Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 514 Congratulations on retirement!

An hour later, the crowd came to the small white building at No. 2 Tesla Industrial Park.

After glancing at the Wesonic team hiding aside, Zhao Song introduced to the big boss:

"What you saw in Building No. 1 just now is the testing process of the shell sample provided by Wuming Factory. Since the wear resistance has passed the test, today we only make the final assessment of its feel, appearance, and color. .”

"Building No. 1 is also the innovation center of Tesla's integrated model. We have broken through the barriers between brands and purchased high-quality modules, accessories and advanced technologies globally:

Such as the main control and micro hard disk of the island country, the flagship audio decoding chip of England Wolfson, the contact spring of Germany, the low impedance solder of the United States, etc. We have very strict requirements on circuit design, component selection, material selection, including assembly platform. "

"How about Bissoni?"

The big boss asked expectantly.


Zhao Song was silent. He took the white coat from the staff and helped the big boss put it on, before muttering:

"Secretary, Sony is Sony, Tesla is Tesla, and Tesla will never make 40,000 yuan headphones.

Professional-level entry-level and consumer-level top-end are Tesla's product positioning. If you must benchmark against a certain company, you can only compare it with Apple! "

Seeing the boss's increasingly puzzled expression, Zhao Song smiled wryly, and explained again:

"The ones who are better than me are more expensive than me, and those who are cheaper than me are not as good as me!"

After saying this, the big boss nodded thoughtfully.

If you want to understand product positioning, you have to understand brand positioning on the basis of studying corporate positioning.

Such a big business problem, not to mention Zhao Song, Tesla and countless management consulting companies are studying it, and even Apple in the last life has gone through three stages.

In the Apple era, there is an extreme example that can be cited, and that is Apple's 39999's "strongest surface" display.

okay? good!

Is it worth it? value!

Is it the strongest?


If you want to buy stronger and more expensive guys, welcome to the field of industrial grade procurement.

Here, there are no Huahua, Wanwan, South Korea, you can only see the brands of the island country: Eizo, Mitsubishi, Sony, Panasonic produced broadcast-level monitors, satellite TV-level video clips, aviation, medical imaging and other industrial-grade displays .

Here, you can see the top interfaces, standards, and format disputes. Here, you can see countless black technologies representing the highest level of human beings. Here, countless craftsmen and engineers are persistently pursuing true colors.

After all, the biggest difference in product positioning between Apple, Tesla and Sony is that consumers can afford a full range of products from Apple and Tesla.

And Tesla is competing with Apple for who consumers buy!

While speaking, Zhao Song had brought the big boss to the audition room on the second floor.

"Secretary, this is the chief engineer of Tesla's audio products, Mr. Toshiyuki Ogura."


The big boss stretched out his hand in surprise, and shook hands with the middle-aged man who bowed to him.


Zhao Song nodded and said: "Only when the industry is in a downturn, can this engineer who has worked in Sony for 30 years be summoned, and this is the only one."

"It's not easy."

The big boss sighed.

Zhao Song took the evaluation report handed over by Toshiyuki Ogura, looked at it and said with a smile:

"Secretary, after a while, you will see a large number of engineers in the LCD panel field from Wanwan coming to the mainland to look for jobs with travel expenses and luggage. Combined with the news that BOE is about to launch the fifth-generation screen production line, won't you fight for Pingchang District? ?”

Seeing that the big boss was lost in thought, Zhao Song seriously read the report. After a while, he looked at Toshiyuki Ogura in surprise and asked, "Is this the unanimous opinion of your evaluation team?"

"Yes, boss!"

The slightly bald islander bent down respectfully. The young boss gave him enough treatment to make him show the greatest respect:

"If Ms. Wang Jie's opinion is the same as ours, then it can be said that Wesonic's headphone technology has already entered the field of moving coil and moving iron.

Boss, considering the company's entry time, this is a very difficult task! "

"Yes, it's very difficult."

Zhao Song nodded excitedly, he seemed to have forgotten that the big leader was by his side, walking back and forth in the crowded corridor.

He couldn't help but be excited. This epoch-making product, which was born in his hands ahead of schedule, has four flower planting companies participating. Tesla has completed product planning, positioning and the development of new firmware; Wu Ming has made strict requirements. Harsh casing and buttons; ETO provides hard disk protection technology; and Wesonic provides high-fidelity dynamic earphones.

How difficult is it?

Look at the group of R\u0026D personnel downstairs who are like beggars.

Now, he can finally declare confidently that TPOD is no longer made by Tesla with money.

"Where's Wang Jie?"

Golden Ear Wang Jie has never made a mistake. If she disagrees, then Zhao Song will immediately call a larger audio-visual meeting.


Before Toshiyuki Ogura answered, the heavy door of the audio-visual room opened, revealing the bright face of a young woman, Xiaojie.

She first looked at the crowd in the corridor suspiciously, and when she saw Zhao Song, she immediately ran over excitedly.

"Boss, you are here."

"Well, Miss Wang, how are you doing?"

"number 11!"

When the boss asked a question, Xiaojie, a young woman, gave the answer without hesitation, "Among the thirteen earphones, only No. 11 performed the best.

The middle frequency of No. 11 is very stable, without obvious bias, clear and powerful, smooth and smooth. The transition from middle frequency to mid-high frequency is very natural. The style is slightly soft and loose, with a warm feeling.

I think the low frequency and high frequency are the most prominent places. The density and sense of space of the high frequency are well grasped, and there is a feeling that it can still rise, but there is still a difference compared with HiFi in the extension of the extremely high frequency, but the low frequency And the feeling of high frequency is already excellent. "


Zhao Song shouted happily.

He rubbed his hands excitedly. If there were not too many people present, he would have wanted to go up and hug Xiaojie, a white-haired young woman, to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, he recklessly pushed aside the crowd and strode towards the window at the end of the corridor.

Downstairs, the unkempt beggars were watching the gate anxiously.

This group of academic masters and enthusiasts feel that the anxious mood at this moment is even worse than the college entrance examination.

"Boss, if you don't pass, let the chairman beg the big boss and give him one last chance."

The little beggar said to the beggar head.

Beggar head, Wesonic R\u0026D Director shook his head regretfully: "This is already the last chance that the big boss won for us. The company has a big strategy for the company, so we can't wait any longer."


The little beggar smashed it regretfully, and was just about to say something, when a loud roar suddenly came to his ears:


All the beggars followed the sound and looked towards the second floor.

"It's the big boss!"

They saw Zhao Song.


They saw Zhao Song's outstretched thumb.




Someone knelt on the grass.


Someone covered their cheeks.


Someone yelled excitedly.


Someone jumped up.

"We passed!"

"We did it!"

"Yes, you did it!"

On the second floor, Zhao Song also shouted excitedly:

"In the field of 100 yuan (cost), you have overthrown all the competing products, and you have passed unanimously. Your fucking pen is big!"

While roaring, Zhao Song's eyes also turned red:

"I made 3 billion yesterday, and I'm not as excited as I am today, because this earphone belongs to us, and no one can get a cent of the license fee from it. This is our product, and this is our product. !"

"Guys, get your accounts ready, because the promised rewards will arrive today; get your team's name ready, because it will be engraved on the earphones, serving millions of consumers around the world!"

The name of the craftsman is really not just for fun.


"Long live the boss!"

"I'm going to sleep for three days!"

"I want pedicure and health care, and I want to go to the bathing city!"

"Lao Tzu"

second floor.

Zhao Song turned around, ignored everyone's strange eyes, and shouted loudly:

"Shi Ming!"

"At this."

Shi Ming quickly stepped forward two steps.

"Let Yuan Wu come back, tell Zhao Lei, let him notify all international suppliers, notify the three links and one reach, notify the national procurement negotiation team, notify all relevant people, tell them that Tpod2 classic must be put into production in about a month, and after two months , the color series Tpod2 classic was put into production.

As for quantity. "


At this moment, Shi Ming was about to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Song:

"Damn International Data Service Company, 20 million to TM, I don't believe them!"

That lunatic from Apple is uniting many small factories, and has already started a patent lawsuit with the largest scale and value in IT history against Tesla, which made Zhao Song firm in his prediction.

"Few people can understand what it means when this thing is combined with the sound field.

20000000? "

Zhao Song sneered and roared:

"Just the first batch of production.

50 million is the purchase volume for the next two years! "

Starting today, Tesla will officially become an international giant that indirectly affects 400,000 jobs around the world!

Products are the bottom line of an enterprise's life, and all the turmoil in the financial market is, after all, duckweed without roots!

As for some retired business godfather, go well.

Congratulations for teaching a group of short-sighted and unscrupulous businessmen!


Combined with an advertising alliance established last year, it is alarmist, book friends have fun:

In 2010, Zhao Song established Xiaosong Company. Relying on the mature industrial system spelled out by China, he released 1999 mobile phones, 1999 TVs, and more ecological chain products with exquisite appearance. He does not promote patented technologies, but only describes technologies that consumers care about. index.

Consumers are grateful to Zhao Song, because he is the one who has brought down the price of products, so that people can afford countless electronic products.

This year, Xiaosong's ecological chain is slowly improving. When the TV was turned on in 1999, consumers had to watch a 30-second boot advertisement, but no one cared, because it was cheap after all.

However, the most absurd thing is that no one cares that he violated the "Property Law" law!

Occupy consumer bandwidth, occupy consumer TV memory, broadcast advertisements, and seek private profits through advertising alliances.

I even thought about what he would do in the future:

Update the entire ecological chain product firmware, so that each ecological chain terminal becomes a mining machine without consumers knowing!

Oh, the mining machine is too ugly, let’s change it to a taller word.

Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things?


What is the core technology?

This year, AI-developed gene medicines were launched on the market, and the correct rate of AI diagnosis on X-ray images reached 90%.

The advancement of core technology will eventually benefit everyone.

On the premise of patriotism, everyone is an exquisite egoist.

Whoever made my family, friends, and book friends live well and long, no matter which country you are from, I thank his eight generations of ancestors!

Who wants to play us for fools...

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