Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 483 Extreme micromanagement shocks the world, a genius is born and his bones are exhausted (

Xijiao Hotel.

Excitedly accepting the letter of appointment, the first thing Zhao Song thought of was that the overall situation was moving in a direction favorable to him.

Just like when mentioning Shenzhou, a bearded man can think of the overall situation, so Zhao Song also thought of this term.

big picture! Mysterious big picture!

Any individual who is an independent flower grower, when he hears this term, there will definitely be countless derogatory complaints in his mind, what the hell is it, and why many people suffer when he is persuaded to follow the overall situation.

Zhao Song still remembers the eye-catching judicial presentation—the description of serving the overall situation:

Our overall situation is national development, social progress, and the fundamental interests of the people. When it comes to the judicial process, for some private entrepreneurs, the employment and families of dozens or hundreds of people behind him are taken into consideration.

Of course, as a commoner, Zhao Song has never been on the side of the overall situation.

But this time, his plan was in line with the overall situation.

Holding the letter of appointment tightly in his arms, Zhao Song looked at the bearded man with a smile:

"Leadership meetings, ministerial meetings, that old man is not eligible to attend, it seems that we have to wait for the CEO summit in a month, Comrade Wei, then you will see if I am qualified to meet with him!

Or maybe, at that time, we won't even have to see each other face to face! "

The bearded man shook his head and smiled bitterly, patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, turned and left without saying anything more.

How to say? If he hadn't imagined cooperating with Huashi at the beginning, how could he have forced this young man to play such a high-end game? It was like dancing on a tightrope.

And everything is forced by fantasy, the bearded man can be sure, if fantasy dares to place an order, that young man will definitely dare to do what he says!

Half an hour later, Zhao Song returned to the room.

He looked at the letter of appointment over and over again, his greedy eyes revealed his excitement.

"I also have today!"

Zhao Song muttered to himself.

I remembered the respectful young section chief just now:

"No wonder so many people want to be an official. It turns out that this thing is really addictive!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song put away the precious and important appointment book, and then raised his head. Then, he saw a handsome face, so handsome, it was almost as handsome as a handsome man, making people bear it at the first sight. I can't help but feel happy.

Looking at the shining floor-to-ceiling mirror, Zhao Song couldn't help admiring: "Brother, you are so handsome!"


Cheerfully picked up the phone and dialed out, and he recovered his serious expression after he got connected:

"Zhuzi, it's time for the appetizer to end, and the main course will be served after the meeting is over!"

"Okay, my chief minister!"

On the phone, Liao Yingzhu's teasing voice came.

It sounded from the phone that Liao Yingzhu, who had won the first battle, was in a good mood, but unfortunately they didn't know that this good mood only lasted for one night.

Similarly, for the shareholders of Wanwan, they would never have imagined that the most tragic single-share long-short battle in Wanwan's history was just an appetizer for some people.

On June 27, 2001, Taipei was sunny and cloudy.

12:17 noon.

Retail investor Lao Yuan's hair seemed to be blown up, messy and raised high.

In the trading hall, Lao Yuan and countless stockholders glanced at the big screen with scattered eyes. There, the abnormal transaction information of Huashi shares was listed separately. Countless stockholders just discovered that in addition to the huge trading volume, there are also There are buying orders that have been swept away-the short-selling bookmakers.Run away!

With an unbearable chill, Lao Yuan staggered back to his private room, called up the transaction data with trembling hands, and then looked at a dozen accounts that he was extremely concerned about, but found nothing.

The old man murmured blankly to himself:

"It shouldn't be. Even if Tesla has such a small amount of capital, even if it is not the main force, it should let it run first."

Yes, to the surprise of countless people, in this long-short duel, the dealer on the short side fled without warning this morning with a huge amount of loot, leaving behind a lot of chicken feathers and a large amount of empty space in the account of Liao Yingzhu's team. one.

New York.

A Lincoln commercial vehicle quickly shuttled through the traffic.

In the car, David answered the phone with an ugly face, and said gloomily, "Under the well, what are you Bear Stearns doing? Why are you placing three sales orders in a row!"

On the phone, the president of Bear Stearns said helplessly: "David, this is the biggest mistake we have made in a year—a trader misremembered the time!"

"F**k misremembered the time!" David roared: "Mitta, this is part of the agreement we signed with Zhao Song. In order to get more Tesla shares, I will not allow any accidents. Now, immediately , Find a way for me to rescue Zhao Song's funds!"

"David, Bear Stearns alone can't do a multi-party business with soaring strength." On the phone, Jing Shita said dejectedly, "I've already told Liao to close her position as soon as possible. She made it up!"

David asked hurriedly: “What did Liao say?”

".She didn't agree!"


David's face became more and more serious, he held back his anger and listened to the voice that made him extremely disgusted, even so, he didn't want to hang up the phone, because he was afraid that he would receive a questioning call from the other side of the ocean.

He doesn't want to lose the great situation in front of him, not only because Morgan Stanley has made a huge profit of 31% in the past two days, but also because they help Tesla make waves in the financial market, they can get more Tesla stock.

Not an investment, but a purchase!

And just this morning, Apple’s fabled new product once again announced a delay, while Tesla’s copyright negotiations in the U.S. team are progressing more and more smoothly. Now, even a foolish investment bank in the world knows that Tesla It's a golden dome!

"David, I have given Liao the key to Bear Stearns' fastest channel and server group, and even if she fails to operate, we will make up for their losses!"

"I hope so!" David said coldly: "You'd better hope that Zhao Song has no negative influence, otherwise, you should know that there is more than one Morgan Stanley involved in this matter!"

"Understood, I'm going to Mandarin Oriental now!"

"No need." David raised his head, looked at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, which was close at hand, and said with a sigh, "I'm already here, keep your phone connected, and then let's see what that Liao will do."

"Server connection successful."

"The channel is established."

"The speed test is complete."

"Boss, the Bear Stearns channel delay is only 1.1 milliseconds, which is too fast!"

In the small conference room, Liao Yingzhu didn't seem to hear the exclamation of his subordinates, and ordered with a dark face:

"Call Li Yu."

"Yes, call Li Yu."

The senior of Yangcai quickly put away his fussy expression and dialed the landline on his desk.


At this time, the door opened, and David hurried in, and then the door was closed tightly, shutting his followers out.

"Good evening, David."

Liao Yingzhu nodded expressionlessly, and then continued to stare at the movements of senior Yangcai.

"Liao, if you need financial support."

"No, David!"

Liao Yingzhu shook her head, "I have already reported to the boss, this time, we are not as good as others, but"

Liao Yingzhu looked at old David again, and said word by word: "However, before the next cooperation, we must sign a perfect contract, otherwise"

Otherwise, in addition to the benefits in the financial market, Tesla's stock should not be considered. Of course David knew the consequences. He nodded helplessly and said with a smile: "Liao, if I don't bother you, I'll take a look here. OK?"

Liao Yingzhu thought for a while, then nodded slowly, then ignored David and walked towards the landline.

"This is Li Yu."

On the phone, the voice of Li Yu, the fox's den boy, came.

Liao Yingzhu's spirit was shaken, and she quickly asked, "Li Yu, how much negative news does Hua Shi have that can be released now?"

"According to the boss's plan, there is only one left in the first stage."


Liao Yingzhu lowered her head and thought for a long time before raising her head, showing a hint of ferocity, and said harshly: "Can you take it apart?"

"What do you mean dismantling?" Li Yu asked in surprise.

"One becomes two, and two becomes ten."

"." On the phone, Li Yu thought for a long time before hesitatingly said: "This news is a design error of Huashi's motherboard. If we only talk about appearance problems, twenty of them can be dismantled."

"Then tear it down!"

Liao Yingzhu raised her head and shouted to a black trader, "Davis."

The black Davis scratched his head and said hastily: "Boss, the time is too short, so I can only make a rough estimate. The total impact factor of Wanwan KC16 Stock Forum, Yahoo Securities Forum and other 3 Internet forums is about 0.11."


Liao Yingzhu looked at the rapidly rising share price of Huashi: "Li Yu, get ready and use those high-level accounts for you to post."


"Use the panic-mongering method Zhao Song taught you!"


"Everyone, get ready, start operation in five minutes!"


Liao Yingzhu looked around for a while, paused on David, and said without emotion: "If you don't have an ally, find an ally!

If no one takes the offer, let the Wanwan stockholders take it! "

There are three illusions in life: the stock market is going to rise, the property market is going to crash, and she still loves you...

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