Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 573 The wickedness of 2001.

Within two days, the aftermath of Zhao Song's beating came out.

This is the critical moment of Tesla's second and last financing and share reform, which is attracting global attention. Therefore, before Tesla's board of directors can persuade the unreliable chairman, the government directly conveyed some instructions.

You know, Zhao Song has always been regarded as a half-insider of the system. Even though he resigned as the chairman of the All-China Federation of Students last year and returned it to two schools in Qingbei, he has been serving as the assistant to the chairman of the electronic control board.

For more than two years, he survived the two top leaders, but he still remained steadfast.

"Zhao Song, in order to prevent you from making any further mistakes, I announce that starting today, you will personally enter the quiet period for stock listing in advance."

These are the words of the first boss.

Zhao Song said with a grievance on his face: "Teacher, I don't even know him because he trespassed on private houses."

"What is your bodyguard doing?" On the phone, the old chairman said angrily, "There are countless ways to punish people, but your kid has used the worst strategy! Shall I remind you of your current identity again?"

"No need, teacher."

Zhao Songshan laughed.

"Calm down, keep a low profile, withdraw the bodyguards, leaving only one light and one dark, and I will take over the periphery."


"Zhao Song, you grew up in the 100% flower education system, which is a typical example of 20 years of reform, so I don't care about Tesla's capital structure after listing, how big the economic benefits are, I only care about the political significance of it!

So you see what to do? "

Zhao Song asked cautiously: "Take the richest man in the world?"


On the phone, the old chairman choked and coughed twice, "Top ten. No, top three counts as you have completed the task."


Zhao Song replied firmly.

"Okay, that's it. Take the time to bring Xiao Yu to the house. Your mistress has talked about your brother and sister several times."

"I'll be there in two days."


Zhao Song knew that the words of the old chairman contained certain instructions that must be followed.

In this very politically principled country, organization is crucial, and its authority cannot be questioned.

And Zhao Song is not only an entrepreneur, but also a party member. As a party member, you should know that: you can reserve your personal opinions on the instructions issued by the party organization, but you must firmly support, support and implement them.

This is not political awareness, but life-saving awareness! Although Zhao Song's situation was not that exaggerated, he didn't intend to violate the organizational principles either.

After all, it's a rare enjoyment to send someone with status and status into the hospital.

Then be honest.

To be honest is not to keep a low profile. For a period of time in the future, the media will still publicize him. Instead, he should not hit people, swear at people, or do anything that affects his personal image.


Of course, there is also a lot of good news these days.

As Xiaotangshan in the capital city has collected 70% of the FD patients across the country, the epidemic has come to an end. Countless people with cats at home have gone to work, and Tesla is the first batch of large enterprises to resume normal operations. .

For Zhao Song, the best news is not that Tesla resumed business and avoided millions of economic losses every day, but that Wang Xin, the technology giant who is in charge of the Internet, joined him.

At this moment, if someone looks at Zhao Song's layout from the height of the future, they will find out how big this Zhong Hai Pharaoh is.


With Wang Xin's entry and the establishment of Tesla's free and open source forum, some technical backbones of an open source community will definitely migrate with this big guy, and that open source community is indeed the source of Google's Chrome kernel. God knows When will Google develop a perfect Chrome in this life? After all, it is a huge project with half an operating system and nearly 20 million tuned codes!

Do you think this is the end?

No. Take a look at the layout of Zhao Song before, especially after the financial war in 2001:

He threw Wen Jing, who cheated him, into a fire pit called PayPal, and led her to fall in love with that modern Iron Man. Until now, let alone selling PayPal, that space exploration company has no shadow.

Then after 9/11, he intercepted VIA and acquired the CDMA development team of Megaji Corporation of America at a price of 21.3 million U.S. dollars. Before Tesla’s first financing was completed, it was authorized to DK Technology. Three months later, Zhonghua Unicom officially opened the CDMA network and put it into commercial use.

It was also during that time that through the integration of the genius Frank, more than a dozen software companies were acquired in the financial market and gradually integrated into the Tesla system, forming Tesla's primary software ecosystem. In the past two years, Tesla's video and music editing and processing software has won numerous awards for its editing of many domestic and foreign blockbusters such as "The Lord of the Rings", "Cold Mountain", "Heroes", and "House of Flying Daggers" and the processing of ranking music. Academy Award for Special Effects and a Grammy for Professional Compositing.

At that time, when a certain company was about to go bankrupt, he took advantage of the fire to get the antivirus engine called 'Big Spider', which added the hardest shield for Tesla's software ecology. For some people, maybe Kabbah Ski is more famous because the 'big spider' will be used by the military in the future.

In the end, he also obtained the Emulation (close to translation: 'simulator') technology authorization from a company called Transmeta. Looking at it now, that thing is very tasteless. The only function is to bypass the patent wall and run X86 on MIPS. , running Android on X86 (if there is Android), judging from the current hardware level, Emulation will cause performance to drop by several orders of magnitude, which is not a concern at all.

The above is the vast majority of Zhao Song's actions after the 2001 financial war, which stuck to the bottom line that Europe and the United States can tolerate, and even bought some products that they thought were tasteless.

However, in this era when hardware performance is not yet excessive and 3G is not commercially available, no one would have thought that human beings will enter the nanometer era so quickly, and the 4G standard will suddenly jump from 3G's 2M to 100M, while 5G

Zhao Song doesn't know what the full picture of 5G is. He just wants to quickly build an ecosystem and get the technologies and authorizations that are not valued now, but can be used in every 5G, and still exist before his death.

Counting the fact that Lin Benjian was sent to the hospital every three months, every step Zhao Song took was immoral and smoked, turning the future of countless people and enterprises upside down and bleak.


Zhao Song is not a good person. A good person will not win against Zhao Rong and Xingsheng in the memory war. Especially after entering the hell-level flower planter integrated circuit industry, Zhao Song did not want to be a good person.


May 4th, Youth Day, sunny.

"We are the sea of ​​flowers in May, embracing the times with youth."

During the singing, the honest man Zhao Song removed the bodyguard team, replaced the Audi A8, and drove out of the house in a Crown with his lovely sister.

"Brother, Vivian Chow is pretty or Li Jiaxin is pretty?"


Zhao Song stepped on the brakes in a daze, turned to look at Xiao Yu, "What did you hear?"

Xiao Yu turned down the volume with a smile, and then said: "I heard that Brother Xizi seems to be being bullied by Sister Juanzi, and I heard Qiu Shuzhen."

"what about others?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, then shook her head dejectedly and said: "When it comes to Qiu Shuzhen, you all walk away, and you can't hear it through the gate."

That's good. Zhao Song breathed a sigh of relief, then said with a smile:

"Xiaoyu, when you asked this question, why didn't you add yourself to the options?"

Xiao Yu immediately became shy when she heard the words, she turned her head out of the window in embarrassment, the twin ponytails on her head fluttered, and asked softly:

"Zhou Huimin, Li Jiaxin and Wei Mingyu, who is more beautiful!"

Zhao Song: "Zhou Huimin!"

(one more chapter)

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