Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 536 One son decides the universe (3)

The miraculous and complete lyrics of "Planting the Sun" was made up by Captain Hong Tao. He looked at Zhao Song with black lines and glared at him with dissatisfied eyes, as if he was blaming Zhao Song for ruining another beautiful song (childhood).

Of course he knew the history of the florist growing mushrooms. Of course he was familiar with the explosions and the dates. Hearing it again today, Hong Tao had no blood, let alone boiling. He had already passed that experience.

The reason why I mention these is not only to persuade, but also to solve the doubts in the hearts of many people like myself!

Because whether it is Tesla or Zhongguancun Holdings, its flat structure similar to the solar system is doomed to operate with Zhao Song as the center of their management system, and all management must have a unified thinking and a unified understanding!

The problem now is that all of them have a unified perception that semiconductors are too difficult, and each of them feels terrified about the spoils of winning this battle.

Because in addition to winning huge amounts of money, they will also carry heavy burdens, and these burdens make the money they can earn become a drop in the bucket!

"Team Hong, Liao Yingzhu has just remitted the first sum of money, and the amount is huge. But correspondingly, the boss's shares in Tesla will become less and less!

We must know how determined the boss is.

If the determination is great, we will go all out!

If the boss hesitates, then we will give to the boss and to ourselves.

Leave a way out! "

This is what Ding Tao said on his cell phone in the morning.

The company has grown, and some people's minds have begun to float. Those old employees who have not gone to Tesla want to go to Tesla; see LeTV making money, some people want to go to LeTV; listening to Zhao Song said that the Internet is the future, some people I also want to go to the investment departments of Shenzhou and Zhongguancun Holdings; seeing that Beijing and Shanghai strongly support the expansion of Yikm Convenience Group, there are still people who want to enter Yikm; as for Santong Yida, Wuming

Shanshi, my name.

For many meritorious employees, Zhao Song companies have too many choices, but absolutely not including DK, United Semiconductor, Huahong Microelectronics

Hong Tao believed that Ding Tao would not be among those people!

The reason why I ask this is because many people like Ding Tao are really thinking about Zhao Song.

And today is the best opportunity to ask this question.

Looking at Zhao Song's young face, Hong Tao thought anxiously, this day, Zhao Song has no work arrangements, and has been sitting here since morning, doing nothing.

He is very chatty, as long as you want to talk, you can chat with him about any topic. With a never-fading smile on his face, he kept waving his hands to accentuate his tone.

However, no matter how much Zhao Song concealed it, anyone could see his gloomy brows and restless mood!

Such Zhao Song is rare!

You know, he is always the object of Hong Tao's envy in normal times:

Work hard, study hard, and devote the few remaining hours of the day to life.

If one forgets his identity, he can be regarded as a middle-aged man who is working hard and living happily. Smile is always the expression that he and the people around him have the most.

It has nothing to do with whether you are rich or not, or how big or small your achievements are. Hong Tao has met many rich people, but none of them is like Zhao Song, who surrounds himself in such a small circle.

Live happily and to the fullest.

However, whoever takes him for a fool is a fool!

The mysterious Song Guanyi, the supervision department that covers every corner of Zhao Song's enterprises, will let many thoughtful people know why Hua'er is so popular!

Why sit here for a day? Why be restless? Even if he was very curious, Hong Tao didn't intend to ask. He just wanted to take advantage of today's good opportunity to clear up some people's doubts. This is what a qualified subordinate should do and the only thing he can do.

"On the Internet, people say that semiconductors are a master of precision manufacturing processes," Hong Tao said after considering, "Especially in the case of Western countries' blockade, it is still different from making mushrooms."

"The difference is that making mushrooms is a question of whether you can, and semiconductors are a question of whether you want to!"

This is, a mellow voice came from behind the two of them.

"Teacher Wang!"

In Zhao Song's respectful address, Captain Hong turned his head to look, only to see a middle-aged man looking at them with a smile.

"Hello Wang Dong~"

That was Wang Dongsheng, chairman of BOE Group Corporation.

Sure enough, there is no one who can be called a teacher by Zhao Song.

As a native of the old capital, Captain Hong may not know the word BOE, but he must know the name 'Jingcheng Electron Tube Factory'.

As the predecessor of BOE, whether it was in the past or now, the dialogue level of the head of the factory is at the sub-national level.

Nodding respectfully, Captain Hong moved away from his position, wanting to stand behind the bench and continue to perform the duties of the head of the bodyguard, but he was unexpectedly held down by Chairman Wang's shoulder.

Looking at Zhao Song who was as honest as a quail, Hong Tao had no choice but to sit around Wang Dongsheng with his boss.


After a long silence, Wang Dongsheng pointed to the black locomotive not far away and asked:

"Is that 751 over there?"

"Yes, the original 751 railway station remains, now called 751 fashion and creative plaza, combined with the 798 old factory area, in the near future, this area will form a creative industry base called 798 art zone."

Zhao Song patiently introduced.

"Good idea."

Wang Dongsheng nodded in praise, and then, as if dissatisfied with Captain Hong's remarks just now, he turned his head to Captain Hong with a sullen face and said:

"More than 40 years ago, five years after Fairchild Semiconductor developed planar technology, Zhonghua also developed planar technology and made a silicon planar transistor; 6 years and 7 years after Fairchild Semiconductor invented integrated circuits, Zhonghua successfully developed Diode-transistor logic circuit, transistor-transistor logic circuit; 6 years after the development of the first all-transistor computer RCA501 in the United States, the first all-transistor computer of Zhonghua came out. Texas Instruments developed the first integrated circuit computer for the American Air Force 7 years Later, Zhonghua developed the first computer using diode-transistor logic digital circuits; one year after Intel launched 1KB DRAM, the large-scale integrated circuits independently developed by Zhonghua started, and the first batch of three types were designed in 1975. 1KB DRAM"


Obscure results and shocking achievements made Hong Tao ignorantly listening, but he shouted crazily in his heart:

"This is what we did? Ten years? What about the political system? Didn't the Internet say that we followed Mao Xiong and distorted the technology tree?

It's harder to fuck him than mushroom eggs, why don't those people who talk about it on the Internet introduce these? Under the conditions at the time, it was indeed much more difficult than mushrooms to achieve what Chairman Wang said! "

Hong Tao knew what company he was in and who he was working for. He must have his own basic understanding of semiconductors, but before he could recover from Wang Dongsheng's words, what he heard next was even more shocking. stunned.

"In addition to the achievements I mentioned, at that time, the blockade of the West and Mao Xiong had reached a frenzied level, so at that time, most of the manufacturing equipment for integrated circuit production also relied on independent development. , Introduce the old to bring forth the new, and draw inferences from one instance', the ion implanter developed by the Shanghai Metallurgical Institute of the Academy of Flower Sciences has even been exported to island countries!"

We used to be so awesome!

What a catastrophe! What political factors! The older generation of scientists has already laid a solid foundation for the development of integrated circuits for florists.

Today, the experience of starting from scratch and bumpy roads, and the indomitable spirit of hard work, still shines with the light of wisdom and shows the surge of exploration. This is the best starting point for flower growers to develop the semiconductor industry.

Unfortunately, it's just the beginning.

"Last year, Mr. Xie Xide (female) passed away"

Zhao Song on the side continued leisurely, "The "Semiconductor Physics" textbook used by Huahua College was written by the old man decades ago.

In Shanghai a few days ago, I was even ashamed to go to Fudan University to pay homage to her old man!

why? Because what else can I say but a flower?

He told the old man that semiconductors are easy to do now, as long as they invest money, but they are full of money. In such a big country, apart from the country, there is only one student who studies accounting and is willing to invest money? "


Captain Hong was speechless.

"Just last month, the Beijing Institute of Nonferrous Metals announced that the first VCZ semi-insulating gallium arsenide single crystal with a diameter of 4 inches was successfully produced in China, making flower growers the first to master this technology after Japan and Germany. Another country."

The narration is still going on, Zhao Song looks at the front with blurred eyes, on this special day, in a quiet place, there is a like-minded senior beside him, he is willing to talk to a bodyguard leader, there is no other purpose, more Yes, just tell yourself.

"According to the expert evaluation of DK Research Institute, this technology is true!"

While talking, looking at Hong Tao's bewildered expression, Zhao Song shook his hand amusedly, "Uncle, you don't need to know the meaning of these technical words, you just need to combine this news with a domestic achievement more than 30 years ago, Then we can know a route for DK in the future."

"What result?" Captain Hong asked curiously.

"In 1962, under the leadership of academician Lin Lanying, florists developed the first GaAs single crystal sample. In 1964, my country's first GaAs diode laser was successfully developed. Hesitant to make many contributions to semiconductor materials, Lin Lanying was Known as "the mother of space materials for planting flowers."

Zhao Song turned his head to meet Hong Tao's increasingly puzzled eyes, and said solemnly: "GaAs——gallium arsenide, another semiconductor material besides silicon, is mainly used in PA (power amplifier), swich (switch, converter) ), LED epitaxy, chip, microwave integrated circuit, optical communication, radio frequency filter.

In Wanwan, there is a semiconductor manufacturer called Wen Mao, known as TSMC in the GaAs industry, which is developing at an annual loss of NT$300 million.

300 million, only tens of millions of RMB. I will invest ten times of it starting this year. Uncle Hong, please give me a testimony. Combined with the transformation of Shougang’s NEC 6-inch line, when the 3G era comes, DK will It is the world's largest professional GaAs wafer foundry; within 15 years, it will enter the world's first-line design factory in the fields of PA, optical communication, and RF chips! "


Under the strange eyes of Wang Dongsheng and Hong Tao, Zhao Song became more and more excited when he said:

"I have money, and I have time! The saying 'there is no corner overtaking in the semiconductor field' does not hold for me. There are more than 600 categories of semiconductors. In the future, I can guarantee that I will monopolize at least one category. Who would dare to break me by then? The goods, I dare to break the world's goods!"


"And Uncle Hong, tell those idiots in the company that they don't have the ability to enter Tesla, but they want to enter companies such as one kilometer, three links and one reach, it's okay! But you have to be prepared to endure ten years of silent development. Unless the conditions are ripe, these companies will never be able to achieve the level of glory that Tesla is now!"

"Wait until when?"

This question was asked by Wang Dongsheng. He looked at Zhao Song with great interest, looking forward to his next words. Then, Wang Dongsheng and the head of the bodyguard heard a prophecy that made them dumbfounded.

A most powerful discourse from Wenqing in the context of a powerful country in the future!

"wait until.

Wait until the flower planters have millions of mobile communication base stations and become the number one in the world!

When flower growers have tens of millions of optical cable lines and become the number one in the world!

Wait until the flower planter has a high-speed rail network that is tens of thousands of kilometers long and becomes the world's number one!

Wait until the flower grower has more than 100,000 kilometers of highway and become the world's number one!

Wait until the flower growers build hundreds of thousands of viaducts and become the world's number one!

When the flower planter's 220 kV transmission line is hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, it will become the world's number one!

Based on these achievements, by that time, everyone will see the rise of an Internet empire, and the vanity-seeking and sanctimonious Internet heroes of the Warring States Period will start to dominate the situation.

Only then will you see the astonishing influence of one kilometer, three links and one reach, and everyone will also see that on countless handheld terminals, each chip, each integrated circuit board, marks the The LOGO of DK, Huahong, United Semiconductor.”

"In this industry, there are very few rights to wreak havoc and I have the full support of the state!

So even if it is hell-level difficulty, I have money, I have time, but I have no talent, I will train it myself, I have no equipment, I will cooperate with the country to make it!

If you lose, you will be a rich man.

I won, I am shining brightly! "

September 11, 2001.

A special day, from this day on, Zhao Song is no longer a middle-aged man from a future superpower.

He put aside his pity and empathy, and, like countless flower families who worked silently and struggled hard, waited for a certain moment with anticipation and contradiction.

Night fell quietly, and the dark red lights in the city illuminated the sky red. On the bench of the quiet 798 Art Academy, a lonely figure sat motionless, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from nowhere. At first, the figure didn't notice it. After a while, he realized that all the heat from his body had been swept away.

It's getting cold~

Cool brings autumn.

The coolness made the students of the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering tens of kilometers away suddenly boil.

I saw that those who had mobile phones forwarded a message called "Mobile News" one after another, and then the dormitory building that had turned off the lights was crackling like a boiling kettle.

Bang, bang, bang~

They had red faces, weird expressions, and all kinds of costumes, and they gathered in the electrified lecture hall.

Then, gather around a small cathode ray tube television and watch the live news.

This is not the future with the context of a strong country. Here, no one cares about the women who are calling for help from dozens of floors above, and no one can think of the countless civilian heroes who are going upstream.

This is just the people of the country who have been bullied for hundreds of years, watching news that has nothing to do with them but is related to them with an inexplicable mood.

The auditorium is full of excitement.

Outside, the breeze is blowing.

798, there was a specious or relieved sigh.

It was from this moment that the ferocious Eagle Sauce on the other side of the Pacific Ocean finally shifted its sight away from this ancient oriental country, and stared at a few "erhas" of a certain religion and began to rage.

Many years later, when they got angry and turned some places upside down, when they finally turned their eyes back to this land, they uttered that famous exclamation.

How did you say that exclamation?

Oh, yes, it says this:

"However, I have no culture, so I can walk the world with a single sentence!"

There are more than 4500 words in this chapter.

Reference materials "Light Change", "Core Matters" edited by Xie Zhifeng, "Game and Breakthrough of China's Chip Industry" edited by Chen Fang, "Chaoyang Cultural Map" by Zhang Hongsheng, Baidu Encyclopedia.

The conversation on the 11th was a plot. Regarding that special day, for some reason, it was all described sideways, and even related to semiconductors. The logical relationship took a few turns and was difficult to understand. I apologize here.

There is only one chapter left for the follow-up financial link:

The rise of Tesla + Chen Erdan's speech + 91* are all bad news, let me explain here.

Today is the tenth day of the lunar new year, and I would like to wish everyone a happy new year:

I wish you all good health, all the best and all wishes come true!

This is also the blessing I prayed to everyone at Lama Temple last year. When the epidemic is over, I will go to fulfill my wish and post some pictures in the reader group.

It’s not about belief, it’s just about sincerity!


Good night.

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