Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 535 One son decides the world (2)

To explain, the brain-dead policy of many parties (Wanwan) and other content are all things that happened within a year at that time. Let me concentrate on a moment. In this chapter, due to political factors, the stock price decline data is not too different from the reality. big discrepancy. As for why it plummeted, I didn’t write about the actual news, and I even mentioned it in one stroke. The reason is-overestimation!

I won't go into detail in the article, sorry.


The scheming Zhang Jianmou was not only planning the securities market, but in order to make full preparations, he came to the provincial government early the next morning, trying to use administrative means as the last line.

As for relying on the home field advantage and playing with the securities rules to prevent DNW from operating, Zhang Jianmou once thought about it, but after receiving warnings from numerous interested parties, he gave up such a plan.

Like the global stock market, the Wanwan stock market is very dark, even worse than that. The definite news Zhang Jianmou received shows that Liao Yingzhu has at least 30 pieces of sufficient evidence of insider trading in the Wanwan stock market. If they dare to play If she is foreign, she dares to expose those inside stories in the western world. By then, what will greet Wanwan will not be a stock market crash, but a complete credit crisis!

Zhang Jianmou doesn't want to do this, he just wants to keep Huashi, because in his plan, Huashi, which has a complete brand, channel, and production links, is absolutely impossible to be acquired by DNW, otherwise, "playing with you" will change. Into "playing with you" and acquiring Huashi, that young man will at least take away at least half of the terminal industry!

It's a pity that Zhang Jianmou, who is considered exhaustive, will never be able to adjust his position, and the ability of some people to die, and...

Belittle the land on which the young man stands!

Beijing time, September 11, 2001, morning.

As the Western Hemisphere enters night, the entire Eastern Hemisphere is generally sunny.

The wind was very light and the weather was very hot. Even the birds on the trees combed their wilted feathers listlessly, and occasionally raised their heads and howled twice, but they were also submerged in the endless traffic.

At ten o'clock, Chen Erdan, who has cerebral palsy, walked out of the provincial capital in high spirits, and came to the reporters with a confident face.

No one knew what Zhang Jianmou told him, or who gave him any guarantee.

However, it is clear that Chen Erdan has his own understanding of DWN's acquisition of Huashi, and has taken practical actions.

The effect of the operation is very good, at least the performance of the reporter group makes the cerebral palsy very satisfied.

Dumbfounded, the crows flew across the sky, silent, shocking!

Under the stage, a young reporter stared blankly at the senior next to him:

"What do you mean?"

"It means: Even if DNW holds a large proportion of the shares, the provincial government will not approve the acquisition plan!"

"Is there nothing wrong with it?"

"It's okay, what's wrong is the last sentence!"

"What are you talking about?"

"One G on each side!"


The young man finally confirmed that he did not have auditory hallucinations, he asked with a flushed face:

"Senior, doesn't he know that the main purpose now is to stabilize the stock price?"

"he knows!"

The old man said leisurely, "Perhaps people think that saying this will boost the stock market."

"Is there anything wrong with his head?"



In Wanwan 101, the screen was shattered and paper scraps were flying. Liao Yingzhu, who had been completely blackened, roared angrily:

"Is there anything wrong with his head?"


David frowned.

Liao Yingzu turned a blind eye and continued to search for information on the messy table, muttering to himself:

"If he wants to die, I'll let him die! If he wants to die, I'll let him die!"

Talking incoherently, Liao Yingzhu's eye circles slowly turned red

"David, Zhao Song did not do Huashi's negative public opinion manipulation; Zhao Song agreed to Shi Tong's release on bail pending trial; big picture.

He just wants a technology that he doesn't even want. Even your government has agreed to this. Why do these people prefer to seal up the ashes rather than give it to us!


Liao Yingzhu stared at David with dead eyes and said, "One G on each side? Who gave him the courage, who gave them the courage!"


David grabbed Liao Yingzhu's shoulders with both hands, bent down, lowered his head, and looked seriously into Liao Yingzhu's eyes:

"Liao, Zhao Song paid such a high price, all for depoliticization. If you are filled with righteous indignation for a moment, it will definitely damage Zhao Song's interests in the end!"


Liao Yingzhu went out to double silver, and said in a low voice, "David, you are an American!"

"That's right, I'm not an American!"

David said solemnly, "However, I am the same as other investment bank presidents. We are patriotic, but we love money more! Zhao Song is frantically testing on the edge of what the United States can tolerate, but he has restrained himself and has not broken through the American government. bottom line, so we can help him and earn money, so why not do it!


While talking, David took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Song, "But if you can't keep calm and ruin our plan to make money, we will take back your trading rights!"


Liao Yingzhu looked at David in shock.

"Answer the phone!"

David stuffed the phone into the ugly girl's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Answer the phone!"

Damn it!

Liao Yingzhu glared at him fiercely, then reluctantly put the phone to her ear:

"Bamboo, how much did we earn by selling 5% of Huashi's shares?"

Liao Yingzhu replied without thinking: "47.13!"

"Zhuzi, listen to me, a Concorde is already waiting for you at Taoyuan Airport, and the entire crew is serving you alone. This supersonic private jet only takes four or five hours to reach the private airport in the suburbs of the United States. Now, Take that money and leave Wanwan immediately!"

Liao Yingzhu became anxious, and said quickly: "Zhao Song, we still have option delivery on the 18th!"

"Bamboo, how much profit do you expect that to be?"


"Tens of billions? Do you think this money can be brought out safely?"


"Bamboo, when you arrive in the United States, go to Florida, go to the little-known private equity fund opened by the nephew of Xiaobu's classmate, and buy out its shares; then go to North Carolina, and negotiate with the local government to invest in and build a factory!"

"Zhao Song!"

"Bamboo, this is our road money. When everything is over, I will come back with the rest of the money. I need them!"

"Zhao Song!"

Liao Yingzhu cried out in a crying voice: "How long are we going to endure? That's the money we earned by our ability!"

"For this sentence, don't ask me, but ask us!

Bamboo, I have to flatter all the high-tech companies in the world even when I shoot an epoch-making advertisement. Why?

It is because in the future, I need all their cutting-edge technologies, and I need them to customize exclusive products for Tesla!

How long will you have to endure, I tell you bamboo, until those high technologies no longer need to be ordered from abroad! "


"Zhuzi, the words about cerebral palsy, you can understand it as a warning from some European and American capitals, because we make too much money in Wanwan!

As for his words, the market will tell him how ridiculous that would be, and to put it bluntly, he is helping us, and he is making Huashi worse! "


"Bamboo, give David the phone!"

Liao Yingzhu lowered her eyes and slowly handed the phone to David.

"David, in the option delivery agreement on the 18th, excluding European and American consortiums, I want half of the profits in all gambling agreements with Wanwan Capital!"

".no problem!"

"I want all the funds to return to the flower planter safely!"


"David, remember our agreement, a whole set of memory technology, one person, one downstream IC design company.

All of these did not touch the red line of the US embargo policy! "

"You'll get what you want!"

"Great, and you'll get all the informational advantages that meet breaking news criteria, too!"

Breaking news, in the stage of stock price stalemate, there are a few important factors that can affect the sharp rise and fall of stock prices!

September 11, 798 Park.

Zhao Song sat alone on the bench.

The bench was very long, and he was 1.8 meters long and could lie flat on his back.

Sitting alone, but not boring, as a rich prostitute, of course, you have to sit with connotation and emotion.

So next to the bench, there is a round table covered with white cloth. On the round table, there are red wine, coffee, and various nut snacks.

798, a wholly-owned industrial park under Shenzhou Science and Technology, was the only advantage that was obtained from Jingcheng Electric Holdings during the Shenzhou share reform.

Here, he is the boss, he can close the garden at will, prohibit outsiders from entering and leaving, he can monopolize a corner, and use bodyguards to keep all prying eyes out of the circle.

He closed the phone, took a sip of the expensive red wine, rinsed his mouth with a grunt, and spat it out into the grass on one side, then picked up the Nescafe instant coffee, and took a few sips of it preciously.

Then, he turned around and asked the bodyguard leader Hong Tao standing behind him:

"Uncle, have you ever been afraid?"

"Who are you afraid of?"


"How can I not be afraid? Before retiring, it happened to catch up with the Gulf War. At that time, not only me, but almost the whole army was afraid!"


"At that time, most of the army infantry units were still the "old three": 81-1 rifles, 40 rocket launchers, and 81-type light machine guns.

I am a military fan, of course I know what the Americans are holding, am I not afraid? Can you not be afraid? "

"But so what if you're afraid? Shouldn't you just do whatever you should? Don't do it if you're afraid?"

Yes, are you afraid of not doing anything for a long time?

Zhao Song smiled casually, then picked up the communication equipment on the round table, and ordered one by one:

"I'm Zhao Song. From now on, Shenzhou Technology's 2.4G wireless keyboard and mouse, Tesla Tpod classicb spare stock, the entire national electronic market, and the exclusive sales strategy is officially launched!"

"I am Zhao Song. In one hour, the law enforcement department of the Dianhai District of Beijing will arrest the chief lawyer of the Consumer Association and formally arrest Shi Tong, the general manager of Huashi Greater China. At the same time, the 31 departments will jointly clean up the business environment in Zhongguancun. The stone counter will be the top priority! The 'Long Xiaoxiao Project' is officially implemented!"

"I am Zhao Song. From now on, start the 'Huashi Public Opinion Project', defraud customers, threaten huge profits, malicious slander, and detain me all the chaos in Zhongguancun and Huaqiangbei on Huashi Stone. I want to make it notorious. Prominent!"

"I'm Zhao Song, and now I announce that the second-generation personal PC of Shenzhou Technology Youth is officially on the market!

Dear Shenzhou partners, I can name the origins of each of you, 700, 706, 707, 718, 751, 798, electric control, electronic tube factory, if the flower growers have industrial spirit, I believe you are the same as BOE, It will be its last legacy!

The domestic production rate of Youth II is 60%, and it is associated with many state-owned semiconductor companies in which Shenzhou holds shares!

It is the jewel in the crown of global high-tech, and it needs a healthy ecology to support its circular development!

I will open up the market for it, and please do your best in production, quality control, after-sales, and maintenance services to occupy and consolidate the market!

I promise to all partners, I guarantee all your interests, wages, bonuses, housing, pensions, children's schooling, etc.

Please also assure me: we are a state-owned enterprise, and we have the responsibility, obligation, and responsibility to leave a path for the Republic to reach the pinnacle of integrated circuits.

No matter how twists and turns and twists and turns it is! "

"I'm Zhao Song. There are still 8 days and 6 trading days before the Huashi option delivery date. Let's beat down Huashi's stock price!"

September 11, 2001, at 10:30.

Because of Chen Erdan's speech, the Wanwan stock market plummeted 32% at the opening! Overthinking one's abilities is what one is talking about, cerebral hemiplegia!

Among them, Huashi Technology shares plummeted by 48%, ushering in a new day at a price of 544.44!

In the text, G=country.

There are problems with the old and new versions, and there is no operation for free! ! ! ! ! ! I want to cry but have no tears, sorry sorry!

This chapter is more than 3,500 words. Due to the lack of more, although there are objective conditions, more free chapters will be released in the future.

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