Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 534: The Night Before

The chapter is free, 2900 for the text and parts of the author said. Because there are a lot of book lovers who are confused recently, this chapter is mainly to fill in the gaps and explain, the follow-up plot is sensitive, and I am still considering the writing angle, please bear with me.


September 10, 2001.

The stock price of Huashi Technology broke through the 1000 mark and reached the price of 1089.

Near the close, DNW reversely sold 327,500 lots of stocks to the market, accounting for 100% of the total holdings of DNW.

The sell-off is over, the stock market closes, and the market crashes!

At the same time, DNW issued an announcement stating that: until Huashi Technology’s stock price returns to a reasonable price, DNW will no longer consider any operations on Huashi’s shares from the secondary market.

The stock price is too high and I can't afford it. That's probably what it means. There is nothing wrong with the announcement.

However, what drove countless investors and investment institutions crazy was that during this day, Tesla's global sales and DWN's sell-offs did not give them any time to react, and they were all completed within one day!

And everyone's madness is the best affirmation of Tesla!

You don’t need to look at Zhao Song’s 50 million production plan, just look at IDG’s previous forecasts, and you can know what kind of company Tesla will be!

The size is different, the impact is also different!

Now, Zhao Song does not need to pull the banner of national procurement and joint investment. With Tesla alone, he can gain the influence that Porsche had when facing the public.

That's right, a Porsche!

In 2008, Porsche hit Volkswagen, and it took only two days for Volkswagen’s stock price to rise from 30 to 1005. On the third day, Porsche released 5% of its shares to stabilize the stock price, and Volkswagen plummeted 48% that day!

What's even more unfortunate is that after the sharp drop, an even darker financial crisis ushered in!

During the whole process, major investment institutions lost a total of 20 billion yuan, and the third richest man in Germany committed suicide by lying on the train.

Afterwards, the National Bank angrily declared that it would never subsidize companies that rely on financial derivatives to make profits. They were talking about Porsche. The second-hand product failed because of the super black swan of the economic crisis and was reversed by the public.

The above is the prototype of Zhao Song's backup model!

In terms of influence, one month ago, Fantasy + Acer + Tesla = Porsche, they used one month to make Huashi Technology soar 10 times; one month later, Tesla = Porsche, its selling, even if Let Huashi's stock price fall by less than 48%, which is not much worse.

And Liao Yingzhu's trading logic for Huashi options is to make a long-short bet with hedge funds on the 918 delivery day. Liao Yingzhu, bet on nothing! Great leverage!

As for what happened on September 11, whether it will happen and when it will happen, for Zhao Song, that is just a variable, and it has never been within the scope of consideration!

He made a backup model just to convert the unpredictable negative impact of fantasy, a shit-stirring stick, into a positive one, accumulating more energy to hit his ultimate goal!

Yes, the ultimate goal, Zhao Song has never changed!

"At least 30% drop!"

This is Zhang Jianmou's estimate, not for Huashi, but for the entire foundry sector.

At night, standing in front of the window, Zhang Jianmou said solemnly to Lin Benjian who came to say goodbye.

"If all factories united and resisted when Zhao Song was manipulating AUO, why worry about today's situation!?"

Lin Benjian, who was thinking about what kind of accidents would be encountered in this scientific research conference, raised his head when he heard the words, and asked curiously:

"What the hell is he going to do?"

"Steal my business."

Zhang Jianmou said with a wry smile, then put a stack of documents in front of Lin Benjian, and explained to him in detail:

"In the era of compatible computers, since INTEL does not allow independent suppliers, all American IC companies will send out their own design materials, and many Wanwan IC design companies will purchase those materials from the market. In the e-waste market in mainland China, countless original chips were obtained and returned to the company to do reverse research and development, and in many cases, Wanji Electronics will also provide assistance.”

"The reason why Wanji's 4-inch and 6-inch production lines can operate at full capacity is because of the orders from many downstream IC design companies around it!"

"The chips in these orders have reduced the gross profit rate to less than 40%, which has allowed European and American IC factories to give up this field and allowed Wanwan IC factories to achieve long-term development."

Lin Benjian nodded thoughtfully. He understood the meaning of the chairman. Before Tesla and Shenzhou entered the field of board production, Wanwan produced 90% of the world's board products. The lower cost of chips feeds back many Foundry manufacturers, so that Huashi, AUO, Guangda and other board card and complete machine foundries have gained more cost advantages.

In the past, the reason why those PC manufacturers in mainland China are more and more willing to let Wanwan OEM instead of producing by themselves is because they found that after they have worked so hard to build a supply chain, they are not as cheap as purchasing from Wanwan manufacturers!

Taking the power management chip on the motherboard as an example, there are at least a dozen large-scale manufacturers in Wanwan:

Richtek, Fuding Advanced, Maoda, An Mao Microelectronics, Zhixin, Peiheng and Chongmao are all well-known names.

They are surrounded by Wanji Electronics, and the products are embedded in many boards and terminal products of Acer, Huashi, Gigabyte, MSI, Fantasy, Tongfang, etc. through the production line of Wanji Electronics, forming a perfect, worth 2000 A closed ecological loop worth US$100 million!

Thinking of this, Lin Benjian couldn't help admiring the old man in front of him. This ecological chain was created by this old man!

"Zhao Song."

Zhang Jianmou turned a blind eye to Lin Benjian's eyes, and continued to explain, "He is the most willing to spend money in the semiconductor industry, and it doesn't all depend on financing, a lot of it is his own money!"


Thinking of what Zhao Song said when poaching him, Lin Benjian was speechless.

"Xiaolin, the information in your hand is the counter-cyclical expansion plan of many Wanwan manufacturers. In the past three months, the speed of implementation of this plan

is 0! "

Lin Benjian raised his head when he heard the words, and said uncertainly, "Wancheng!?"

Zhang Jianmou nodded:

"That's right! The Guancheng investment group formed by Zhao Song has a larger scale, better conditions, and lower policy preferences, so the local government and banks in Guancheng gave them the loan amount.

Not only that, Wanwan manufacturers are hindered from investing in various places, because under the same conditions, if the investment promotion departments in various places only give loans and discounts to Wanwan manufacturers and not to Shenzhou, Zhao Song will find high-level officials to scold them! "

Lin Benjian asked in surprise: "Shenzhou has participated in all the places?"


Zhang Jianmou shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "His purpose is to stop the Wanwan manufacturer from doing nothing.

Kobayashi, during the downturn of the industry, in addition to government support and bank loans for counter-cyclical expansion, the only way to obtain sufficient funds is the financial market.”

Lin Benjian suddenly realized: "So, he came to Wanwan again."

"That's right!"

Zhang Jianmou sighed with a wry smile: "Bringing many American capital stalkers and bullies, they turned the Wanwan stock market upside down!"

"The third document shows the amount of capital that has entered the Wanwan stock market in the past few months, as well as the number of new accounts. Xiaolin, these bloodthirsty crocodiles are not here to invest, but to speculate!"


"During the low ebb of the industry, the ever-increasing inventory and declining revenue are all bad news. Where is the good news? But Zhao Song was able to rely on ramblings, pull up state procurement, joint investment, and create a good!"

"Shenzhou is in the A-share market, foreign capital can't get in at all, so he created a Tesla concept in Wanwan, which attracted a lot of investment. In just a few months, the amount of funds in the stock market has increased by more than ten times. Xiaolin, Can you imagine how sensitive the stock market is to all kinds of news right now?"

Hearing this, thinking of the age of the person on the other side of the strait, Lin Benjian suddenly felt chills all over his body.

"All the benefits are based on snatching various Wanwan industrial markets, but why has the foundry sector risen so much?"

"Placing an order because of fantasy?"

Zhang Jianmou nodded and said, "Because of fantasies, because of the sudden acquisition by that shell company of DNW, and because of that girl's genius operation, no one thought she could do so well!"

Glancing at Lin Benjian, Zhang Jianmou turned to the financial team in the room and said:

"Please keep your spirits up, because the war has entered a real heat, and several international headhunters have entered the Gulf, and he will definitely kill several downstream IC design companies to poach talents.

Those are all IC downstream industries, and Wanwan has developed by relying on these industries, and he is going to follow the old road we walked out of!

And because it is a downstream industry and has opened up the US government, no one will stop him, except us! "

"Everyone, even if the poaching is unsuccessful, he will harm others and benefit himself, just to prevent Wanwan's counter-cyclical expansion and buy time for himself!"

Hearing this, Lin Benjian nodded and said: "My Foxconn friend told me that Huahong Microelectronics is cooperating with United Semiconductor to tackle the BCD process of power management chips, and with the assistance of Foxconn engineers (purchase agreement conditions), the technical difficulty is not too big. I believe that Huahong Microelectronics' 4-inch assembly line will be able to master this process proficiently in a short period of time, at least, in the future board power management chips, the mainland will be completely self-sufficient!"

In the office, there was a sudden silence, and then the chief financial officer asked anxiously:

"Boss, what should we do?"

Zhang Jianmou bowed his head and thought for a long time before slowly saying:

"Don't worry about the foundry sector, no matter what happens to them, it's all self-inflicted!

Everyone, early tomorrow morning, when the market reaction is not strong, release all foundry manufacturers' stocks, set aside funds, and protect those IC companies to death! "

"Believe me, no matter how much money he makes, he won't turn around and run away. His goal is not to make money, but to"

"Semiconductor talent, semiconductor technology, semiconductor market!"


Today is a chapter, and this chapter is free, so the author's words are written in the main text, only for readers and friends who read the D version and swear in the main comment area of ​​the official website, so book lovers can turn it off and not read it.

Because the D version website can’t see the chapter comments of the author and book friends, so I will say a few sentences in the text today to answer the negative remarks of some friends:

First: the clean room issue, many professional book friends have already pointed out in the comments, I am too lazy to change it, take them as the standard, and it is difficult for you to post an article full of righteous indignation to complain again.

Regarding the trade embargo issue, if that gadget is also embargoed, wouldn't the equipment that Wanwan manufacturers set up factories in the mainland not have to be embargoed?

There are many other bugs, all of which are visible in the comment area of ​​the book page, as long as you read the genuine one.

Second: Playing finance in Wanwan is a business war to avoid being played by others in the future. Tesla does not have that much influence. It has been explained many times in the article, so it has brought American capital into the market. It has influence. As for No matter how logical it is, do you read novels or scientific research reports at the starting point?

Third, the emotional line, old readers scolded, I gladly accepted it, because the emotional line is really problematic, I changed three editors, and in addition to the net cleaning operation some time ago, it is not allowed to write below the neck, the emotional line is completely messed up, right now Make an effort to correct and get back on track.

Fourth, when the meal is served, no one will listen to the words of those who have no money! This is how I behave, so I have learned my lesson, and I am only responsible for pouring tea and wine at dinner parties, without opening my mouth!

If you watch pirated copies and go to the main comment area to swear at people, let’s not talk about whether it takes effort or not, I can assure you, no one will watch it!

know why not? Because I have no pressure to delete posts! Do you know why I can delete you precisely? Because I have an author background

That's why the main comments on the book page are all positive, so I'll delete the post!

The work is not good, just put an X, I don’t recommend it, the results of the two rankings are about 300, the update is slow, and I can’t make much money, can you spare me?

Fourth, it’s okay to swear, and it’s okay to read the D version. If you want to leave it in the main comment area, there is another way, that is, after you finish swearing, you write down your suggestions later, just like my old book friends, talk about it, and people will tell me Where is not good, correct direction and suggestions.

It’s my first time writing a book, and all the book friends who have read it now hope that I can make great progress. They scold me, but they put forward a lot of good suggestions and methods, as if investing in me—in case Can the next book of this online article hit the street with a work that is more palatable to them?

So if you read the D version, you even saw the section of Wanwan Finance, which has more than one million words. I can tell you with certainty that I wrote it with my heart. No matter how poisonous you think it, I will not owe you anything!

In the end, the reader group is very deserted, but the atmosphere in the group is good, if you have a heart, come to the group to scold, come to the group to talk, if you don’t spend money.

Dude, don't go to the main comment area to brag, the market economy is over, watch the D version, no one cares about you!

If you want to, you can even get my address in the group, and I work and live in one place.

Good reviews are not for buying, I have no money to buy, and my salary of a small commercial property is not even eligible to pay taxes to the country!

If you don't write carefully, you don't dare to reveal the address. If I dare to reveal it, I dare to face anyone. If you send a message one day saying:

Caomu Jiujiu, I am in BJXX.

Wait, I'll see you right away, open the Qidian APP, there are more than one million words, as long as you are a disciple (apprentice), we can afford a fast meal, when the time comes.

Beat and scold at will!


Good night.

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