Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 614 Prologue

PS: The idea of ​​this chapter is that in 2003, the iron and steel industry cannot be privately controlled.

There are many pitfalls in this chapter, which will be added later.


Time: 2003.

Location: Dragon City.

Background: Focus on economic construction.

Situation: The two major discussions are in full swing, and fixed asset investment is overheated.

Focus: heavy-duty private economy and traditional pillar industries.

Representatives: Li, Wu.

Typical: Gang Ben, Dai Fang.

Turning point: Zhao Song.


In another world, this incident was followed by a slightly ironic misplacement of law and crime. The reason for the arrest and the verdict are not the same thing at all!

There is no right or wrong.

Putting aside subjective emotions, Dai Fang is the "flag worshiper" of this flower planting reform experiment and macro-control.

However, anyone can be a flag-raiser. At the same time, Fosun Group, also a private enterprise, is planning a steel plant of the same scale; Hope Group is planning an electrolytic aluminum plant with an investment of over 10 billion.

Why do you want to use Dai Fang who is "unreasonable" and "ignorant of politics"?

It shouldn't be.

Because it's a clean mistake.

In this large-scale erroneous operation in Longcheng, there was no collusion between officials and businessmen, and no corruption.

This is not what Zhao Song said. This is the only two joint investigations conducted by the nine ministries and commissions of the country on one place.

This matter has another follow-up effect, that is, those who do things make mistakes, so the successors in Dragon City, who do not do things, have become the mainstream...

So, Zhao Song came and became a part of this clean mistake.

Perhaps a tacit understanding was reached. After Zhao Song expressed his intention to intervene in Gangben at Huahong's board of directors, the trigger for this incident—the investigative reporter from Xinhua News Agency put down his pen and left Longcheng quietly.

As for Zhao Song's trip this time, he made a report to his superiors and Suzhou Province as the chairman of the state-owned enterprise Shenzhou Group.

In other words, he gave up his identity as the largest private capitalist of Zhonghua, and came to meet the first generation of private entrepreneurs of Zhonghua as a state-owned entrepreneur.

It fully complies with the macro-control policy, speaks ZZ, and understands the overall situation.

This is some people's praise of Zhao Song.

As a result, history turned a corner on this day, and Dai Fang, who was about to go to the abyss, and his gangben ushered in a dawn.


Huangli Town, Dai's house.

After Dai Fang finished talking about the general situation, Zhao Song also swallowed the last mouthful of firewood rice.

He stared blankly at the old farmer-like billionaire in front of him, and asked in disbelief: "That is to say, the first blast furnace is almost capped when the land ownership has not yet been determined?"

Dai Fang nodded: "The government said they will solve it, so I don't have any worries when I start work."

Sure enough, it's "people don't understand, ZZ doesn't understand", Zhao Song doubts how he developed to the present, and is the Longcheng City Mansion too pure?

It can make such a person a billionaire.

"What about now?" Zhao Song asked.

Dai Fang smiled wryly, and said in desperation: "A few days ago, a group of people with backgrounds came, I don't know where I heard the news, and they took land everywhere.

Now that the land has been confiscated, many of those people cannot afford to offend, so the city government is also very difficult to do. "

Zhao Song nodded thoughtfully: "Have you seen Wen Zhenwen?"

"I've seen it," Dai Fang asked suspiciously, "but the more she talks about it, the more confused I become, I don't know..."

"We are here to seek cooperation," Zhao Song patiently explained, "I wonder if you watched the news at 7 o'clock last night?"

Seeing Dai Fang nodding, Zhao Song said with a smile: "For resources, my company actively seeks development in the northwest. Steel, especially special steel, is also what we need, but there is a premise..."

Zhao Song emphasized: "That means that Gangben must be led by you."

When Dai Fang heard this, her mood suddenly became agitated.

Seeing his appearance, Zhao Song hurriedly waved his hand to be calm and calm down, and asked gently, "Can you give up the holding?"

"As long as it's you..."

"I can't hold shares!" Zhao Song said with a wry smile, "Before the country has yet to make a conclusion, I have been suppressing the development of private companies under my umbrella. The most typical one is Wuming Technology."

After listening to Zhao Song's explanation, Dai Fang finally understood what was going on.

"So Xu Liangying came and was recalled urgently because you are a traditional pillar industry, and the heavy private capital, especially in the steel industry, is the focus of the country's macro-control. Do you understand this?"


Dai Fang pondered for a long time before nodding unwillingly.

"So I came this time as the Shenzhou Group; so after Xu Liangying left Dragon City, she went directly to Jinling to find another way for us to continue our cooperation.

The prerequisite for all this is that the future tens of billions of steel must be state-owned. "

"There is no doubt about this, it is non-negotiable!"

Gangben's road is dead. If you want to bring it back to life, there are only two ways to go: foreign capital and state-owned.

Considering the future, Zhao Song excluded foreign capital.


Dai Fang hesitated and asked, "In that case, can Gangben still be dominated by me?"

"That's exactly what we're going to do together."

Seeing that Dai Fang, who couldn't understand anything, finally understood the current situation, Zhao Song took out the agreement he had prepared long ago:

"Now do me a favor."

Dai Fang took the agreement, read it carefully, and asked in surprise: "Legal person?"

"Yes, it does not involve shares and rights. Transfer the legal person to me. If there is a problem with the steel, I will bear the risk and solve it."


"Solve the land issue," Zhao Song explained blankly, "and cheat a group of people along the way."

"Of course there is no problem with legal person transfer, it's a matter of ID card, but Mr. Zhao," Dai Fang said worriedly, "considering your social status, if something happens, if someone finds a reason, it's really possible that you can't get out if you get in. Already!"

It seems that this fool is not really stupid.

Zhao Song gave Dai Fang a strange look, and said with a smile: "If you can't get out, you can't get out. If those people who are always hiding behind their backs are more important than me, the richest man, then I really don't have any need to continue working hard. "

Dai Fang was puzzled by what he meant, but he didn't delve into it. The richest man not only made him understand the current crisis, but also brought a solution and a sincere cooperation plan. He had no reason to refuse.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."


After two generations of entrepreneurs once again shook hands.

The Wuming Technology Group, the largest, most involved in the industry, and most popular under the Zhao Song family, finally revealed its hideous figure in this unprecedented joint investment operation.

At 15:35 on June 2, at the Jinling Central Hotel, accompanied by relevant leaders of the provincial government, municipal government, and provincial investment promotion bureau, the strong woman Xu Liangying signed her name.

This is Zhao Song's third major investment in Jiangsu Province after Zhongguancun Holdings invested heavily in Nanda Optoelectronics.

65 million, Chervon Group.

"Wuming Group is determined to enter the international market, and Chervon's international trade channels are what we need urgently."

"The Dayou brand that Chervon is brewing is a strong supplement to the Wuming Group's industrial structure. In addition to Wuming itself, we also maintain partnerships with more than ten labor-intensive manufacturing companies such as Shenzhou, Tesla, Wesonic, and Shanshi. With the close purchasing relationship, Dayou's assembly line assembly tools, power tools and other products will become Wuming Group's new profit points."


So far, Zhao Song has used Shenzhou’s industrial park in Suzhou City, Nanda Optoelectronics, which is controlled by Zhongguancun, and Wuming’s acquisition of Cervon’s three major stepping stones. A series of heavy investments have finally opened up a heavy state-owned enterprise in this bulk province. the gate.

On June 4, the joint business team of Wu Ming and Shenzhou headed by Xu Liangying walked into the gate of Jinling Iron and Steel.

On June 5, Jinling Steel Research Institute was established, with 49.5% of Wuming Group, 49.5% of Jinling Iron and Steel, 1% of Shenzhou Group, and state-owned holdings. Xu Liangying was the first chairman of the board.

That night, Jinling Steel Research Institute arrived in Longcheng.

Gangben, which should have caused the loss of more than 2 billion assets, finally ushered in the dawn of its nirvana.


"I undid the original mistake and avoided huge losses. What about those who made irreparable mistakes?"

"If you make a mistake, you must take responsibility, no matter who it is!"




Xingsheng shouted angrily.

"Nothing is impossible." Liao Yingzhu did not show any weakness, "Zhao Song personally ordered that our final negotiating partner must be a clean and trouble-free Top.

That is to say, there must be an official statement for the loss and guilt caused by Top, and someone should bear it. "

"Someone has to bear it." Xingsheng calmed down, "But he will run away, otherwise why would we be able to take down the entire Topu without a trace."

Liao Yingzhu smiled: "He can't run away."

"Who said that?"

"Zhao Song."

Xingsheng also smiled: "Then let him try."

"Just try it," Liao Yingzhu shrugged, then she raised her left hand, pointed to her watch and said, "There are still three days left, after solving the investment issues of Longcheng's land and Gangben, Zhao Song will return to Shanghai."

"Why doesn't he come to Rongcheng?"

"The plan to boost the stock market needs his presence."

"Who will sign with us."

"Me." Liao Yingzhu took out the authorization agreement and said, "I won't sign it if I don't see Top Song Hua or hear about his execution!"


Xingsheng glared at Liao Yingzhu angrily, and slowly got up, then he suddenly laughed:

"See you in three days."

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