Why flood prevention every year?

This question is so profound that many people think it is a taboo question.


However, as long as you are a member of this farming civilization that is so greedy for land, you are not qualified to ask this question!

That's right, as long as you are a member of the flower-growing nation, whether you are a newborn member or a dying person, you are not eligible!

Why don't you ask why the United States releases tornadoes every year?


Because as long as you are a flower grower, a fool knows that the land soaked in water is the most fertile.

So this question has to start from 1000 years ago...

Coincidentally, Zhao Song's surname is Zhao, which is the same surname as that dynasty. The dynasty that was so insane that it went back to the river in Sanyi.

And since the Song Dynasty, our nation's greed for land has reached an unprecedented climax.

More water means more nutrients, and the soil along the river must be more fertile. The tidal flats along the river have become a must for the common people to reclaim and build fields. Whoever has more fertile fields will have a higher yield per mu. , who can survive the next famine, it can be said that even the government can't stop the common people from secretly reclaiming the lake, because that's life!

So why flood prevention every year?

Because some people call it flood control!

No one calls that a natural phenomenon.

Since a thousand years ago, when our nation occupied more and more tidal flats in the flood discharge areas of the two major rivers, the natural phenomenon became flood control.

It just so happens that most of the flowers are planted across three major zones (temperate, subtropical, tropical) monsoon climates.

More precisely, there is an El Nino Southern Oscillation to our south (South Pacific Ocean), and a Western Pacific Subtropical High to our east, which makes our country's meteorological problem a more complicated system than building a city or an aircraft carrier project.

It has been 5,000 years, and we have history books. We have not prevented floods every year since the founding of the People's Republic of China, but we have prevented floods every year for 5,000 years!


When a certain private room in Shang Hai fell into cold and quiet, Dingbian County, Xiao Shitou swallowed his last mouthful of steamed buns.

He patted his belly happily, looked at the grass grids in his sight, and asked suspiciously: "Dad, why do you need to plant so many grass grids, can't you just plant trees?"

"Because trees can't hold the wind and sand, this kind of grass grid can. If you hold the sand, you can hold the green; if you hold the green, you can hold the soul. Only when you hold the soul, can our Dingbian County regain its true name, the frontier!"

"Oh~" Seemingly not understanding what his father meant, Xiao Shitou nodded absent-mindedly, and muttered, "When do we have to plant it?"

"Wait until this desert is all green!"

This desert is called Mu Us.


Shang Hai.

It was a quiet and scary restaurant, but the atmosphere was not awkward. For those present, each of them could give a detailed answer to Xiao Yu's question.

But everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Song—this young and frightening high-level consultant who needed to rely on the white paper to study him.

I heard that he went there a few days ago and claimed that he was working with Jiang Shangzhou. Who knew what he was doing there, who knew that he had no advisers.

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Zhao Song smiled wryly in his heart, knowing that it would be inappropriate not to say anything today:

"First of all, once in a century and once in a thousand years are not adjectives," Zhao Song explained while staring at Xiao Yu, "it's quantifiers, which describe the scale. For example, the area affected by a disaster that occurs once in a century is about 420,000 square kilometers.

As for why not fix it all at once? "

Zhao Song rubbed Xiaoyu's head vigorously until she started to stare, then retracted her hand and said, "Because our government has taken over a mess, and because we will pay the flower growers for what they have done in the past 1000 or more years!

The flower growers here include the poor, the rich, officials, and all kinds of people.

We are a farming civilization, and we are all greedy for land, and the fertile land that has been soaked in water is being usurped. Not to mention anything else, Dongting Lake has lost a quarter of its value over the past few years. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Song shook his head helplessly: "So there is no flood discharge area, so the two rivers can't release some water every year?"

Xiao Yu nodded, opened her mouth, and closed it sensiblely under Director Zhao's frequent winks.

"Do you want to ask what our government is doing?"

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Song smiled: "I won't talk about the measures for the two rivers. They are reported every year. I will talk about other things. I hope you can see something from it. Don't always ask what the government is doing, but ask more Ask yourself what did you do?"

"Hmph~" Xiao Yu snorted angrily.

Others' eyes lit up, and they stared at Zhao Song intently.

Zhao Song glanced at the dissatisfied Xiaoyu, and said leisurely: "45 years ago (1958), a northwest village challenged a desert; Under the condition of being poor and empty, he abandoned his obsession with the land, lowered its proud head, and expressed the deepest apology to nature.

Since then, both the village and the desert have been incorporated into a project of the century. "

"Three North Shelterbelt Project!"

"Northeast, North China, Northwest, 1.4 million kilometers of land, equivalent to the national arable land area."

"1/4 of the newly added green area in the world is made by it every year."

(PS: A certain MY forest is very meaningful. It has won two awards from the United Nations, but its planned tree planting only accounts for 1.4% of the three north. , very annoyed. For some shameless tricks of Ah L Tiejun...)


On the main seat, the deputy mayor in charge raised his wine glass excitedly, patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, and said happily: "If the people from the Sanbei Office hear that our richest man affirms them, they will be so excited that they can't find Beibei." Already~"

Is the 'richest man', no longer 'little richest man'.

Zhao Song smiled slightly, raised his glass and drank it down in one gulp!

"I won't play any chants here.

But I would like to toast again, because we can eat delicacies from mountains and seas here with the air conditioner blowing, the price is the people who plant trees silently in the distance; We took it..."


"Respect them~"


Zhao Song raised his head, looked at the people who were paying attention, and returned to the topic with a smile: "In terms of the follow-up policy of the Three North Shelter Forest Project, we should get some inspiration from those superb governing arts.

What is the follow-up policy?

It is returning farmland to forests and accelerating urbanization. What will be the result of these? "

The bearded man smiled and said, "It's a good guess. You don't need to watch the trees to plant. More and more farmers will go to the cities to work, and the country's industrialization process will accelerate!"

"Very good!" Under the white eyes of the bearded man, Zhao Song stretched out his thumb and said with a smile: "As a result, there will be more and more factories, and the exhaust gas will become bigger and bigger. The group of Mu Us who planted trees crazily People would never have imagined that the grass squares they planted made the sandstorm disappear, and the strong wind blowing to North China also disappeared."

"Looking at the direction of the wind from the perspective of policy, I see the disappearance of the wind now, so DK got the air purifier manufacturing technology that has not attracted much attention from IQair in Sweden..."

Under more and more blank eyes, Zhao Song's words became lower and lower, and he licked his face and said: "Everyone, the smog is coming, and DK's first product - the air purifier is gaining momentum Looking forward, it will be a must-have for your home and office..."

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