Sometimes, the rules of the business game of the flower growers are really amazing. Sometimes, you have worked so hard to make a product, it is better to call out a new concept one night. The gathering and dispersal of wealth often swings with the general trend .

However, under this rule, no matter how amazing the operator is to create concepts and absorb resources, if the resources in his hands are not transformed into the core competitiveness of the enterprise, the final outcome is often completely out of control.

Top, in just three or four years, built 27 software parks in dozens of provinces and cities at the rate of two months, occupying more than 12,000 mu of land.

This kind of speed and scale can't even compare with Shunci, which is the first to acquire land at a high price.

Zhao Song is interested in Top, land, because that bastard Sun Bin of Shunci is crazy about raising land prices everywhere; people, Zhao Song is more interested, Top Software's 1,500 programmers are enough for all its companies to absorb, make up.

But according to the plan, this matter should have been led by him, so that no matter who hits his attention, he can take the initiative.

Now, someone has stepped forward, which is expected. The only surprise is that this person is Xingsheng.

Zhao Song stopped rolling his eyes and asked curiously, "Have your people arrived in Rongcheng?"

Xingsheng nodded.

"How confident are you?"



Zhao Song thought for a moment, then suddenly grinned:


Xingsheng also laughed, and he stood up: "Party A has three links and one access?"

"Well, three links and one reach."

Zhao Song nodded, expressionless.

"Very good." Xingsheng didn't care, "I won't bother you anymore, I'll call you if there's any news over there."

"Okay, brother Xing, go slowly, I won't see you off."

"Oh, that's right." Xingsheng who walked to the door suddenly stopped, pointed to an impressionist oil painting on the wall and asked, "How much is this painting?"

His finger is a picture, but what his eyes see is a picture.

"Someone offered 800,000 yuan, but I didn't sell it."

Xingsheng joked, while reading out the content of the next word:

"Looking at the former virtuous country and family

Success is thrifty and luxury cars are broken


How many people have prepared Nan Xun's song

Cangwu cried for Cuihua all the time.

Next to a 800,000 oil painting, you hang a poem about frugality, luxury and failure? "

"It's all from Xiaoyu, it has nothing to do with me."


"I'm interested in what you did after your meritorious service?" Zhao Song asked with a smile, "I'll sell you at half price."

"Tell me your name. If it's not the ones I hate, I'll help you deal with it."



Xingsheng was stunned, his face turned from white to red, from red to blue.

"Stupid." Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders. "Aren't you just like the last Shabby, wanting to play arty, and what transition interpretation do you have for the dozen or so dog paw prints on the painting?"

German shepherds are stupid, after meritorious deeds, there is nothing wrong with them.


Xingsheng's face turned from blue to black, and he slammed the door and left.

Zhao Song giggled, admired Hui Xingsheng's bewildered figure through the blinds, and then hooked his fingers at Qin Han who was looking this way.


"Old Qin, long time no see, you miss me so much."

As soon as Qin Han and the secretary entered the office, they greeted her with a warm hug.


Qin Han was helpless.

"What are you doing?"

"It's time to let go."


Zhao Song took a step back in disappointment, but did not let go of his hands, but looked at the little secretary with a flushed face.

"This is Zhu Yue, your new life secretary."

"Hi boss."

The little secretary was a little timid.

Zhao Song put down his right hand very considerately, instead of going up to hug, he held the tender hand of the little secretary.

"Please take care of me in the future."

Zhu Yue blushed and dripped water: "I will work hard for the boss."

"Very good." Satisfied, Zhao Song patted her tender hand.

"Boss." Qin Han had a headache.

Zhao Song pretended not to hear, and looked at the little secretary with a smile. The chubby girl is the cutest: "Miss Zhu, as my life secretary, we must seize every opportunity to deepen our mutual understanding."


Qin Han turned up the volume, but seeing Zhao Song's serious appearance, it was hard to see what his intentions were.

"Hey~" Zhao Song finally let go of the secretary's tender hand, "Professor Yang said that proper physical contact can quickly deepen the relationship, Lao Qin, you are too sensitive."

Qin Han secretly rolled his eyes.

Zhao Song gave her a sideways glance, then with a smile on his face, he gave Zhu Yue a cardboard box, not too big or too small.

"I have been back to China for a few months, and I have been cooperating with some government affairs. I am not busy but not idle, but my life is a mess.

Miss Zhu, I will take care of you from now on. "

Zhu Rui understood Zhao Song's words, she looked at Qin Han in surprise, and asked, "Boss, don't you work in two shifts? Where's my... senior?"

"Senior is gone." Zhao Song spread his hands, "One secretly took pictures in my private house; the other invited outsiders to meet here, so they were sent back to the original department."

Zhu Yue was under a lot of pressure, she took the cardboard box: "Boss, I will do my best!"

"Come on, I believe you can."

Afterwards, the ignorant little secretary was sent outside the door.

Put down the cardboard box, pick up the most eye-catching instruction manual inside, and carefully browse through the slightly ugly handwritten fonts. In addition to the routine work precautions, there are mainly action guidance from four aspects of basic necessities of life: food, clothing, housing and transportation:

Clothes, butt auspicious cloud patterns, change seasonal clothes for the boss and his sister, prepare for various occasions 2 hours in advance...

Food, the food theme for the second half of the year is crab, June yellow in June, butter crab in July, Maryland blue crab in August, hairy crab in September, Norwegian king crab at the end of the year...

Live, currently there are three vacant furnished mansions, the secretary must stay at least 1 day a month to gain popularity, you can have girlfriends (must be beautiful), men are not allowed, part-time workers and babysitters are not allowed to stay overnight...

Okay, four private jets, contact numbers of each driver's fleet...

The little secretary sat down in a cold sweat. She never thought that she would have the right to transfer 4 private jets at any time, including two Concordes, less than an hour after joining the job.

What made her even more at a loss was the densely packed numbers on it, which were the contact information of executive-level leaders such as major branches, banks, and partners.

However, the little secretary didn't care about the value of these numbers. She sat there dumbfounded and muttered to herself, "Even the one who disassembles the crabs must be an islander~"



"You trust him that much?"

In the office, Qin Han asked with a smile.

"She passed the four levels of Wei Xu, Gui Luyang, Hong Tao, and Song Guanyi. If I don't trust such a girl, I still don't want to live the life I once yearned for."

Qin Han was curious: "The life you yearn for?"

"It's just a dick's dream." Zhao Song was a little embarrassed, "Eat well, wear well, anyway, someone will pay for it."

"Pfft~" Qin Han couldn't help laughing, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back."

Zhao Song waved his hands indifferently, sat back in the office chair, pointed to the materials in her hand and asked, "Go to work, should I read those things by myself or you should report them."

Qin Han quickly got into the mood, and sat down seriously opposite Zhao Song: "Because time is limited, I can make a macro report first, and you need to check the specific matters in person."

Zhao Song stretched out his thumb and exclaimed, "It's no loss that it's Lao Qin!"

"Thank you boss for the compliment." Qin Han smiled reservedly, "Where do we start?"

"What about the weather?" Zhao Song thought for a moment and quickly made a decision, "Is this year a little boy (El Nino) or a little girl (La Nina)?"

"Little boy," Qin Han replied quickly: "The rain is heavy, and the flood control pressure of major companies in the group is very heavy this year."

She quickly flipped through the information, and quickly introduced with a glance: "From the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta and the three major urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, from now to July, the rain will go all the way north, endangering 63% of the manufacturing industry in the Zhao and Song Dynasties."

"The countermeasures of each department?"

"Three links with a total of 112 large cargoes went all the way south after the completion of Xiaotangshan, and then went all the way north from the Pearl River Delta with the rainy season to cooperate with local governments."

Qin Han's mind was running fast, and he kept introducing: "82% of our manufacturing factories are located in key industrial parks, which are the first sequence on the protection list of local governments."


Zhao Song pondered, then asked with a headache: "I've put all my energy here, what about the power supply?"

Qin Han lowered his head and flipped through the information: "First, Wesonic three weeks ago, followed by Shenzhou, Shanshi, Wuming, etc., and Tesla two days ago also received a power cut notice."

"..." Hearing the bad news, Zhao Song said with a headache, "This is the sequelae of over-development."

"Yes." Qin Han said helplessly, "It's only a few big cities that are better, but there are also some residential areas..."

Zhao Song was silent.

He got up and stood in front of the window, looking at the carefree college students in the Jingji Academy opposite, and said softly:

"Counting the thunderstorm in the stock market... is this going to make me a Lianliankan?

Old Qin, do you know what is worse? "

Qin Han shook his head silently.

"What's worse is the referee and the first expansion students!"

Zhao Song recalled the horrible scene of being unable to squeeze into the recruiting venue of the Agricultural Exhibition Hall.

"The employment situation is grim?"

"Totally serious!" Zhao Song smiled wryly, "'Graduation means unemployment' will definitely be one of the top ten buzzwords this year."

Qin Han frowned and asked worriedly, "Do we have a mission?"

"No." Zhao Song turned his head and said solemnly, "It is precisely because there is no, and it is precisely because the country understands us that it is more worrying."

Qin Han agreed: "There must be someone watching you!"

"Have it already."

Zhao Song sat back in the boss chair, and the arrival of his right-hand assistant finally made him make up his mind:

"We have been earnestly practicing corporate social responsibility. Since some people feel that we have not done enough, we should also be in charge of our own interests and not be manipulated by others.

If there is a lack of electricity, we will solve it; if there is a lack of iron, we will smelt it ourselves; if there are many people, we will expand our business;

Assistant Qin, record. "

In a word, Qin Han took out the pen and paper excitedly, not because she was promoted, but because she seemed to have returned to the passionate years of the American patent war.

"First, you call the bosses of each company in person. In addition to introducing yourself, tell them: According to inside information, Microsoft's Windows Vista research and development progress is only 19%. According to Bill Andy's law, I can be sure that in the next 4 years, It will be a cold winter period for the world's major PC manufacturers.

But this is definitely a great opportunity for Shenzhou to expand counter-cyclically. It can defeat HP and Dell in China, and it can still make a name for itself abroad!

Tell them, especially Xu Liangying, that if she wants her mechanical and electrical equipment to enter the international market, she will fully cooperate with Shenzhou and put away her little thoughts! "


Qin Han quickly recorded.

"Tell Wei Xu that Shenzhou will do its best to expand its production and expansion!"


"Notify Wen Zhenwen in Longcheng to make sure that Li Guofang has a low-price iron ore supply contract in Australia. If so, let her speed up the investigation."


"Notify the relevant units of the Shanghai Municipal Government that I will convene a board meeting as a director of Huahong, and the time is the day after tomorrow."

"Inform the administrative person in charge of Zhongguancun Holdings to fully investigate the situation of the thermal power industry in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, understand the detailed technical development of the three major thermal power equipment manufacturers of Huahuajia, and establish contact channels with the relevant responsible persons of the government and manufacturers. "

"Finally, contact Shanghai Airline, leave tomorrow, and tell Liao Yingzhu on the way, don't wait for me, let her go directly to Rongcheng, the target is Top, and act according to her crooked idea."

Qin Han raised his head in surprise: "Boss?"

"I understand what you mean." Zhao Song explained, "But this is work, no matter whether you return to Tesla in the future or not, you need to tell everyone now that you are my chief assistant!"

"thank you boss."

Qin Han smiled.

"Go and get busy." Zhao Song waved his hand, and then asked concerned: "How long have you not slept?"

"53 hours." Qin Han replied indifferently.

"Take a break after you're busy, you'll be even busier in the future."

"I'll plan a break."

Qin Han got up to say goodbye, before opening the door, he suddenly turned around and asked narrowly:

"Boss, I've seen rumors that you want to live forever on the domestic Internet these two days?"


Zhao Song waved his hand feebly to drive the new assistant away.

It wasn't until the office became quiet that he murmured to himself with a half-smile:

"Oh, immortality?

What kind of label and personality do you want me to set up? "


Suddenly, Zhao Song sat up straight and stared sharply at the TV screen in the room:

"Immortality? It seems that there is a chance in two years, and the only chance in human history?"

"Where is it?"

"The capital of Hunan Province, Xingcheng."

"Where is Star City?"

"Mango, it's mango!"

"Who's coming..."

Zhao Song stood up again, his eyes became brighter and brighter. Finally, he clenched his fists with both hands, and roared vigorously, passionately and firmly:

"Brother Xinchun, you will live forever!"


PS: The same bad 2003 has also survived, and I believe that the future will also get better and better this time, book friends, come on.

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