Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 497 Finding Clues in the Clouds and Mists, the Prologue Begins Before the Great War (Part 2)

When Zhao Song started to give a speech, what many people didn't know was that the Beijing Traffic Radio Station was not the only one broadcasting live through that microphone cable.

The summit is not the Olympics, and those who pay attention focus on the beginning, the process, not the ending.

Just like this year's APEC Business Leaders Summit, the opening ceremony was presided over by the mayor of Shanghai City, and the foreign minister of the flower grower gave a speech, and the major theme forums after that were the focus of people's attention. As for the closing ceremony, who cares?

But this session is different, because Zhao Song was the last to speak.

Zhao Song, a native entrepreneur who fully accepts the local education of florists.

Zhao Song, who just appeared in Time Magazine.

Zhao Song, chairman of Shenzhou Technology.

Because of the entrustment of various relationships, the concluding speeches of this APEC were broadcast live by 37 local radio stations across the country, and Zhao Song's speeches were heard all over the world through these 37 channels and various technologies.

Jingji Institute, Zhonghai, Huaqiangbei.

Beijing, Shanghai, America.

Li Wei, Yuanyuan, is crazy and quiet.

All kinds of places, all kinds of people, everything.

Because, the speaker is the most powerful product manager in the world, the best creative director, the best salesman who created a new model of product-oriented sales, and the youngest billionaire.

However, why only give him the title of chairman of Shenzhou?

This is something that many people who eat melons are always puzzled.

Isn't the Tesla founder more compelling?

Except for some caring people, Li Wei, who was sitting on the southernmost side of the venue, was also well aware of this issue.

Li Wei almost burst out laughing as she watched the restless leader of the summit shaking her body behind the stage.

Then, her expression darkened.

Yes, she regretted it, very much.

Standing on the stage are high-spirited peers, that is her first love, that is the youth she will never get back.

Not long ago, he brought her a lot of laughter. He never asked her to spend a penny. He once said that he would be her licking dog for the rest of his life.

Although she didn't know what licking a dog meant, he always licked it to be true.

Unfortunately, she gave up all of this.

She gave up fighting against Bao Zhao Song, but what she lost was the chairman of Shenzhou—a position that was as influential as her family's.

Just like fantasy, above Shenzhou Technology shares, there is also Shenzhou Holdings.

Its subsidiaries United Semiconductor, Huahong, Monternet, and companies that provide mobile value-added services in major and medium-sized cities across the country hold shares.

Unlike fantasy, there is a State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission on top of Shenzhou Holdings.

This name was given up by Fantasia with great effort, but Zhao Song got it with all his strength.

But why?

Want a level playing field?

If he could get the same shares from Tesla when he sold them, why did he create Shenzhou?

Tesla has developed to the present, which can completely allow him to obtain the same status.

Li Wei didn't understand this, and everyone didn't understand.

That's one of the reasons the speech was so compelling.

Looking at Zhao Song on the stage, Li Wei couldn't understand why that ex-boyfriend, who was so radiant, was still covered in thorns when he was on such an important stage?

"My speech will start with two short stories.

first story:

Two years ago, Florist's Fantasy, Haier, Backgammon and many giants in the domestic PC, home appliance, and VCD industries gathered in Shenzhen, waiting for the arrival of the uncrowned king, Mr. Bill Gates. That's right, everyone, Mr. Xiao Liu from yesterday's fantasy. For three minutes the strategist as well as the world's richest man, Mr. Bill Gates.

On that day, he brought a heavy gift to the florist—the goddess of love and beauty, Project Venus.

The plan uses the Windows CE platform to try to win the entire next-generation handheld information device market, including pocket computers, PDAs, PDAs, and set-top boxes, and to fully control the new-generation information industry platform for flower growers. "

"It's over!"

The person in charge of the summit slumped on a chair with a look of despair on his face.

"I didn't have the honor to participate in that grand event, nor did I have the opportunity to witness the honor of the 'Savior of the World', but I can imagine the lively scene and the warm atmosphere at that time.

In particular, it is a great honor to unite with the "Savior". I can imagine that under the pain of other manufacturers, those "comrades" who were targeted by Microsoft must be extremely excited.

Because the 'world' is theirs.

Of course, it belongs to Mr. Bill Gates. "

The young man covered in thorns always had a smiling expression. He looked around the audience, as if he wanted to find the group of people back then:

"Today, they are also gathered together with Bill Gates. The difference is that two years have passed, and the Venus Project has disappeared without a trace; the tens of billions of dollars have disappeared!"

Are you guys happy?

Fuck X2!

In the audience, the domestic bigwigs were gloomy, and Bill Gates was full of smiles.

"The above is the evaluation of Mr. Liu's speech yesterday - there is no shortage of strategists, flower growers, and no shortage in the world.

Since the United States proposed the "Information Superhighway" plan, when Moore's Law has lasted for nearly 30 years and has never failed, every IT practitioner who is slightly forward-looking is a strategist! "

"Yes, each of us knows that a new industrial revolution is coming. When the hardware that continues Moore's Law meets the technical requirements, all our industries can do it again according to Internet thinking. When Mr. Bill Gates When pocket handheld devices are no longer bound by technology, we can still continue to redo all industries under the mobile Internet, and only then will the Venus Project be possible!"

"This is what you want to hear from me, the interpretation of the future of the industry, and the plan for the future development of Shenzhou Technology and Tesla. This is another answer I gave to Mr. Bill Gates' question yesterday."

Zhao Song finally found the position of the world's richest man. He smiled and faced the direction of the world's richest man, and said solemnly: "Sir, the maximum number of Chinese characters supported by ancient books is 64 strokes, and each stroke you draw is enough for someone who knows pinyin." People type two to three letters, so do you think handwriting input has a future?"

Unless you want to play the elderly machine!

This is what Zhao Song did not say.

At this time, the simultaneous interpretation transmitted Zhao Song's words to everyone's ears. Some people whispered and whispered, and some people wrote excitedly, while giants like Bill Gates and HP's Iron Lady used more and more words. Brighter and brighter eyes, staring intently at the stage. ,

On the stage, the richest flower grower took out his speech from his pocket with ease, his face was full of spring breeze, and he was in high spirits:

"The second story:

During the economic crisis in Southeast Asia three years ago, there was a sudden tightening, and the non-performing assets of the four major flower-planting, middle-farmer and co-construction banks all accounted for more than 1/3. It is said that they should go bankrupt immediately. Isn't it advocating a market economy? They should go bankrupt. How did the Chinese government do it back then? The financial elites in the audience must not have imagined:

The central government established four major asset companies, bought out all non-performing assets, and then injected capital to turn them into banks that comply with the Basel Agreement, and then restructure them into commercial banks. "

The audience was silent and stunned.

On the stage, the instrument is imposing, trying to be personable.

Behind the scenes, the person in charge of the meeting slowly stood up, looking at the young 'deputy ministerial level' executive solemnly and relieved.

"This is the superiority of the florist system - unlimited responsibility for all the working people of the florist!

This is the reason why I established Shenzhou - when the major shareholder is the state, the will of the state is your will! "

A few years later, Detroit went bankrupt and even the police stopped. Zhao Song couldn't imagine what kind of catastrophe it would be.

He unhurriedly folded the speech papers neatly, then raised his head, and continued to speak:

"Hi everyone, I am Zhao Song, chairman of Shenzhou. Now, I will start my formal speech."

Well, it turns out that your speech has just officially begun.

Li Wei in the audience covered her face, shook her head and smiled wryly, but the doubts in her heart were cleared away.

"This morning, my staff told me that in two or three years, when all the companies under my umbrella will directly or indirectly contribute to the employment of tens of millions, I am very fortunate to have Shenzhou Technology, a state-owned enterprise with unlimited liability shareholders. Cover up for me."

On Zhao Song's face, there was an expression of crying and laughing:

"Think of defeat before winning, just like Mr. Bill Gates said: Microsoft is only eighteen months away from bankruptcy forever.

I also have to find a way out for the tens of millions of employees, and that is Shenzhou! "

Speaking of this, the young people on the stage said proudly and proudly:

"This is also the reason why as many as nine international underwriters took the initiative to come to Shenzhou after Shenzhou applied for listing on the New York Stock Exchange."


There was an uproar in the audience.


The president of Goldman Sachs stood up in disbelief and shouted, "Why didn't Goldman Sachs receive the news?"

Nicholas · Zhao, Nicholas · Zhao Song.

Who knows how this English name has been widely spread in such a short period of time.

Perhaps only Morgan Stanley's David has a better say on this issue.

At the moment, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York.

David's face was full of red, and he asked Liao Yingzhu excitedly:

"Liao, if Shenzhou can give Morgan Stanley more preferred shares, I believe you can get an unprecedented underwriting price."

Liao Yingzhu smiled and shook her head, pointing to the phone and saying:

"David, and gentlemen, I'm from Tesla. Please discuss all matters related to Shenzhou with the person on the phone."


Well, David was helpless. When he saw Liao Yingzhu's frequent reactionary materials, he suddenly asked:


"Yes, David, and gentlemen, the situation is very clear. Mr. Zhang Jianmou, representing Wanwan, has no room for compromise, so..."

Liao Yingzhu raised her head from the document and said sternly:

"The war is about to begin!"

"Where do you start?"

Shangmei also asked in surprise.

"This is subject to the instructions of the chairman!"

"But he's giving a speech!"

"Instructions come from speeches."

"Liao, you said you would tell us an hour in advance!"

"57 minutes have passed since the closing ceremony began."


Mei also froze when she went to bed, suppressed her anger, and asked patiently:

"In that case, Liao, where does the war start?"

"Then you need to listen!"

Liao Yingzhu lifted it up proudly, and said with a half-smile:

"President, please rest assured that your company will not be caught off guard, because no matter where you start, you can't escape the few stocks we have laid out in advance."

How many?

Although Wanwan is not big, is it really good for you to call the stocks of the whole industry chain?

Shangmei also gritted her teeth, and quietly reached into her trouser pocket with her right hand to hold the phone.

At this time, Zhao Song's voice came from the phone:

"Mr. Steve, because Shenzhou's listing plan has not yet started, it is not too late for Goldman Sachs to know now!"

Shang Hai, the venue of Shangri-La Hotel.

Zhao Song stood proudly, and said sonorously:

"Many people say that I am a genius, so I have to do different things as a genius.

When florists are about to join the WTO, and when globalization is approaching, I will share my next words with all florists and entrepreneurs:

I guarantee regular and legal business.

I promise that there will be no such false proposition as a national enterprise, and it will compete fairly and justly with all international companies in Quanhua and all over the world.

I guarantee the interests of all my employees, ensure their stable employment, ensure their continuous income, no squeeze, no bullying, and try my best to make my employees only sweat and not bleed. means of wages.

I promise to provide every consumer with consumer products with stable quality and beautiful appearance, no defective products, and no industrial waste! "

In the venue, the lights shining on the young man seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.

Zhao Song raised his head, met the questioning and unbelieving eyes of the audience, and said loudly:

"'Wu Le work name, to test its sincerity'!

The name is not only engraved on the utensils, but also engraved in the heart of the craftsman. The name is the craftsman's commitment to quality!

From today onwards, all the manufacturing companies under my umbrella will produce all industrial products.

Craftsman signed! "


Li Wei covered her mouth and looked at Zhao Song, her ex-boyfriend, and the richest young flower grower in disbelief.

"Dear international guests, welcome to this beautiful land, where every investment from you will be welcomed with 200% enthusiasm.

In this unfamiliar system, the national research depends on Microsoft, corporate management depends on Goldman Sachs, and corporate management depends on Samsung.

This is my most sincere advice to all international entrepreneurs.

I'm Zhao Song, and the above is my closing speech.

Thank you all and bye! "





Business leaders stood up one by one, and there was a round of applause.

After a while, the cheers shook the sky.

Mandarin Oriental New York.

Liao Yingzhu looked at the table lightly, with a solemn expression:

"Everyone, the goal is clear, please prepare. After fifteen minutes, the war will begin."

Seeing that there was no surprise in the audience, Shang bed Mei also asked in surprise:

"What goal?

"Industrial waste!"

"What industrial waste?"

"All LCDs using C-level panels on the market are all industrial waste!"

Liao Yingzhu stood up, smiling sweetly:

"As for flower growers, almost all LCDs in circulation use C-level panels, so our goal is to

Wanwan LCD panel manufacturers! "

The industry is cold, and the place with the lowest temperature is in the damn LCD panel field!

This chapter has four thousand words.

A book friend asked me about my physical condition, so here are a few sentences.

In the third week of the biggest nicotine truncation reaction, I didn’t make it through. With my family and friends not around (not counting), I thought for a long time, and with the doctor’s advice, I relapsed, although the amount not much.

In my current situation, I really want to stay away from depression, and I must also ensure that I complete the narrative with a healthy mind.


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