Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 557: The Decisive Battle (Final) One Son Determines the Universe (Final)

In the retail market, GIGABYTE, MSI, Qingyun and other exquisite and huge promotions, dazzling discount combinations, buy one product and immediately make up for another one.

Shenzhou resisted with difficulty.

In the field of manufacturing, the OEM price system announced by Quanta, Compal, and AU Optronics attracted countless domestic and foreign machine manufacturers, and dispatched business teams to seek OEM cooperation for product manufacturing in 2002 and 2003.

Shenzhou resisted with difficulty.

The advertisements were announced, and the major Bay Bay manufacturers came up with Christmas planning plans in advance. They copied Zhao Song's creativity, invited countless traffic stars, and hung up colorful posters, attracting the attention of countless consumers.

Shenzhou collapsed thousands of miles.

This is Wanwan, a veteran IT powerhouse. When it picks up the sharp sword in its hand, it can easily split through the false prosperity of the Zhao Song family.

It also made that fledgling boy completely fall from the altar of the business world in a short period of time.

Don't say three days, some people can't stand it in one day.

If you can't get through the phone, go to Zhong Hai to block it; if Zhong Hai can't find it, go to Wancheng Hua Mansion to look around.

Directors, shareholders, and even stockholders are all mobilized. That is a heavyweight stock that is about to resume trading. We can't let that kid continue to lose money like this.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find it.

That kid was like a determined weight, under the attention of some people who laughed and laughed, he was a cat for three days.

I also lost three days!

In the early morning of October 19, 2001, Xiaohe West Road.

Thick morning fog shrouded the campus, and occasionally a flock of domestic pigeons flew by, leaving a few ounces of pigeon droppings to prove that they had been there.

Some ginkgo leaves are yellow, some are still red, and the sunlight exposed in the mist illuminates them golden, which is really beautiful.

At this time, the dynamic radio sounded, and the students of the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering, who had finished their breakfast, quickened their pace and approached the teaching building.

It is worth noting that many people have two or three newspapers in their hands.

Looking at the above content, some people are worried, some are dismissive, and some are gloating.

"Zhao Song, Zhao Song."

In the male dormitory 312, Xizi called Zhao Song for the third time.

"What are you doing?"

"Eat breakfast or not."

Looking at the confused friend, Xizi asked helplessly.

"Don't eat in the cafeteria, Xiaoyu will bring it from Aunt Wen's house later."

"Oh. Zhao Song, Zhao Song."

Xizi pushed the lazy man again.

"What are you doing? Go to your class!"

"I finish class at ten o'clock, and you hold a board meeting at ten o'clock, will someone call you later?"


"Get up."


An hour later, Dianhai West Road.

Under the watchful eyes of sanitation workers, delivery guys, and shoppers waiting outside the mall, several luxury Mercedes-Benz cars slowly pulled over, and then a group of big men in suits and leather shoes got out of the car one after another, and surrounded the people in the middle. The moving tiger head ran, looking around vigilantly.


Inside the car, Li Bowei in the co-driver turned his head and said respectfully, "To avoid suspicion, today you are surrounded by people from Shenzhou Technology.

Ding Tao and the others will not come over. "


Zhao Song played with the phone in his hand, indifferent.

"Chairman, it's 8:40, and there are still one hour and twenty minutes before the board meeting.


Li Bowei paused and said with difficulty, "Please get ready."


Zhao Song put down the phone, raised his head, and asked curiously, "Where is it?"

"On the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, the original Pengcheng business floor, where Shenzhou started."

"Good place, good thought, do you want to use my past victories to commemorate my current failure?"

How the hell do I answer the call?

Li Bowei smiled wryly. Suddenly, he glanced behind the car and said:

"Chairman, a lot of people are here."

"Who is it?"

"Xingsheng, Director Chen Ning, Director Li Pei, the Wanwan people who are in charge of production, the Aiduo team who are in charge of the market, and many business elites trained in the early stage of big projects."

"What are they doing here?"

"Maybe I want to wait for you to go in together."

"Are they also eligible to sit on the board?"

"Yes." Li Bowei said with difficulty, "Chairman, there will be many people at that time, and there will be many people with bad intentions. Now, your shares are too few."

Zhao Song tilted his head and asked distressedly: "Uncle Li, you said, is it worth it to go to this state just for those Sabie chips?"

After listening to Zhao Song's question, Li Bowei looked at Zhao Song seriously, but didn't find any other emotions, and suddenly laughed: "It's worth it!"

"Oh." Zhao Song asked with interest, "Why?"

"Because you never lost."


Very good, very strong logic!

Zhao Song opened the car door helplessly:

"Let them enter the venue, if you want to wait here, just wait!"



The doors close.

"Zhao Song~"

A growl.

Chen Ning ran forward angrily, "Where did you hide these two days?"

"What are you doing?"

"Answer the phone!"

Roaring again.

"I won't answer." Zhao Song dodged.

"Deputy Mayor, do you want to take it!"

"Are you regular?"

Zhao Song asked in a low voice.


"Then I won't accept it."


Chen Ning silently put away the phone.

"A meeting of the board of directors, will you be one of the members who questioned me?"

Zhao Song asked curiously.

"No, never, just don't forget what you promised."

"What's up?"

"real estate."

"I can't forget that the office buildings of Shenzhou and Tesla are waiting for you, as long as you have enough qualifications."

"All qualifications."

"That's fine."

Zhao Song nodded: "Thank you, Brother Chen, I want to wait a little longer. If there is no news before the board of directors, I will take the overall situation into consideration and stop the price reduction measures."

Chen Ning shook his head and said dejectedly, "Do you know that any decision you make before the battle means that you have given up?"

"Count, just counsel. I used to be called Zhonghai Zhao Counselor. It's good to change back in Zhonghai today."

Zhonghai is still Zhonghai, apart from becoming fashionable and avant-garde, it is still so lively.

The bustling crowd and the red-faced bargaining are the most beautiful scenery in the hearts of all businesses here.

But today, in the eyes of everyone in Shenzhou, this landscape is so difficult to see.

There are a lot of billboards, but among the densely packed advertisements of Wanwan manufacturers, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a war chess dumped on the battlefield, it is so embarrassing.

The Shenzhou counters that used to shine brightly, and the spirited and beautiful Shenzhou guys, among the many advertising girls with tight skirts and long legs, are no longer attractive.

This is the strength of Wanwan, the true strength of established manufacturers.

Except Huashi.


Half an hour later, Zhong Hai welcomed a special guest.

Shi Xuebin looked at everything curiously, he came here for the first time, the place where Zhao Song started his family, but he did not expect this place to be so unique.

"Good place."

As soon as he finished sighing, he was stopped by a person.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Bowei frowned and stood in front of the office, then he asked Shi Tong beside Shi Xuebin, "How did you get out?"

Shi Tong bowed his head and stood behind Shi Xuebin without speaking.

"Mr. Li." Shi Xuebin smiled kindly, "Manager Shi has a good attitude in pleading guilty and paying compensation, so he gave him a suspended sentence."

"And you?"


"What the hell?"

Li Bowei didn't react.


Shi Xuebin smiled.

".Then please wait."

After speaking, Li Bowei turned and walked into the office, and closed the door.


The big circle near the office door fell silent for an instant.

This is Chairman Huashi, another PC godfather of Wanwan, but now he comes here like an ordinary old man


While watching, Shi Tong glanced at the closed door again, and asked softly:

"Chairman, is it necessary?"

"Xiaoshi, if I didn't listen to Zhang Jianmou back then, but listened to the leaders of the Suzhou Municipal Government, and apologized directly and sincerely, do you think Huashi would have come to where he is today?"

"...I can't." Shi Tong said with difficulty, "I'm sorry, chairman."

"nothing dealing with you."

Shi Xuebin waved his hand kindly, "Boss said that he is used to it, and it is inevitable that he will not adapt to a strong man."

Shi Tong was speechless.

Shi Xuebin sighed suddenly:

"Actually, us manufacturers have been tricked by two foxes, one big and one small."


Shi Tong seemed to be hallucinating.

"No matter who wins and who loses, the market has undergone such a cruel reshuffle. Wanji Electric has expanded its customer base, increased its popularity, and received more orders; what about Shenzhou? I heard that the output has doubled within a month! Xiaoshi, how many times do you think Shenzhou's popularity has increased?"


Shi Tong finally came to his senses, at this moment he was already speechless in shock.

"There is no winning or losing at all. This is an industry reshuffle united by an old fox and a young fox. Everyone has their own interests."

Shi Xuebin said leisurely, "It's just that Zhao Song has an extra purpose. This purpose has kept him on the cusp since the press conference at the beginning of the year. You said, that little guy is shrewd, doesn't he know that flower growers Is there a reason to call for disasters with a high profile?"

"Just for those chips?"

"No, what he wants is policy support."

When Shi Xuebin saw the office door reopened, Li Bowei nodded, turned around and said, "Let's go, and apologize to the little fox."

Huashi's achievement is not accidental, Shi Xuebin deserves to be the godfather of Wanwan PC.

With this kind of courage to take it and let it go, why not worry about your career?

In the office, Zhao Song sighed.

He should have thought earlier, how could such a character be defeated so easily.

"Mr. Zhao, Ms. Long hid herself and said that everything is up to you to decide, so I'm here to apologize to you today.

I hope you can accept this sincerity on her behalf. "

Shi Xuebin bowed at 90 degrees.

Zhao Song replied:

"You are welcome, I accept."


Shi Xuebin cupped his hands in thanks. Afterwards, he glanced at the Xingsheng people who followed into the house, and asked sincerely:

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know if Huashi can not accept the default agreement of several major suppliers."


Zhao Song smiled: "Florist welcomes all business people who abide by the rules and laws. Of course, if there is a strongman who dares to act above the rules and laws, there will be a strongman to deal with him!"

"Not again."

Shi Xuebin bent down again to apologize.

"You are being polite."

Zhao Song returned the gift.

Shi Xuebin looked at Xingsheng.

Xingsheng glanced at his watch and said expressionlessly: "Mr. Shi, Xingsheng Company will be able to finish inventory in one day. Tomorrow, you will see Huashi products appearing at Xingsheng counters across the country."


"You're welcome."

Shi Xuebin nodded, and finally handed Zhao Song a folder:

"This is an order from Huashi's brand ASRock Technology. The price is very sincere. Please think about it on behalf of United Semiconductor."

"I'll seriously consider it."

Zhao Song was shocked.

"Thank you then."

Bow again.

"You are being polite."

Zhao Song returned the salute, he even suspected that the old man would be bowed to death because he couldn't bear it

As if guessing what Zhao Song was thinking, Shi Xuebin smiled and nodded to everyone, and then led the probationer Shi Tong to the open gate.

Outside the door, it was quiet.

The overclocking veteran Feng looked at the scattered Shenzhou advertisements blocked above his head, and then looked at the various advertisements of Wanwan manufacturers.

He stammered and asked the simple and honest man:

"Is this Huashi?"


"The No. 1 Huashi in Wanwan?"


"Who the fuck lost?"

"How the hell do I know!"

"Boss, why?"

Walking on the golden passage in Zhong Hai, Shi Tong asked the enthusiastic Shi Xuebin.

Shi Xuebin was very interested and asked patiently:

"The overseas listing of Shenzhou Technology, which is already the number one in Asia, is a great gift for the current leadership, right?"

"That's for sure, otherwise he would have been kicked out of the position of the head of Shenzhou long ago."

In the crowd, Shi Xuebin turned his head, looked at Shi Tong like an idiot, and asked in a low voice:

"You said, should it be a farewell gift or a welcome gift?"

"Of course you are welcome!"

Shi Xuebin patted Shi Tong on the shoulder:

"Being listed before the new term, as a farewell gift, is to show my attitude: I don't want to go up, I don't have a different intention, I just want to be an honest chess piece.

Xiao Shi, if you had such an obedient and capable pawn, would you take good care of it? "

i gotta treat it like a baby

Shi Tong didn't say this sentence.


"here I am."

"Here, Zhao Song has a nickname?"

"Well, it's Zhong Hai Zhao Song."

"Good name."

Of course it is a good name, Zhao Kuangyin's Zhao, Zhao Kuangyin's Song.

Although reading the history of the Song Dynasty can make people angry.

But so what, I am a small person who can see the future, and I am willing to be a pawn to take advantage of the situation.

Don't ask for the top of the world, just ask for glory and wealth!


The office after Shi Xuebin left was silent.

Looking at the people who hadn't reacted in a daze, Zhao Song showed a bright smile.

October 19, 2001 at 9:30 am.

In Huahuajia, Wanwan terminal manufacturers are pressing against Shenzhou, and some Shenzhou shareholders are in series with each other, trying to make a fuss at the upcoming board meeting, blasting Zhao Songshen’s authority in Shenzhou; in Wanwan, countless IC design company orders Received soft hands, and their OEM business is only one, that is Wanji Electric; in the world, Wanji Electric's foundry model has set off a wave of research and learning, and the name Zhang Jianmou has finally become famous all over the world in advance.

The result seems to be like this, Chen Ning has already handed the mobile phone to Zhao Song, asking him to stop this loss-making market battle, however.

Five minutes later, Zhao Song finally got what he wanted - the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of Zhonghua issued a document, just like the LCD panel tax raised many years later in the previous life, firm and powerful.

"From now on, the following integrated circuit products will double the tariff: I/O"


Is it so easy to say the bastard words of one B and one G; is the blockade policy against the mainland so easy to formulate?

Since there is a small chess piece handed over a handy weapon, let's counter it from this aspect!

An hour later, the general manager of Gigabyte North China, who was the first to react, ran into Zhonghai Electronics Mall frantically. The phone was disconnected, and he shouted anxiously to all Gigabyte dealers:

"Gigabyte withdraws, Gigabyte withdraws!"

Double the tariff, based on the selling price of Gigabyte products, and comparing the supply prices of Gigabyte and IC companies on the island, there is nothing left to pay.

Five hours later, all Wanwan manufacturers participating in the market war withdrew all promotional policies.

24 hours later, 113 lawyers represented these Wanwan manufacturers in a lawsuit, suing them for advertising fraud.


Zhao Song won.

The one who won didn't even attend the board of directors of Shenzhou, which has attracted much attention.

No one urged him, and no one dared to disturb him.

Because he's more interested in chatting with an old man than attending that boring meeting:

"Are we winning or losing?"

"According to the order volume and popularity of Wanji Electric in the past three days, we have won."

"Do you want to continue?"

"Give me what I want, and the 14.1 billion won't fall on you."



One market, one set of technology, one company, one person.

The market is very small. Although the two partnered to create huge waves, it is just those few chips; the technology is very backward, and even the technology research and development company has gone bankrupt and liquidated; Winbond has indeed complemented United Semiconductor's research and development capabilities on motherboard chips , but compared to the entire industry, it is also insignificant.

Zhang Jianmou's Wanji Electric did win together with Zhao Song.

But he didn't know what the person he abandoned meant to this industry and the future of this industry!

Hu Zhengming was born in Beijing.

In his birthplace, a young man spent all his resources to prepare billions of dollars in research and development funds, honorary professors of many universities, and foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


At this moment, in the eyes of all sensible people, perhaps this is a long-planned market reshuffle.

But in Zhao Song's view, his original intention has never changed, that is——

Chips, chips, always chips.

Now, equipment is coming, people are coming, and a new world is coming.

Small pieces, big power!


Helpless, a chess piece is neither a general nor a handsome man. There is no limit to the lock of the universe, and one piece determines the universe.

Volume 10 (final)

15,000 words, I wrote it for nearly 17 hours, take a break early, and work all day tomorrow, I will try my best to spare time to finish writing the end of the ten volumes, but there is no guarantee, let me tell you in advance.

Please wait, everyone, good night.

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