy it!"


Zhao Song touched the uniform made by Weiwei Group on his body, and the Rolex in his hand was shining. Thinking of the stack of real estate certificates in the house, and the four gold hiding places, he was silent for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Two senior sisters from Shangyin are working part-time in Tesla, and they are short of living expenses for studying abroad in the next semester, so."

Zhao Song spread his hands: "They make money, I enjoy it, it's the best of both worlds."


Nancy suddenly realized, and looked at Zhao Song appreciatively: "This is a good way."

Zhao Song accepted the compliment reservedly: "So, Nancy, what's the matter with looking for me so late?"

Nancy took out a brand new newspaper and handed it to Zhao Song: "My colleague just brought the New York Times from the United States, Zhao Song, if you continue to promote like this, the American music industry seems to be coming to an end!"

Ogilvy International is indeed the most professional. Zhao Song nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Nancy with a smile: "Let's not talk about whether they have bought back the stock at a low price. The stock price of Time Warner has risen very fast."

Nancy shook her head and said, "Zhao, I'm representing another record company tonight!"


“So Tesla’s conditions are too harsh for them to accept!”

"no no!"

Zhao Song couldn't help laughing, "Nancy, apart from the copyright period, the conditions Tesla gave them are almost exactly the same as Time Warner. In the future, we can see the best ecosystem and the most sincere sharing conditions. How harsh are they?"

"It's the number of years, Zhao, the number of years for digital rights, they have to be the same as Time Warner."

"Then when the time comes, you will work together to bully me?"

Zhao Song asked amusedly.


Nancy thought for a long time, raised her head, and asked cautiously: "What about the film and television copyright?"

"The head of the flower planter?"

Nancy nodded solemnly.


Zhao Song raised his hand and pointed out the window: "In the digital market not far from here, I can buy you an unedited version of "Titanic" for five yuan!"

Is there an uncut version of that thing?

Nancy's eyes lit up, and she asked with the boldness unique to Westerners: "Which paragraph?"

"Jack and Lucy in the car!"


Nancy asked hurriedly, not at all like a middle-aged blonde aunt, in this era, Leonardo DiCaprio's charm is simply unstoppable!

"It's stuck!" Zhao Song spread his hands, trying to restrain his wretched expression, "The unedited scenes have to be imagined by ourselves."

What kind of quality do you want for five yuan? If it can be broadcast until Lucy slaps her hand on the car window, it is considered to have passed quality control!

I want to kill him!

Nancy gritted her teeth and looked at Zhao Song.

"So Nancy, although it's hard to say, I have to admit that in my country, copyright is worthless!"

Nancy tried her best to keep herself calm and growled, "Three years!"

"Five years!"

"Zhao Song, Shenzhou has fallen for 7 consecutive years, you need good news, you need to hold the press conference earlier, so three and a half years!"

"Five years!"

"Four years!"

"." Zhao Song looked at Nancy, and slowly stretched out his hand: "I need the same priority for film and television copyright, and the liquidated damages must be increased!"

Zhao Song didn't dare to buy out the copyright once and for all at a low price, no matter whether it was domestic or foreign.

Part of the reason why Jia went back to China was that he bought out some of the copyrights at a low price very early, offending people!


Nancy shook Zhao Song's hand: "Deal!"

Zhao Song nodded and stood up. After talking about the business, it's time to coax the girl. It's too unpleasant to talk to a middle-aged aunt in the middle of the night.


cried Nancy.


Zhao Song turned his head.

"You should have an English name."


Zhao Song bowed his head in thought, and after a while, said deeply:



"Nicholas Zhao Song!"

Push book: "Life Department Superstar".

Passive bankruptcy, helpless to change careers. After turning around, the scenery is indeed more beautiful.

Note 1: Entropy refers to the degree of chaos of the system. It has important applications in the fields of cybernetics, probability theory, number theory, astrophysics, life sciences, etc., and it has also been extended to be more specific in different disciplines. The definition of is a very important parameter in various fields.

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