Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 462 United Semiconductor in Place

Shanghai Airport.

These days, there are many people who come and go wearing the uniform of Haitian Xiangyun. For some reason, this uniform is very harmonious with the airport in the eyes of the airport staff.

Of course, HNA work clothes!

A Boeing 737 had already approached the terminal building. Li Qiang put away the newspaper in his hand under the kind reminder of the flight attendant, stood up, said hello to his colleagues, and then began to pack his luggage.

This is a chartered plane specially prepared for engineers like them.

Since entering Tesla, these people have begun to enjoy high-skilled treatment that they have never had before. They will have everything prepared for them, and they are short of a personal nanny for each of them!

At this time, the cabin door had already been opened, and the stewardess' gentle voice sounded on the radio. Li Qiang put on his backpack, thought for a while, then picked up the unfinished newspaper, and walked out the door first.

"Brother Li, do you regret it?"

The person who asked the question was his assistant, who followed him back to China from the United States. Ten years later, all the unique problems of engineers can be found in him, such as his head with few hairs left.

Li Qiang knew what the assistant meant. The headlines on the newspaper’s headlines were in bold and bold characters, not to mention the assistants around him, and everyone sitting behind him could clearly see: “The miracle of wealth worth four billion dollars—Tesla! "

That was the prediction made by economic experts based on the gossip that came out of that negotiation, but Li Qiang knew that Tesla's valuation was certainly not limited to these!

In Silicon Valley, venture capitalists looking to invest in startups know that founders overvalue their companies. It's part of the game. Venture capitalists even have a word for it: the hockey-stick forecast.

"Mao Yi, what do you regret?" Li Qiang laughed dumbfounded: "Tesla Microelectronics is a negative asset to foreign investors, and divesting it in advance is the key step for it to obtain such a large valuation. In Tesla Microelectronics, came to a company with many shareholders with deep backgrounds, a heavyweight product line that can be used as a source of income, a clear development strategy plan, and United Semiconductor with huge start-up capital?."


Assistant Mao Yi did not speak. United Semiconductor is undoubtedly a promising company, but he is still reluctant to part with Tesla Microelectronics, just because the boss who gave them the only high-skilled treatment in China is no longer the major shareholder of this brand-new company. up.

While speaking, they had already arrived at the luggage carousel. As more and more curious eyes gathered on them, this huge team of engineers suddenly became constrained.

Are we all wearing Haitian Xiangyun uniforms?

Li Qiang tidied up his clothes nervously, picked up his luggage, and led the team out.

Then, he saw the young man!

When Tesla's cover story appeared in the May 21 issue of Fortune, especially when it featured an attractive young man in a custom uniform with an oriental touch , black hair and yellow skin set off sharp black eyes, next to the eye-catching headline: "CEO born for innovation!"

Then, a more explosive title sounded in the American media:

"The Youngest Self-Made Billionaire!"

This is the cover title of "Forbes" magazine on May 22. Before Tesla's investment negotiations were completed, Zhao Song was directly included in the top 400 of Forbes' annual rich list.

Since then, more accolades have surfaced, including in media such as America Today, Inc., Fast Company, Glamour, NPR, Fox Business Channel, Nationwide Broadcaster Business Channel, CNN, and CBS Business Channel.

This was accompanied by sensational media reports both abroad and at home, as well as countless conference invitations and a series of honorary titles.

However, it is such a successful young man, these days, he did not pick up the president of the investment bank, nor did he pick up the chief executive of the local investment, but greeted them engineers with a huge array.

Stirring their throats, Li Qiang and others came to Zhao Song with mixed feelings.


"It should be called the chairman." Zhao Song smiled and pointed to his clothes and said, "Mr. President of United Semiconductor, you can't wear this clothes anymore~"

"Wear it one last time!"

Simple words are indeed the greatest affirmation to him! Zhao Song was taken aback for a moment, resisting the emotion in his heart, and nodded with a bigger smile:


After finishing speaking, Zhao Song pulled Li Qiang to Jiang Shangzhou, and then said:

"Let me introduce you, Teacher Jiang Shangzhou, Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Municipal People's Government and Director of the Office of the Leading Group of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone, founder of Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Industrial Park, oh, yes"

Seeing that the two had already shook hands, Zhao Song then added: "Mr. Jiang's wife, Mr. Wu Qidi (female), is the first democratically elected president of a flower planter, the first female president of Tongji University, and also the talent training staff of United Semiconductor. planned strategic partner."

Holding Li Qiang's hand, Jiang Shangzhou laughed and said, "Mr. Zhao, my family can't afford such a big praise."

"It's worth it!" Zhao Song looked at him with strange eyes. The guy in your family will be better than you in the future. The vice minister of the Ministry of Education has a clear-cut stand against the industrialization of education. Still holding multiple jobs without pay, everything is just to fulfill the original promise:

"Working for the country for 50 years!"

such a person, such a family

The convoy was driving at high speed on the highway, and Liao Yingzhu clapped her hands vigorously in the back of a Toyota Scott, calming down a group of excited engineers.

"Everyone listen to me"

"Bamboo girl, I haven't seen you for a while, you are much more beautiful."

The sound of sincere praise suddenly came to mind, and a group of nerds nodded in deep agreement.


Liao Yingzhu, who deliberately put on light makeup, raised her head, squinted her eyes, and said in a strange way: "Liu Ming, I have already selected your dormitory for you, the most corner place!"


Whistles and booing were heard, and the nerds gloated at Liu Ming, who was showing off the limelight.

He held his head in an exaggerated manner, and wailed, "Zhuzi, I am sincere, you can't do this to me!"

"Masters have no human rights!"

Liao Yingzhu dismissed it with disdain, and knocked down a pole with one sentence. Under several pairs of glaring eyes, Liao Yingzhu clapped the folder in his hand indifferently, and said loudly:

"Everyone listen to me, you all have employee stock options in United Semiconductor. This is the personal rights that Zhao Song won for you! As for how much you can get, it depends on your own ability!"


In the carriage, it suddenly became silent, and the engineer stared at Liao Yingzhu intently.

"Also, each doctor has a two-bedroom apartment in Shangbin River Garden, and the master also has a two-bedroom apartment, but part of the rent will be deducted every month for two years."

Masters have no human rights!

Among the group of highly educated engineers, no one expressed dissatisfaction that the master's degree, who was only considered as an intern, could get such a salary.

"After completing the company's performance appraisal for five consecutive years, the house belongs to your personal property rights, but you need to sign a ten-year no-sale agreement with the company. Is there any problem?"


No problem, Shanghai's most upscale garden community, who can have a problem?

Liao Yingzhu nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"Mingzhu Decoration will provide you with multiple sets of decoration plans. If you are not satisfied, you can find a decoration company outside. United Semiconductor will provide you with free dormitory living for half a year."


"After the visit is over, everyone has a few hours to rest. At 3:30 in the afternoon, Huahong Microelectronics General Assembly requires you to participate. At 5:30 in the afternoon, the United Semiconductor Dinner will be attended by city leaders."

In Coaster in front, Zhao Song took the briefcase handed over by Hong Tao, interrupted Jiang Shangzhou and Li Qiang who were talking and laughing, and handed over the briefcase.

"Uncle Li, let's make a long story short. Here are some materials you need to use."

Li Qiang nodded, opened the briefcase and looked at it.

"R\u0026D staff equity, I won nearly eight points, and Uncle Li, you personally own 2.12%."

"Thank you, Chairman!"

Li Qiang said gratefully.

Zhao Song shook his hand and said with a smile, "Your troubles have just begun. Have you seen the stack of business cards in your bag?"

Li Qiang nodded solemnly.

"The shareholder of United Semiconductor Shanghai is the state-owned asset management center. They are holding Zhangjiang's land and office buildings and other assets. The relevant leaders must pay a visit."

Li Qiang nodded.

"On those business cards are the phone numbers of the secretaries of the leaders of the company's major shareholders. When will the company's dozens of research and development achievements be released, and who will be present at the release, we must coordinate and communicate with the parties!"

Li Qiang nodded.

Zhao Song smiled: "It's been thousands of years to get promoted and get rich, and promotion has always been ahead. They want to save face, and let's take advantage of it. We have the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy!"

Li Qiang looked at Jiang Shangzhou beside him in embarrassment. Is it really okay to say this in front of senior officials in the system?

Zhao Song waved his hand indifferently and said with a smile:

"Don't look at Mr. Jiang, if he knows how to be an official, are we still going to this point?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Shangzhou on the side was happy, but he didn't speak.

Driven by the police motorcycles, the speed of the convoy was very fast, and the city was within easy reach in the blink of an eye. Zhao Song sped up his speech:

"The doctoral class of Tongji University will offer courses related to Processes, combining theory with practice, so that they can go deep into the strategic alliance between United Semiconductor and Huahong Microelectronics, and cultivate students who know what is and why, rather than Those process engineers who can only run the optimal process, you must grasp these aspects yourself.”

Li Qiang nodded.

"In addition to the ones used on the motherboard, the PMIC (power management integrated circuit), lighting controller, RF power amplifier, environmental sensor, and audio power amplifier in the mobile phone must all be made."

Li Qiang nodded.

Zhao Song's words became faster and faster, and the content became more and more chaotic.

"United Semiconductors is very rich, but money does not represent everything. Employees, especially engineers, in addition to money, should also respect (recognition), seek knowledge (cultivation), aesthetics (environment, colleagues' appearance), self-realization (equity autonomy) ).

SIM cards and ID card chips are the capital that can last a lifetime, but the purpose of my establishment of United Semiconductor is not to be a pension company.

Mr. Jiang has established a foreign talent pool, invited them back, incubated competitors, and formed a catfish effect.

The company should also implement a product manager system that blends with the engineer's culture, "whoever proposes it will implement it", "once it becomes bigger, it will become an independent army"!

Uncle Li, Shenzhou and Tesla are exploring the market. The same product will not only use the same supplier, and United Semiconductor will definitely participate in the competition!

Only by surviving in competition, progressing in competition, and innovating in competition can we go further on this road! "

In the carriage, it became more and more quiet, and everyone was listening carefully to Zhao Song's words.

Zhao Song glanced back at the engineers who were paying attention, and increased his voice:

"In addition to the above copied projects, United Semiconductor's main future direction has been confirmed, and that is the representative product of the third technological revolution of power semiconductor devices - IGBT!"

This "CPU", known as a power conversion device in the industry, is widely used in rail transit, aerospace, ship drive, smart grid, new energy, AC frequency conversion, wind power generation, motor drive, automobile and other strong current control industries. Almost all are state-owned industries, which symbolize security, strategy, and huge profits!

It only needs 8-inch or even 6-inch silicon wafers, and does not require much advanced manufacturing processes. United Semiconductor, which is dominated by state-owned capital, does its part!

At this time, the motorcade slowly stopped by the side of the road, Zhao Song stood up, looked around everyone, and said solemnly:

"The company will find relevant national units to establish an industrial chain alliance, and will fully invest in it for ten years. What you have to do is to break the foreign patent barriers and come up with a product line from 650V to 6500V!"

Now, an administrative team with the most executive power has emerged. Three years later, a classic technology introduction battle will officially start. Ten years later, the corner overtaking case that was introduced into classic American business textbooks will appear in front of people. .

That team is called the Ministry of Railways, and that case is called Huahua High Speed ​​Rail!

An island country expert said, "Give you another eight years, and you won't be able to do it!"

However, we did it, and it shocked the world in just eight years!

However, we didn't make it again, let's take a look at the names behind some core components:

Hitachi, Infineon, ABB, Sécheron.

The above has swept almost all the big profits of the high-speed rail project.

It is now 2001, and there are still two years before large-scale integrated circuit chips become mainstream in the railway field.

With communications, banks, electric power, local governments, and state-owned asset management centers as shareholders, United Semiconductor has laid out the IGBT industry chain.

Fourteen years earlier than the flower growers in another time and space!

This is an industrial chain. After ten years, even if no major achievements can be made, but it plays a role in the progress of related technologies, it can still get amazing profits!

This is what United Semiconductor is all about.

Everything is made for growing flowers.

This is from yesterday.

PS: Shenzhen BYD Microelectronics Co., Ltd., State Grid and Shanghai Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. have established a strategic industrial alliance to jointly create an IGBT localization industry chain. In August 2015, Shanghai Advanced Semiconductor officially entered the supply chain of IGBTs for BYD's new energy vehicles. At the end of 2015, Times Electric Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC Zhuzhou Institute, signed an agreement with BAIC New Energy, a subsidiary of BAIC Group, to fully launch automotive-grade IGBTs, which is expected to promote the localization of IGBTs and other automotive semiconductor industries.

CRRC Group's Zhuzhou Times Electric has built the world's second professional production line for 8-inch IGBT chips and the first in China.

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