Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 509 Unexpected Handshake

There are always countless strong people in this country. Maybe they have been unknown in both lives, but when a reborn person tells them the way forward with countless successful experiences, they will burst out with unimaginable energy.

So what if the boss is not strong, what about American Capital, and what about Wanwan!

have us!

We fought all the way up, and since Zhong Hai fought, we have never been afraid of anyone.

The horn of war sounded.

The last funds that have been gathered for many days, from Shenzhou, from Tesla, from Wuming, from Shanshi, Wesonic, LeTV, why is the name so long, three links and one reach, one kilometer, BOE, Jingcheng Electric Control, Great Wall, Overclocking Three

The latest payments from countless spare parts suppliers, advances from countless construction companies

All pooled into the same account.

No one expected that the business principles that Zhao Song adhered to would get such a big report in such a short period of time!

Wen Zhenwen made a phone call.

The last sum of 340 million U.S. dollars was transferred to Liao Yingzhu's account through some channel in the shortest possible time.

The army charges!

This time, the name of the army is no longer Tesla, but

Zhao Song Department!

Beijing time, July 24, 2001, at 10:00 am.

When the ministers of commerce of various countries walked towards the rostrum under the watchful eyes of everyone, there was a change in the opening of the Gulf stock market, and the first to bear the brunt was the leading company in the LCD panel sector, AUO!

At this moment, the world is watching!

"Affected by the recent centralized buying in mainland China, Wanwan Securities TPEx 50 and Wanwan Weighted Index have risen sharply!"

“AU Optronics (2409), 58.73.”

"The off-exchange channel has been established, connecting with 17 exchanges."

"Empty orders open positions, support levels are established, 58.95."

"The first order is completed, the Huaishan Road Exchange undertakes it, and 45,000 shares are sold!"

"The second order is completed, Chenghai Road Exchange undertakes, and 84,000 shares are sold!"

"The third order"

"The main force of bulls appears, and it is the major shareholder of AU Optronics!"

New York Mandarin Oriental Trading Room.

The Negro looked up and shouted:

"Boss, American Capital has entered the market!"

Liao Yingzhu remained unmoved, her eyes were fixed on the K-line chart on the big screen, and she listened to the non-stop reports in her ears.

"The 19th order is completed, Boss, the position is completed, the average price is 58.75, full position!"

"The ratio of funds on and off the market is 3:7."

"Boss, our allies need time to raise funds."

"They don't need time!"

Liao Yingzhu overplayed her head, looked at all her companions and said:

"They're waiting for news."


"We don't have to wait!"

Liao Yingzhu said firmly, "I believe in my boss, and I believe that we will get the most benefits."

"So guys, clear my buys, next support level, 57.95!"

"Yes, sir!"

In the trading room, everyone looked at Liao Yingzhu with emotional ups and downs, and then threw themselves into the battle with full energy.

This is a 30% on-market, 70% off-market stock trading with the highest leverage. Every penny's rise or fall is a matter of life and death.

Top financial battles.

Like her mysterious boss, this stinky girl is either a lunatic or a genius!

101 Securities Trading Center.

Dark clouds shrouded, and the sword was unsheathed.

AUO stock real-time price: 58.05.

For small shareholders, this is an acceptable loss.

But for hot money who play off-market financial products, their loss is directly proportional to the leverage they make!


At 10:13, the first desperate wailing sounded in the trading hall!


Shanghai International Conference Center.

After the routine introduction, the ministers of APEC20 countries and regions issued the "Ministerial Joint Statement" to all media reporters present

"The theme of the 13th APEC Ministerial Meeting is: Promoting Trade and Investment; Benefiting from Globalization and the New Economy; Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth."

"Since the second half of last year, the economy has started to slow down, the demand of the information technology industry has been weak, the financial market has been turbulent again, and exports have also begun to decline. In order to inject vitality into the economies of APEC members, cooperation in bilateral and multilateral fields should be further strengthened. Promote open trade and investment activity, and take early steps to guard against economic disruption."

“Ministers also agreed that APEC should show its support for the Qatar meeting by stopping measures to increase the level of protection. To this end, the ministers reiterated APEC’s commitment not to impose tariffs on electronic transmissions until the Qatar meeting.”

"The ministers welcome the substantive progress made by the florists' accession to WTO negotiations, and earnestly hope that the florists can complete the process within 2001."



"Boss, many parties are increasing the entry funds, and the resistance is increasing!"

"Wanwan Capital Market still thinks they can benefit from this round of development of florists!"

Liao Yingzhu dismissively said:

"How many ministers are there?"

"Florists do not keep commitments to areas where they are not present!"


"AU Optronics, 57.99, Boss, there is a lot of downside resistance!"

"Selling 40% on the market."

"Then build a position!"

Liao Yingzhu showed an indomitable momentum, and her voice was loud and clear:

"Not once, just twice!"

"Support level, 57.95, hit me!"

"Yes, sir!"

"The first order is completed, Huaishan Road Exchange undertakes"

10:29 minutes.

The capital city, the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

This is the pure engineering school directly under the former Ministry of Machinery, Zhao Song's alma mater, no one knows why it set up a business management branch, and no one knows that 7 years later, it will merge with the School of Information Engineering and change its name to "Jingcheng University of Information Technology". A first-class undergraduate.

However, whether it is seven years later or now, in this school, more than 90% of the non-Beijing students' admission scores are higher than the local key line. The monster who took one less test.

No questions asked.

Just because this is the capital.

Just because of the capital city.

It's the capital!

"Now Liao Yingzhu is fighting in the five leading companies alone!"

On the main road of the school, the senior senior of the finance department of the branch school was walking excitedly to the two young men and said:

"Just looking at her use of levers, it's not enough to describe her step by step, and it's not an exaggeration to be frightened!"

Xizi and Li Yong looked at each other and asked suspiciously:

"Senior, if you are shorting, isn't the more you build a position at a higher position, the more profitable you will be?"

The senior slowed down and looked at the two suspiciously:

"You two, are Zhao Song's friends?"


Xizi Li Yong nodded repeatedly.

"He didn't tell you anything?"

They shook their heads together.

The senior seemed to think of something, and suddenly said:

"Professor Yan from Central Finance made a model and found that after removing Wanji Electric, UMC, and MediaTek, which has improved slightly, the technology and talent pool of Wanwan's 200 billion US dollar industrial chain are almost the same as those of flower growers."

Xizi and Li Yong looked at the senior silently - they didn't understand anything.

"The so-called speculation that Zhao Song's purpose is for hopeless memory technology is illogical."

While talking, before the three came to the lecture hall, the senior looked at the two seriously:

"Memory technology and financial benefits are not their main goals. It is their ultimate goal to severely damage this industrial chain and strive for two years of respite for themselves and related industries in the motherland!"

How did the buddies rise to the level of national strategy?

Xizi and Li Yong were stunned, not knowing what to say.

Seeing their appearance, the senior grinned secretly and said with a smile:

"Go in later, if Professor Yan drives you out, he will praise Zhao Song and Liao Yingzhu more, it will definitely work."


The two of them regretted joining in the fun, why can't they always understand what the person in front of them is saying?

"Because in the past two years, everyone has frequently seen news that flower growers have suffered losses in foreign capital markets."

"Now, it's another one! A continuation of a commercial war, a financial war - minimal political involvement, no exchange rate manipulation, no currency war, a financial war where you have me and you have me."

"A financial war with only the ups and downs of stocks, only the trading of financial products, and only the pursuit of information update speed and trading methods!"

"Now, not only in our school, but also in Central Finance, Huaqing, Capital Economics and Trade, and even in many places around the world, they are paying attention to the Wanwan stock market."

"Because Professor Yan is honored that our classmates, two of his students, also participated in this war."

"Because Professor Yan is very proud, one of those two people initiated this commercial war, and the other will be the main trader on the short side in the financial war!"


Seeing the senior with You Rongyan, Xizi and Li Yong also became inexplicably excited. After taking several deep breaths, they walked into the largest auditorium with the senior. reliable senior

I saw dense crowds filling the entire lecture theater, not to mention the Department of Finance, students from the entire business branch of the school may have come, and even the dusty steps were full of people.

They saw that everyone was looking ahead intently.

Among the crowd, they saw Bai Li biting her lip; Li Ying's eyes glowed brightly; Tong Tong straightened her chest; Zhao Lili was proud and admiring;

They heard Professor Yang Caiyan explaining something to the screen with eloquence.

They felt the rising spirit in the lecture theater.

That atmosphere even makes them feel.

Zhao Song, the winner is guaranteed!

10:39 minutes.

AU Optronics shares 57.83!

Liao Yingzhu broke through the dam built by the main bulls by himself.

Hall 101 of the Stock Exchange was filled with mourning.

The chain reaction brought about by this finally stopped the rise of the IT industry in the Wanwan securities market, which had been rising for several days.

At the same time, Shanghai International Conference Center.

With the last words of the spokesperson, the APEC ministerial meeting officially came to an end.

However, the press conference was not over. When many ministers left one after another, all the reporters present gradually discovered that the banner above the rostrum had changed its appearance.

"That's a Tesla!"

"That's Microsoft!"

"Ka Ka Ka ~"

Under the flashing lights, Ding Tao, who was wearing Haitian Xiangyun, showed a smile, and led a large team onto the stage first.

Members of the Foreign Economic and Trade Department of the Flower Planter, the Minister of Commerce of the United States, senior business officials of the island countries and South Korea, and under the witness of all reporters, the young and handsome Ding Tao held the aging and frail Microsoft CEO Baumol!

Then, from the moment Ding Tao signed his name, history will also witness the great contribution of all those involved in this matter!

In another time and space, fantasies will never be able to do things, and with the efforts of countless people, they finally achieved their goal - the Flower Planters PC Industry Alliance and Microsoft reached a strategic cooperation agreement!

From then on, Florist will no longer be the country that introduces the Windows operating system with the most licensing fee in the world!

10:53 minutes.

The main force of AU Optronics established a strong resistance at 57.75. After many efforts, Liao Yingzhu returned without success.


The door of the trading room was suddenly opened, and the ugly girl who was interrupted from thinking was furious.


David, the president of Morgan Stanley, ignored the ugly Liao Yingzhu and walked in with a smile:

"Please move to the meeting room on the top floor!"


"Because from now on, 45 gold traders from 7 top investment banks, with a capital amount of 3.9 billion U.S. dollars, are all under your command!"


The black man got up from the ground with a face full of fear, and smiled and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by an exclamation:


A blond trader shouted, pointing at the TV in surprise.

On the screen, there were not only videos, but also Chinese and English subtitles. The leaders of the Guangdong provincial government, the flower grower, were tightly holding the hands of senior business officials from the island country. Behind them, the president of NEC Corporation and the CEO of Tesla bow to each other.

Seeing this, Liao Yingzhu didn't have time to be polite, and asked quickly:

"Equipment ready?"

"It's good for you people to go!"

As soon as David's voice fell, Liao Yingzhu picked up his mobile phone and ran out the door, leaving only an unquestionable command voice:

"You only have thirty seconds!"

The black man wailed:

"How could it be so fast!"

"How could it be so fast?"

At this moment, the same wailing resounded in the distant Wanwan Road.

The difference is that the howls that sounded in countless places are so desperate.

"Even if it's an investment, don't you have to negotiate?"

"Such a big investment negotiation, don't you have to talk slowly?"

"Why NEC?"

"Is it an LCD panel production line? I want information, give me information quickly?"

"Quickly mobilize funds, protect the market, quickly protect the market!"


Some people collapsed to the ground, some roared, some were in disbelief, especially angrily.

The only person who remained calm was sitting in the largest office of Wanji Electric

Zhang Jianmou slowly picked up the phone and dialed.

Only Lin Benjian who was beside him could see the unprecedented seriousness in this old man's eyes!

"Wanwan's LCD is finished!"

Those who understand this are not only the people in this office, but also the old stockholders in the 101 Building, who also predicted this result.

He casually glanced at the cliff-like candlestick chart, then pressed the 'pgon' button, and the stock software immediately changed its interface, and a calm candlestick chart appeared in front of his eyes.

"Hon Hai (2317)."

A name that is very unfamiliar to ordinary people in mainland China.

However, if one of its companies is named, surely many people will suddenly realize that because that company is called


"One group, clear the long orders in the market within five minutes!"

"Team two, build channels and prepare for the opening of the next sector!"

New York, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, the largest meeting room.

Liao Yingzhu's appearance with disheveled hair and profuse sweat almost stunned all the gold traders.

"B Boss."

A blond stammered and asked:

"The form of the LCD panel is very good, why not make it?"

"As long as there are multiple buyers in the market, of course you can do as much as you want!"

Liao Yingzhu rolled her blonde hair and completely ignored the other party's handsome face that made women scream.

"Then what is the next section?"

The handsome guy asked with a strange expression.


Liao Yingzhu raised a finger and said confidently:

"Guys, standing behind me is the world's fastest-growing superpower, under the leadership of the world's best and youngest entrepreneurs, and the world's fastest-growing two PC companies integrating production and R\u0026D!"

"Let us keep up with their speed and destroy a property. Afterwards, not only money, but also your resume will have the most brilliant record!"


This ugly girl is too demagogic.

But the handsome blond guy who understood this was still blushing, and shouted together with other gold traders:

"Yes sir~"

The huge volume made Liao Yingzhu pull out her ears in disgust, before she raised her second finger:

"Remember, it's not the chip foundry sector, but a large EMS company that undertakes global electronic equipment production!"

"If you don't know their names, I can tell you."

"They are:




Hon Hai! "

Of course, there is still half a Huashi, neither Zhao Song nor Liao Yingzhu will forget it.

A lot of deletions and revisions have been made. Today's chapter is more than 4,500 words.

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