Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 592: Moneyless Imagination

The worst thing that can happen to a private jet flight attendant is when someone asks you for something and you say: Sorry, I can't provide it.

——The gluttonous feast of billionaires.


Capital International Airport, apron.

The flight attendant Tasia stood side by side with the two pilots on both sides of the escalator in anxiety. Above the escalator was the Gulfstream cabin door.

It's Gulfstream, not Concorde. The cramped space is not at the mercy of the private chef. The suppliers’ ingredients are processed by Michelin-starred chefs before being served to customers through Tasia’s final processing.


It was the captain who spoke.

Tasia looked along the prestige, and saw a shuttle bus approaching quickly.

It wasn't the expected Mercedes-Benz convoy, but Tasia still confirmed that the people in the car were her passengers through the double ponytails flying in the wind.

She took a deep breath and kept saying in her heart:

"Conti (red wine) has been opened at 1:30, and two hours is the best time to drink it; Mouton decanted for 10 minutes, and it will be three rounds in 35 minutes. Desserts are stored in the lower row..."

During this two-and-a-half-hour journey, it was very important for both the food supplier and her, because only by passing the test can she become the purser of another Concorde airliner under renovation.


"Yes, Mr. Nicholas, I will be at your service on this journey."

Zhao Song, who was holding his sister's hand, was expressionless, which was in line with Tasia's usual impression of him.

"Thanks for your hard work."

He nodded to Tasia, greeted the two pilots, and took his sister on board the plane.

Behind them are Qin Han and Zhu Yue.

The little secretary deliberately lagged behind by a few steps, and only after several people walked into the plane did she whisper:

"Lunch is according to your menu."

After speaking, the little secretary hesitated, and reminded: "Also, the boss of this assessment didn't know beforehand, so he may not be in a good mood..."


Tasia's heart trembled, and a shadow was cast in her heart for an instant.


Twenty minutes later, four thousand feet above sea level.

At this altitude, the atmospheric pressure has undergone a huge change, and the human body's sensitivity to sweetness and freshness is reduced by 50%.

Tasia unbuttoned her seat belt, took deep breaths, and repeated several times before making up her mind to get up and walk to the rear cabin.

There, the lovely girl Xiaoyu was hugging the cat and the dog, looking at the scenery outside the window with great interest; on the other side, the super rich man was discussing work with his assistant.

"Old Qin, is there any part of Daliguang in the materials you took over?"

"Yes, boss, but the information mainly introduces the prospect analysis of our company's information department on plastic lenses."

"Is there any information on QR code technology?"

"Yes." Qin Han said without hesitation, "It is reported that the National Article Numbering Center has started preliminary research on QR codes."

"Very good." Zhao Song's expressionless compliment made the onlookers seem involuntary, "Judging by your technological development trend of plastic lenses, how long will it take for it to fully recognize the QR code?"

"..." Qin Han was silent.

Taking advantage of her silence, Tasia immediately seized the opportunity and stepped forward to ask for instructions:

"Sir, what do you need?"

Zhao Song turned his head and looked at Tasia seriously:

With a beautiful face, a straight nose bridge, reddish lips, and a golden head, the typical image of a Persian cat completely fits the aesthetics of David, an old pervert.

He lowered the corner of his mouth slightly: "I heard that you have prepared a big meal for me, so I won't drink any drinks. Let's have a few bottles of yogurt to start my appetizer."

"Yes sir, please wait a moment."

As soon as Tasia breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Han, who came back to his senses, lifted her heart.

"Boss, yogurt appetizers seem to be a scam of the century, right?"


Zhao Song stared at Qin Han, then suddenly laughed, "Then how about some Tongrentang big hawthorn pills?"


The air froze instantly.

In the eyes of the little secretary Zhu Yue, Qin Han, who had always been at ease, suddenly became at a loss—according to the gossip she received, it was not only the hope of Tesla's senior management to successfully complete the postgraduate entrance examination, but also Assistant Qin's main task. .

Big hawthorn pill?

The little secretary slandered in her heart, if there were such things on this plane, her boss would definitely continue to ask for Liuwei Dihuang Wan!

Qin Han smiled awkwardly: "Well...boss, the yogurt is actually pretty good. I heard that every bottle of yogurt on the plane today corresponds to a cow with a number and name."

"Very good, then yogurt, cats and dogs can also drink."

"Okay, sir."

The talkative Zhao Song made Tasia ecstatic and left quickly.

Suddenly, Zhao Song asked casually: "Old Qin, if the flight meal supplier is qualified this time, can we change the name of the cow?"

"Of course, boss," Lao Qin replied without hesitation, "that's your right."

"very good."

Zhao Song nodded, lowered his head in thought, Xiao Yu, who was looking at the scenery opposite, seemed to feel something, and glanced at Qin Han gloatingly.

"Rename the cow of the yogurt that Benben ate," Zhao Song mused, "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II."

Tasia was dumbfounded.

Qin Han gritted his teeth.

Zhu Yue lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Yu was extremely curious: "Brother, who is that?"

"Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its lands and territories, Head of the Commonwealth, and Protector of the Faith of the State Church (Anglican)."

After answering Xiao Yu's question, Zhao Song gave Qin Han a deep look, then nodded to the beautiful stewardess: "Thank you for your hard work."

"My pleasure."

Tasia left in embarrassment, and served delicious yogurt to several people, cats and dogs in a short time.


Zhao Song praised, and put the leftover yogurt in front of the frothy stupid, "Sure enough, 'the most expensive is not necessarily the best, but the best must be expensive'!"

"Boss, I believe Richard will be overjoyed to hear your praise."

"Who is Richard?"

"Airline meal orderer."


"Sir, what time is lunch..."

"Let's go up here."

"Okay, sir, there are Conti and Mouton for the aperitifs." This time Tasia learned the lesson and gave Zhao Song a range of choices.

"Coca Cola."


Before the first dish was served, the little secretary Zhu Yue sat down with Xiao Yu on the pretext of taking care of cats and dogs.

During the rest of the journey, she indulged in the top-notch delicacies while admiring the big show, and felt the coldness of swords and swords in the questions and answers of the boss and his assistant.

Tasia: "Steak."

Zhao Song: "Oh, is it the island steak that has been baptized by massage and music?"

Qin Han: "That's right."

Tasia: "Seafood."

Zhao Song: "Isn't this the dog's claw snail?"

Qin Han: "It's also called gooseneck barnacles, and the CIF price is higher than gold."

Tasia: "Caviar."

Zhao Song: "Is this also the most expensive?"

Qin Han: "That's right, wild white beluga caviar, each fish weighs more than one ton."


Tasia: "Sir, next is dessert."

Zhao Song: "Old Qin, let me introduce you."

Qin Han: "This 'Diamond Dessert' is made from a mixture of Malaysian coconut milk, Madagascar vanilla, and civet coffee blended with absinthe, and topped with 24-carat edible gold leaf.

The ice cream that Xiaoyu is eating is also the most expensive in the world. Its water source comes from the ice cap of a mountain in Africa, and it is melting. "


In the end, Tasia carefully held the old wine bottle, the small amount of liquid in it couldn't even cover the bottom of the bottle.

Qin Han explained: "Boss, this is the after-dinner drink that David gave you, the last glass of 1811 Napoleon's cellared French brandy."

(PS: In reality, this meal is an airline meal, and the wine is drunk in the wine cellar)

"How much is this cup?"

Zhao Song stared at the light red liquid in the glass and asked playfully.

"5000 pounds."


Zhao Song gulped it down: "The life of the rich is not as good as you imagined, because poverty confines your imagination..." He said bitterly, "In 1811, the Austrian government declared bankruptcy!"

After hearing these words, Qin Han, who had always been full of confidence, finally changed his face.

"Old Qin, how many options are there in the contract you signed with Tesla?"

Qin Han stretched out two fingers awkwardly.

"Not bad." Zhao Song nodded and asked in a murmur, "Has the second financing been completed?"

"Just waiting for your signature."

"That is to say, according to the proportion of shares, Tesla is still my private company before I sign it?"

"Boss, I'm sorry..."

Regardless of the turbulence of the plane, Qin Han stood up in fear.

"You can't be the only one saying this to me!"

Zhao Song brought the dessert in front of Xiao Yu, and petting her nose, he smiled lightly and said:

"The company is still in my hands, so you fucking want to take my money and enjoy it?"

"Boss, it's not what you think..."

"It doesn't matter what I think."

Zhao Song waved his hand in dismay: "Inform Ding Tao that Tesla's second round of financing has been cancelled, and the listing plan...

pause! "

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