I don't know why, but before jumping off a building, many people like to speculate in stocks.

After the gunpowder smoke is over, it is a brand new day. For ordinary people, they can live their lives as they like, and it will not change anything because of the sudden loss of a few people!

After a night of rest, the spirit of the stockholder Lao Yuan has improved a lot. The blood-red marks in front of the 101 Building do not seem to remind him of yesterday's tragedy.

The irony is that Lao Yuan didn't know that when he walked into the stock market in Building 101, on the other side of the ocean, the culprit of Huashi's stock price turmoil was slapping his face and singing:

"Before going to bed every night, I feel beautiful~"

Of course, Liao Yingzhu has a reason to be beautiful. When she was wearing a silk nightgown and laying on the Sealy mattress, in the far away Eastern Treasure Island, the genius girl in the mainland was clamoring in the IQ of the major financial media.

Yesterday's dizzying extreme micro-manipulation stunned countless experts and scholars. Various preliminary analyzes and interpretations were released, and Liao Yingzhu, Tesla's preliminary financial director, also appeared in front of the world for the first time!

However, for all investment banks and financial institutions, that genius girl only made them pay more attention to her. What's more, it is a deeper and more objective analysis of the influence of the richest flower planter. .

Because, that genius rose up by stepping on Zhao Song's shoulders and numerous corpses.

Before, everyone felt that Zhao Song would not and would not dare to breach the contract with Huashi, not only because of the upcoming international conference in mainland China, but also because of the so-called illusory 'bad influence'!

However, when things really happened, when that weird 747 took off into the sky, everyone discovered that he really dared to do that, and did it, and no one could say anything about him.

For all the investment banks that stood against Tesla yesterday, including Goldman Sachs, the reason why Zhao Song didn't do that was just to give them a warning to American investment institutions during this appetizer!


This is just an appetizer!

And this appetizer, is a warning!

If you can't make rules, you must abide by the rules, so that you will not be slaughtered as a pig by those who make the rules.

This is the code that the wealthy Zhao Song has been following. Since the day he became the richest man, he has been on the side of the vast majority of interests!

Not long after 1998, the East Asian geese (the four little dragons) had just been wiped out by the American chaebols. At this time, in the Wanwan financial market, let’s not talk about Huashi, but the one who has just emerged in the international semiconductor industry. Wanji Electric, its Wanwan series of capital accounted for less than 20%.

As an aside, in 2001, among the shares of the South Korean Four Star Group, the Lee family plus all South Korean capital accounted for only 11%!

The rest is in the hands of the American chaebol.

As mentioned above, since the disintegration of the Bresanton system, the American economy has turned from real to virtual, and all the return of currency has been completed by the three major markets of securities, treasury bonds, and futures.

The military strength of the United States is the prerequisite to guarantee all of this, and high technology is for the military!

Wanwan, South Korea, developed countries (regions)? !

This is the biggest joke. During the financial turmoil, the US$50 billion loan agreement signed by the United States and South Korea was borrowed and must be repaid immediately, and then I will lend you again!

The interest has to be repaid twice. This is the hegemony of the only unipolar overlord on this planet in this era!

Therefore, Zhao Song has been thanking his eighteen generations of ancestors, because even if he was not born in the United States, he is also grateful that his ancestors gave birth to him in the only second superpower in the world!

Of course, before the lion under his feet awakens, he has to abide by the rules - to protect the interests of the American chaebol.

This is the reason why he made this appetizer, and it is also the final warning to the American capital in the Wanwan IT industry: I will bring bigger and stronger American capital to sweep, follow me, and have meat to eat, otherwise, next time Not so gentle anymore!

It's so blatant, it's just telling everyone that I want to deal with Huashi, or Wanwan, as for how to deal with it

You guess, you guess well!

By the way, I have two fathers, one is American chaebols, because Tesla is destined to be dominated by American capital and destined to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

The other one is the Flower Planting Government!

I'd rather be a son than a dog on a leash!

In the early morning of June 29, 2001.

The smoke is not exhausted, and the sun is shining brightly.

When Lao Yuan stepped into the stock exchange market, many interested people noticed two pieces of news from across the strait:

Article 1: According to the data released by the International Data Corporation (IDG), the shipment of personal computers in the Huajia market in April, May, and June was 2.57 million units, an increase of 12.3% compared with the three months of January, February, and March, and compared with last year. The growth rate was 12.9% over the same period, and it is expected to increase by 30% to 40% in the next three months compared with the same period last year. At the same time, IDG cited the reasons for making such a large prediction-Shenzhou Technology and Tesla's development.

The IT winter and the shining data have blinded the eyes of people in the IT industry all over the world.

Article 2: The procedure of the APEC meeting is adjusted as follows: On the 15th and 16th, the APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting; on the 19th and 20th, the APEC Business CEO Summit; on the 23rd and 24th, the APEC Ministerial Meeting.

Confusing, meaningful.


After hanging up the phone, Lao Yuan straightened his body and strode towards his private room with strides, as if he was back when he was young and vigorous.

Not far from the gate behind him, there are a few pools of blood-red traces, which are so dazzling and eye-catching.

Now is not the time for him to lick his wounds, this is just a halftime break, and the old man must prepare for a bigger storm!

Yes, the intermission time has come, but in Shanghai, the APEC preparatory team ushered in the final moment of fighting. Everything is for the smooth convening of this local international conference.

Similarly, as a member of the preparatory team, Zhao Song certainly couldn't rest. He was the assistant to the deputy team leader, and also a member of the specific affairs team, the busiest one.

11:01 am.

Shanghai Xijiao Hotel, at the entrance of the lobby.

Zhao Song stared angrily at the two soldiers in front of him, tried hard to hold back the anger that was about to erupt, and said in a soft voice:

"Brother, I just need to walk back and forth a few times on the steps five meters behind you, right under your nose."

"Sorry, your pass level is not enough, you can't go in."

Do not praise internet celebrities, do not praise stars. I only praise the people's soldiers. For ordinary people, this sentence is extremely correct. After all, in this land, whenever you see this uniform, you will feel two words-safety.

But for government officials, such as Zhao Song today, it is a headache.

He finally knew why the story of the flagpole in the founding ceremony was repeated repeatedly: raising the national flag is such an important matter, why did the soldiers not let the flagpole builders go in to repair it, because they are not a system.

One, to ensure safety; one, to ensure smooth progress!

"Brother, I must ensure that the leaders of various countries can walk up the steps behind you within 40 seconds after getting off the car. I must accurately measure the length of the red carpet that needs to be used before today."

"Sorry, your pass level is not enough, you can't go in!"

Zhao Song grabbed his hair fiercely and walked back and forth irritably. Suddenly, under the sympathetic gazes of the two assistants behind him, he took out a copy of "Fortune" magazine from his carry-on bag. Ban Fu, under the head portrait, the two sentences are also so eye-catching: Wealth myth? Wait and see!

"Brother, this is me. I'm quite famous. I'm not an unrelated person. Let me in. Take two steps and take a measurement."

"Sorry, your pass level is not enough, you can't go in."

Depend on!

Zhao Song stared at his red eyes and shouted loudly, "Where is your leader?"

"The chief is not here!"

"When is it?"



Zhao Song looked back at the helpless two civil servant assistants, thought for a while, showed an ugly smile, and said in a low voice: "Brother Bing, look, the leader I am leading is *** (leader of the preparatory team), and the same He is also the vice chairman of your army, seriously, we are in one system, so..."

Zhao Song shook his finger, and continued seriously and seriously:

"Is this the reason?

You taste, you fine taste! "

Due to limited energy, I may not think twice about choosing words and making sentences as before. I hope the book friends will forgive me.

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