Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 538 Still in ink

"September 11, 2001, sunny.

When I wrote these words, it had already passed the early morning of the 12th, but I still want to record it on the 11th.

It's a beautiful day today, clear skies, sun on my shoulders, birds singing, like every day I've been with that idiot.

Yes, in my memory, it seems that the weather every day between me and that idiot seems to be so bright and bright

The weather is good today, and the mood is also good.

As one of the largest suppliers of One Kilometer Trading, I attended the closing ceremony of its supplier conference and made a speech as a representative.

The meeting was a success, and the Weiwei Group also felt the importance attached to One Kilometer. As the organizer, it collected almost all Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles in the entire capital to receive us.

So, it was supposed to be a happy, smooth day.

If that hadn't happened.

Global Trade Center, the headquarters of Vivi Group in the United States

All collapsed!

If Yikilometer hadn’t held the supplier conference at this time; if Zhao Song hadn’t insisted that all executives must attend.”

The evening wind blows gently, rustling the leaves of the pagoda tree behind the bench.

As the old saying goes, having a pagoda tree in a family is either a treasure or a fortune. Surrounded by these auspicious and auspicious trees in the capital city, it is also the reason why Zhao Song chose this bench to sit on. , Zhao Song is also not exempt.

I don't know how many times the personal phone in his pocket vibrated, but he didn't have the slightest desire to answer it.

He held the information bag in his arms tightly, stared blankly at the darkness ahead, and whispered to himself.

He raised the market value of Huashi to the fifth place in the world; he gambled on options with dozens of investment banks in high-leverage financing;

It wasn't until a trembling delicate body was thrown tightly into his arms that Zhao Song recovered from the non-stop calculations.

"What are you doing?"

Feeling that the attractive body in his arms was much fatter than before, Zhao Song hurriedly pushed Li Wei to his side. This is not a gentleman's style, it is really Zhao Song who has some psychological barriers to this ex-girlfriend who cheated him.

Li Wei didn't care about Zhao Song's disgust at all, so she didn't let her hug her, and sat beside Zhao Song, holding Zhao Song's hand tightly, then raised her big face full of tears and choked up, saying:

"Zhao Song, thank you!"

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for saving my life; thank you for saving the lives of countless executives of the Weiwei Group."

Zhao Song turned his head and looked at Li Wei's beautiful face strangely, as if looking at a psychopath.

Li Wei froze slightly, and quickly explained: "The trade center of the United States was knocked down."

"I hit it?"


Li Wei's tears stopped, her expression of fear disappeared, and the atmosphere of gratitude she had created with all her heart disappeared. She stared at Zhao Song through gritted teeth, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"Can't you comfort me?"

"What's the consolation? Tell you that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune?"

Zhao Song glanced at Li Wei, and asked disdainfully, "What blessings do you want from me?"

"If you give."

After hearing Zhao Song's words, Li Wei instantly recovered her smile, and said flatteringly, "Zhao Song, the global stock market is about to plummet."

"Including A shares?"

Zhao Song rolled his eyes and asked, how could the A-shares in the early 1000s still fall.

"We didn't intend to play Shenzhou." Li Wei rubbed her eyes, wiped off the moisture inside, and said slowly, "I heard that Tesla has already started Like Sina, are you ready for the VIA structure (note: the author said)?"


Zhao Song looked at Li Wei with a half-smile, and said disdainfully, "Who are you with?"

Li Wei's face turned red, and she answered irrelevantly: "Zhao Song, we want to participate in the HK company under Tesla's VIA structure."


Zhao Song stood up and slapped Li Wei's head funnyly after feeling lazy, "Girl, it's getting late, it's better to have a sweet dream when you go home and sleep."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Wei to reply, Zhao Song took out his mobile phone and walked towards the gate of 798 surrounded by bodyguards.

"Uncle Hong, leave someone with Li Wei, if she doesn't have bodyguards, send her home."

"Do not worry."

Zhao Song nodded, turned his head again, looked at Li Wei expressionlessly, then raised the connected mobile phone, and asked as he walked:

"Bamboo, how's the situation over there?"

"Without giving anyone time to react, the New York Stock Exchange closed immediately!"

On the phone, Liao Yingzhu's tone was a bit strange, "Zhao Song, in a short time, our 'good friends' from the investment bank all called and asked me about my plan to short the US stock market yesterday."

Wanji Electric is listed in two places. Both the New York Stock Exchange and Wanwan are weighted index stocks. However, at this time, Wanji Electric has not reached the top ten in the semiconductor industry in the world. Zhang Jianmou is only the godfather of Wanwan. At the capital level, he doesn't seem to be as important as he imagined, which is why Zhao Song dared to wantonly short Wanji Electric.

"Bamboo, listen to me."

Zhao Song's mind was spinning rapidly, "We now control the life and death of more than a dozen investment banks listed on the US stock market. During at least one week's rest time, don't contact anyone. If anyone comes to you, tell him to let the heavyweight Come to Beijing and talk to me."


"Also, if someone has money to come to you for this matter, don't show mercy, just cut off his claws!"

"Zhuzi, the decisive battle has begun. Except for repatriation, you only have 200 million funds. Throw Wanji Electric to death. Let me see how it expands its production counter-cyclically!"

On the phone, Liao Yingzhu said anxiously: "Zhao Song, where is the other money? The options are about to expire soon."

"If you have money, you have to spend it! Bamboo, we are not speculators, I will change people and equipment for other money, and the development of the domestic industrial chain needs a deposit, and talent training also needs money, so you only have this money. "


"at last."

Zhao Song stopped, and looked back at the lonely woman again.

Seeing Zhao Song turning his head, Li Wei who was following quickly pretended to be cute and pitiful, folded her arms and looked at him.

Zhao Song smiled, with deep eyes, "Teach Weiwei Group a lesson!"

"On September 11, that idiot saved my life, unfortunately, we can't even be friends anymore.

Because apart from asking for it, I don't seem to be able to give him anything in return.

Fortunately, the idiot was not confused by the form, nor was he indulging in desire, and remained calm and calm.

I really admire his teachers. Of course, I also have a part in it, because I gave him a copy of "1984".

Therefore, it was me and his teachers who jointly shaped the young businessman who soared into the sky.

Unfortunately, there is no going back.

We can’t go back to the time when freshman year was carefree. At that time, the weather was always good, every day was clear, the sun was shining on our shoulders, and the birds were singing. We...


On September 11, 2001, night, Li Wei. "

"VIE structure", that is, variable interest entities (Variable Interest Entities; VIEs), also known as "agreement control", means that the control of the actual operating company is achieved by signing various agreements without controlling the actual operating company through equity and Financial Consolidation.

The VIE structure is now mainly used for Chinese companies to achieve overseas listing, financing and foreign investors to avoid domestic regulatory restrictions on access to foreign asset industries. The VIE structure has existed for a long time, but it has always been in a "grey" area. Although there are provisions on the content of the VIE structure in some departmental regulations, the current Chinese law does not make a qualitative definition of the VIE structure.

Sina is the first, and BAT also adopts this architecture.

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