Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 524 Farewell to Linna

Zhao Song's girlfriend Li, named Linna, Zhao Song took the word "Baby", from a rural village in Northeast Kyrgyzstan Province.

She was born smart and smart, and when she was learning to speak, the big speakers in the village read the long poem "Pipa Xing", and she could recite it very quickly. Unfortunately, when she was four years old, her father who loved her the most passed away. There were only her mother Jin and six brothers in the family, and the family was very poor.

When Linna grew up, she was good at farming and weaving clothes. The family of six depended on her handicraft for a living. Even if her brother went to school, the tuition for teachers was never in short supply.

After going to college, she worked as a car model in winter and a doll in summer, sold her blood, and worked hard. If there is no accident, Li Shilinna may inherit the fine female tradition of the flower planter for thousands of years and support the four brothers in the family. Only when you get married and start a business will you drag your exhausted body to live a life of your own.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in life. When this beautiful girl came to the end of her life, she was not greeted by a bright future, but an ancient marriage transaction. She collapsed.

The girl's only resistance is to sell herself for a good price before her family sells her.

However, what is surprising is that even she herself did not expect that this exhausted body would be sold for such a high price - the girlfriend of the richest man in flower planting.

And that richest man is a peerless otaku who has been a dog licker for fifteen years!

"Daughter-in-law, have you finished packing? If it's too late, I won't be able to catch the plane."

Outside the door, her boyfriend's urging voice came. Li Linna, who was looking in the mirror, smiled slightly, and quickly turned around and came to the bed, took back the photo album from Xiao Yu who was lying on it, and carefully put it in the suitcase.

It was full of photos of her and the richest man's boyfriend, which were the most precious memories in her life.

Standing up, rubbing Xiaoyu's head lovingly, Li Linna took the suitcase and walked to the door, turned off the smart background music in the master switch on the wall, then, she turned around, and looked at her seriously. Multi-month master bedroom.

That was a scene that had never appeared in her most beautiful dreams - the whole house with a complete set of Fendi furniture, and the central Fendi bed with a Sealy mattress worth 200,000 yuan. Of course, on top of the mattress , YvesDelorme Icelandic duvet is more expensive than a mattress!

This is her home!

Li Linna lowered her eyes and opened the door with a smile on her face after she calmed down.

"Here we come~"

she gently agreed

She has a beautiful figure, with slender shoulders and long neck, long legs and slender waist, thin and blunt, with beautiful eyebrows, and two eyes looking forward. The lingering and charming demeanor makes Zhao Song stand on the spot outside the door.

Hugs and kisses on the cheeks, the 1.76-meter Li Shilinna can always let the right hand of her 1.8-meter boyfriend hug the most amazing curve in the most comfortable position, that kind of hearty, refreshing and wonderful The touch will always make Zhao Song linger!

"Daughter-in-law, why are you so beautiful?"

A word of praise that she never tires of hearing made Linna narrow her eyes with a smile, revealing her cute coquettish flesh, and asked naively:

"After watching it for so long, you still haven't gotten tired of watching it?"

"How come~"

Zhao Song couldn't help laughing. Under Xiao Yu's white eyes, he moved the hand on Li Linna up and down, and then continued:

"Purple orange falling flowers with white borders, graceful and pretty. But if you search all over the capital, where can you find a woman like my daughter-in-law: tall, beautiful legs and long, with a golden proportion and small flat chest?"

I don't know why, Zhao Song's greatest achievement in his life is that he learned to praise women without a teacher.


The white eyes of Xiao Yu behind him were almost rolled up to the point of losing their eyeballs.

Zhao Song turned around and said with a smile:

"Of course, our Xiao Yu is not bad, the corners of his lips are slightly brighter, and his graceful demeanor, isn't it our Xiao Yu!"


The two sisters-in-law looked at each other, and Xiao Yu asked hesitantly:

"Sister Linna, what is he talking about?"

Li Linna glanced at Zhao Song amusedly, and said:

"He said we were vixens."

Zhao Song said with a look of injustice:

"Why does "Pretty Fox Fairy" call people vixen?"

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Yu's top-level pinching skill shut his mouth.

"Hiss~Smelly Xiaoyu, let me go!"

Ten minutes later, a luxurious and stable Audi A8 was driving on the North Third Ring East Road.

In the back seat of the car, a man and a woman in love clasped their fingers and cuddled tightly.

"Actually, Xiao Yu's school day is more important, you sent her instead."

Li Linna said softly.

Zhao Songzheng carefully rummaged through the notepad with one hand, but did not hear Li Linna's words: "Yes."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, then he looked at the notepad and said:

"Daughter-in-law, listen carefully:

Bedding and bath towels are changed every two weeks; carpets, floors, furniture and lampshades are vacuumed. "


Li Linna looked at her boyfriend angrily and amusedly:

"Are you talking to me about housework?"

"Of course," Zhao Song said naturally, "don't underestimate the issue of housework. In Europe, it includes 100 major categories, and each major category also includes 20 sub-categories. There are more than 1,000 categories of housework in total!"

From laundry and pet care to cooking and shopping for birthday gifts. "

"But I'm going to school."

"But you don't want to come back!" Zhao Song turned his head, looked at Li Linna seriously, and explained in detail:

"The house has already been bought, and it is in the legendary rich area. If you want to have a good relationship with your neighbors and integrate into the so-called upper class of the local society, you must live the most exquisite life!"


Li Linna obediently agreed, and then, leaning on Zhao Song's shoulder, she changed the subject leisurely:

"Wanwan, are you really all right?"

"It's okay." Zhao Song stroked the long-legged hair and asked, "Did you hear any strange words again?"

"Yes." Li Linna replied honestly, "Some people say that you have indeed made money in Wanwan, but the plan to help Shenzhou delay the Wanwan OEM has gone bankrupt.

Someone told me that some shareholders of Shenzhou are planning to ask you for some compensation. "

"What compensation?"

Zhao Song asked curiously.

"Cash compensation."


"I don't know." Li Linna shrugged and said with a smile: "Before I had time to ask anything, you cut me off from the outside world with Xiaoyu. But..."

Li Linna straightened up and said seriously: "If you can't bring down the stock prices of those competing companies before the Wanwan incident is over, I believe these rumors may all become true."

After getting acquainted with Zhao Song, in addition to his suggestions, Li Shilinna has developed LeTV to today's situation by herself.

The up-and-coming luxury lingerie brand and the top adult product manufacturers sweeping the world show the extraordinary personal ability of long legs everywhere.

However, Li Linna, who has long been a non-Wuxia Amon, doesn't understand, what will Zhao Song do in Wanwan?

The aftermath of the economic crisis is still raging all over the world. Now, the situation is not getting worse, only gradually getting better, especially the Wanwan stock market, which has been tossed by Zhao Song and Liao Yingzhu. The introduction, but what really made the Wanwan stock market float is the global investment institutions attracted by the two of them!

How to beat down the stock prices of those companies?

She couldn't think of it, and countless people couldn't think of it like her.

"In order to guard against fantasy, we set up two plans."

Zhao Song explained softly, "So you see, Fantasia really placed an unprecedented big order for Huashi!"


Li Linna was silent.

"When the expert team of Zhongguancun Holdings designed the model, the bottom line was that they couldn't make a loss, so after the first stage, Liao Yingzhu took out all the profits of more than 18 million yuan to build a warehouse in Huashi."

After listening to Zhao Song's explanation, Li Linna nodded in understanding, and then asked expectantly:

"Will the acquisition be successful?"

Zhao Song smiled wryly and shook his head: "Even if such a large leverage can be successful, not to mention the Wanwan side, we will not make it successful, because Tesla's main task at this stage is not to expand, but to take money to consolidate. Base!"

Li Linna heard the words, and said thoughtfully: "It is to expand the software ecology."


Zhao Song nodded, and then hugged his long legs affectionately and said: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, you see, even if we can't beat the share price of Wanwan, we have made money, and those companies will not come to our flower planter again." It's empty-handed, and if you want to invest, bring real money.

Therefore, with such a great contribution, the state-owned shareholders of Shenzhou will not say anything about me. "

If only things were that simple!

The sensible Li Linna didn't ask any more questions, but held Zhao Song's hand tightly, enjoying their final reunion.

At this time, Zhao Song leaned forward, picked up a small guitar on the co-pilot, and asked with a smile:

"Daughter-in-law, how is the song you taught me?"

After hearing Zhao Song's culture, Li Linna blushed suddenly, and said embarrassingly: "I, I'm a little tone deaf."

Finally something you don't know! ?

Zhao Song laughed wildly in his heart, but said solemnly on the surface:

"Daughter-in-law, look, we got together before we even fell in love, so before you leave, you have to sing this song anyway, and take it as my compensation for you."

"All right."


"Crack, crack, crack, crack~"

As soon as Li Linna agreed, Zhao Song started clapping the guitar.

That's right, it's a shoot!

He couldn't play at all.


The rhythm sounded.

Zhao Song turned his head.


Following the rhythm in his hand, he sang affectionately to the long legs.

"I have a favor for you, you are interested in me, don't let love pass you by."

Li: "I've heard too many smooth-tongued sweet talk."

Zhao: "I'm sad for you, you're haggard for me, don't let love be too tortuous."

Li: "The temptation of life, what proof do you use, you will love me forever."


Amidst the sweet love song, Audi A8 turns into the airport expressway from the North Third Ring East Road. After a while, it will pass the Fourth Ring Road, cross the Fifth Ring Road, and approach the Capital International Airport.

Outside the car window, there are cars coming and going, busy people.

Inside the car and boat, there are deeply affectionate couples who are about to part.

"Zhao Song."


"Thank you."




"Thank you. Let me meet you~"

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