Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 612 Sitting upside down


July 20, 2002.

Da Shuai took the children in the mountains and left.

Xiaohe Village has regained its former tranquility.

Zhao Song and Xizi were sitting on the curb, and Xiao Yu was sitting in front of them. The middle of the three was the place where they met for the first time—the place where Xiao Yu fell down.

Then, a series of numbers emerged from Zhao Song's mouth.

Xizi asked, "What is this?"

"Something for Xiao Yu."

Xiao Yu raised her head and remained silent, while Xi Zi asked the question for her: "Give it if you want, why are you making a fuss about it?"

"To prevent accidents."

"What accident?"

"It's an accident," Zhao Song said, "As long as there is an accident, Xiao Yu will go abroad immediately. The location of this string of numbers is abroad."


Xizi suddenly understood Zhao Song's meaning, and said sadly: "If there is an accident, why don't we give up the family business like this?"

Zhao Song smiled: "Do you want it? I will give it to you then?"

Xizi shook her head: "I'm afraid that if I die, I won't die."

"So you think my two big families, or Xiao Yu, will have a life?"

Xizi shook her head again.

"So if there is any accident, Xiao Yu must go abroad.

As long as something happens, if you are in the capital, go to Pingchang first; if you are in Shanghai, go to Zhangjiang. After arriving, someone will naturally arrange the follow-up route! "

Xizi dejectedly said, "If it really gets to that point, so what if we go out."

"Of course I have a good time..."

"Is it money?"

Xiao Yu interrupted Zhao Song's words.

"It's a way to make money." Zhao Song nodded.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu smiled, and that cold smile made the two elders shiver.

"That's good." Xiao Yu's smile remained unchanged, "If there is an accident, it will be done by bad guys."

"That's right."

"Will the bad guys go abroad?"

Zhao Song narrowed his eyes: "The bad guy~ he will go out one day. Even if he doesn't go out for a while, his relatives, friends, and partners will go out."


Xiao Yu lowered her head to tease the dog, as if the conversation just now had never happened.


Xizi sighed, "I don't think reality is so dark."

"Well, you're right."

The siblings nodded yes.

"However, prevention still needs to be done."

"Well, you're right."


On June 2, 2003, Shanghai, a retail trading hall.

At this time, there was still some time before the opening, but a well-dressed couple walked in the hall.

The old lady pulled the old man, and danced and gestured.

The old man smiled, and patted the old lady dotingly: "I don't trade in stocks, I don't trade in stocks, I finally came to the mainland, and I can't see that little richest man, so I have to see for myself what he does."

He is an old stockholder in Wanwan, and after two years of playing around the world with his wife, he finally came to the mainland.

After hearing what the old man said, the old lady felt relieved, and began to look curiously at the stock market environment in mainland China.

Apart from being dirty, there is no difference.

Lao Yuan took his wife's hand, came to an empty terminal, and operated it skillfully.


"No trace."


The old man withdrew his hand in shock.

The old lady looked at him suspiciously.


Lao Yuan smiled and took her hand, and left here without hesitation.

Before coming to the mainland, he analyzed from clues that Tesla had quietly transferred a sum of hot money in the international market.

Where is the money?

Lao Yuan is sure that the money is in the mainland.

But why is there no trace of it when the national team has already entered the field in a big way?

Reminiscent of the news that someone saw Liao Yingzhu in the mainland, Lao Yuan couldn't help speeding up his pace.

"Who is this?"

"How can there be such a person?"

The little richest man is using the hardest shield (money) and the sharpest spear (Liao Yingzhu) in his hands to fully escort the country's actions to recover losses, and has built an iron wall outside the stock market!

"Fools will play in their home court!"

The old Yuan smiled wryly in fear, that Liao Yingzhu is a lunatic who uses the threat of bullets as a battle horn~


"Uncle Xing, I would like to remind you that the current A shares are not so fun."

Rongcheng, a club.

Another routine meeting between the two sides.

Xingsheng listened to an ugly girl's warning with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry, all our funds have been spent on Top, and we don't have time to play other tricks."

"That's good," Liao Yingzhu nodded in satisfaction, and raised the foreign wine in her hand, "Then I wish uncle a smooth progress."

"Thank you, it's going very well," Xingsheng narrowed his eyes, "I have a question, I wonder if Ms. Liao can help me?"

"You ask."

Liao Yingzhu replied nonchalantly.

"How much money does Zhao Song have? Can you accept such a big order from Top?"

"Tesla already has..."

"I'm asking about the funds that Zhao Song can use privately!" Xingsheng interrupted Liao Yingzhu's words, his eyes narrowed and his voice became more and more gloomy, "As we all know, the funds of Tesla and Shenzhou are not what he says he can use." used."

"Not much more," Liao Yingzhu tilted his head to look at Xingsheng, trying to find the eyeballs from under the two eyelids, "Isn't this just what you want? There is not enough money, we can find other ways of trading."


Xingsheng stood up with a smile on his face. He finally knew that this ugly girl had gained such a great reputation abroad. In more than 20 years in the shopping mall, it was the first time that he stayed with a girl for a while, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

"M's, this crazy woman."

He cursed secretly.

"The issue of Top shares is in the final stage, I believe we will get to the point soon, so wish us a smooth transaction."

Liao Yingzhu didn't answer, she raised her glass with a smile and drank it down.

"Remind Uncle Xing once again, don't get into the stock market randomly~ Otherwise, even if you and the boss have a master-student relationship, it will be ugly when the time comes."

"Hmph, thanks for the reminder."

Meet, broke up again on bad terms.

After Xingsheng's back disappeared, Liao Yingzhu looked away, stared at the wine glass, and her face became more and more serious.

"The boss has personally left?"

"Yes, Miss Liao."

A blond bodyguard appeared behind her.

"If there is a situation, is the route to evacuate abroad ready?"

"Director Song has already made arrangements," the bodyguard handed a document to Liao Yingzhu, "This is the foreign business information of several people we suspect."

"very good."

Liao Yingzhu took the information with satisfaction and read it seriously.

"You'd better not play any outside tricks, otherwise, my mother will let you go bankrupt abroad!"


It's a pity that Liao Yingzhu would not have imagined, nor would anyone else, that the 'Hanxin' incident, which had no impact in this world, would result in Zhao Song playing the game himself.

That has changed the rules of the game...

If you make a mistake, you will have to pay the price.

no matter who!


The sun is shining brightly in June, especially when walking on the scenic Jiangnan National Highway, it makes people feel more comfortable.

In June, when he was in a good mood, even if the broken car arranged by Director Zhao broke down, it would not affect Zhao Song's good mood.

In June in the south of the Yangtze River, there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

Smoke and rain, an umbrella, a piece of rain, a bridge, a road, a song, all of which are Jiangnan in the bones.

On a minibus shuttled between the countryside, Zhao Song took out a black Tpod, put on the headphones customized for him by Wesonic, and closed his eyes intoxicated.

The Mp3 is Bandari's "Moonglow".

"I miss you so much~"

Zhao Song sighed contentedly. It seems that "Obi Island" has not been released yet, right? I really miss the Xiangfa Continent, the pink and white novice clothes and the flaxen hair with bangs...

"Bang bang~"

Suddenly, the seat was knocked impolitely.

Zhao Song opened his eyes, and a ticket came into sight.

Then a rude voice said: "This is my seat."

After looking at the seat number and carefully looking at the contents of the ticket, Zhao Song pressed the invisible man who wanted to get up, and stood up with a smile on his face:

"Okay, you sit, you sit."

"Hmph, you're smart." The rude man was satisfied.


10 minutes later.


Under the strange gaze of the whole car, Zhao Song pointed at the rude man and smiled wildly:

"Sabbie, you're sitting upside down."

The conductor squeezed over and quickly asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter, no fighting is allowed."

"This Saby is sitting upside down."

The rude man glanced at Zhao Song disdainfully, and handed the ticket stub to the conductor.


"Where's Lennon's ticket?"

Looking at the kind-faced Zhao Song, the salesperson kept his manners rationally.

The invisible man quickly took out two tickets and handed them to the conductor.


The conductor held back his laugh and said to Zhao Song:

"It's Nong sitting upside down~"


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