Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 522: The Final Battle (3)

"It's more than a good job!"

On the phone, brother-in-law Da Da asked loudly, "Have you got the 500 million profit?"


Zhao Song said with a smile.


Da Da's brother-in-law paused for a while before continuing to ask: "What are your plans? Continue to hold shares, or is it true to buy Huashi as everyone has rumored?"

"It depends on what the other party does." Zhao Song narrowed his eyes and said, "There are still people talking to me today about taking care of the overall situation, okay, as long as the other party gives me what I want, and then pays 5% of the market price. The shares have been taken, and I am willing to take care of the overall situation."

After listening to Zhao Song's words, brother-in-law Da Da didn't say anything, but asked the result directly:


"Otherwise?" Zhao Song tilted his head and said with squinted eyes, "Brother-in-law, Time Company used to be small, but Warner Company was very large. How did it become Time Warner in the end?"

"Times borrowed money to buy."

"Brother-in-law, have you heard of LBO?"


"Brother-in-law, do you know about the call option?"

". Zhao Song, what exactly are you going to say?"

Zhao Song was unmoved, and still smiled and said: "Wall Street needs a super company to go public to boost the stock market. They thought that the company would be Google, but two more competitive companies emerged—Shenzhou Technology is now, Tesla is the future.

A present, a future, I believe it is much better than Google without any plan, right? "


On the other end of the phone, brother-in-law DaDa seemed to understand something and became quiet.

"At the cost of Shenzhou and Tesla's preferred shares and the priority of underwriting rights, how much Huashi's options do you think I can get?"

".a lot of."

"So, let's talk about that 'else'!"

Zhao Song stood up, "Otherwise, I will buy Huashi, and I don't need a penny of cash at all. Zhang Jianmou thinks it is wishful thinking to drag my funds to Huashi!

Brother-in-law, I can wait until the beginning of September at most. If I don’t get what I want, I will make the Wanwan stock market suffer from grief. Get rid of his M’s influence and get rid of his N’s overall situation. Stone shares and 5 billion funds, plus the price we paid, what can we do! "

"Five billion?! Zhao Song, do you know how much money Zhang Jianmou raised to encircle you?"

Zhao Song replied without changing his expression: "I don't know, and I don't need to know, because in terms of the stock market, I have Liao Yingzhu."

"You only have Liao Yingzhu."

"Brother-in-law, you vetoed the efforts of many people with one sentence."

Zhao Song narrowed his eyes and said, "Maybe many people will think like you that I only have Liao Yingzhu.

But it doesn't matter, in the next month or so, let me tell you: the story of Zhao Song and his friends. "


On the other end of the phone, brother-in-law Dada really couldn't figure out what kind of confidence he had, so he asked after a long time:

"The specific time you activated."

"There is no specific time, just do as I please!" Zhao Song opened the door, "Any day in early September, and brother-in-law, from now on, anything we do can be used as a warning to those Wanwan companies!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song hung up the phone, and then he looked at the door with a person, a cat and a dog angrily:

"Xiaoyu, this is a soundproof door, you can't hear anything!"


Xiao Yu, who was hugging Garfield, curled her lips and said, "The phone line at home has been unplugged, the access control has been hung up, and sister Lina and I have also turned off our mobile phones. Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhao Song said with a headache: "I didn't do anything, it's just that your sister Zhuzi earned a little more money. Also, I want to call sister-in-law Linna."


Xiao Yu pouted again, without saying anything, and handed him the dog leash in his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Walk the dog."

"Walking the dog in the early morning?"

"Of course, Benben has been a cat at home for a day."


Zhao Song scratched his head, tied Benben on a dog leash, put on a mouth cage, and shouted to Li Linna who was writing in the living room:

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to go for a walk with the dog?"

The long-legged stared at the confused eyes, raised his head from the French textbook, and replied in a daze: "Huh?"

"Yes~" Zhao Song waved his hand helplessly, "I said study hard and improve every day."


The long legs bit the tip of the pen and lowered their heads.

Summer nights in the capital don’t have the slightest taste of the countryside, only traffic and lights, and the atmosphere of a super city is everywhere.

This is the early morning of 2001. Outside the Northwest Third Ring Road, brothers and sisters walking their dogs around the neighborhood can see college girls wearing dresses or tight jeans from time to time.

"elder brother."


Zhao Song looked away from the two tall female college students and looked at Xiao Yu.

"Lu Weiwei and the others called me today."

"Say what?"

"They said that when they grow up, even if they can't be the girlfriend of the richest man, they still want to be the girlfriend of the richest man's girlfriend."


"They said that you dared to buy Huashi Group in order to vent your anger on your girlfriend's best friend."

Hearing this, Zhao Song asked in surprise, "How did they know? And if I remember correctly, the one holding the sign for Huashi should be a company called DNW, right?"

Xiao Yu gave him a white look with her big beautiful eyes, and said angrily:

"Brother, don't forget that I'm studying in Huaqingfu, and my two little girlfriends are the second generation, and they are more informed than I am."


Zhao Song chuckled, didn't admit anything, but asked:

"Why do you say bold?"

"Because they said you were going to swallow elephants in a whimsical way." After speaking, Xiao Yu turned to look at Zhao Song and asked worriedly, "Brother, if you fail, what will be the consequences?"

Zhao Song laughed, rubbed Xiao Yu's head lovingly, and said:

"Let's not say whether I will buy Huashi or not. I just want to tell you that even if it fails, you will lose some money and shares. Your brother will still be the richest man in the flower planting family. In the future, we will try to become the richest man in the world.

Xiaoyu, your sister Zhuzi is very powerful and stable, don't worry. "

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded seriously, took Zhao Song's hand, "Brother, go back."


Ten minutes later, at the gate of Wancheng Huadi Community.

The siblings looked at the bustling community garden in bewilderment.

"Xiaoyu, what time is it?"


"Is our neighborhood so lively every midnight?"

"I stayed with you two days ago."

After answering, Xiaoyu looked at Zhao Song thoughtfully, and suddenly realized, "Maybe. They saw you go out for a walk with your dog."


Zhao Song didn't speak, and stared blankly at the crowd who seemed to have no intention of walking over.

"Mr. Zhao, take a walk~"

"Zhao Dong, what a coincidence, this is your sister, she is so beautiful."

"Mr. Zhao, what is the connection between Jupai Huashi and Shenzhou Technology, and what do you think about the future of Shenzhou?"

"Old Qiao, what work are you talking about at night! Director Zhao, I'm your downstairs neighbor. If it's convenient for you, can I come and visit?"

"Mr. Zhao."

July 27, 2001.

The commercialization initiated by Zhao Song has reached its climax.

That night, Zhao Song took his sister for a walk with the dog at the same time.

In 798 Industrial Park.

Li Bowei said loudly at the interim board meeting:

"We are not only going to be a world-class PC company, but we are also going to be the largest OEM company for planting flowers. It is a normal business practice to imagine that ordering Huashi is a normal business behavior. We bear the overall situation in mind, but there will never be a next time!

Also, the chairman asked me to give you an opinion, can I say hello to your friends in the news control department, is it not appropriate to fantasize about China? Is fantasizing qualified to be ahead of China?

If so, is Shenzhou more qualified than it? ! "


Still at the same time, Pyeongchang Tesla Industrial Park.

In the No. 2 factory building, Yuan Wu solemnly pressed the start switch of the assembly line - the mature Tpod classic production specification officially started trial operation in the No. 2 factory building.

In Zhonghai's office.

Gui Luyang looked at the personnel file with red eyes. On it was the talent pool of the foundry industry collected by many headhunting companies.

In Guancheng.

On the brightly lit construction site, Ding Tao, wearing a hard hat, sits on one side.

In Shang Hai.

Zhao Lei, a non-staff member of the national procurement team, is analyzing product information. He is screening products for the production tasks of most PC companies in the next two years, and his central idea is to completely de-bay.

In the provincial capital of Wanwan.

Cai Feng strolled out of Taoyuan International Airport. Nine hours later, he will officially enter Huashi Technology Group as a representative of DNW's management.

in New York.

Liao Yingzhu was discussing a plan with a group of gold traders, and soon, they would respond as quickly as possible, whether it was acquisition or shareholding, whether to fight or not to fight.

Still at the same time, Zhao Rong, Xu Liangying, Chen Keyan, and countless others were busy.

Running a business is not a matter for one person, but a group of people!

13 hours later.

July 28, 13:30 pm.

The closing of the Wanwan stock market is still more and more new accounts, and it is still another record-setting trading volume.

The foundry sector has not moved at all, and Huashi Technology has remained calm.

There was no news, no compromise, and no one talked to Zhao Song about "taking care of the overall situation".

Or maybe no one believes that Zhao Song can make any waves.?

14 o'clock.

DNW officially issued an offer to the board of directors of Huashi Technology Group, and will discuss with the board of directors of Huashi about the acquisition of Huashi at a price of NT$125.

No communication, no warning.

DNW formally hostile takeover Huashi!

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